
Luci episode 1

🧚 The Fallen Angel 🧚
{Mated to a heavenly tyrant!}

Chapter 1.

Written by: Racheal Dennis.


Melanie’s pov 🧚

It’s been 3hours (three hours) since Gabby and I are waiting in father Reed’s office.

My eyes moved around his small, but we’ll org-nized office.

From the small statue of Jesus Christ nailed to standing on the table, to the heap of files resting on the left side of the table.

Father Reed is a very neat man and always keeps his office tidy, he doesn’t do well with dust… there are no dusty file in his shelf.

In fact, father Reed’s office is exactly like those seen in films, but he doesn’t have that typical reverend father’s look though.

My ears perked up at the squeaky sound of the door, my head turned involuntarily and I saw father Reed walked in.

“Get ready” Gabby whispered in my ear.

I chuckled quietly.

Father Reed walked straight to his chair and sat down, Gabby and I bowed our heads with a pretentious remorseful expression.

“Father” we both called him.

I can tell he’s already staring at us through squinted eyes, his spectacle must be resting on the bridge of his nose right now.

“Raise your heads” he said in a calm voice.

We raised our heads quickly, he sighed and opened his drawer, he reached for his spectacle case.

He took off his spectacle and kept it in the case, then kept it back in the drawer.

“Is it a must that we should go through this routine everyday?” He asked us.

“Father, we…”

“You’re the future of this sinful generation” he interrupted Gabby as usual.

Gabby and I exchange looks, I could tell she’s gro-ning and grumbling in her heart right now.. I bite back a laugh.

“That’s what you get for being a noise maker in church” I whispered to her, she bared her teeth at me playfully.

Father Reed seemed to caught it, he banged on the table lightly and got up.

“Be serious in all things you do, the future of this generation lies on your shoulders”

We nodded our heads in affirmation.

“If you’re not well equiped with the word, how can you face the world alone?”

He paused and sat back on his chair, he reached for a file and opened it, then put it towards us.

“You’ve written your names and it’ll soon be submitted, are you sure you can get in with this behavior? Don’t you know you’re being watched closely by higher authorities?”

My eyes focused on the list of names written in the file, my name is clearly and boldly written at the top.. in my handwriting.

I could feel Gabby’s gaze on me, but I didn’t spare her even a glance.

“To be a nun means there’s a great responsibility resting on your shoulders, it means there are gonna be a lot of temptations along the way…can you overcome them if you continue like this?” He asked.

I shook my head.

“Why can’t you can’t you just be like the other sisters, Melanie?”

He stared at me a few moments, then drifted his gaze towards Gabby.. he sighed deeply.

“Or is Gabriella the distraction? Should I separate you two by transferring you to another convent?”

“No!” Gabby and I exclaimed simultaneously.

I stared at my name on the file again, I gulped.

“Father, we are sorry.. we promise we’ll pay more attention to gospels from now on” I said.

“Paying attention is just not enough, practicing them is what matters… you’re training to be a nun and you need the word more than anyone else”

“I understand, father, I’ll do my best to put the words into practice”

“Hmm” He hummed and nodded in satisfaction.

Then there’s silence, he must be thinking of our punishments right now… Maybe I should suggest the punishment first, then he’ll give us a lighter punishment.

“Father, how about Gabby and I go on a evangelical mission?”


I nodded quickly, he squinted his eyes at me for a while then shook his head in disapproval.

“You’re not strong enough in the word… ”

“Father, you’ve been teaching us about the ways of the lord since we were kids.. of course we are strong enough” I said, pretending to persuade him, but in my heart I’m actually praying…

Please say no, please say no, please say no, please say no.


Yay! I shouted in mentally, I can imagine my subconscious mind doing pumping fist in the air and dancing in joy.

“Go to mother Emily’s orphanage, help her take care of the kids and recite the scripture with them” he said.

“Yes, father” we replied.

He leaned back on his chair, he nodded and waved his hand.

“Go get ready for school” he told us.

“Thank you, father” we thanked him and rushed out.



Gabby puffed out some air when we stepped out father Reed’s office, I also, let out a breath I didn’t know I was holding.

“We survived! God blessed us, we are safe!” She shouted dramatically.

We walked down the hallway in silence, we heard faint worsh¡p songs coming from different offices as we walked by.

After walking for a few minutes, we made it out of the hallways and took a turn, which lead to our dormitory

“Have you really made up your mind?” Gabby broke the silence.

“Made up my mind about what?” I asked her back.

“Being a you really wanna be a nun?”

“Yeah” I answered without thinking about it.

“You know, it’s not compulsory… you mustn’t be a nun simply because you were raised by a priest” she said.

I nodded.

“I know that”

“It’s good you know.. so, let me ask you again, why do you decide to be a nun, Melanie Martinez?”

