Blind Curse

Blind curse episode 60 – 61


πŸ¦‡ #BLIND_CURSE πŸ”― πŸ”ž

Chapter 60 and 61

Written ✍ Sadiq_Infinity {Capri leo} & David Phapi Jr.



After escaping the meeting room, Severin flies in his bat form through the dark shadows to avoid the lights. Since his ring was already removed, he was now vulnerable to light which may cause him great harm.
After flying tirelessly through the shadows, Severin finally arrives at the SOS premises and flies straight into the building. As soon as he gets in, he reverts back to his vampire form and begins to walk hurriedly through the halls.
Meanwhile, Orlando who was still in,side the school was in his office burning some files in the trash bin πŸ—‘and while he was doing that, Severin unexpectedly bursts into the office startling him.

Orlando ➑ My goodness! Severin!


Orlando ➑ Relax.. (turns off the lights)

Severin ➑ Ohh, that’s better.

Orlando ➑ Is everything alright?

Severin ➑ Great Orlando. I need you. I need your help.

Orlando ➑ You look terrible, what’s wrong?

Severin ➑ I’ve been attacked and ambushed.

Orlando ➑ What!? By who?

Severin ➑ Xavier and all the other traitors! They will surely pay for what they’ve done.

Orlando ➑ Who are these traitors?

Severin ➑ The heads of the vampire family.

Orlando ➑ Why did they do that?

Severin ➑ It’s Xavier’s fault. He caused this.

Orlando ➑ What did he do?

Severin ➑ He called us for a meeting. He invited frost, Jack wolfsbane and the heads of the vampire family. He said something about the return of Omhigan, claiming our disunity was as a result of him. He even backed up his traitorous sister and what’s even worse, He’s been having an affair with some female werewolf and now he wants our nations to be united.

Upon hearing that, Orlando’s face becomes quite tense and intimidating, but he quickly composes himself in front of Severin who was too busy blabbering what had happened in the meeting room.

Severin ➑ And that’s how it came to be. Now I’ve been impeached and I have no where else to hide. I need your help Orlando. I can’t allow this traitors to get away with this.

Orlando ➑ Hmm, you’re right. They should pay for their crimes. They deserved to be punished. Do you know what their plans might be next?

Severin ➑ They’re probably planning to go public with this. I can’t allow that.

Orlando ➑ You’re right. Uh, did Xavier happen to mention where Gwen and Arthur might be?

Severin ➑ No! He didn’t. Is there a chance you could get me some blood? I’m thirsty.

Orlando ➑ Don’t worry, I can do way better than that. Just sit down and relax. You’re in safe hands now. Excuse me, I’ll be right back.

In that brief moment, Orlando goes out of his office leaving Severin alone in the place. Severin who was anxiously waiting for Orlando to return, began to roam in the office looking and peeping at Orlando’s stuff. Suddenly, he hears a shout cry of pain coming from outside the office. Severin rushes to see what was happening but he saw nobody, then again he heard another shout of pain coming from within the school halls. He zips through the hall in great speed getting closer and closer to the sound ; Finally, Severin traces the sound which came from in,side the school’s basketball court and as he gets in,side the place, He sees someone lying on the ground helplessly.
Fearing that this may be a trap, Severin uses his super vision to see if there was anything suspicious but he sees nothing. Without thinking of twice, Severin approaches the person hoping to drain him of his blood but unfortunately for him, his vile intentions had practically led him to his doom. Immediately he got closer and closer, The supposedly injured stranger quickly got up his feet and hits Severin with a blast of infernal flame.


Thanks to his speed, Severin was able to dodge the attack in the nick of time but he didn’t escape unscratched, the blast was so hot and intense that it roasted some part of Severin skin. Feeling immensely hurt and injured, Severin tried to escape but another blast was fired at him and this time around luck wasn’t on his side.

BOOM πŸ”₯πŸ”₯

The Second attack did a lot of damage on Severin that his regenerative cells weren’t able to heal him fast enough . His left arm was amputated, his face was severely burnt and there was a huge h0le in his mid section.
In that helpless state, Severin notices that his attacker wields a short staff which has a shiny red gem on it and as his attacker got closer to him, He was surprised and shocked beyond belief as he saw his face.

Severin ➑ O- O – Orlando??? It can’t be.

Orlando ➑ (laughs) Ha, ha, ha… Your eyes don’t deceive you Severin, what they see is the reality.

Severin ➑ Why? Why – are – you – doing – this?

Orlando ➑ Why? I’ll tell you why. You should have listened to Xavier because everything he said is true.

Severin ➑ What are you saying?

Orlando ➑ (smiling wickedly) Haven’t you guessed it yet?

Peering into the eyes of Orlando, Severin trembles in shock as he gets a terrifying realization. Before long, his body begins to shiver with fear as he regrets every minute of his condition.

Severin ➑ It can’t be. This can’t be true.

Orlando ➑ Oh but it is.. It is I… Omhigan (laughs maniacally)

Severin ➑ How? It’s been millions of years! How can you still be alive?

