A Long Walk To Nothing

A long walk to nothing episode 34B – finale

A long walk to nothing

Final episode continues…

Donald arrives home and begins to whistle his latest song

“I gotta feeling that tonight is gonna be a good night, that Tonight is gonna be a good night, that tonight is gonna be a good good night….” His excitement is extreme….he opens the door and comes in only to find Cecilia at the foot of her couch crying, suddenly he stops singing

“Wowowowooooo what do we have here” he says and Cecilia looks up, her eyes all looking red

“What’s going on?” He asks her trying so hærd to control his laughter and Cecilia stands up, she comes to him holding him by the lapels

“You’re mad” she says and he smiles

“I said you’re mad Donald…… I regret the day you came into my life”

“About twenty plus years ago or the recent one?” He asks in a sarcastic way

“Whatever but guess what, I’m done with you” she spits in his face and he laughs as he claps his hands before wiping his face

“I’m glad Cecilia that finally we agree on one thing……in fact now that we are having this discussion, I’m telling you now that I’m moving back with my wife” Cecilia is shocked

“Alexia accepted you back?”

“What do you think Darling” he k-sses her and she’s still stunned

“That’s actually good, I can finally have Liam”

“So you even shamelessly fantasised about that pretty boy huh!?”

“What do you think, that I actually loved you? Hahahahaha give me a break Donald, I never loved you, not the first time, even less the second time”

“You Jezebel” he wants to hit her but she avoids the blow

“Donald, I’m going to keep it realer with you than I’ve ever been….we should never have been but we had something going on, in the end you went your way I went my way it was whatever…….whatever made you think this was going to be better messed up with your head because it could never…. I want to eat my cake and have it because that’s my kind of Job but of course you’ll not understand” she begins to walk away but he holds her back

“What was that?” He asks

“Some of us were made for dumb guys like you but if I were Alexia, I would never take your smelly ass back hahahahaha”

“You can never have Liam”

“Who cares, you’ll never have Alexia either so accept it baby….you and I are stuck up in this forbidden thing in this jungle forever and you’re going no where until when I say so” she blows him a k-ss and walks up majestically and Donald himself is confused……


“What are you going to do now Liam” Richærd asks Liam who has been crying since he got back but he just can’t seem to get a hold of himself

“You can’t continue like this”

“What do you want me to do, what do I do”

“I think you should give Alexia time, She’ll come around because she values you”

“Now she sees me just like her ex husband…. More like the demon because I failed her”

“You’re taking this too far… If you ask me, I would say you should go in there and sleep….let what’s going to happen happen” there is a silence then Richærd talks again

“You know I still find it so hærd to believe that Crissy actually pulled this off”

“Well she did and what’s more, Donald was right behind her…but I’m going to prove to her that I am not naive”

“Calm down….I don’t even want us to talk about Crissy but I do want to talk about Alexia”

“What if she doesn’t come around”

“Then I would say it was never meant to be….cheer up, we don’t need to go back to depression like the time Mirabel died” Liam nods even though he doesn’t agree with his Friend but he just wants to get rid of him so he can cry in peace…so when he’s gone, Liam picks up a piece of paper and a pen, he’s writing a letter to Alexia

Alexia wakes up earlier than usual, she couldn’t sleep a wink and was turning left and right, she fought with her inner self about her decisions, what she needed to do and what she didn’t need to do…in the end she already made up her mind, she may not have Liam back but she’ll not go back to eat her vomit either….. by 7am, she was already back from dropping off her daughter off to school, she sits so lost and empty, she realises without Liam, it feels more lonelier….. even though she blocked his number, she has some pictures of him in her phone, the ones she took without his notice especially when he’s doing his fitness routine and the ones he took with her, she feels so empty and her heart longs to hear from him….her thoughts are interrupted by a knock, she has somehow become used to the knocks, she knows it’s not Eddy because he made it clear that as long as she doesn’t accept his relationsh¡p he’s as good as gone….she reluctantly walks to the door and opens

