A Lie In The Church

A lie in the church episode 9

🌹A lie in
The church ⛪️

( 💝Love and lie 😔)

BY XONA_2018

_Full book INFO_

🙏 Read till the end 🙏

💘 chapter 9💘

I walked into Tristan’s room, his room lacked colour. Grey dominated the room, it was spacious and had a good view of the yard from the floor-to-ceiling glass wall.

I searched for his closet, it was next to the bathroom. It was big and the clothes were neatly arranged in different colours, brands and styles.

I held the knife in my hand and thought of where to start, his suits.

I guess you know the rest, yes! I ripped his clothes with the knife, well not all of them cause I got tired.

I slumped on the floor in the walk-in closet and sobbed. I could still feel Ralph’s hands on me, I could still hear their voices in my head.

After a while, I wiped my tears away and stood up. If there was an easy way to rip out Tristan’s heart I would have done it. I could use this knife and slice his heart into tiny pieces, spice it, cook it and give to his family as a gift.

I stripped and grabbed one sweatshirt that was neatly folded above. The red sweatshirt was comfy, I walked out of the closet with the bottle of Vodka. I sat down on the floor and leaned on the wall.

I opened the drink and took big gulps, I grabbed my phone and went on YouTube.
The video was still trending, it seemed to be the latest gossip. I braced myself and went through the comments.

I needed to drown my sorrows, there were like two thousand comments.

I was called a wh0re, a big disappointment to my family, greedy b**ch and some insults I didn’t even know existed.
Many people thought I wanted his money, make sense but I was from a wealthy family, I really didn’t care about his money.

I took more gulps and laughed at some of the comments, they were so stupid, did these people have any milk when they were little?

“Chloe!” I heard Adrian s¢ræm my name then the door was pushed open with so much force, I was scared the glass would break.

Tristan rushed in with Adrian behind him.

“Thank God.”
Tristan said sounding relief, they were both panting with their hand placed on their chest.

I guessed Morris told them, I glared at them and took another swig. Adrian ran his palm down his face and walked past Tristan who was leaning on the wall and staring at the ceiling.

I took more Vodka and I was starting to feel the effect in my body.
I stood up with the knife and my eyes on Tristan.

“This is all your fault!!!”
I s¢ræmed running towards him with the knife but Adrian held me back.

“Let me go, Adrian!!!”
I struggled in his arms.

“Chloe, calm down.”

“Don’t tell me what to do. He ruined everything for me, just let me kill him! Please.”

“You’re drunk, you don’t know what you’re doing.”

“I don’t care, I want him dead!”
I said with a killer look but Tristan just stared at me with a blank look and not taking any move.

I stopped struggling as my head started acting weird.

“Are you okay?”
Adrian checked my body like he was searching for something. I was wearing Tristan’s sweats with only my undies under.

“Yeah,” I slurred.

“Give me the knife?” he collected it from my hand.
I was starting to feel dizzy.

Tristan walked into his closet and returned with one ripped shirt. I giggled and picked the bottle to take a gulp but Adrian collected it.

“That’s enough.”
I wanted to argue but I slowly blacked out.

I woke up with a stubborn headache, I opened my eyes with a gr0-n.
Adrian and Tristan were sitting on the couch in front of me, staring at me with that look your parents give you when you do something bad.

I sat up, trying to recall what happened. I rubbed my temple to ease the pain.

“How are you feeling?”

“My head hurts.”
I hugged my knees and stared at them with my head resting on my knees, their suit jackets were nowhere to be seen.
Tristan’s sleeves were folded at the elbow while Adrian’s first three buttons were undone.

“I will get you some aspirin.”
Adrian offered and left.

“What happened at school?”
He looked calm, I didn’t know if he was mad about his clothes but if he was then he was doing a good job hiding it.

I thought of what happened in the hallway, it still sent a chill through my body.

“Chloe,” Tristan called sounding concerned.

“What happened?” He asked more softly this time.

“What do you think happened? I was labelled a wh0re, people said awful things about me even my friends, to sum it all, some moron harassed me in the hallway!”
I s¢ræmed with tears in my eyes, my head ached more.

