Hot Deal Full Of Secrets

HOT DEAL FULL OF SECRETS episode 39 – 40



Chapter 39

By : Kebby NG Media Services


“Are you okay Cade, Cade!”Emily kept calling and I came back to reality.

It can’t be! it can’t be! I muttered as I began to walk off

“Hold on a sec Cade”she came after me looking worried

“I-I- will like to alone”I said as I began walk off again but she held me back

“But Cade you aren’t looking well, let me……. ”

“Just leave me alone”I yelled at her and she moved back, startled by my anger.

Feeling like a louse, I quickly went to the study and lock my self there.

What is wrong with me,it’s like the birth mark has some thing to do with Emily.

But there can’t be such coincidence, some one can’t have the same birth mark, I thought as I sat on the chair Thinking about what just occurred

But she had said the exact same thing Racheal said to me.

Can I also think of that as a coincidence, I certainly can’t.

I thought as I got up and began to pace around.

Emily can’t possibly be Racheal and Racheal can’t be Emily because Racheal died and people often say the same thing at times, I should not think about it, I thought as I went back to sit, to distract myself with some thing I began to go through the bankrupt company file and still it couldn’t stop me the past from intruding in my present memory.



The night where my misery and pain took place on the night of the festival.

Being the next heir to the resort it was expected that I show up for the festival and I did went there.

It’s been a week and I felt so happy because I knew that soon enough I will be getting revenge on Racheal and her mom for what they did.

For the past one week, as each night passes,I had to watch my Mom cry each night my dad went to the little house at the back..

We both knew why he was going there and. Though my mom kept on nagging him about it,I had kept on pretending not to know any thing

For a week I had to watch my Mom suffer, it’s time now that they do the same, I thought as i went out side to look for Racheal.

The festival it self was becoming too intense and a lot of people were having fun, we except for my mom, who have decided to stay indoor and I know that it’s all because of Racheal mom.

Well once today is over, they will surely leave tomorrow and we won’t have to see or hear from them again.

“Racheal can we talk”I asked as I went to meet her.

She gave me a smile and whispered to me softly that she had to attend to the guest.

Not bothering to mind her, I held her hand and went off with her.

“Cade you shouldn’t be stealing me off each time you get”she said as we walked away from the crowd.

”it doesn’t matter, no one noticed that you are missing”I replied quickly

“Well no one did but still I have to let my mom know that I …….”

“She is with my father right? I will call him to help me relay the message that you are with me”I said having planned every thing to the last detail.

“Well okay”she said softly.

“Well I also have some thing to tell you”She said as we kept on walking.

We were quite far from everyone and this place seems isolated a bit.

“What do you have to say?”I asked and she stopped

“Well I just want to tell you that I like you, have grown to like you Cade and you are special to me and also to my heart” She said as she gave me a smile on.

“You like me?”I asked and she nodded shyly

“Well it’s a pity that I don’t feel the same way”I said surprising her

“What do you mean by you don’t feel the same way, just a day ago you told me ……….”

“I told you that I liked you right?”I asked

“Well that’s a lie, a lie to lure you into my trap and foolishly you fell for it”I said softly

“You lied to me?”she asked as she moved back

“Yes, I did and I don’t regret it because it will be worth it”I said giving her an evil look

She must have sensed that she was in danger because she began to look around for an escape route.

“There is no where to run to Racheal, I intend on having you tonight and I want it your first time to be your worst night mare”I said as I pulled her into my arms

“No Cade, let me go”she yelled as she tried to pull me away.

“Your mother is a who is trying to steal my father away, every night I have had to watch my Mom cry and now you and your mom will be the one to cry”I said

“Let me go Cade, leave me alone!”she yelled but I didn’t do as she say.

“Have been tolerant with you for a week, I don’t think I can hold back tonight”I said as reached for her zipper.

“No Cade! Don’t do this I beg you don’t!”She said

“There is no going back for us, lets me have my fun with you, just for tonight”I said as I tried to peck her but she managed to push me away and i fell back.

She ran towards the house and I smiled to myself, she going back to house will be an easy place to have her as much as I want.

Quickly I stood up and ran after her.



I walked back to house, feeling strange, it’s what I want right? And I should be feeling happy with what I did but some how, I felt angry at myself.

I went straight to my mom room to tell her what I did.

“Why are you here and not at the festival”she asked

“Mom,I…..I did some thing”I said

“What? What happen Cade?”she asked as she walked towards me

“Just to get back at Stacey for you , I rapped Racheal”I said

“You did what!”she asked aghast

“Yes I took Racheal daughter forcefully and I…I raped her”I said

“Oh no! you shouldn’t have done that, you just made things worse!”she yelled at me

She should be happy with what have done, why she angry with Me, I thought.

