A Wife For My Son

A wife for my son episode 31- 32



✍️✍️ Sharon obasi ✍️✍️

Diana looked at his face and held his gaze;”you have every right to be mad at me,I … I just want to help you and make something clear to you,I promise not to step on your toes”she pledged and held the letter to his face.

“What’s that about?”he asked surprised at how cool his voice suddenly turned.

“It’s a proposal that states that you should hand over your remaining shares within two weeks,it requests for a cancellation of the new investors strategies,your company is about to be folded, David”she explained sadly.

“Arrant nonsense,no one has any right to do that!”David shouted snatching the letter from her.

“I thought as much,but this signifies a higher authority”Tricia pointed out showing him a signature on the right side of the paper.

“How could the government have heard what’s happening in here to write a proposal all of a sudden, David I think that letter is fake!”Harry said thoughtfully.

“Yes,that’s why am here… I have seen that stamp and such a write up before but I can’t really say where,it’s too different from a governmental stamp”Diana said.

“Have you seen a governmental stamp before?”Harry asked curiously.

David and Tricia looked at her immediately.They are just as curious.

“Not exactly but I know one when I see it”she said not ready to tell them the wh0le truth,it’s not exactly a lie though.

“Am not surprised”Tricia putted in rolling her eyes.

“How are you going to help me?”David asked her too calmly that she felt chilly, this wh0le thing is eating him up and she feels that it’s all her fault for worsening the situation.

“I don’t know how to explain so that you will understand,the only thing I can say to you is that I will make use of your laptop”she replied eyeing his laptop which is placed on his office table.

“Mmm”he muffled and went to sit on his chair for the first time that morning, he’s virtually calming down.

“Well,I think I will be on my way now!”Harry announced looking at David.

“Diana, I don’t think am needed here,am I ?”Tricia said with a shrug.

Diana looked over at David and knew he won’t appreciate Tricia’s presence.

“Well…if..y.. you want to go,it’s fine,then”she said giving her a peck.

“Okay,see you!..bye David!”Tricia waved and left the office first.

“How about me?”Harry grinned, though he didn’t find anything funny,but David’s posture is very comic.

“F-ck off”David snorted.

“Okay man, I gat you remember?, give me a ring when you need me”he said walking out of the office.

“Don’t wait on that,I don’t think I would ever need your help”David called after him.

“Sure!”he laughed closing the door behind him.

When they are alone, Diana lost her morale,she took her lower lip between her teeth and grinded it harshly that her flesh hurted.

“Aren’t you going to sit down and proceed?”David questioned watching her nervous behavior.

“Oh…yeah”she caught herself and sat down at one of the guest chairs.

“Here”he turned the laptop to face her.

She took deep breaths severally and gunned her attention to the work at hand.

David came to stand behind her so he would see what she’s doing,her heart accelerated to a higher degree and her blood raced.

David stuck his hands into his side pockets,that’s all he could do not to touch her.
‘Diana focus!… focus!!…you have to prove him wrong!’ Diana’s head teased her, and she hated the fact that her hands are shaking and her fingers are unsteady as it pressed the keyboard.

“How about I help you do the writing while you show me the layouts… I mean… you explain the write up while I do the writing”David offered.

“Oh…if you wouldn’t mind”She said and sprang up.

David sat down and started typing while she does the talking.

David was surprised his fingers are not shaking like hers, praise to God he’s good at concealing his emotions.

Let’s see how it goes………them working together.

“Hey babe!,care for a ride?!”Harry called after Tricia.

“Hey fella!,she doesn’t sit in a car that many ass had touched!”She whined walking towards the road to get a cab.

She and Diana had used a cab when they were coming here,her car had a flat tire on their way and she dumped it on her mechanic,he will get it normal and take it home for her.She’s not ready to with go all the trouble.

Harry came behind her and threw his arm around her wa-ist possessively.

“What the hell do you think you are doing?”she retorted looking him up and down.

“Trying to get another ass to pech on that car, it’s gonna be lonely without one”he said smiling at her.

She peeked at him contemptuously.
“It’s not just like any other ass,it’s a different kinda ass!,get your dirty hand off it”

“Tricia,why do you hate me this much?!”Harry asked giving them space.

“And who said that?”

