The Hammingtons

The hammingtons episode 22 – 23

🍂The Hammingtons🍂
A Cursed Family

🍃Chapter 22🍃

Sophie’s POV

I stared at Ivan’s unconscious body as the black veins slowly advanced towards his face
I wanted to touch, hold his hand and give him a little bit of comfort but I was scared
One of his hands was still bringing out flames and the ground in which he placed it was reddish hot
Even though he’s unconscious with the black veins slowly consumimg him, he still looked pretty dangerous and I felt like the moment I touch him, he’ll spring up and scold me for having the guts to touch him and drive me away from his side

“Please wake up, please wake up” I prayed silently

Dianna’s POV
I stood in front of the the old city church with the little witch

“It be best if you stay out here and not come in” I said as I looked around and got a stake laying on the floor

I walked into the church and met an all the witches that escaped from the asylum there

“Is this all of you that escaped from the witch’s asylum?” I laughed
“You guys are just making things easy for me”

“Whoever you are, I know Eva sent you but you should know this, you are no match for us all” one of the witches said and the other quickly held her back and whispered something to her and she cringed

“You… are really Dianna Hammington?” she stuttered

“I didn’t know I was popular with you guys too” I said and one of the witches walked up to me

“Even if you are a Hammington, there’s one of you and there’s 19 of us, we are at better odds of winning than you are” she said and I smiled

“I annihilated a whole city on my own long before your great grandma was even born so think again sweetheart”

“Isn’t that all you have to say” she said and turned to her fellow witches
“All the Hammingtons have been doing is live on their past achievements and the fables created for them thereby using it to instill fear on people, if she was so powerful she wouldn’t be here working for Eva, she is no match for us all because she is weak” she said

“Weak?” I laughed as I plunged the stake on my hand into her heart and she gurgled out blood and slowly fell on the floor

I pulled out the stake from her chest and stood atop her dead body
“Anybody else got some speech to deliver?”

One of the witches suddenly whispered a spell and I went flying to the floor

“Persistent, I like that” I said as I stood and threw my stake to one of the witches throat and she fell down dead with her blood springing out like a pool

“2 down, 17 to go. Come on witches! Time to join your dead little friends” I said and they all ran towards me…

Eva’s POV
I stood in front of the Bayou awaiting Eric’s arrival

“I am so going to kill you if you end up going to cause trouble Eric Hammington” I muttered

“Miss me?” I heard Eric’s voice and I turned back to see him standing right behind me

“Your are late!” I said then I saw the boy with him
“What the hell Eric?”

“Yeah Eva, meet Caleb….”

“Caleb Baker, Martha’s son, yeah I know, why the hell did you get him here?!” I asked

“You knew she had a son?” he asked surprised

“Of course I knew, am the head of witches in this city!”

“Then why the bloody hell did you lead us on a pointless search when this can be an arrow leading us right to Martha!” Eric yelled

“Because I didn’t want to risk the boy’s life but yet again Eric Hammington, you’ve shown that you care none the less about anyone except your family”

“Because my family is my life!” he yelled “And if you are unable to use Caleb to get Martha, I will do it alone and I promise you Eva I won’t care a tad at whatever loss anyone’s suffers in the process!”

“Did you even think for once while saying all that, that the boy you are holding his hand might have heard you saying you don’t care if he lives or die as long as you are able to save your brother?”

“I saw you whisper a deafening spell on him before you started talking so he can’t here us speak, I am no stranger to witchcraft Eva” he said and I sighed

“If anything happens to this little boy by the end of everything, I will kill you Eric Hammington”

“Fair enough” he shrugged

I let out a slow whistle, breaking the deafening spell and little Caleb was able to hear us now

“Hey Caleb” I said and he looked at me

“Are you my real Mom?” he asked

“No dear, but we are gonna help you find her, first, I’ll need a strand of your hair, can I pull it?” I asked

“Will it hurt?” he asked

“I promise you, it won’t” I said and he nodded

I slowly pulled a little strand of his hair and I patted him
“Good boy”

I performed a locator spell on the hair since Caleb was directly related to Martha, I could use a that connection and fish out Martha from her hiding place
I casted the spell and I saw flashes of Martha slowing drawing all of Ivan’s powers in a bell tower

“What did you find?” Eric asked

“She’s at the city Bell Tower but we have to be fast, she’s almost done absorbing all of your brother’s powers” I said

“Let’s go then” he said but I held him back

“We aren’t taking Caleb with us, it’s too risky” I said

“So what do you want me to do? Take Caleb back home while my brother runs out of time?”