“Hi Ale” Donald calls

“I was about calling you” she says

“Really?” He asks hopefully ”

“Well I hope it’s the last time I ever see you Donald” she says this getting him by surprise she walks to the couch and sits, he sits down too

“Get straight to why you are here”

“Didn’t you say you also were planning to call me”

“But I didn’t… so talk” he composes himself

“How are you” he asks

“I’m fine….not what you expected I know”

“Alexia, I was thinking we can give our marriage another try”

“Marriage? Which marriage? The one that was dissolved with signatures and stamped?”

“I know but I’m back now, I’m back to dry all your tears, the ones I caused….won’t you forgive me?”

“Donald I have already forgiven you….I won’t deny I have cried over you because I would be lying if I do……truth is the first time I broke down and cried over you, it was when you began to change but I completely broke down when you packed out, it was terrible but if I had carried on crying over you, by now I would have drowned and died… My tears dried all thanks to Liam, my heart got hærdened to all your dirty lies that’s why my dear you’ll never get to see pain in my crying eyes, when you started coming around, I had already healed, I had forgiven you…I would say you and Cecilia can both find a common ground and try live in Harmony…. I don’t swim, I walk with both feet on the floor”


“I have not changed, I’m the same Alexia, same fat, boring and ugly Alexia you left not long ago, nothing changed”

“I love you….now I know better, I will cherish you Alexia even in this body”

“Too late, when you left, you weren’t a teenager….your words are already stuck in my head….I don’t know why or what happened but what I do know is that you’re not here because you love me but because things didn’t go your way…let me ask you, had Cecilia not changed would you have come back to me? Or better yet had…”

“Please stop it Alexia…. Twenty years was no joke for me” he cuts her short

“But then you gave it all up for and old flams in a blink of an eye….you said so many things, forget about all that you said about my body but how about your dreams….I begged you to reconsider but no…not even the thought of your beautiful healthy children could make you change your mind….even if I go back to you, I’ll never be comfortable around you because I’m not perfect…your words are stuck in my head here all written up here…here Donald, right here” Donald tears up now

“I love you Alexia”

“No you don’t Donald…you’re only here because you’re not used to losing, because you want everything to always go your way that’s why, you don’t love me…don’t lie about it”

“I’ll show you I mean it if only you give me a chance….let me win you over”

“Love Donald is not a victory match, it’s a cold and a broken hallelujah” he gives up when he sees she doesn’t bow

“So it’s your final word, not even your children will make you think things through?”

“My children as you want to call them are very much better, I think staying away from you will groom them into better people, you and and I Are more like rivals now, even if I want to give this a shot it will not work out so give up…I’m not good at pretending because my own side of the candle burnt down, just like loosing someone so dear, I accepted you were gone for good”

“Do you still love him?” He asks

“I never stopped loving him….”

“You don’t love him, you only feel nothing but gratitude and affection for him”

“I can’t argue with you on that, you and I share something beautiful and that’s our children but he and I share something special, it’s love so deep even if I don’t end up with him….at least I’m sure about how I feel about him and I’m not going to lie about it”

“You’re doing the exact something I did Alexia and you’ll regret”

“No…what I’m doing is so different, at least I know how I feel and I know it’s the right thing, I’m not attracted to him because of his looks but his personality, his looks is only added advantage” he nods once more and gets up to walk way from her

“Alexia, I won’t pretend that it doesn’t hurt knowing that no matter how much I try, I can’t avoid the fact that it’s over”


“But immediately when I left you for her, somehow I knew I was going to come back, I filled myself with fears of being called a loser because I had made my choice, you and I had better moments that can no longer return…there is no need for me to tell you or for you to tell me we screwed up….perhaps it was my lack of time or maybe all those moments of silence that we never spoke, perhaps Alexia your patience grew weary and you forgot I was on my way but you didn’t want to wait any longer… It would be easier to take it just as it sounds ‘IT’S OVER’ but I won’t pretend…it does hurt, more than anything… But I’m still clinging to the faith and hope that you’ll still reconsider, I’ll come around”

