Hot Deal Full Of Secrets

Hot Deal Full Of Secrets Episode 17 – 18


Chapter 17

By : Kebby NG Media Services

“It hurts a lot”I kept on saying as he carried me towards the house

“This won’t do”he said suddenly and dropped me on a rock which was fit enough for me to put my leg on

“What are you doing? “I asked as he took hold of my leg

“Am trying to set back the dislocated bone, it’s out of order that’s why it hurts you so much” he said

“Don’t do it! It’s going to hurt me a lot,,,,,,I,,,,,,,,ahhhhhhhh!!!”I yelled as he got the dislocated bone back in place

The excurciating pain was gone,All I was left with was a sprain

“How about that? Does it still hurts you?”he asked

“Not that much but it’s still hurting me a bit, how did you do that?”I asked

“Just some few techniques that I know “he replied

“Common,let me carry you to the mansion, we can’t risk you walking with this leg until the doctor check up on it” he said as with out waiting for my answer, he lifted me in his arms again

“Thanks”I whispered softly


“I said thank you, you helped me from the horse earlier and now you helped me with my leg,You are always helping me”I said as I remembered what he said about Cade while he came to my aid a while ago.

He stopped suddenly and when I looked at what he was looking at, I saw him staring at Cade who was being accompanied by Tracy.

Out of all the people to ask for help, why did she choose to get Cade, I thought as I looked away from him.

“Guess he is angry again” he said as he kept on walking towards Cade.

“I see you saved my wife again”Cade said as he got to us

“Yes I did, I happen to find her on the floor, having an immense pain, I couldn’t just leave her and so I decided to help “he replied

“Thank you, now you can give her to me, I will take it from here”Cade said as he moved to take me from him

“I would prefer to walk”I said quickly not wanting to be in his arms

“You can’t walk yet, even if I manage to set your dislocated bone, you still can’t walk on it “He said

“You did what?”Cade asked

“I set back her bone, she was saying that it hurt so much, so I had to do it” he said

Cade was quiet for a while and then he looked at me and without warning he carried me into his arms

“Thanks for everything David, you can go back to your work”He said coldly and turned with me, heading back to their mansion.

He wasn’t saying a thing and I knew that it was because he was angry and am sure that as soon as we get to the to, he will pick a fight with me but he surprised me by putting me gently on the bed and then he brought out his phone and dialled for the doctor.

As soon as he finished talking on the phone, he looked at me

“Does it still hurt that much?”He asked and I Shaked my head

“Where does it hurt?”he asked as he moved towards me wanting to take my sprained leg.

Quickly I pulled away from him and he gave me a surprised look

“You don’t have to check it, the doctor will be here soon and you don’t have to wait, what ever the doctor tells me,I will do it”I said wanting him to leave

“Am going to stay, I also want to know what the doctor to say?”He said

“For what? Is it to confirm if I really sprained my leg,you really are something Mr Callaghan”I said

“Don’t start with the Mr Callaghan thing again”he said

“And am not staying back to confirm if what you are saying is true”he added

“Then why the hell are you here?”

“Whether you believe me it not, I do care about your health”he said

“I do not believe you Cade and I want you to leave, I don’t want to argue with you” I said

“this is hopeless,trying to show to you am also caring is hopeless” he said

“But doing it will certainly change your mind right?”He asked suddenly


“I said by doing it will certainly you make you see that I do care about you”he said And I got quiet just staring at him

“After our discussion this morning, I realised that have not been fair with you ”

“First I brought you here forcefully and I was nasty to you and as you said this morning, Have always insulted you and for that am sorry “he pleaded

I sat in shock feeling surprised by Cade’s attitude, what has gotten over him? I thought as I kept staring at him

“I judged you this morning, am sorry for that but I was just angry with seeing you in David arms, I thought you went to him just to get him to give you what I couldn’t finish this morning” he added sheepishly

“I think have heard quite enough Cade and since you are apologising, I accept,now Please get me the doctor cause my leg still hurts”I said looking at my leg.

I was so occupied with checking my leg that I didn’t realise that he had come over to my side

“Emily!”the soft call of my name made me look at him

“Please Emily forgive me for all the bad things have said to you”he said

“Cade I………..”