“I do not care….”

“But I care Eva and I refuse to stand here participating in another round of argument with you wasting the time that we do not have so here’s how things are gonna play out, Caleb will come with us but he’ll wait outside the tower while we go in and confront his mother” Eric said

“There’s no arguing with you, is there?”

“Am glad you know there isn’t so let’s go” he walked with the kid and i followed from behind

Gia’s POV
I went towards the old city church as fast as I could
I got there and I opened the large doors
I was welcomed with the head of a decapitated of witch being thrown at me


“Sorry, didn’t know you were coming in, did you get the boy?” she asked and I nodded

“Yeah but I handed him to Eric” I replied


“He’s going to use him to get Martha so I decided to trust him with the boy” I said

“That’s weird coming from you considering how you hate Eric” she said

“I decided to give him the benefit of the doubt this time, let’s hope he doesn’t ruin it”

“Let’s hope so” She said as she grabbed a witch’s hand and ripped it off

“You look messy! And to think I was coming here so fast so I could help you out” I said

“There’s still about 7 of them left so I could still use a hand” she said and I nodded

“No problem but I don’t plan on fighting as messy and ruthless as you are doing” I said as I grabbed the witch coming at me and froze her face, then I gave her a face punch and her head went scattering on the floor

“See? Simple, no blood spilled and no blood stains on me” I said

Dianna suddenly threw the heart of the witch she ripped out at me and the blood stains my face and body

“Dianna!! I said I want no blood stains!” I yelled

“Oops sorry” she laughed

“You did that deliberately” I said as I angrily caught one of the witches and ripped out her throat

Eric’s POV
We got to the Bell Tower and I turned to Caleb

“You wait here for us okay, we’ll go bring your mother down to meet you” I said and Eva held my hand and shook her head

She bent down to meet Caleb and placed her hand on his cheek
“Are you tired Caleb?” she asked and Caleb yawned

“A bit” he said

“Maybe you should go to sleep for a while dear” Eva whispered and Caleb suddenly fell asleep and she carried him

She walked in and placed him down the stairs in a safe place

“I believe this method is safer” she said and I nodded

“I think so too, shall we?” I asked

“You go first” she said and I started climbing the stairs while she followed from behind

We got to the end of the stairs and we stood in front of the door

“There’s no time Eric, open the door” Eva said and I flung the door open

Martha was standing by the window side with one of her hands bringing out fire like Ivan’s used to

“Martha” I called and she turned back

“What’s the point Eric Hammington, am almost done with your brother, I just need to get his lightening power too” she said waving her hand that’s still normal “And your brother will be lost forever while I bask and rise in my new found powers and immortality”

Eva’s POV
“Stop this madness Martha!!” I yelled

“Don’t you dare raise your voice at me Eva Jones! You were the one that condemned me to this life, separating me from me from the only one I love and damning me to an eternity in the asylum, infact you should be scared Eva because immediately am done getting all of Ivan’s powers, you won’t be leaving this room alive” Martha said

“You were crazy and you still are, if I hadn’t separated you from everyone you’ll have harmed Caleb in your quest for more power”

“Do not mention my little boy!!” Martha yelled

“You mean this little boy?” Eric asked and we both turned to see him holding sleeping Caleb

“How the hell did you get my son?! You claim to be a benevolent leader Eva but you brought my own son here to threaten me?!” Martha said

Read – My ugly face episode 5

“What the fuck are you doing Eric! We talked about this, the boy was not to get involved in this!” I yelled at Eric

“You made that decision Eva not me, I came here to save my brother by whatever means necessary” Eric said and turned to Martha

“Eva is a benevolent leader Martha but I on the other side is the opposite, I care nothing about your son so if you do not want him to die by my hands, you will separate yourself from my brother and give him back all his powers!” Eric said

“You will not do anything to my son!”