“What are we going to do now or better yet where Is Racheal?”she asked

“At her house”I replied feeling worse as each moment passes by

“I will have to go and check on her, stay in this room and no matter what do not leave”she said as she left the room.

I stood by the window wondering what will happen next.

I did this for my mom and yet she is telling me that I shouldn’t have done it.

Remembering the state I had left Racheal in made me feel bad.

I have to know what is happening, I thought as I went out of the room.

I got down stairs only to my mom and Racheal mom in an heated argument.

“Where is that son of yours?”Stacey yelled as she tried to walk past my mom

“Why do you need to see my son”my mom asked

“How can he! How can he do that to my child?”she said

“What did he do?”my mom asked

“Don’t pretend that you don’t know! He dared to touch my daughter, he raped her!”she yelled at my mom

“My son will never do such a thing and if he did, am sure that your son must have provoked him, she is just a slut like you!”my mom said only to be rewarded with a slap

“Did you just hit me?”she yelled

“You have no right to do this, wasn’t I enough!”

“You sent your son to do this just to spite me right?” Stacey added and I watched my mom expression, waiting for her answer and when she did reply, I regret all of what I did immediately.

“Of course, I did send him, I manipulated him in a sort of way and he fell right into my trap and got my revenge for me and that is by rapping your daughter, it must hurt right, that is how have been feeling ever since you began to $educe my husband”she yelled at her

“How many times do we have to tell you that we are not having an affair, doubt me all you want but why doubt the man that is your husband”

“It’s all because of you, I know the story okay, I know that he was in love with you and when you got married to his brother, he hated you and resented you for leaving him but he never for once forgot you, your arrival in his life changed every thing, he has been going to you all the time, waiting for you to love him and that alone upsets me”I said

“You know that you have no reason what so ever to be upset, we never gave you a reason to doubt us, have you caught your husband and I on the same bed, answer me” Stacey asked

“Of course not, I haven’t caught you two yet but am sure that the…….”

“There is nothing going on with your husband and I! Nothing Denise!”she yelled and while I stood in the shadows watching them, I knew that I had been fooled by my mom.

“Just what did you tell Cade to cause him to do some thing so brutal to Racheal?”Stacey asked

“I made him believe that you were both cheating on me and he took it up to get me my revenge”my mom replied having a satisfied smile on her face.

“You are crazy Denise, you are crazy!”Stacey yelled at my mom who kept on laughing.

She knew that my father and Racheal mother were innocent,yet she told me a bunch of lies and made me do some thing h©rrid to an innocent girl.

Am such a mon$ter, a terrible one at that.

Chapter 40

By : Kebby NG Media Services



The last thing I heard of Racheal was that she died.

I never tried to know why or to find out how she died because I was still being tormented by what I did and I was also not staying in the island during that period

When dad had told to me to leave for a while, I took the easiest path and I left to further my studies in the states.

But seeing that birth mark on Emily, it has got me thinking.

What If both my parents had lied, what If she hadn’t died, I must try to get some answers and I have to do that by talking to the one person who started this wh0le mess.

I went in search of my mom and I found her in her room, feeling relaxed and listening to an old song.

Walking to the music player, I turned off the song and finally noticed me in her room.

“What brings you here my dear?”she asked

“Have come to get some answers from you?”I said as I gave her a look

“What! Apart from being a rich tycoon , have you also taken up the job of a detective who interrogates people”she asked

“If you are trying to be funny, well you are not funny at all”I said

“Well stop wasting my time and tell me why you are her, I doubt you are here to get some comfort from your mother”she said

“I only want to know the truth and i hope that you will tell me the truth”i said

“I doubt if I will be of help”she said

” How did Racheal die?”I asked and she sat up, surprised by my question

“Why do you ask?”

“Just answer me mom!”I said

“Well she-sh- she died due to some sickness”she said

“What sort of sickness mom?”

“I- I- I don’t remember, what’s with this question “she asked

“Just answer me!”I yelled at her and she looked sort of nervous.

“What really happen to Racheal?”I asked

“She fell off a cliff”my dad answered as he walked into the room

“What? But how?”I asked

“She was sick for a period of time and when she woke up, she started acting crazy, she wanted to leave and when we got distracted, she left the house, we sent the guards after her and they returned to tell us that she fell off a cliff”my father replied

Just knowing the tragic way Racheal had died, made me feel so sad and guilty.