Orlando ➑ Magic and Science. With the vast knowledge I’ve acquired over the centuries I was able conquer death.

Severin ➑ It doesn’t make sense. If you wanted to finish what you started why did you bring the clans together in the first place? Why create this school?

Orlando ➑ It’s quite complicated. You see after my defeat, I learnt one thing and that was to know my enemies and how they think. It wasn’t possible for me to destroy the clans without the *BURNING STAR* and I didn’t have the resources to boost it’s destructive power but then I realized something. Back when the clans were united, there was prosperity and progress, their cooperation led to great inventions and innovations ; So I decided that the only way to finish what I started was to unite everyone except the vampires and the Werewolves. Your clans are worthless, they’re only useful when it comes to strength.
It was fun watching the bad blood history between the two of you but when it comes to innovations and intelligence, that’s where Wizards and humans come in. Together, this two nations combined their knowledge and resources to create a better world, their best invention so far was the creation of Technology. It gave me the opportunity to do what I couldn’t do all those years ago but then again there was something I didn’t count on and that was secret rom-nce between some members of your clan. The union of the vampires and werewolves is something I can not allow and that is why I have killed any cross breed couple to prevent them from mating with each other but unfortunately it seems that one of the couples managed to give me the slip by hiding their hybrid child, I don’t know how it happened but now I’m regretting it. Killing that Gwen and Wolfire is all I want and once they’re out of the way, I will finish what I started.

Severin ➑ You won’t get away with this.

Orlando ➑ Oh but I already have. I may have failed to launch the Solar generators but now I have a new plan. The destruction of the nations is inevitable, the hour is fast approaching but first I need to find that red haired wench and her hybrid lover.

Severin ➑ What are you planning you monster!?

Orlando ➑ That’s an interesting question but unfortunately, you shall to be dead to hear the answer! DIIEE!!

Aiming his staff at Severin’s direction, Omhigan tries to finish him off but before he could do that, Severin gathers the little strength in him and slashes Omhigan’s face with his claws. Feeling the pain of the unexpected attack, the genocidal goblin steps back and holds his face painfully, giving his victim an opportunity to escape.
After making his quick get away, Severin dashes to the monitor room where all the CCTV cameras are being connected. He quickly transfers the cam feeds for that evening into the hærd drive and then removes it from the computer ; after that he exits the monitor room and tries to leave the school.
Unfortunately for Severin, Omhigan had already caught up to him and began to blast multiple shots of flame at him but due to his earlier injuries, Severin couldn’t dodge the incoming attacks. Despite his severe wounds, Severin managed to keep a huge gap between him and Omhigan.
Seeing that his victim was about to escape, Omhigan quickly turned on all the lights of the school halls making it difficult for Severin to get away.
Realizing that he was on the verge of death, Severin decided to hide the hΓ¦rd drive someplace else where Omhigan would never find it. Luckily for Severin, he was close to the student’s lockers so using the little time he had, he slid the hΓ¦rd drive underneath the locker and awaited his terrible fate. The bright lights was burning his skin and his strength was slowly fading away from him.
Seconds later, Omhigan appears and approaches his half dead victim, standing over him. Seeing that Severin was almost dead, the genocidal goblin finished him off without delay. After concluding his evil act, Omhigan touched his face annoyingly for some seconds before heading to the monitor room and as soon as he arrives there he destroys everything in the room, burning it to the ground.


πŸ¦‡ XAVIER πŸ¦‡

3 months had passed since that meeting and things were gradually starting to change for the better. 4 days after the meeting, Every leader of the respective nations met and discussed on live TV, telling everyone the truth about our history. The entire world was shocked by this revelation and the best part was nobody made a fuss. The media went wild with interviews and the streets was filled with newspapers not to mention the social media blogs which went mad with tweets and chats.
At first, it was hΓ¦rd for everyone to accept this revelation but it didn’t take long before they accepted the truth and that was all thanks to the leaders of the nations, who paved the path to peace and cooperation by showing their alliance publicly but what shocked the entire world the most was the truth about Omhigan’s existence.
It wasn’t long before the Allied – Supernatural – intelligence – agency (A.S.I.A) issued a hunt for Omhigan, they exonerated Gwen and Arthur for the crimes they were accused of. It was really nice to see that things were going smoothly at last.
Although despite all this progress and cooperation, the world was still disturbed by the fact that Omhigan was still out there. His existence sent fear into the hearts everyone making hΓ¦rd for people to trust one another. It was certain that Omhigan was hiding his face but it wasn’t possible to search everyone around the globe just to catch.
Orlando who was in full support of Omhigan’s capture did his own part by making heart felt speeches that eased the minds of the people. Everyone thanked him for his service and he pledged to do whatever it was to give hope to the people. Speaking of service, Orlando wasn’t the only one that was busy. The NYPD too was neck deep in work doing all we can to find the mad goblin. Every method and process was used to track him down ; still there was no sign of him.
One Tuesday evening, I was in the office checking on the files that I got from Gilgamesh months ago. The file contained sales which were all very expensive and the funny thing was, everything was pointed to the CEO of TRISCORP power company, Mr. Morg-n.
Considering his high profile, it was hΓ¦rd to believe that a man such as himself would be involved with Omhigan but the items in file had nothing to do with the company’s product.
After going through the files, I decided to pay a visit to Mr. Morg-n and interrogate him about these purchases. His company deals only on energy appliances but on this file the items here are mostly objects related to aerodynamic stuff.
After leaving the office, I headed to the parking lot towards my car but immediately I got there, I sβ‚±0tted Orlando heading towards me.