“Give me the name of that moron.”

“It’s Sofia’s younger brother.”

“Ralph,” He said in a knowing tone.

“I’m pressing charges against him, don’t worry about him.”

“Everything is so easy for you, isn’t it?”
His jaw clenched at my words, he avoided my eyes.

“If it was, you wouldn’t be here.”
He said softly under his breath, I sensed sadness.

“Let it be, he got what he wanted.”
I said and released a deep breath.

Adrian entered the room with a glass of water and two pills.

Tristan told Adrian what happened while I took the pills.

“So are you going back?”
Adrian asked.

“No, I thought I could handle it but it’s too much.”

“How about signing up for online classes, I will take care of the payment.”
Tristan suggested.

“Sounds good.”

“I will help you with that tomorrow.”
I smiled at Adrian, he was too sweet.

“I’m really sorry, Chloe.”
Tristan stood up and left the room, the expression on his face was hærd to read but I knew he felt bad about what happened.

“Did he hurt you?”

“A little,” I rolled up the hand of the sweatshirt up and showed him the mark Ralph left with his fingers.

“Tristan is gonna kill him.”

“I don’t know what he would’ve done to me if Grey hadn’t stopped him.”

“Your ex?”

“Shocking right? But he didn’t even look at me,” I said with a frown.

“At least he still cares.”

“I guess so,” I mumbled with a sad smile.

“Try and get some rest. I will see you tomorrow.”
He moved to the bed and placed a k!$s on my forehead.

I tried to stop myself from hugging him, I won’t be a bad person for hitting on him, it was just a crush, crushes never last.

He left the room and I stared into space.

He showed up the next day as promised, he wore a burgundy shirt that hugged his solid arm. I liked his Adidas tracksuit pants. How often did he go to the gym?

We stayed in the living room to sign up for the classes on my laptop, we sat on the floor with my laptop on the table which was replaced a few days back.

“Your classes start next week, Wednesday.”
Adrian told me when we finished.

“Thanks for helping.”

“It was nothing.”
He said waving it off with his hand.

“I will get some snacks, what drink would you like?”

I went to the kitchen, Morris was out today and Tristan had not left his room today.
Morris had taken his breakfast upstairs and Adrian didn’t seem worried, so I guessed he was okay.

Adrian was laughing his ass out when I returned. I s¢ræmed when I realized what he was watching.

I threw the snacks on the couch and grabbed my laptop. I had never felt more embarrassed in my life.

It was my first twerk video I made when I was sixteen, it was awful, horrible and an eyesore. I still didn’t know why I kept it.

My butt won’t even shake, I looked like a mother hen in labour.

“Oh my God, was that really you?”

“No,” I gave him a dirty look clutching the laptop to my chest.

“Can I watch it again?”

“No! And stop laughing.”
He nodded putting on a straight face, it didn’t take up to five seconds before he started laughing again.

“I hate you.”
I threw the snacks at him

We spent the afternoon together, watching a movie on my laptop. He left when it was starting to get dark.

Morris was already back and he was fixing dinner. I texted Vina as I waited at the dining.
She was so worried sick about me yesterday that she wanted to come over.

She sent a hundred laughing emojis when I told her Adrian saw my disastrous twerk video.

“Miss Simpson?”

“Yes, Morris?”

“Do you mind going up to call Mr. Sanchester while I set the table?”

“Don’t worry about it, I will call him right away.”

“Thank you.”
I skipped up the stairs to his room, I knocked on the door but no one answered.

No answer.

“Are you in there? Can I come in?”
He didn’t answer.

I opened the door and peeped, the room was dim only the light from the bathroom brightened the room a bit.

I heard a grunt then a bang, another grunt, and more bang.

I moved slowly towards the direction of the bathroom, my heart was beating fast.

I froze at the sight in front of me, terrified wasn’t close to what I felt at that moment.

I had my jaw down as I stared at Tristan punching the mirror in front of him aggressively.
The cracks on the mirror increased as he punched more, I had never seen him this angry.

He grunted as he sent another punch which shattered the mirror, I almost gasped but I covered my mouth with my palms.

