Witches Lust season 4

Witches lust 4 episode 98

💋🕷 👹 🕸


Author :- Sadiq Infinity (Capri Leo)

Chapter 98 :- Nature’s fury.



God, having siblings is a real mess. First, there’s my annoying big sister and my naive older brother. I still can’t believe all this time that I have an older brother that nobody knew about until now. That Aunt Bimpe is such a sneaky one, I knew that she has the hots for dad but I never knew they nacked before. As for dad the sneak! Pretending to be loyal and loving, I never knew he was such a player! I bet he must smashed and enjoyed his moments with Aunt Bimpe. Omo, I can’t wait to be an adult.
Speaking of siblings, what was Akinbilege thinking? What makes him think he can take on Mom? The werey has no idea how dangerous she is when she snaps. Which is the reason why I took off but I feel bad about that though. I don’t like the idea of having a step brother but Akin is a cool guy, he has good vibes and he’s not as annoying as Ebinoluwa who’s always putting her nose into my affairs. Maybe being brothers with Akin won’t be a bad idea and besides, I still want to know the name of that place he told me about. Perhaps, he’ll tell me once he survives mom or so I thought.

Presently as I was busy soaring in the sky in my eagle form, I noticed thousands of crows converging in the distance and it was the exact place I left Akinbilege. It didn’t take me long to realize that he was in a very tough spot with Mom and I felt that I should help the guy out. However just before I could turn around, I spotted something in the forest’s running very fast towards the direction where the crows were gathering. Despite the fact that darkness was fast approaching, my eagle eyes were able to detect what was running ; it was a lioness but something was off. I can’t really explain it but the vibe I was getting very strange not to mention mysterious. Seeing that the lioness was heading towards Akin’s place, I decided to follow and keep an eye on it.


🌹 Writer’s Pov 🌹

Trapped in his own unfortunate miscalculations and seconds away from a gruesome death, Akinbilege quickly sorts out a means to get out of his predicament and lucky for him, he found one. Just as the crows were about to spike him to death, Akin uses teleportation to switch places with Christen but despite that, the crows didn’t descend on Christen instead they shifted their attention towards Akin charging down towards him furiously.
Seeing that his plan had not yet worked, Akin uses one of his dark magic spells to create a multiple black holes that sucks in all the crows in one swoop. With the crows now gone, Akin tries to use the spear on the Christen but unknown to him, she had already manipulated one of the tree branches behind him and just as he was about to use one of the spells of the spear, the branches smack him so hard from behind that not only was he sent flying but he also lost his grip on the spear. Realizing that he had lost his spear, Akin quickly gets back on his feet on uses another of his dark magic spells to creates black holes but unlike the first one that sucks in anything in it’s path, this one unleashed dark spirits in swarms. Within a blink of a eye, the sky was filled with spirits whom were waiting for Akin’s order to strike.

Akin âž¡ Aunty! This is not how I expected us to meet. You have no idea how long I’ve been wanting to meet you. We’re family. Let’s not do this.

Dark Christen âž¡ (laughs viciously) Boy. You’re not family, you’re just a stain that I’m about to get rid of.

Akin âž¡ Alright then, so be it. Don’t blame me for what comes next.

With a snap of his fingers, Akin orders the spirits to descend on Christen which they did without hesitation. Christen tries to use the crimson light to disperse the dark spirits but due to her dark nature possessing her, she can’t.

Dark Christen âž¡ What? Why can’t I use this damn spell?

Christen âž¡ Have you forgotten already? Only those without evil intent and pure of heart can cast that spell.

Dark Christen âž¡ Bitch please, nobody in the rotten world is a complete saint. Forget the spell, I know just what to use.

Seeing that the spear was just within her reach, Christen teleports straight to where it was laying and then grabs hold of it and then slams the end of the spear hard into the ground unleashing a powerful burst of lightning. Within a blink of an eye, all the spirits Akin unleashes were reduced to dust. The young wizard too was forced to pull back as the lightening’s power skyrocketed immensely. With Christen’s hands now around the spear, the spells in it began to go berserk reacting to Christen’s magic which was flowing through the spear and before long, Christen’s magical power was fully unleashed.