“Your attitude towards me of course!”

She grinned widely that she feared her mouth might crack.
“You know what?… I think excessive ladies, blondes notably has turned your brain upside down,you get it?!”

“You don’t even know what I fancy”he said with a shrug.

She laughed again.

“What’s funny?”he asked holding her gaze.

“I don’t hate you Harry,I hate the man you grew up to be,one who changes ladies just like clothes”she said determined to hit a point.

“Then I should hate you too”Harry said smiling at her.

“I know,but mine is kinda different,I don’t usually sleep around with them,it’s just the date,that’s all”she didn’t know why she wants him to believe her.

“Me too”he said simply.

“Very hærd to believe”She said moving away from him,but he stopped her by getting hold of her arm.

“I’m not gonna tell you to believe me…….a clear conscience fears no accusation……just try to find out yourself”he smiled at her again and walked towards his car.

“Harry?”she called him,when he turned to look at her again,she said”I don’t know why,but I believe you”

“It’s a good thing”he smirked.

“I think I would love a ride!”she said.

“Then,hop in!”he said happily.
Thelma watched the man sitting opposite her with scrutinizing eyes as she contemplated on what to say next.

The guy looks familiar though.

“You know it’s not in my power to talk in the board meeting,my presence is prohibited highly not to talk of my voice and I don’t think I can be able to betray my boss,he hasn’t wronged me in anyway”she said trying to clear the man.

“It’s alot of money that we are talking about Thelma, think about it carefully”the man said knocking her words off.

“You know my name?,I don’t even know you…who are you?”She reacted surprisedly.

“I am someone trying to help you climb the ladder of wealth if you allow me”the man said.

“How sure are you that I will be able to do what you are asking of me?”she asked thoughtfully.

“I trust you can do it, there’s no much work for you,all you have to do is stand against him so that the company will be shutted down, and the rest will be done by me”the man said raising the glass of whiskey to his mouth for a sip.

The man is attired in black denim jeans,a white T-shirt and wide brown hat with a short rope attached to it which he tied under his chin.

Thelma looked the man from hair to toe and thought if she could trust such a man,his neatly polished shoes seems cheap for a man mentioning millions like it’s nothing.

Let it not be that this man is in the category of those men which use someone and murders the person when it’s time to pay them.
This is too risky,she had seen such cases in the movies and stories,even heard about it.

This man…. from the look of things….has something to do with the missing files she heard about in the office, though no one has heard what happened next, secrets don’t leak easily from her boss,that’s why she hasn’t or heard anyone who has gotten the full gist.

“Mmm… you aren’t saying anything”the man said clearing his throat to get her attention,she seems lost in her thoughts.Whatever is running through her mind…

Thelma’s wandering mind returned and she focused on the man with his full black l-ips,a rough nose and eyes that looks more like cats.

She took hold of the glass of juice that had been right before her untouched,she drained the juice in two gulps and placed the glass noisily on the table,her eyes never left his.

She won’t escape this,she has to tackle it with common sense.

“Can I think about it?”she asked tapping her fingers on her cheek.

“You know there’s no much time,the board meeting holds tomorrow”

“Tomorrow?!”she’s surprised”how possible is that? It’s….”

“I know, there’s nothing impossible for me to do, even you babe,if you know the texture of money,you will know when you are touching fake paper, and if you know the look of the right cards,you will never fail a game that consists of cards….

Like I said before, your work is very easy and simple, just swear in with us….me and my colleagues…then get an advance payment, and receive the rest tomorrow after the deed is done”the man said relaxing on his chair.

“Okay, I…no problems,but I have to go now and come in the evening when the rest will be here, and to avoid my boss being suspicious”Thelma said and stood up to leave.

“That’s what I like to hear,I will give you a call, it’s nice doing business with you”the man said grinning sheepishly.

He stretched his right hand towards her for a shake,she took it and smiled with a nod.

When he released her hand she turned and left the bar.

The man waited for a while before walking out as well.


“Why are we stopping here?”Tricia asked Harry batting her lashes at him.

“Won’t you like a taste of good wine?”Harry returned grinning as he pulled up beside another car that’s about moving away from the garage.

Tricia turned to look at the car that’s already turning to leave the premises of the premium restaurant.