My eyes drifted to his bloody knuckles, I could see the cuts and I knew some pieces of glass were in there, how was he enduring the pain?

I was waiting for him to stop since the mirror was broken but he kept punching the wall, I winced like I was his knuckles.

I didn’t know if I should walk in and stop him, what if he decides to punch me? He was blinded by rage right now and it was terrifying.

He paused and s¢ræmed, he looked like he was in great pain. Not physical pain but something else. I could see the guilt on his face as he tried to hold himself together. He pushed the broken pieces to the ground and cursed.

I made up my mind to leave quietly. I took slow and quiet steps to the bedroom, I tried to hold my breath scared he might hear it and punch the fragile life out of me.

I breathed out in relief when I made it outside. Who was I living with? Does he have some kind of mental problem?

I rushed to my room but I kept looking over my shoulder if Tristan was behind me, I was still freaking out from what I just saw.

I locked the door immediately I was in,side. I called Vina and she picked on the last ring.

She said tiredly.

“Were you sleeping?”

“Yeah, I was about to say yes to Shawn Mendes.”

I rolled my eyes like she could see me, her obsession with Shawn Mendes was exasperating.

“Did something happen?”

“Yes, Vina.”

“Did you k!$s Adrian again?”

“No, It’s Tristan.”

“You k!$sed Tristan?! I’m so jealous right now.”

“I didn’t k!$s him, I saw him punching the mirror in his bathroom.”

“So? I punch my mirror sometimes too when I hate my reflection.”

“Do you punch it to the point it shatters and your knuckles are bleeding?”

“No? I love my nails.”

“That was what I saw, he kept punching the mirror till it shattered into pieces and he didn’t stop, he went on punching the wall.”
I waited for her to say something but she was quiet, so I continued.

“There was so much aggression, I could feel it. It was terrifying to watch, believe me. It was like he was mad at his reflection or the mirror, I don’t know. It’s hærd to explain.”

“Why would he be mad at something so beautiful? Did you try to stop him?”

“Were you even listening to what I was saying? He looked like he was ready to punch whoever gets in his way.”

“So you just left?”

“What else was I suppose to do? s¢ræm?”

“I think you’re overreacting.”

“Overreacting? I just saw someone using a mirror as his punching bag!”

“So you think he is insane?”


“Did he see you?”

“I hope not, I tried not to make any sound as I left.”

“I’m sure it’s nothing serious, people do crazy things once in a while, remember when you tried to drown your neighbour’s dog?”

“You don’t get it, do you?”

“I do, what do you want me to say? Hide in your room? Call 911?”

“Forget it, I will call you tomorrow.”

“I can only tell you to pretend you didn’t see anything since he didn’t see you.”


“Good night. Love you!”

“Love you too.”

I hung up and stared at my door, my stomach grumbled. I was hungry but I wasn’t that ready to face Tristan yet.

My stomach grumbled more, I gr0-ned and stood up. Maybe he won’t show up for dinner, he’d be too busy cleaning up.

I left the room, I took a glance at his room before going down the stairs.

I stopped in my track when I saw Tristan at the dining eating while Morris poured him some white wine.
Images of him punching the mirror appeared in my head, I got myself together and walked to the dining.

All I had to do was act like I saw nothing, I took a seat with a fake smile on my face.
He didn’t look away from his food, he acted like I was invisible.

Morris served my food and poured me some wine. I stared at his knuckles that were now wrapped with a bandage.

“What are you staring at?”
He asked with an angry tone.

I looked away from his hands and stared at his face, his trademark scowl appeared on his face.

“What happened to your hands?”
I asked pointing at his knuckles with my fork.

He gave me an icy stare as he chewed his food, there was a long silence as I waited.
I watched him swallow it, I expected him to say something but he went back to scoop some macaroni and put in his mouth and ignored me completely.

Did he know I was there? Maybe Morris told him I went to call him for dinner.

I started eating but the silence was killing me, I took a glance at Tristan and found him staring at me but his expression was hærd to read.

I looked away and ate my food with caution since he was watching me, his stare was drilling holes on my skin I could feel it.

“Why are you so nosy?”
He asked.