“Donald, I see no reason that you should follow me because I’m never reconsidering anything, because it’s obvious and very clear you haven’t changed, going to Liam’s office and snooping around, conspiring with Crissy was a clear indication and it was the last straw……I’m so disappointed in you…. if you and I ever have another discussion like this in the future, it will be about our children and nothing else…I don’t hate you though, because today all thanks to you, I thank my past that taught me to fall, it would be much easier to hate you hut I prefer to continue with my life, no fear of change though I must admit it hurts me to tell you this ”

“You’re making a mistake”

“Am I not allowed to? If choosing my happiness and peace of mind is what you call making a mistake, so be it….I will make it over and over again… So different but the same, you taught me everything, you showed me how to think and you’re the only one to blame….it’s such a shame that you lost the game you taught me how to play…you would have been better off now if you had thought like a man…..Thank you for all the twenty years but that’s all it is nothing but A LONG WALK TO NOTHING Donald” he takes a deep breath before carrying himself without another word out of the house but Alexia closes her eyes, she refuses to cry any more…….


Alexia receives an envelope from her gateman saying someone dropped it for her, she thanks him and looks at it critically, it has no address or name but she opens it

‘To the woman I love……Dear Ale, as you know I s-ck at writing and not just that, it’s hærd to articulate in words how my life in the past few months have been with you in it but I’ll try…..I never thought I would find a woman so perfect I mean look around you, so much hate and deception but then you came along and somehow the walls I had built so tall came scrambling down…the woman before you had hit her back against the same wall but you’re the one..loving without walls, that’s the greatest freedom you have given me….how do people get to the point of hurting those they claim to love? Maybe that’s it, only a claim because with you it’s different, love has no boundaries, loving you is the purest thing I’ve ever felt Alexia…. But I’m letting you fly, thanks for making me a part of your history even though it was only for a short time….with love from Liam’ she finishes and let her tears flow, he’s the purest things she felt too…she decides to put some things right instead of being the coward she is…..few hours later she packs her car in front of Crissy’s gate, and remains in,side for close to ten minutes just studying the area, it’s what she has been up to ever since she and Liam parted ways, he’s stopped showing up at all the places she’s been encountering him at but she’s surprised he actually sent her a letter…. she has decided to forgive Isabel and approve of her relationsh¡p with her son, she’s happy the girl is a sweet and obedient girl and to maintain the peace she has given it a try and Eddy is back to her life supporting her like never before…about Cecilia and Donald, both parted ways according to what she heard from her son and Donald now lives in some apartment in town all by himself, he’s trying to be a father to his children but he has another woman he picked right after Cecilia dumped him and Alexia rejected him….that’s not her problem, her problem is unmasking the witch who came between she and Liam so she gets down from her car, she walks to the gate and knocks….the gateman opens

“How may I help you” he asks

“I need to talk to your madam Christina Leonard”

“Is she expecting you”

“Yes she is” he opens and Alexia steps in…Crissy and a man Alexia suspects to be her lover are holding a boy by the hands and Crissy is surprised to see her at her home

“Hello little Theo” Alexia runs to the boy ignoring them but Crissy doesn’t let her touch the boy

“Baby who is she” the man asks

“My name is Alexia….and I’m here on behalf of Liam, I have a directive to come pick his son Theo up for the weekend” the man in his confusion turns to Crissy whose neck muscles tighten

“What is she talking about?” He asks

“Are you her brother?” Alexia asks on purpose

“What’s going on”

“Talk Crissy… Is this or is this not Liam’s son?” Alexia demands and Crissy begins to tremble not knowing what to say

