A weekend affair

A weekend affair episode 24 & 25

EPISODE 24😜😜😜😜

Add me U.S. Bah

“Step on it,” Ricco told Bernardo once they
were in the car. He then got on the phone,
calling the police, letting them know where
they were headed. “Ok Bernardo, start talking.”
“When you married Frankie it put a curve ball
in father’s plan. You were to marry Maria and
then the family would merge the two
companies together.”
Ricco was becoming impatience with his
brother. “Damn it, Bernardo, I know all that
alre-ady. You said there was more to it, now
get to it.”
“Father’s broke, it’s all gone. Only you could
help him regain his fortune back.”
“How could I do that? And how could he lose
everything? that’s not possible.” Ricco couldn’t
believe that his father lost all his money, it
didn’t make s-en-se.
“By marrying Maria the families would join as
one. Between the Bartolomei winery and ours,
the profits would triple, even more. Father
would be able to pay off his creditors, build
his credit back up and start regaining his
fortune back.”
“I would never have married Maria,” Ricco
“How he lose everything I don’t really know.
The plan was for me to s£dûç£Frankie, but
the darn woman wouldn’t go for it. And I made
some of my best moves on her, but she loves
you. When that didn’t work we set her up so
that you would catch me coming out of your
room, it was luck on my p@rt that she was
waiting for you that night, completely n-ked.”
Ricco felt his temper rising, b!tt!g his ton-gue,
letting Bernardo continue.
“And that didn’t work so Adriana crushed
peanuts, putting them in the batter when the
cooks weren’t looking. They didn’t plan on
Frankie having the medicine that would save
her life with her.”
Ricco slammed his fist into the car’s console,
swearing. “That bit-ch, I’ll kill her.”
“When nothing worked father decided to have
Frankie killed, thinking you would be so
distraught you’d agree to marry Maria. But then
I found out she was pregnant, and when I told
our father he had another plan in mind.”
“And what the fvΒ’k was that?” Ricco stared at
Bernardo’s f!ngersgr!ppΒ£dthe steering wheel
ti-ghter. “He would have her kept prisoner till
the baby was born.”
“Then what?” Ricco feared what he would hear
“Then she would be killed.”
Ricco swallowed h@rd, the lump sticking in his
throat. “And my child, what was to happen to
our baby?”
“Adriana would claim the child as hers.”
Bernardo glanced over at Ricco, seeing the
anger in his face.
“Adriana hates kids, why would she want it?”
Asked Ricco.
“All she had to do was claim it as hers. Like
all of us, the baby would be raised by nannies
and servants. Father wanted the child so that
he could raise it to be like him, hoping it
would further his wealth.”
Ricco was quiet for the longest time. “Why
didn’t father come to me, I might have helped
him out financially? Why would he go to such
evil and criminal lengths?”
“He was still angry with you for breaking free
from the family, and I think jealous that you
made your own fortune without his help.”
“This is all so sick Bernardo.” He looked at his
brother, confused. “You do know that you and
the others will go to prison for this?”
“Yes, I know.” He answered back.
“Then why do it?”
He looked over at Ricco. “I don’t know. Maybe
because Frankie is unlike any woman I have
ever known. She’s warm and gentle, and so
damn much in love with you, as you are with
her. And to be honest, I never agreed to
murder in the first place. But father scares me
to death.
“Does Maria’s father know about this?” Ricco
“No. He’s been out of the country for almost a
year, won’t be back for another twelve months
or so. That was why they decided to hide
Frankie there, the old man would never know.
The baby and Frankie would be long gone
before he got back.”
They finally arrived at the Bartolomei’s, castle.
Ricco hid so that Bernardo would be buzzed
in. If Ricco was seen they might not have been
allowed access. The gate opened and