I mumbled, looking at him. I raised a brow, pretending to be confused.

He grabbed his glass and finished his wine and stood up. I stared at him as he walked away, leaving me a bit confused.

“That prick.”
I mumbled returning to my food, I could eat comfortably now.


“Yes, Miss Simpson?”

“Did you tell Tristan I went to his room to call him for dinner?”

“No, Miss.”

“Thank you.”
I was relieved but why did he call me nosy? I was sure he didn’t see me.

I picked my phone and called Adrian on a video call. I really needed to see his smile and hear his jokes, something to get my mind off the image of Tristan punching his mirror.

I used one of the cups to support my phone, he picked the call on the third ring.

I choked on my drink when I saw Adrian standing in front of me with only a towel around his w–st, water dripped from his hair and rolled down his outlined six-packs and broad chest, a tattoo was at his left chest.

He smiled at me as he dried his hair with a white towel. If I wasn’t choking I would’ve been drooling.

“I’m fine.”
I told Morris who was rushing to help me, I drank the whole wine and exhaled.

“Are you okay now?”
I heard him ask, I looked at the screen of my phone and tried not to let my eyes wander.

He smirked.

“Are you just coming out of the shower?”

“Isn’t it obvious?”

“I will call you later when you’re done dressing.”
I said breathlessly as my eyes caught his v-line, I tried not to imagine his towel falling off, too late.

“Hang on.”
He said when I reached to end the call.

He left and I used the opportunity to check out his room, it was beautiful and very spacious. The white walls didn’t have any picture or painting, the room decor was simple but of course, it was pricey.

He returned on black sweatpants and a red tank top that showed off his muscles.

“All good?”

“Much better.”
I will never get that hot image out of my head, it was blocking the image of Tristan punching his mirror.

“What are you eating?”

“Macaroni and a very sweet sauce.”

“I just ordered Chinese, I have been craving it since morning.”

“I just lost my appetite because of you.”
I frowned, he laughed.

“Where is Tristan?”

“He is acting like my sister when she is on her period.”

“What happened?”
I told him everything not leaving the mirror incident out.

I heard him mumble, he looked away and whispered another curse.

“He is doing it again.”
He said under his breath with a weird expression on his face.

“Doing what again?”

“Nothing, I will call you back.”
He cut the call before I could open my mouth to say something.

I stared at the screen frustrated, I stood up and left.
I took my bath and waited for his call but an hour passed and he didn’t call.

I wanted to know what was going on with Tristan, why Adrian had that look on his face, he looked scared.

He said something about doing it again, then this was not the first time.
What the hell was going on? Why was I here?

I took a glance at the wall clock, it was almost midnight, why was I still waiting for his call?

My throat felt dry and I had no water in my room so I left for the kitchen. I held my phone in my hand just in case he decides to calls.

I was on my way down the stairs when I heard two people arguing, I recognized the voices, Adrian and Tristan.

I moved back on my tiptoes and stopped at a s₱0t I won’t be seen, I leaned on the railings to hear what they were fighting about.

“…you think this is easy?!”
Tristan yelled.

“I know it’s not but you can’t do this in front of her, damn it! You need to stop.”

“I don’t know what to do okay? I never wanted this.”

“She is here, somehow it’s going to work.”

“It has to work, I want it to work but I wish it was another way.”

“I know, she only has…..”
My ringtone shut him up, I stared wide-eyed at my phone. Why was Vina calling me so late? I knew I was already busted.

I rejected the call and tried to run upstairs before any of them would see me but luck wasn’t on my side, I missed one step and fell on the stairs making a loud noise.



I swallowed the lump in my throat before looking at Adrian who stood at the foot of the stairs.
Tristan came to stand beside him, he looked more angry for some reason.

He shook his head and walked up to the stairs, I thought he was coming to help me but he glared at me and walked past me.
I refrained myself from grabbing his leg and pulling him down.

I turned to look at Adrian after the loud sound of Tristan slamming his door echoed in the building.

Adrian had a smile on his face, a smile that told me he knew I was eavesdropping on their conversation. At least he didn’t look pissed like Tristan.