In that moment, the whole forest began to rumble and the ground began to crack open unleashing turning upside down, the gravity in the atmosphere reduced drastically allows everything in the inanimate objects to rise steadily into the air. Before long, the forest itself was altered naturally all together. The beautiful trees were transformed in a horrifying way with thorns and all not mention the insects and the animals which were monstrously transformed. As if this wasn’t bad enough, Christen soon made the trees merge with one another shaping them into humanoid figure that looked like a sky scrapper.
As soon as the trees had finished merging, Christen teleports straight to the top of it and waves the spear over her head creating storms in the sky which then converged instantly and begins to release powerful lightning claps that lit the dark sky repeatedly before long, powerful winds and breeze emerged making loud noises that echoed the atmosphere. With the wind and lightning merging together and tearing the sky apart, the ground itself soon began to feel it’s wrath.



Honestly I wasn’t expect things to escalate like this, everything just went from bad to worse and the worst thing is Aunt Christen was getting more and more powerful and out of control. If only I had fully use my divine magic to it’s hugest peak I could have ended this sooner but now, I’ll just have to try and find a way to rescue dad from this mess.
My plan was to distract Aunt/stepmother Christen and then rush in to save dad but it turns out she was fully aware of my presence this whole time and before I could make my move she intercepted me.

Dark Christen âž¡ My! If it isn’t the cockroach that refuses to die!

Akin âž¡ Well, I’m my father’s son.

Dark Christen âž¡ Not for long! Die you bastard!

In that moment, all the trees that had monstrously transformed began to shoot big thorns at me but that wasn’t the worst part, the ground itself began to shoot out big hands made out of sand and stones trying to grab me but I avoided all of that by teleporting out of their reach. Whilst I was busy running and dodging, Delilah began to speak to me telepathically telling me to do something that I’ve never done before.

Delilah âž¡ That’s the problem of being moralistic and sentimental. This human blood running through your veins is a disease. You’re a wizard wielding 2 powerful magic which you can use to finish off this witch! What are you waiting for?

Akin âž¡ I will not kill my step-mother not unless you want my father to hate me for it.

Delilah âž¡ You care too much about what others think. This bitch is trying to kill you and I’m surprised why she hasn’t done that already.

Akin âž¡ What are you saying?

Delilah âž¡ I’m saying she had the chances to kill you but somehow she’s resisting. However you might want to do something now cause she’s definitely going for the kill now. If that lightning hits the ground, you and everything within a 2 mile radius will be reduced to dust.

Akin. âž¡ Well, I can’t use any of the options I have. She’ll die.

Delilah âž¡ I wouldn’t be so sure! That bitch step mom of yours is more cunning than you.

Akin âž¡ Alright then, here goes…. Wait, I have an idea.


🌹 ROSE 🌹

One of the things I love the most is to see witches/wizards living up to their potential. I’ve always wanted that for Christen and on multiple occasions encouraged her. For a long time, I thought Christen never had what it takes to be a witch but it seems like I was wrong.
Christen’s transformation wasn’t what I was expecting, it may sound hypocritical but I wish she could go back to the way she was. This darkness manifesting over her is too sinister and if care is not taken, it could consume her forever. I know what if feels like to be lost and consumed by darkness and I didn’t want that for Christen. After all this time, Christen has managed to make herself happy after our mother’s death and if this darkness consumes her, she could lose everything and that is something that she’ll never recover from.

Presently, here I was with Aunt Jezebel and Titi standing and watching at a safe distance away from Christen’s location as her magic swallowed almost the entire forest. We knew what was currently going on but we decided not to interfere just yet not only we’ve secured Riley’s location. It was quite hard picking up Riley’s location due to Christen’s strong magic but eventually I was able to find and pull him out of harm’s way.
The poor bastard was quite messed up after he was brought in by one of my shadow demons, there were tree branches spiked through his body like skewer!

Aunt titi âž¡ Is he going to survive this?

Rose âž¡ Oh, he will. He’s no longer human. He’s just a living dead now.

Riley âž¡ (moans painfully)

Jezebel âž¡ Relax boy, I’ll remove the branches from your body!