“This is the first time am apologising to a girl Emily and you are the first and I know that it’s because have been nothing but a jerk towards you “he said as he put his head on the bed beside me

I stared at him and I felt that he was being sincere with his apology.

I found myself patting his head softly and saying to him

“Okay have forgiven you Cade, now please get up “I said as I helped him to sit on the bed beside me

“Tell me what have made you to apologise to me”I said wanting to know his reason

“Because I misjudged you and also because I want some thing from you” he said

“And what will the some thing be?”I asked

“Can we start over” he replied softly

“What do you mean by start over”

“I brought you here forcefully, I threatned you with your parents life and also I tried to ruin your life too and for that am very sorry and I want to make amends”

“With us starting again”I asked

“Yes with us starting again , let’s forget about the contract and the deal we made and just try to get along with each other, don’t think of this place as some sort of a cage, think of it as some where you came for your vacation”he said

“Cade do you know what you are saying to me right now?”I asked softly

“I do ,Let’s start again, am sure that we can be best if friends if we try”he said

For a while I thought of refusing his offer but then I thought better and accepted it.

It’s better to be friends than enemies,I thought

“Fine then, I accept to be your friend and in return, you won’t threaten or force me to do something that I don’t want”I said

“I won’t,I promise”he said and I gave him a smile.

“Do you know that this is the first time am seeing your smile”he said

“What? You would have seen me smile “I said

“No this is the first time and I hope that as time goes by you will always smile like this”he said softly

Just then the door opened and the doctor walked in interrupting us from saying anything more

This is a new Cade I am seeing, I thought and I hope that he will keep on being this way until the end of our contract.


It took a while for me to finish the last paperwork.

Emily must have been asleep by now, I thought as I stood up leaving the study room I share with my father.

The doctor had diagnosed her injury to be a minor sprain, he knew that it had been dislocated but when we told him about David part in this, he made it known to us that David did well and that we should be very grateful for his help.

As soon as the doctor left, Emily told me of how David had helped her twice and how she owed him.

I didn’t want to destroy our friendsh¡p mode by telling her to stay away from David.

But soon I will make it known to her that I don’t want to see her with David.

He might just try to steal her away from me, after all he has always been converting my place, he and his darn father.

I thought as I headed to our room, I walked in slowly so I wouldn’t get to wake Emily up.

She was laying like a log as usual but she had her injured feet propped up on a pillow.

I went to her bed and stood staring down at her

She always looks beautiful when she is asleep,I thought as I found myself tracing her face.

Wanting to know the shape of her l-ips,I found myself tracing it with my finger

It’s very sensuous, I thought as I kept on touching her l-ips.

She won’t know if I gave her one or two ksses right!

Without further thinking, I bent and gave her the kss .

Chapter 18


“Leave me alone you buzzing bee”she muttered and i found myself smiling.

Does she even know that she talk out loud when she is sleeping, I thought as I spread the covers over her properly.

I went to stand by the window and I thought of what I just did

Why the he.ll did I kss Emily, she is nothing but a friend and also the girl I had hired to help me convince my parents that I will be better off with out him.

I opened the door that led to the balcony and I stood there staring at the night and enjoying the chilling breeze

Just then I saw David and his father walking towards the back, seems like they were close for the day, I thought.

I still can’t believe that I had thought of these two as a family.

I had taken David like the brother I never had and it was painful when I knew what his agenda was.

My mind drifted off slowly to what happened three years ago



I walked through the path that led me to David and Silas house.

It’s been a heck of a week, being pressured all through by my mom to marry Isabel, I finally answered her and did as she said .

The party was still going on but I had left the hall to see my best friend

I don’t know why he never came to the party, maybe he is so busy with work, I thought as I got to their door.

David and I have been friends ever since his dad started to work for my father.

We did things together, went to the same high school and if it hadn’t been that he didn’t want to further his studies, we would have gone to the same school.

He has practically been the brother i never had, I thought as I knocked softly on the door.

There was so response even when I kept knocking.