“Can you stand?”
He asked resting half of his weight on the railing, he was still wearing the same clothes from our conversation on the phone which ended quicker than I expected because of a certain someone.

“I will try.”
I tried to stand but a hot pain flashed around my ankle.

“That’s a no then.”
He walked to where I was, weird tingles spread to my feet when his hand went behind my knees, he picked me up and took me downstairs.

He dropped me gently on the sofa and squatted in front of me.

“Which ankle hurt?”

“This one.”
I moved my left leg to show him, he wrapped his calloused fingers around my ankle and gave it a squeeze. I yelped in pain and tried to pull my ankle away but he held me tightly.

He said with a smile.

“How much did you hear?”
He asked massaging the s₱0t softly.

“I was only there for five seconds before my phone blew my cover.”
He laughed softly.

“So you didn’t understand anything we were saying?”

“Yeah, I was trying to put the words together but it made me more confused.”

“Good, I don’t think he is ready for you to know yet.”

“Well, he has five days left.”

“Don’t rush it.”
He said standing up, he took the s₱0t next to me on the love sofa.

“I can’t stay here forever, I have a life to live ”

“I know,” he said with a warm smile and stared at me as if he had more to say.

“Why is he mean towards me all of a sudden? Because I saw him punching his mirror?”

“He has a lot going on, I will advise you to stay away for a while but keep me posted if anything happens.”

“A lot going on? Like mentally?”

He chuckled softly and stood up not answering, what were they not telling me?

“I should be on my way home now.”
He said, looking down at his apple wristwatch.

“It’s almost one in the morning, you should go to bed.”

“I can go to bed whenever I want.”
I said annoyed.

He gave me a long look like he was trying to read my mind, I cocked an eyebrow at him.

“You mean a lot to him, Chloe, wait for him, he will tell you.”
He said softly, he took a step closer and brushed a stray hair back.

“Wait for him.”
He whispered tracing my cheekbone with his thumb, I almost leaned closer to his touch.
His touch sent goosebumps down my arms, the fire burned at the s₱0t he touched repeatedly.

My throat went dry from the lack of distance between us, was he feeling what I was feeling? He was supposed to be a crush but it doesn’t feel that way anymore.

I looked into his grey eyes as his bore into mine, if he tries to k!$s me right now I won’t stop him.

He pulled his hand away and took a step back, he tucked his hands into his front pocket like they needed protection from something or someone.

I was disappointed but I tried not to show it.

“Give Tristan some space, sleep tight, Chloe.”
He gave me a firm smile and turned away.

I said more to myself than to him.

I turned around to walk back to my room but bumped into a hærd surface, I winced and rubbed my forehead.

I looked up and was met with Tristan’s angry face, his front hair fell at his left eye making him look younger.

I looked away and tried to take the other way but he gripped my forearm and dragged me to stand in front of him.

“What the hell Tristan!”
I snatched my afflicted arm away and rubbed it.

“What did you hear?”

“Nothing helpful with why I’m here.”

“Don’t lie to me!”

“Does it matter? You’re gonna tell me the truth anyway.”

“Then wait till the time comes and quit being nosy.”

I said with a short laugh.

“Don’t make this h-rder than it is.”
He said and walked away.

I balled my hand into a fist and glared at his frame, I thought of what Adrian said and decided to stay in my lane.

Tristan ignored me for the next three days, he acted like I didn’t exist. It became frustrating, at first I thought I could take it but that was a lie.

I didn’t get why he was so mad at me, I didn’t choose to be here or to be part of whatever he had going on, why should I suffer his wrath?

This morning I tried to say something to him but he gave me a look that made my l-ips seal on their own.

It was infuriating. During breakfast, I dropped my cutlery making a loud sound to get his attention. He looked at me and I stared back at him not smiling.

“I know Adrian says to give you space but ignoring me completely like I’m invisible is….”
He stood up and grabbed his tab and phones like I wasn’t talking.

“I’m leaving.”
He told Morris and stormed off, Morris hurried behind him with his briefcase.

I blew loud air out of my nostrils and stood up.

If only my parents would believe me, I had to prepare for my online classes. So far it’d been going well even better than my classes at the college.