Why do I decide to be a nun?
Hmm… I haven’t really thought about it, I just know I wanna be a nun.

“Lanie, don’t tell me you don’t know”

“Well, I just wanna be a nun, I don’t think there should be a reason for serving God wh0leheartedly”

She stopped walking and stared at me, I also stared at her but in a state of confusion.

“Think about it, why do you wanna be a nun.. think about it thoroughly, sister Melanie” she said in a bold voice.

I guess she’s trying to imitate father Reed’s voice, she linked our arms and we continued our journey.

“But I think father Reed is kinda being too harsh on us, we’re still kids…”

“Kids at 23?” I scoffed.

“Of course, I’m still a kid even if I’m 30”

I rolled my eyeballs.

“Let’s forget about this, we’re running late” I said.

Narrator’s pov 🧚

“Let us go, let us go.. I promise, we’ll share it 50-50.. but let us go first” a man cried, begging the lady sitting in front of him.

But she seemed like she doesn’t give a dime about him, she absentmindedly played with the knife in her hand.

He wanted to escape, but he knew that’s not an option…she might seem absentminded, in reality she’s very focused.

His eyes turned to his heavily pregnant wife chained against a pillar, she stared at him with her tear stained face.. she is begging him to help her escape.

But he could do nothing as they are both chained separately on different pillars, his heart broke.. he turned back to the lady.

“Let us go.. we can share it 60-40.. but just let us go first.. let us go before Mr Bright gets here, or we won’t have the chance to….”

He’s cut off when the doors broke and fell in a very loud bang, revealing Lucifer.

The man’s eyes slowly moved to the door, he stared at Lucifer in pure horror. Lucifer str-de in as if he owns the place.

“Well, well, well… what a wonderful plan, Robertson!” He (Lucifer) said, he smirked at the man…(Robertson).

The lady sitting in front of Robertson, stood up at once immediately she saw Lucifer.

“Master” she greeted him with a bow.

Lucifer ignored her and walked straight to Robertson, he crouched down a bit and grabbed his jaw.

“You did a great job, Carling”

He praised the lady, but he’s staring at Robertson with a smirk playing on his l-ips.

“Did I just heard you say 50-50?” Lucifer asked.

Robertson gulped slowly, he shook his head which made Lucifer huffed…he lifted himself and turned away from Robertson.

His eyes scanned the room, he realized they are in Robertson’s living room…he faced Carling.

“Carling, what was he doing when you go here?”

“He was packing up, planning on running away” Carling replied.

“Excellent!” Lucifer exclaimed.

He laughed briefly, he gazed at the big flat screen tv resting on the wall.

“Nice tv you’ve got here” he complimented.

He turned around and faced Robertson, he smirked.

“Where’s the money you owe me?” He asked.

Robertson stayed silent, Lucifer doesn’t seemed to like his silence.

He grabbed Robertson’s neck, just when he was about tightening his grip…he heard a weak whimper.

“St-stop… don’t kill him” he heard a feminine voice said.

He turned towards the sound and saw a heavily pregnant woman chained against a pole, he let go of Robertson and engrossed himself in staring at her.

This pregnant woman seemed to bring back memories, memories he’s been burying and trying so hærd to forget.

He suddenly felt a ounce sense of pity, he imagined his deceased beloved in that position…his legs itched forward to set her free, but….

“Please don’t hurt her, let her go, please…I beg you in the name of God”

Lucifer tensed when he heard Robertson’s words, a deep growl emitted from the deepest part of his throat…he glared at Robertson.

“God?!” Lucifer squinted his eyes. “Don’t bring him into this!” He growled.

He lifted his hand and Robertson’s wife was suddenly lifted off the ground, Robertson froze in fear where he was chained and he shook his head frantically.

“M-mr Bri… Bright, she.. she’s pregnant”

Lucifer’s eyes hærdened when he heard those words, he gritted his teeth and clenched his jaw even tighter.


In that fit of anger, Lucifer waved his hand swiftly, causing Robertson’s wife slammed on a wall.


A very sharp sound left her mouth, accompanied with a cracking sound….like bones being broken.

But it’s suddenly silence when she landed on the ground in a loud thud.

Robertson stared at her speechlessly, her body laid on the ground with mouth gushing out blood.

A small pool of blood quickly formed around her, staining her white blouse and turning it red.

He shook his head and cowered away from Lucifer in great fear…his wh0le body started shaking.

He was even scared, too scared of rushing to his wife for fear of what Lucifer might do to him.

“Now where is my money?!” Lucifer growled.

Robertson couldn’t speak, he continuously shook his head. His l-ips quivered as he searched for the right words to say, but his brain was failing him at the moment.

Lucifer took a few steps away from him, he (Lucifer) rested his back on the wall and tucked his hand in his pockets.