“Do you really think I am that merciful?!” Eric said as he moved closer to the window and held Caleb with one hand over the window

“Eric!!!!” Martha screamed

“Release my brother or I’ll let your little boy fall” Eric said

“Don’t, do not harm my boy!!” Martha cried

“Then release my brother! Give him back his powers that you are stealing!!!” Eric yelled

“Fine, I’ll…. I’ll break the spell I casted on your brother but in return, you’ll let me and my son go” Martha said

“Deal” Eric said

“You better not be lying to me Eric Hammington” Martha said

“You have my word Martha, now break the goddamn spell!!” Eric yelled


Martha began chanting some spells and soon her chant got louder and louder
There was a low blue light emanating from Martha and the light got brighter and brighter till Eric and I had to shield our eyes from the blinding light
Martha fell to the ground and the light disappeared

She stood back up and she was all normal now, she had broken the spell

“Keep your word Eric, get my son away from the window” Martha said

“Sure” Eric said and slowly dropped Caleb on the floor

“You are free to go with your son” Eric said
Martha moved closer to get Caleb but Eric suddenly grabbed her throat and threw her off the window of the Bell Tower…..

🍂The Hammingtons🍂
A Cursed Family

🍃Chapter 23🍃
Eric’s POV

“No!!!” Eva yelled as I threw Martha off the building

“Oops, my hand slipped” I shrugged

“What…. did….you …do!” she said as she punched my chest with each word

“Come on Eva, she deserved to die” I said

“She deserved to die?! She deserved to die?!!”

“She was evil!” I said

“And you are a saint?!! I specifically told you not to bring Caleb into this yet you did and you risked the boy’s life! Then you threw off Martha from a building right I’m the middle of the city!!” she yelled and then sighed “If Martha hadn’t agreed to break the spell on your brother will you have really thrown that little boy off the building?” she asked

“I said I’ll save my brother by whatever means necessary so yes, I’ll have killed Caleb if it was necessary” I replied and she shook her head

“You are a beast!”

“I know” I replied “Am sure you can get Caleb back and make everything that happened look like a dream to him when he wakes up, anyway am off, I need to check on how my brother is doing” I said as I began to walk out

“I pity the little Hammington growing in Dianna’s tummy, when she is birthed, growing with a family like you guys is going to be a curse on her so I shall be praying for the little baby’s soul” Eva said and I walked out

Sophie’s POV
“Please wake up, please wake up” I prayed silently

I noticed the flame on his hand slowly diminished and the black veins were all over his face now and I got scared

“Ivan no! You cannot die Ivan, come on I thought the Hammingtons are immortal!!!” I yelled as I held his hand that was slowly going out of flame

Read – Making his cold heart soft episode 41

“Do not die on me Ivan, this….. this is not how Martha predicted things will work out, you aren’t supposed to die” I cried

I suddenly felt a burning sensation on my hand and I screamed and jolted back

Ivan was awake, all the black veins on him had disappeared and his hand was back aflames

“What did Martha predict?” he asked

“No…nothing” I shook my head

“Speak!!!” he yelled and I flinched

“She….. Before when my Mom died…..when…..when Aria killed my Mom, I went to Martha in anger, I requested her to help me kill Aria or she should make me powerful enough to kill her myself but….but she told me I need not to kill Aria in order to avenge my Mom, she told me my soulmate will kill Aria and avenge the death of my Mom” I explained

“Your soulmate? Who’s your soulmate?” he asked

“She….she told me…..she said my soulmate is you Ivan Hammington” I stuttered and he scoffed

“Me? Your soulmate? And you were dumb enough to believe her?”

“I don’t know, she is a very powerful witch! Though I did doubt her at first, I mean I didn’t even know the face to the Ivan Hammington name back then but when I met you at the bar that night, you told me your name is Ivan Hammington, her prediction came to my mind but I warded it off, then we continued meeting and I just pretended I didn’t really know who you are or your family’s history so I could continue to stay by your side, observe you and see how things goes. And then we met at the Bayou, and you told me you are hunting for Aria, my Mom’s killer, the joy that gave me, that was why I opted for a locator spell and I took you to Martha, cause I knew she was powerful and I wanted Aria dead as much as you did” I explained

“So? Cause some crazy witch that just tried to end me told you your soulmate will kill Aria and I happen to be on the hunt for the same Aria, you believed her words and thought of me as your soulmate?” he asked

“It’s more than that, she mentioned your name to me, she predicted it months before I met you”

“And so bloody what?!!!” he yelled “In a thousand years, I’ve kept a life of solitude, my heart is not a place one can take shelter in easily so sorry to burst your fantasy but wake up Sophie, I am not your soulmate nor will I ever be” he said


“You may take your leave” he said

“Come on, you just…..”