I skipped dinner not wanting to feel more angry with Tristan’s cold attitude toward me.
Morris came to call me for dinner but I pretended to be asleep.

I spoke to Adrian the next day when he came to the house, he looked pissed. He left for Tristan’s room with clenched fists.

I sat back in my seat not sure of what to do, what was he going to do? He didn’t even say anything after I was done talking.

I rocked in my seat staring at the stairs and at Tristan’s door where Adrian’s tall form just entered.

I didn’t know if his room was soundproofed cause I waited for a few minutes to hear something but heard nothing.

My heart jumped when the door opened with a ‘bang’, Adrian walked out looking angrier than when he left to see him.

“Get everything you need, you’ll be staying at my place till Tristan regain his senses.”
Adrian said taking my hand.

“She is going nowhere with you!”
Tristan’s voice boomed from upstairs.

“You want me to leave her here so you can keep treating her like she’s not important in your life?”

“Leave her alone, Adrian.”
He said coming down the stairs anger blurring his vision.

Adrian moved me to his back and blocked me from Tristan.

“If you really want this to work, you won’t treat her like crap.”

Want what? I was so lost.

“I’m trying don’t you get it?”

“You call this trying?”
Tristan was mute, I wanted to see the look on his face but Adrian’s tall frame made it hærd.

I heard Tristan call, he sounded tired, not angry anymore.

“I will try to be nice. I promise.”
He said and I heard Adrian scoff.

I made a move but Adrian held out his arm stopping me, I saw Tristan’s jaw clench.

“You need her Tristan, stop treating her like shit.”

Tristan mumbled incoherent words and ran his fingers through his hair, he walked to the nearest sofa and sat down.

I watched him as he buried his face in his palms, I thought he was going to break down but nothing happened.
Now I was worried, something was eating him up, he looked like he needed help.

“Go to your room, I will meet you in a minute.”
I took a glance at Tristan before leaving.

I stayed in my room for what seemed like an hour before he showed up, he looked relieved.

He laid down next to me on the bed.

“Am I still going with you?”

“No, Tristan needs you here. You can come over some other time.”
To be honest I didn’t want to leave.

There was a short silence between us as we stared at the ceiling.

“Will Tristan be okay?”
I asked taking a glance at him.

“He will be fine, he will get through this.”
He whispered softly.

“Why am I here?”
I wanted to know, why did Tristan need me?

“He will tell you soon I promise.”

“Why can’t you tell me?”
I almost yelled.

“Cause is not in my place to tell you.”
I gr0-ned in frustration and looked away.

“I will be leaving.”
I didn’t spare him a look as he stood up from the bed. I closed my eyes as he moved to my side of the bed.

“I’m sorry.”
He whispered and I felt his warm l-ips on my forehead.

I opened my eyes when I heard the door close, I tried to stop the smile that crept to my face.

So, today was the day Tristan was to tell me the truth. I hadn’t seen him all morning.

I called Adrian but he wasn’t answering any of my calls. I knew Tristan didn’t leave the house today, so he was definitely in his room.

I decided I would wait for him to come to me first, I was ready to know the reason I was here.

I didn’t have classes today, I watched a movie but I kept looking at the wall clock. Did he even know it was today? Should I go to him?
What if he was still angry?

All these questions clouded my brain creating a storm, I took a nap. When I woke up it was past seven, I tried Adrian again but he didn’t pick.

I met Morris downstairs, he was making dinner.

“Have you seen Tristan?”

“Mr. Sanchester said he doesn’t want to be disturbed.”
I sighed and took a seat.

“Are you okay Miss Simpson?”

I forced a smile.

It was hærd to eat when a part of me was worried sick about Adrian and Tristan.

I dropped my spoon and decided to do it, I was going to check if Tristan was okay.

I ran up the stairs like I knew something bad was about to happen.

“Please be okay, please be okay..”
I mumbled as my hand made contact with the cold metal handle.

I turned it and pushed the door open. It was dim but I could make out some furniture in the room but I didn’t see Tristan.

I moved in, I took slow steps into the room. I almost tripped on something or rather someone, I looked down and my heart stopped beating.



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