I turned to leave only to hear his father (Mr Silas) yelling at some one

I moved towards the fields and saw both father and son and it looks like they have been talking

I smiled wanting to go to them but then I stopped when I heard what Silas said

“Stop sulking and just accept what is going on “he said holding David Cheek

“I can’t dad, why does every thing have to work out well for him, why does he have to have things under a silver platter, he is just adopted”David continued as his dad kept driving us

“That is the only benefit he has over you , he is only adopted, Mr Callaghan haven’t decided who his heir is going to be,so try to do your best when it comes to this”

“Your friendsh¡p with Cade is only to get his place with Mr Callaghan”

“So what about Isabel, you know that I love her but she is being given to that bastard”David said and I stood still listening to him

“Just forget her ,she was never going to be yours anyway”his father said

“But I love her and just knowing that she will be marrying some one who doesn’t love or cherish her makes me so angry” he said angrily

“Well for now she is none of your concern, your only concern there is you and your loved ones, So David for now,just smarten up , get Mr Callaghan trust and affection and you must get that at all “his father said said as he brought out his little pistol

“After all you have been the one here, to stay close to him, you skipped going to college, he left for college while you stayed , you have been the one by Mr Callaghan side and so he must certainly give you what he owes you”his father said

“Think about it, once you are part of the noble men, you can ask for Isabel hand, you don’t have to let him take what you like too”his father added again

“Just do as I have told you and all will be fine in a few days” he said

“Why In a few days”

“Well, Mr. Callaghan Is giving out his position as head of every thing to some one, all you have to do for this remaining days is to focus on getting his approval, if you get to get the position, every thing will be at your disposal even his daughter”his father added and that got him to action .

Slowly I watched the two walk off, so I had been nothing to David and his father

For once In my life,I had considered two people as my family only to be stabbed in the back this way .

Well they won’t be receiving any position or favours from my dad, I will make sure of that, I thought as I clenched my hands tightly and walked off.



And I made that possible, as soon as I got the s₱0t from my father, the first thing I did was to stop them from coming to the house.

I would have cut all ties with them completely but dad just still thinks of them as our family and he still fancies Isabel

Who knows I might just help him with getting Isabel, she is also becoming a pain the neck for me, I thought as I stood by the window gazing out side.

I hærdly treat him like a friend any more, though I never made it known to them that I heard his conversation with his father.

When they knew that I was the one taking the next seat, they began to act like a friend, wanting to get close to me.

They thought I was going to fall easily again but I didn’t and I made it known to him that I detested the fact that he was pretending to be a friend and then I told him to stay away from me.

Ever since then we haven’t made any close contact, he is just a worker and am the boss and that was why I had been shocked when I saw Emily in his arms earlier.

I thought he wanted to use her to get to me but when I figure out that Emily herself was just being helped I knew that I had to find away to keep him from getting close to Emily.

Once Emily is up by tomorrow,I will tell her that myself.

Its been a long hærd day, I have to bathe and get ready for bed , I thought as I went to the bath room to bathe.



I woke up to find that Emily was not in the room, where could she have gone to, I thought as I removed the spread and went out in search of her.

Luckily I didn’t run into my mom or Isabel to annoy me early in the morning.

Where could Emily be? I thought as I went past the kitchen.

” Ma’am you shouldn’t be doing this, let us do it”I heard a maid say

Turning around, I went to the kitchen only to see Emily preparing breakfast herself

“Just let me do it, I need to get myself busy”she said to the maid who all stood aside to let her do what she wants to do”I said through the door way and when she looked up, she gave me a genuine smile.

It was hærd to get a glimpse of her smile before but now here was sending her sweet smile my way.

Seems like since we have made up and have made a deal to start all over again, she is doing her best to make it work and I tray like that, I thought as I returned her smile

“I just wanted to make you some thing to eat” she said as she came to me

“Thanks, you look quite happy this morning”I asked

“Yes I am happy and that’s because you and I have made the proper deal on this wh0le Thing” she muttered the last part for my ears only

“Yes we have”I replied as i gave her a smile in return.

Just then the kitchen door opened and David walked in.

“Guys is there any thing to eat, am really starving”he said having not notice our presence.

“Why is there no……………….” He stopped when he saw Emily and I standing there

“Oh we meet again miss or no Mrs”He added dryly and I knew that he was having fun at my expense

“It’s my saviour”I heard Emily muttered and before I could stop her, she went to him,getting me angry.

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