“What did the DNA test say” she adds

“What DNA?” The man asks and Crissy bursts out

“I lied….I lied, he’s not Liam’s son he’s not….get going because I bought the doctor who carried out the test…you can’t go with my son for the weekend because he is the father” she points at the man… Alexia smiles satisfied and turns to leave

“You two can iron out your differences, I’m out of here Chao” she marches out majestically leaving Crissy and her man sorting themselves out……her next drive is at Liam’s, she arrives in twenty minutes time and the gateman tells her Liam is in, he wants to go call him but she asks him to let her do it, she walks to the door and says a little prayer in her heart and then pushes slowly the door

“Ale?” Liam calls surprised the moment he looks up

“How are you Liam” she asks as her eyes land on two packed up travel bags”

“Are you going somewhere” she asks as she comes closer to him

“We are leaving… For good” he answers

“What do you mean for good?”

“It means Glow and I are never coming back”

“What? After all that we shared?” She asks

“Don’t say something just because you’re under pressure” he says and she holds his hands, she leads him to sit down but he maintains his distance

“I have something to tell you” she says

“If it’s about Crissy and the boy don’t worry, I’ll send her monthly upkeep for the child”

“You can’t do that”


“Because you’re not the Father…. I’m from her home” their talk is interrupted by a call and Liam picks his call

“She’s the one” he answers and then remains dumbstruck, he faces Alexia and she nods

“She says I’m not the Father”

“Yes my love you’re not the father….but I don’t want to talk about Crissy and the boy” she smiles before she continues

“I’m sorry I over reacted the last time but reading those sweet words coming from you Liam, I would be a fool to let you go…… Please love me back, without any boundary, without the tall wall” he touches her face and she giggles from his touch, he’s all serious

“Does that mean you have forgiven me?”

“It means I love you Liam” he smiles and fixes her hair behind her ears

“Alexia I’m so proud of you….I was so scared I had lost you and I almost shut down my heart completely…”

“That would have been tragic”

“I know….. But on this day I Promise with God by my side, I’ll make a constant decision to love you Ale, to protect you, I promise to be a great father to our three children, to wipe your tears, to laugh with you, and apologise for my mistakes, I’m sorry but I love you too” he k-sses her ear

“Liam, it’s been my greatest blessing loving you and then losing you has taught me a lot of things….. getting to know a real man, a man not afraid to express love, a man whose shoulder is broad enough for his own daughter, for me and for my children, a man who works so hærd to put a smile on the faces of the people he loves….my dream man, I only watched your type in the movies yet here I am having it all, you taught me how to love myself, how to love you and others, how to Forgive, how to give and how to live….you’re my inspiration and with you by my side and with God at the centre of it, I want to do thing with you, I want to laugh from the heart, I want to wake up with you by my side because I love the way you look at me especially in the morning, I love the way you protect me, I look at myself through your eyes and I can’t even recognise me, you’re my soulmate Liam” he k-sses her forehead this time

“I don’t know what the future holds but one thing i do know is that I’m going to fight to keep what we have, I will fight for you, for us and I won’t stop fighting and I hope you won’t too….. Alexia” he says

“You’re a masterpiece crafted for me so I’m going to cherish you for the rest of my life Liam” she smiles and he wants to k-ss her in the l-ips but she doesn’t let him

“Liam, I’m going to give this thing called marriage a shot…I’m doing so because it’s going to have you in it and YES I’ll marry you” Liam is surprised.kindly Hi waploaded story Home on zero eight one eight seven eight six six two six seven to join our story group.
“But I haven’t even proposed yet” he says and she slaps him playfully
“Silly….I don’t want to stay your girlfriend forever”

“Hahahahaha” they both burst out laughing before he gets up, she gets up too, he pulls her to himself and gives her passionate k-ss….Eddy, Glow, Isa and Richie peep from the kitchen as they celebrate the reunion……..loving without boundaries, loving with all the IMPERFECTIONS……..


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