Riley âž¡ Hurry, I need to..

Rose âž¡ Shut up and rest. You’re not going back out there. This is what happens if you don’t listen to us.

Riley âž¡ You’re wrong! I would have brought Christen home but Akinbilege ruined everything.
Read – Married To a billionaire episode 21 – 22

Rose âž¡ Oh.. So that’s why she’s going berserk.

Riley âž¡ You have to save him.

Rose âž¡ The boy can handle himself.

Riley âž¡ No he can’t.. If that lightning hits, he’ll die. The reason why Christen hasn’t unleashed it is because she thinks I’m still there but now if she notices that I’m gone.. ARRRGGHH!

Jezebel âž¡ Relax boy..

Rose âž¡ Stay here, I’ll go check things out.

Heading out into that mess is risky but it’s worth watching how my nephew is handling himself against Christen. Seconds later, I arrived at the scene to see what was going on and I must say that the boy is running out of time. Christen had sure cornered him and she would finished him off but she still believes that Riley is still here.
However, I still don’t understand why the boy isn’t doing anything. His magical energy is calm but incredibly powerful, I’m sure he could defeat Christen but why isn’t making a move?.
For a moment there I thought Akin was done but it’s turns out that the guy has an ace up his sleeve. After running and dodging Christen’s assaults, Akin soon surrounded himself with dark matter which spun around him in a blinding speed rotation. In a blink of an eye, Christen’s giant tree monster roared out loud and extended it’s arm towards Akin trying to crush him but it’s arm was reduced particles after touching the dark matter but it didn’t stop there. Before long, the dark matter ate away through the tree monster until it was completely gone.
Maddened with rage after losing her monstrous pet, Christen yelled angrily and then pointed the spear she was holding at Akin unleashing a powerful burst of flame that swept the vicinity. I had to protect myself cause the flame was too hot but that wasn’t the worst that was yet the come.
Now that is part of the forest was covered in flames, Christen then used the flames to conjure giant snakes which she unleashed on Akin but it didn’t work. Now frustrated by the ineffectiveness of her assaults, Christen then began to amass the earth (sand and stone) shaping it into a big meteor. Her creativity was a sight to behold and I must say that I’m impressed.
Meanwhile, Akin who realized what Christen was about to do casted a powerful defense spell in that instant. Using the dark matter he had summoned, Akin expanded it and began to fire it like arrows straight at the meteor. It was like watching a thousand bullets made a dent to an unstoppable bullet train but despite that, Christen’s meteor continued to expand getting bigger and larger. Within a matter of minutes, the meteor grew so big that it blocked out the moon’s light that shone in this part of forest. Akin who realized that his efforts were futile decided to cast a defensive spell but whilst he was about to do that, Christen dropped the meteor on him.
Like a rocket crashing down from the sky, the meteor came down incredibly fast just seconds away from impact. Seeing that he had no defensive spell powerful enough to block the meteor of this size decided to open a black hole big enough to swallow the meteor. Akin’s plan worked but neither he nor I couldn’t foresee the doom that was about occur next. As Akin was struggling with the meteor, Christen then raised the spear over her head increasing the wind pressure like crazy and shortly after that, the lightning in the sky began to conjure in one spot and within a blink of an eye, a powerful lightning bolt struck the meteor so hard that it gave out a tremendous shockwave that swept a quarter of the forest reducing it to rubble.
I was safe from the attack but I sure didn’t know what happened next. All was quiet except for the rumbling clap of lightning and thunder in the sky. After emerging from the shadows, I looked around to see if I could find Akin but there was no sign of him, I couldn’t even feel his magic essence. The atmosphere was stuffy and filled with dust making it hard to see or smell anything. Just as I was about conclude that Akin had been killed, I heard a small cough just a few distance away from me, I went over to the place and saw Akin laid out flat bleeding from his chest and mouth. He did manage to survive Christen’s attack but he was fatally wounded.

Rose âž¡ Akin.

Akin âž¡ (softly) Aunty.. (coughs violently)..

Rose âž¡ You’re dying, you need help.

Akin âž¡ No.. I’ll be fine.