“I’ll ask you one more time… where’s my money?!”

Robertson gulped slowly.

“I..I..give me some time..give me more time..” he stuttered out when he finally gathered words.

“More time?”


“But gentleman, that wasn’t our agreement.. I’ve given you enough time, don’t tell me you haven’t gotten any money since then”

He nodded quickly.

“I..I did get some money, but..but…”

“But what?”


“You spent it all on wine and women?”

“Yes.. yes”


Robertson simply shook his head, he didn’t know what to say.

“I asked why?!”

“It’s… it’s the devil”


“The devil..he made me do it, I swear, the devil pushed me”

Lucifer furrowed his brows at once, he hit the wall behind him.. creating a dent shaped like his palm.

“The devil?!” Lucifer growled.

In a snap of a finger, he’s standing in front of Robertson with his hand tightly wrapped around Robertson’s neck.

“What has the devil done to you humans! Always pinning your misdeeds on him! I wasn’t there when you were lavishing the money!” He growled.

Lucifer slammed Robertson on the pillar, making him cough lightly.

“Do you wanna know where my name, Bright, was derived from?”

Robertson couldn’t speak, he was simply choking. Lucifer held his neck tighter, lifting him off the ground and causing his legs to dangled.

“Lucifer… do you know what it means?!”

Robertson managed to shake his head in denial, Lucifer scoffed.

“Brightest star… I am Lucifer, I am the devil whom you are falsely accusing!” He roared in Robertson’s face.

Robertson held Lucifer’s hand and tried removing it from his neck, but it’s obvious he’s not at the advantage.

“Filthy human! How about I show what the devil actually looks like?!”

Lucifer narrowed his eyes.

Robertson’s eyes w¡dened in horror when he saw Lucifer’s eyes changed to a scarlet red.. his l-ips quivered in great fear.

Color drained off his face and he went pale at once, it’s written all over him that he’s scared.

“…you…you…” No words left his mouth.

“Yes, I am the devil… it’s so sad you and your wife are gonna walk on different paths, starting now!”

Lucifer tightened his grip, Robertson couldn’t put up a fight any longer…his air lungs are blocked.

After struggling for a very brief moment, Robertson went limp, but even at that Lucifer didn’t let him go.

He made sure Robertson wasn’t breathing, then let go of him and watched as Robertson’s body fell down.

“Mr Bright, what should we do with the bodies?” Carling asked.

Lucifer didn’t reply her, he turned around and headed out. Caldwell faced Carling.

“Do with it what we’ve been doing to the others” was his reply to her.

Carling nodded.
Caldwell quickly rushed out after Lucifer, he cleared his throat quietly.

“Mr Bright, are we teleporting or walking?”

“Walking. Let’s go check out his warehouse” Lucifer replied.

Melanie’s pov 🧚


“We should have told father Reed we’re leaving” Gabby said.

I quickly shook my head in disagreement, which made her frown.


“He’ll make us recite the creed 27times” I said.

Gabby laughed, she flung her bag on her shoulder and handed my phone to me.

“I thought you’d like that, after all, you’re soon gonna become a nun and..”

“Gabby, we’re already late today, let’s go” I said.

“Yes, sister Melanie” she replied mockingly.

I simply rolled my eyeballs and decided to ignore her, we headed out of our dormitory and started walking down the long hallway.

“Do you think we should go to the orphanage first to sign in? And let mother Emily know we’re gonna teach the kids after school?” Gabby asked.

“No, father Reed must have done that already, let’s just go straight to school” I answered.

“Yeah.. that’s my thought too”

We walked in a three minutes silence, before making it to the end of the hallway.. then we headed for the exit gate.

“I think getting a cab will make us later than we already are, what do you say about walking to school?” Gabby asked.

I checked my wrist watch, I discovered we only have 20minutes left… Her suggestion is simple the best now.

“Alright, but we’re both girls.. walking in those dark alleys are actually kinda creepy and scary, do you think… ”

Gabby threw an arm around my shoulder, she held her rosary and looked up at the sky.

“We’re both blessed, God is walking with us.. we have nothing to fear” she said.

There are times when I love her faith, but there are times when I think her faith will bring us nothing but trouble.

Like right now, I have a bad feeling about us walking the alleys today.. but that’s the only shortest way to school.

“Lanie, don’t think about it too much.. it’s the only short way to school” she said what’s on my mind.

“Gabby, haven’t you heard, the shortest way is always the most dangerous?”

She scoffed.

“There won’t be any dangers today, let’s go”

Knowing I can’t win if I argue with her, I took a deep breath and sighed.

“Alright, let’s go” I said.

Let’s just hope there aren’t gonna be any dangers as she has predicted… Let’s hope I’m just being paranoid.

To be continued

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