“Isn’t that Peter?!”she asked looking at the driver of the retreating car.

“Which Peter?”Harry asked looking at the car to see for himself.

“Peter…my brother’s security man,what’s he doing here riding a car too?!”Tricia said looking at Harry who doesn’t seem to have seen the man’s face,if he did see it,she doesn’t know,he looked confused as he returned his gaze to her.

“Well, I don’t know,you don’t think you are mistaken?…”

“I’m not mistaken,I know Peter when I see him,he has worked for my brother for a long time for me to recognize him even in a crowd”she stood her ground.

“Ridiculous…. anyways,let’s go in,side and enjoy good food and best wine, honey”Harry waved the talk of Peter aside and climbed out of his car.

“You know almost all the restaurant’s in this country”Tricia ch¡pped in trying to get over the shock of what her eyes just saw.She stepped out of the car before he could come open the door for her.

“That’s because am a partier unlike your boring brother”he said throwing an arm over her shoulder.

“You know very well there’s no way you can be compared to my brother,he’s far much better than you, Playboy”she teased.

“Thanks for the compliment ma’am!”Harry said laughing.

“You are crazy!.. who’s complimenting you”

“Miss date all the guys in campus”

“That’s my name”

They laughed loudly as they walked into the restaurant.




✍️✍️ Sharon obasi ✍️✍️

Diana stood immobile like a tree, being careful not to allow any part of her body brush on David’s,the last time it did,it sent sparks through her body,she only talked.

“David,I think that person made use of your laptop”she said.

“How’s that possible?,no one has ever made use of it”

“Can’t you think of anyone at all?”

“No one… except Peter,but it’s been over one year,he used it in my presence anyways”he replied twisting his head so he would look at her face.

“All your saved files seems to be……”

A tap on the door caught their attention.

“It’s open”David said standing up.

The door opened to reveal Thelma’s face, Emily’s right behind her.
David looked at his wrist watch and gave her a stern look demanding for explanation.

“Sir, there’s a man outside that wants to see you”Emily announced.

“He can wait”David replied not taking his gaze off Thelma.

“Okay sir”Emily said bowing slightly.
She turned and walked away.Thelma stepped into David’s office and locked the door.
Thelma looked at Diana and back at David.

“Privacy?”David asked understanding the motion,Diana found her way out when the lady nodded her approval.

“Spill it”David said when they are alone,he rounded his desk and sat down on his chair.

Thelma sat down too .
“Sir… I… I don’t know if telling you this is the right thing to do but I don’t want to lie to you either because the life of this company is at stake”she began”and your life too”she added more cynically.

David’s heart beated at fast rate,he doesn’t know if he would be able to conceal his aching heart,he might just slump down and cry like a baby if she tells him everything,no matter what it is.

“Tell me,Thelma”he didn’t recognize his own voice.

Thelma started from scratch to explain how her day had been, how she’s coming to work this morning, a man asking her if she would like a lift, she had ignored him but his persistency pushed her to get into the man’s car deriving from the fact that she’s already late to work and she can’t get a taxi sooner.

How he jazzed her and coaxed her into going to an exclusive restaurant….for business, basically….the man had said until she accepted.

“Sir, I think that man has a hand in those stolen files and, Emily talked about a letter sent to your mother,am sure this man is the one behind all of these”she finalized wishing her boss would see reasons with her.

“It’s obvious”David concurred.

Thelma choked in a deep breath, thankful that he agreed with her.

“Can you be able to describe this man?”David asked carefully.

“Well…he looked familiar to me,like someone I have met before so…. I… don’t really know how to describe his staut features”Thelma said unsure of what to say about the man she left about two hours ago.

“His face is a good place to begin”David offered.

“His face…looks terrific, with all those freaky eyeballs that looked more like cats, his full l-ips with no touch of any other color, just pure black like he smokes or something…and some sort of rough nose like a rumpled fabric..

He’s tall and strongly built and dresses like someone who has been in force before”that’s all her mind could offer her, if eventually she remembers more, she thought, she would be willing to say it but her mind went blank when she tried to think more.

“David it’s Peter!”Diana shouted rushing into his office,on her hand is Emily’s laptop, Emily stood on the door way like a confused animal.