Rose âž¡ Your heart has been pierced and you say you’re fine?

Akin said nothing after that, instead he placed his right hand on his wound and within a blink of an eye, a bright light shone on the wound and to my surprise, it began to heal steadily.

Rose âž¡ How is it you can heal yourself?

Akin âž¡ This is one of the many gifts of divine magic! I can heal from any wound or disease.

Rose âž¡ Fascinating.

Dark Christen âž¡ How the mighty have fallen!

After hearing Christen’s voice, I turned around and saw her standing from a stretchy distance. She had a malicious look on her face and I could see she was itching to continue from where she stopped.

Rose âž¡ What did you say?

Dark Christen âž¡ Why are you being so nice to this swine?

Rose âž¡ He’s our nephew and your step son.

Dark Christen âž¡ He’s not! I won’t accept it.

Rose âž¡ Enough of this. Stand down.

Dark Christen âž¡ (laughs) Oh big sister, we’re not kids anymore. You cannot stop me.

Rose âž¡ Are you trying to take me on?

Dark Christen âž¡ I will if you don’t move out of the way.

Rose âž¡ (smiles) Don’t get so cocky! A little transformation won’t give you an advantage over me.

Dark Christen âž¡ Let’s test out that theory, shall we?

In a blink of an eye, millions of bats appeared in the sky at Christen’s command and then charged towards me screeching out loudly escapees from hell. However, just as I was about to clear them all out, a bright blinding white light appeared suddenly out of nowhere making the bats scatter and disperse and as soon as everything was clear, Ebinoluwa appeared on the scene looking annoyed.

Rose âž¡ Ebinoluwa!

Ebinoluwa âž¡ Aunty, get Akin out of here. I would like to deal with this alone.

Normally I’d mock and make fun of her but not in this situation. Ebinoluwa’s face clearly shown that she meant business so I decided to her the space she needed. In that moment, I grabbed hold of Akin and disappeared with him. Hopefully, I pray that Christen and her daughter don’t duke it out.



After her Aunt disappeared with her step brother, Ebinoluwa and her mother began to have a serious conversation. All of this wouldn’t have happened if only Ebinoluwa had intervened, I didn’t know she did nothing but from what I noticed during our standby was that she was concentrating on the struggle between her mother and stepbrother which made me wonder whether she had used thay chance to study their moves and how to counter it.

Ebinoluwa âž¡ This nonsense has to stop. NOW!!!

Dark Christen âž¡ How dare you raise your voice at me? I’m your mother.

Ebinoluwa âž¡ No. You’re not my mother. My mother would never try to kill a member of her own family.

Dark Christen âž¡ That bastard is not family. He’s just a weed.

Ebinoluwa âž¡ He is. Whether you like it or not, he’s my step brother and my cousin as well. Besides why are you so mad? He’s just an outcome of your foolish act! I don’t need to go into details but you know what happened that night at your engagement party?

Rotimi âž¡ What happened at the engagement party?

Ebinoluwa âž¡ ROTIMI.. this is family business so please butt out.

Rotimi âž¡ Sorry.

Dark Christen âž¡ It doesn’t matter what happened. What matters is that the family tree your father and I created is the only family I recognize anything outside of that is just a weed.

Ebinoluwa âž¡ Tell me, is Morenike a weed too?

Dark Christen âž¡ She..

Ebinoluwa âž¡ You know what?.. Don’t answer that. You have to stand down now. Everyone here is trying to bring you home but you’re making it hard on all of us.

Dark Christen âž¡ And if I don’t stand down, what will you do hmm?

Ebinoluwa âž¡ I’ll force you to by any means necessary.

Dark Christen âž¡ I’m your mother.

Ebinoluwa âž¡ No.. You’re not my mother, not like this. If parents get out of line, it’s up to their children but put in their place.

Dark Christen âž¡ You dare stand against me you pompous daughter!?

Ebinoluwa âž¡ Yes, just as long as you return back to normal.

Dark Christen âž¡ Traitorous child, I will gladly teach you some manners!

Ebinoluwa âž¡ Good, let’s see if you can take me on.

To be Continued

Next episode âž¡ Mother Vs Daughter.

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