Bernardo pu-ll-ed up next to the castle. Ricco
reached behind his back and pu-ll-ed out a gun,
reaching into his pocket pu-ll-ed out the bullets
and loaded the gun.
“$h!t Ricco what the hell are you doing with a
“You don’t think they’re going to let me walk in
there and walk back out with Frankie, do you?
This is to make sure I get her out, and I will
kill anyone who tries to stΒ©p me.”
“But Ricco, the police will be here any minute,
let’s just wait till they get here.”
“Like fvΒ’k I will, I’m going in now. You can
wait here if you want.” Opening the car door he
stepped out and walked up to the door,
Bernardo followed right behind.
Without knocking, Ricco turned the handle,
finding it unlocked entered. They were met by
one of the Bartolomei’s, security men. “Who
are you and the hell are you doing here?” The
man said, cursing at Ricco.
“I’m here for my wife. Now tell me where she
is and I might let you live.” He took out his
gun and pointed it at the man.
Just then Maria c@mΒ£ out into the hallway,
obviously annoyed at the noise and commotion
that was taking place. She looked from
Bernardo, then at Ricco, her face turning pale.
“Ricco darling, I was coming to see you. Why
are you pointing that gun?”
Ricco hissed throu-gh clenched teeth, the gun
still on the man he glared at Maria. “Tell me
where Frankie is or I’ll shoot this bastard.”
“Ricco , I have no idea what you’re talking
about. I’ve only just returned home, I heard
about your wife’s death and am so sorry for
your lost.”
“Shut the fvΒ’k up Maria, Bernardo’s told me
everything. Where is she? And you better pray
she’s alright.”
“Tell him, Maria, the police are on their way,
it’s over,” Bernardo said, looking at her,
wondering how he could have sle-pt with such
as evil, wicked person.
Ricco was losing patience and so he pu-ll-ed
the trigger, shooting the man in his shoulder,
wounding but not killing him. “Tell me, or
you’re next.” He said, aiming the gun at her.
“Ok, she’s up in the tower,” Maria said, her
legs shaking. Looking at Ricco she could tell
he was serious about shooting her.
Both brothers dashed up the stairs leading to
the tower. The castle was hvge and had many
staircases, many doors that lead to different
p@rts of the castle. It took over half an hour to
find the right staircase leading to the tower.
Ricco’s heart was racing, he couldn’t help the
feeling of dre-ad that c@mΒ£ over him. What if
she were hurt? what if she lost the baby? His
heart was breaking, first, he had to get to her,
let her know she was safe and the one’s
responsible for doing this would be punished.
They tried every hallway, every door. The one
room had a be-d in it, a table and chair, but no
Frankie. Ricco saw something out of the
corner of his eye, un-der the be-d. Bending
down he pu-ll-ed out a shoe, the other to the
one the police had given him, it was Frankie’s.
Holding the shoe he cursed out loud, ma-king
Bernardo jump. “Where the hell is she?”
They searched the rest of the rooms, still no
sign of her so they went downstairs. The
police were there. They had to pu-ll Ricco off
Maria when he took her throat in his hands,
yelling. “Where is she you bit-ch? Tell me or I
swear I’ll kill you.”
“ru-bbing her throat she glared at Ricco. “I
don’t know. She was locked in that room
where I left her. She couldn’t have gone far
without shoes.”
Ricco rubbe-d his forehead, his stomach in
knots. “Get every man you got out looking for
her, in,side as well as the grounds outside, find
my wife.” He ordered the men.
“I will help you look for her Ricco,” Bernardo
Maria was put in handcuff’s, an officer stood
guard over her. Meanwhile, the police were on
their way to Orfeo’s place.
Men were brou-ght in with flashlights and dogs,
they started searching the grounds, others did
a complete sweep of the in,side. It was close
to daylight and Ricco was frantic as he and
Bernardo walked throu-gh bushes, heading
down to the river.