When David got over the shock of her sudden barge in,he laughed huskily.

The color on her face drained,so he doesn’t believe her?

She had been making use of Emily’s laptop and had gotten much information that his own would take decades to offer,which explains that the person who intruded in his laptop made sure his windows are frozen,now he stands there and looks at her like she’s a novice.
How dare him look down on her?.

“You don’t believe me?”she asked and hated the way her voice cracked.

“How do you expect me to believe that,Peter is my security man,he has been for… should I say two years or more…he looks up to me and I can’t imagine him trying to hurt me, he’s not capable of commiting such an offense”David said throwing his hands up in disbelief.

“Didn’t you hear what Thelma said!, though I didn’t hear everything but there’s no one else who has a more roughened nose than him!”Diana said,his words had been a slap across her face,she had been killing herself for nothing.

“Like there’s no one else who has a pointed nose like yours?”he asked finding it hærd to believe that Peter would have such a power to do something so outrageous to him.

A thought came across Diana’s mind, arguing with David is like beating a dead horse,it’s better Thelma see’s Peter’s photograph to confirm it.
She picked David’s phone from his desk and sought through it for Peter’s photo.She’s sure she has come across it before.

“Thelma,you can recognize the man if you see his photograph, right?”she questioned the lady,they might be of the same age if she’s correct,the lady is pretty with good shape,brown skinned,the kind of lady a woman has to fear that she might loose her husband to if they work together.

“Yes!…sure”Thelma replied.

Diana turned the phone screen to face Thelma, showing off Peter’s photograph,it’s not too clear but she could read a sign of recognition on her face as her eyes w¡dened.

“Yes!?.that’s him, though he’s different here but the face is just the same “Thelma said looking at David.

“Are you saying that the man in that picture is the same man that told you to stand against me tomorrow for two million dollars and also a promotion?!”David asked staring and pointing at the phone in awe.

“Yes sir!…am very sure,he wasn’t on a security uniform like this one and he rides a Toyota Camry old model which it’s painting is already fading away”Thelma explained using her hands to articulate her words.

“And this!… I figured he used your laptop to send a message across to the minister that you are sick and ready to retire,then he locked it …see it’s here”Diana said showing him words she’s sure he won’t understand because it’s in shorthand boldly written in Emily’s laptop.

David collapsed to his sit and stared at space.
“Sir,I think we should do something about it and that’s as fast as possible to avoid him getting funds through your bank account,with the way he’s sure of how to pay me,I think he has access to your bank”Thelma said looking at David.

“I think it’s better if we set him up,get the cops involved and have him caught in his own web”Emily advised moving to stand beside Diana.

“Oh yes!,that’s exactly what we should do!,but we have to think carefully about it and….Thelma?”Diana began.

Thelma looked up at her, then she continued” go on with him, accept his offer, pretend you are on the same boat with him, then send us a text when he and his members are complete during your meeting with them this evening”

“Mmm… okay, I will do just that”Thelma accepted.

“Okay,and Emily,..”she turned to face Emily.
“Cancel every schedule for today and tomorrow, but don’t allow any investor get away”


“Well.. I think you two are free to leave”

Emily and Thelma left them alone.

Diana crossed over to David and sat down on the table facing him.
She didn’t say anything,she sat and watched him.He is shaken by the unfolding events.

“I can’t believe this”he murmured with a heave.

“You have to and you need to act fast,all these should end this evening,it might be too late tomorrow”she said resisting the urge to take his hand for a reassuring squeeze.

“I… I..Diana I don’t know what to do,I don’t know where to start…”he stammered finding it hærd to convey what’s in his mind to her.
Diana knew how hærd it must be for him to admit that he’s confused and needs help, especially from her.

Her hand went instantly to touch his cheek,she ran her fingers lightly over it,he didn’t shake it off as she feared he might.

“Are you saying I should help you?”she asked wanting to know if he would accept defeat so easily,she trusts he won’t.

“I…that’s not exactly what I mean, I….”

“Shhhh,it’s going to be alright,God is already fighting your battle for you”she shushed him.Her fingers aren’t willing to leave his cheeks,it rested there so lightly that David didn’t seem to notice that it’s still there.