“You couldn’t find her body right?”I asked

“We couldn’t and so we didn’t have a proper burial for her”he answered

“This is all my fault”I muttered softly

“Why is it your fault, she went crazy and ran away on her own and she fell off the cliff, that darn family should have never come into our lives,because of them ,I had to go through a lot” my mom said

“Please dad tell me the exact place that she fell ” I asked pretending not to hear what my mother say

“It at the hill before we get to the town”my father replied and I turned to leave

“What? Don’t tell me you will go there, to do what exactly! To say your last wishes, well it’s too late to do that, Ten years late be precise, you took the chance to run away while we stayed back and cleared the mess you made “She yelled behind me

Feeling so very angry I turned to her and she shrank back

“The mess I made! Did you just say that I caused it ?”I asked and when she didn’t reply I continued

“Have you ever wondered why I never came to you for comfort its because I know how cruel and heartless you are”

“Stop talking to your mom in that manner Cade!”

“You started all of it ten years ago, you used you me just to get back at dad and at Stacey”

“What are you saying?”my mom asked

“I heard it all that night, I heard what you said to Stacey but I kept shut about it, just to protect you, just because you are my mom but now that I look at you, I regret protecting you than protecting Racheal, you don’t even regret what you did!”I yelled at her

“What are you saying, can some one explain to me”My father asked but I wasn’t listening to him

“You manipulated me mom, you told me bunch of lies, made me believe that father and Stacey were lovers, you even shed tears just to make it look real, you knew that I would do any thing for you and so you turned me against father and Stacey and her mom,you planned it so perfectly that I had to be the one who did the dirty job and believe me when I say that I hate myself for it”

“For years have had to live knowing that I ruined an innocent girl life, you have no idea how I hate you and despise myself” when I finished she was already crying, feeling suffocated, I left the room and head out of the house.

I got to my car and was about to drive off when I saw Emily waving at me to wait.

Not wanting to talk to her, I drove off and went to the cliff where Racheal had died.

I feel so guilty right now, I should have been with her, I should have stayed here to protect her, yet I took the coward’s way out and now I regret it so much.

“Am sorry Racheal, am so sorry, I should have been here for you, yet I left wanting to forget you but karma always catch up, I never for once forgot you, have been living in pieces and have never been happy”I said as the tears fell off my face.

“You will never be happy!”some one said behind me and I turned to see that it was crazy Lucy

“You will never be happy! Not after what you did to that poor child”she said

“Do you know what happen ten years ago?”I asked

“I know more than you think!” She asked laughing hysterically

“I know what happened at the resort ten years ago, I know for a fact that you are nothing but a rapist and I also know that that child didn’t die”she said looking at the cliff

“What do you mean”I asked as I went to her before she run away.

“She didn’t die! She is alive and she is closer than you think but she is unaware and if she remembers, there will be death, there will surely be more deaths, I don’t want to die! I want to live! I want to live”she kept on muttering and before I could stop her

She bit me and as soon as I let her go she ran off .

I was still holding my hand when she I heard her call my name.

“That child didn’t die, she didn’t die, you have to find her and make things right before it’s too late”She said looking serious, she didn’t look like a looney and i was surprised at first but then she laughed and began to run off.

I drove back to the house still thinking about what crazy Lucy said to me.

She didn’t look crazy to me when she was telling me about the child, she looked normal.

Could she be right? Did Racheal really not die?

‘you have the answers in your hands, she is living with you’ my conscience said to me.

No,I won’t let my mind drift to that path, Emily is Emily and Racheal is racheal.

They have the same birth mark but they are not the same.

Life wouldn’t play that sort of trick on me, life wouldn’t be cruel as to send her to me again.

I got back to the mansion only to see two maid holding a photo album.

“Why did you take it?”

“She will be angry!”

“You shouldn’t have touched Mrs Emily stuff”the maid kept on saying

“What are you talking about? What’s my wife stuff that you touched?”I asked and they both look at me in fright

“We didn’t mean to, we saw the old workers album in her room and we took it thinking some one dropped it there by mistake, we didn’t know that she was the one who took it herself”one of them answered

“Don’t worry, I will give it to her and as explain,you can both leave”I said and they began to leave.

I held the album in my hand, wondering why Emily would have it in her possession.

Just then a picture fell and I picked it up and was surprised to see a picture of Emily parents,dressed in chef uniform


If they had worked for the resort years ago, they might have ………….

“Is it even possible?”I muttered as I kept on starring at the picture.

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