“I said leave!!!” he yelled and I stood up

“Fine then, I’ll go” I said as I slowly walked out trying my best not to break down in tears in front of him

Dianna’s POV
Gia and I walked out of the old church with our body soaked in witches blood
People stared and murmured as we walk by

“Thanks to you sister, I’ve become a center of attention for everyone” Gia said and I smiled

“You are welcome sister, I didn’t want to be in the limelight alone” I said and she scoffed

“We did our job, let’s just hope Eric and Eva did theirs” she said

“They should, Eric is a Hammington, I believe he will do anything to save his brother” I said

“I hope you are right” Gia said

We got to the Mansion and walked in

“Where’s Ivan?” I asked as he was currently not on the floor where we left him

“Anybody miss me?” Ivan said as he walked down the stairs

“Ivan!!” Gia screamed as she ran to hug him

“Oh no, you’ll get your blood stains on me!” Ivan grumbled and Gia hugged him tighter

“This is why he still treats you like a kid” I said as I walked towards them

“She is a kid, aren’t you little Gia?” Ivan asked

“I refuse to have a banter with you right now” Gia said and I smiled

“You gave me a big scare” I said as I hugged him

“Same thing I felt when you were out cold in the deadly slumber, call this a little payback” Ivan said and we laughed

“Ivan?!!” Eric yelled as he flung the door open
Then he saw Ivan with us

“It worked, it worked” he said as he walked towards Ivan and embraced

“Why are you all suddenly being so cheesy?” Ivan said

“Am just glad you are fine” Eric said

“I only have one question as of now, where is the bloody witch that tried to get me incapacitated and steal my powers?” Ivan asked

“I threw her off the bell tower, then confirmed her dead on my way down” Eric replied

“Nice, you fought well for me brother” Ivan said and I smiled

“Isn’t this mood calling for a little Hammington night?” Gia asked and I nodded

“I completely agree”

“Oh come on” Ivan said

“Not this age old tradition” Eric said

“What are you saying it’s fun!” I said

“Let’s get the bonfire ready” I said to Gia and Eric held me back

“According to the doctor’s advice, you are supposed to be on a bed rest, I’ll set the bonfire with Gia” Eric said and he walked out with Gia

“Don’t you have such a caring younger brother?” Ivan said

“Yes, unlike the one standing beside me” I said and he laughed

“Oh I just remembered, the bartender girl we asked to watch you, Sophie, where is she?” I asked

“Her whereabouts is not important” Ivan replied

“Ivan? What did you do to that poor girl?” I asked

“She still lives if that’s what you are asking” he said and I shook my head

“And here I thought you finally made a friend, but you always find a way to drive everyone away from you don’t you Ivan Hammington”

“I never told you I needed a friend, neither has I ever told you that am tired of my life of solitude” Ivan said

“Ohh, you will never change Ivan” I said and he chuckled

Gia’s POV
Eric and I set the bonfire at the backyard while Ivan and Dianna got the drinks

“You did great today” I said to Eric

“So did you” he replied

“If things continue this way, maybe we could be the way we used to be, before all the hatred” I said

“Maybe” he smiled

Dianna’s POV
We dressed up and stood in a circle round the bonfire holding a drink

“Been long we did this right?” Gia asked

“Now that I think of it, yeah it’s been pretty long” Eric replied

“Okay guys listen up” I said

“Ohh, here comes the old Hammington’s speech” Ivan said and we laughed

“No Ivan, the Hammington speech is different this time” I said “Cause this time, we have a little one that will be joining us soon. Just like my baby, we were all once inside our mother’s tummy, then we were given birth to but at the apex of our youthful life, we were cursed to become a beast everyone fears, we’ve killed more than any living being in this world and I think it’s fair to say we take the position of the most hated being in this planet, but I shall not allow the same fate to befall my child, unlike us, she is going to live a happy life when I give birth to her because she has something we didn’t have back then, a caring family. People say we are monsters and we do not deny that fact, we are monsters yes, but we are monsters that fights for family, cheers to the Hammingtons!”

“Cheers” we all said and gulped down our drink…..


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