“What could I have done without you Diana,you made this so easy,I ….I… couldn’t have found out if not for you,am sorry for the inconveniences that my behavior must have caused”he said taking the hand she rested on his cheeks and placed it on his chest.

“No,am the dump one,I shouldn’t have accepted to deceive you like that…it’s…..”

“No!…if you hadn’t accepted to do it then you wouldn’t have come into my life, and I would have lost everything,all my father had laboured for,my legacy,his pride,he wouldn’t have been happy with me”

“Don’t say that…you would have conquered it,you are stronger than you think David, and… I trust you,I believe in what you can do and one of those things is saving your company no matter what…

Your father must be very proud of you wherever he is, your mother is too…am just sorry for putting you through this emotional breakdown, am really sorry”she mumbled lowly”would you ever forgive me for all the pains I have caused you?”she asked in a whisper.

He used the the tip of his finger to tilt her head up so their eyes would be level.

“You have done nothing wrong,I just over reacted because I thought the wh0le thing….. everything we have shared and everything you said….were all true,I never thought you or my mom would lie to me like that,I felt the wh0le thing was real”

“But it was real!”she smiled provocatively.

He chuckled and nodded”real but …mmm…”he shrugged not knowing the right word to use and describe the things running through his mind.

“Am sorry”she whispered softly.

“Am also sorry”he said standing up,he pulled her into his arms and buried his face in,side her hair,he inhaled the sweet smell of her hair and dropped k-sses on it,he wondered what sort of cream she uses on her hair and body as a wh0le,she has the most perfect skin.

“Would you also forgive your mother and sister?”she asked looking up at him.

“Sister?”he asked rolling his eyes.

“Yes!… Tricia is my best friend in school,we came to spend the holiday at your place”she stopped and laughed at his reaction”well… your mother came up with the idea of finding a wife for her son”

“You mean.. you and Tricia are best friends and school mates?!…that’s hærd to believe!”

“We are not just best of friends but roommates”she laughed huskily.

“How could you two play me like that?…who would think you two ever met …oh my…”he couldn’t hold back his laughter.

“We are good on that aspect”

“And here I was thinking that my mom and Tricia are the only drama queens I know, I never imagined you two knowing each other in anyway!”

“So… you have forgiven us?”

“Mmm…on one condition!”

“Which is?”

“Promise you will do it!”

“Huh?!!…tell me,if it’s possible I promise to do it!”

“No, promise me first!”

“Okay.. fine.. I promise”

“I don’t believe you,k-ss me for assurance!”


“Here”he pointed on his l-ips.
She k-ssed him lightly,he said that’s not acceptable,she k-ssed him again, deeply this time,he threw his head up and laughed loudly.

“Done…tell me!”

“I will tell you on bed tonight”

“You are crazy!..am already curious!”

“Bed time tale from your hubby, dedicated to my most adorable wify!”he scupped her into his arms and k-ssed her neck.

“Sweet hubby,I think you should think of what to do about tonight’s plan”Diana said freeing herself from him.

“Ooops!…joy killer!”he said dropping one last k-ss at her temple before freeing her”what do you suggest we do baby?”

She sat down on his chair and crossed her legs.

He crossed over to the other side and looked closely at her.

“Please!..shift,I need to think straight!”she swatted her hand at him.

He sat down and relaxed with smiles written over his face.

Everything is falling back in order,his joy is right before him,his company is safe as far as he’s concerned and he will get to know everything about her in bed……. rom-ntic night’s confession.

“That man was right here,I told him to wait”Emily said looking surprisedly at Thelma.

The man who came to see David,he claimed to be an investor from Nigeria brewery, Emily had told him to wait with a glass of wine while she showed Diana through the files in her laptop.

Her mind skipped the man as the few episodes of the drama took place, now she doesn’t seem to find the man anywhere around the waiting room or the secretary office (her office).

“Maybe he went to the rest room or something”Thelma suggested shrugging.

“I don’t think so… anyways,he probably got tired of waiting and left but my instincts tells me that he’s….. you know dangerous or..”

“You didn’t get his details?”

“His name, first name I presume”

“No ID card?”

“He didn’t bring any”

“That’s creepy”

“Yes… really”

“Whoever he is,he will come back if he’s serious about investing with us”Thelma said and headed out to her office.

“Yeah…see ya”


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