EPISODE 25😜😜😜😜

Add me U.S. Bah

The sun was coming up as the two brother’s
walked into the woods behind the castle, they
were heading towards the river.
“Do you really think Frankie would have gone
throu-gh here on ba-refoot?” Bernardo asked as
he tried to keep up to Ricco.
“I don’t know, but we’ve looked everywhere
else. It would have been dark when she set out
and probably lost her way.” He replied.
Ricco kept telling himself that they would find
her, and alive. He had to, she was his life now,
he couldn’t live without her, not now, not ever.
He loved her bΒ©dy, she was slender, with a tiny
w@!st. And her brea-sts, man they were just the
right size, so firm and round. But it was not
only her bΒ©dy he loved, it was everything else,
the way she smiled, her s-en-se of humor.
But she was also smart. And get her mad
enough and boy did that temper flare up,
giving you a ton-gue lashing. She also had a
way of calming him down when he lost his
temper with someone, just by her tou-ching him
and looking at him he instantly cooled off.
The brothers made it throu-gh the woods,
calling her name as they went. They looked
around, calling out.
Bernardo gr@bbΒ£d Ricco’s arm. “What’s that
over there?” He shouts, pointing.
There was something laying on the ground,
half in and half out of the water. Being some
distances away they couldn’t make out what it
was. Ricco took off sprinting towards the
object, Bernardo following right beside him.
Then Ricco’s scre-ms were loud, coming from
back de-ep in his throat when he saw it was
Frankie. She was laying face down so he
turned her over, his hand moved the hair away
from her face as he began to sob. She laid
lifeless in his arms as he rocked her back and
“Ricco,” Bernardo shouted. “Give her CPR now
before it’s too late.” He shouted.
Laying Frankie down he started CPR, hands on
her che-st counted, then added pressure, all the
time talking to her. “Come on baby, stay with
me.” He said, his voice cracking as he fought
to hold back the sobs that threatened to break
free. “Damn you, Frankie, don’t you dare leave
Bernardo tried pu-lling Ricco away from her.
“It’s too late, she’s gone.”
Ricco shoved him away so h@rd he landed on
his rear, watching as Ricco kept going till he
finally coll@psed. Burying his face in her n£’k,
crying. “No, oh God no, plea-se no.”
Then he heard her cough, and then she started
spitting out water. Lifting his head he stared
down at her, putting a hand on her face,
tou-ching and c@rΒ£ss!ng. “Baby, thank God.”
Frankie’s eyes fluttered open, seeing Ricco she
threw her arms around him, tears streamed
down her face. He held her in his arms as he
rocked her back and forth, k!ss!ngher head
and thanking God for saving his beloved.
He felt Bernardo shaking him. “Ricco here, put
my coat around Frankie, and we’ve got to get
her some medical help.”
Once the coat was over her Ricco picked
Frankie up and carried her throu-gh the woods
and back to the castle. She clung to him,
shivering, telling him how much she loved him.
“He smiled down at her. “I love you too baby.”
“Ricco.” She quietly sobbe-d. “Our baby, I don’t
want to lose our baby.”
His heart felt as though it was being torn right
out of his che-st. He too was worried that with
all that happened she might lose the baby. But
he couldn’t let her know that. “No, you won’t, I
promise everything is going to be ok.”
“How did you find me?” She asked, her voice
“I’ll tell you everything after we get you to the
hospital, right now just rest, I’ve got you and
I’m never going to let go again.”
When they arrived the place was swarming with
police, Maria, handcuffed was being put into
the back of a police car. Bernardo was also
handcuffed and was being taken away when he
stΒ©pped to look at Ricco and Frankie.
He looked at Frankie. “I’m so sorry for
everything. But Frankie, I never wanted any
harm to come to you.”
She wept, her heart breaking at the thought of
Bernardo being behind all this.
Ricco looked at his brother, a p@rt of him
hated his brother for the p@rt he played in all
this, but on the other hand, he did come clean
in time to help save Frankie. “Bernardo, what
you and the others did is unforgivable, but you
did help me to save Frankie, for that, I’m
He was then taken away, then they were put in
the police car and driven to the hospital.
Frankie could taste the scotch on Ricco’s
breath when he gave her a long and lingering
k!ss. But she didn’t care, all that mattered was
she was safe in his arms.
Ricco carried her in,side the hospital, yelling at
someone to help them, she was put on a
stretcher and wheeled away, he held her hand
till they pu-ll-ed him away.
“plea-se Sir, let us take care of your wife. We’ll
come get you as soon as we can.” The one
nurse told him.
He gave Frankie a k!ss. “I’ll be right outside
this door Frankie. I love you.”
“I love you too Ricco.” Her eyes filled with
He saw the fear in her eyes as she was taken
away. He sat, praying to God to have mercy on
them and their unborn child.
Forty-five minutes later he was allowed to go
in and see her. She was cleaned up and when
he saw the bandages on her feet, and all the
cuts and bruises over her he felt like
weeping.and what about the baby, he still
didn’t know, nor would they until the doctor
joined them.
He went to her side, bending over gave her a
k!ssand sat on the be-d next to her. “How are
you feeling?”
“Better, but I’m scared. I can’t lose our baby
Ricco, I just can’t.” She broke down and cried,
gut wrenching sobs that shook her bΒ©dy.
Ricco cradled her in his arms, rocking her back
and forth. They both looked up when the
doctor walked into the room.


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