Xavier ➑ Greetings sir.

Orlando ➑ Xavier, it’s good to see you.

Xavier ➑ Me too. What brings you here?

Orlando ➑ I came to see you actually. I know it’s not my business but don’t you think it’s time for Gwen to return, after all she has been exonerated.

Xavier ➑ You’re right but I don’t know where she is.

Orlando ➑ What a shame! I just miss her. She’s troublesome but she’s brilliant. It’s sad that she won’t be graduating this year with her class mates.

Xavier ➑ Yeah. Well, I have to get going now.

Orlando ➑ You’re going on a date, I suppose?

Xavier ➑ No.. I’m going to see Mr. Morg-n.

Orlando ➑ The CEO of TRISCORP?

Xavier ➑ Yes, there’s something I need to ask him.

Orlando ➑ Alright then, carry on. Have a good night.

Xavier ➑ You too.

Shortly after that, Orlando and I parted ways, I soon got into my car and drove straight to Mr. Morg-n’s house.
The premises of Mr. Morg-n’s house was quiet by the time I arrived there, the lights were on but there was no sound or movement, just dead silence. I waited in my car for some minutes before heading straight into the house. By the time I got to the front door, I realized it was slightly open. At first, I knocked at the door several times but there was no answer so I snuck into the house and began to walk around quietly.
Then suddenly, there was a bright light and tremendous heat coming from upstairs and before I knew it a loud scre-m of agony echoed the entire house. As quickly as I could, I rushed upstairs to see if I could help but it was already too late by the time I got there. Here in,side his bedroom, Mr. Morg-n’s corpse was set ablaze and standing just a few meters away from him was the infamous, Omhigan.
Coming face to face with this ancient being paralyzed me temporarily, I could barely hold myself up. His presence was intimidating and his goblin form was the ugliest thing I’ve ever seen.

Xavier ➑ Omhigan!

Omhigan ➑ Xavier rom-nov. It’s a surprise to see you here but still it won’t matter. This house will be your tomb.

Xavier ➑ Shut your filth mouth goblin and let’s fight. I hope you can keep up.

Omhigan ➑ Arrogant brat!! DIIEEE!.

In a blink of an eye, Omhigan blasted a huge beam of flame at me, I dodged quickly in time and rushed at him with great speed. My intention was to get behind his back and twist his neck but the damn goblin put up a good defense. He kept firing blasts of fire at me continuously as if he wouldn’t stop. Seeing that the fire power was too much, I decided to take cover and hide.
Then suddenly, it dawned on me that I have a gun on me so without hesitation, I brought it out and shot the goblin. Our battle was just an exchange of fire power but his was much more powerful than mine and his attacks was beginning to burn down the house.
Finally, I ran out of bullets and I was forced to wait for an opportunity to strike the mad Goblin.

Omhigan ➑ You can’t hide forever boy.. I will find you and eradicate you, just like I did to Severin.

Xavier ➑ What!? You killed Severin?

Omhigan ➑ Precisely and once I’m done with you, your sister and girlfriend are next.

I was infuriated by what Omhigan said and I wanted to rush in and kill him once and for all but the flames he was throwing at me was too much for me to handle. While I was hiding behind my cover, I noticed 3 metal pebbles lying right next to me. An idea popped into my head and I quickly used it to my advantage, Omhigan may have a devastating fire power but when it comes to speed he was no match for me. Instantly, I swung my right arm 3 times and threw the pebbles one at a time with great force. The pebbles went so fast zipping through the air like bullets and luckily for me, one of them landed and smashed Omhigan’s left eye.
The Genocidal goblin yelled in pain, lowering his guard. Seizing that opportunity, I rushed towards him and began to throw punches.




Punching Omhigan felt incredibly good, I gave it my all unleashing my hate and anger with each punch. After a 2 rounds of massive punches, I creamed him hærd with a powerful upper cut that sent him flying across room. Omhigan crashed hærd on the floor but he surprisingly managed to get up his feet.

Omhigan ➑ You’re a worthy opponent but I don’t have time for you… YET.

Xavier ➑ You’re not going anywhere, this is where you will die.

Omhigan ➑ We shall see. Let’s see if you can withstand 90Β° degrees of heat.

Suddenly, Omhigan threw a small object close to my feet, the object looked like a tennis ball. Before I could react or do anything, the object began to shake tremendously on the ground tearing itself apart and in that moment bright rays of light began to burst out through the object.
Before long, the atmosphere became tense and my senses began to scre-m signs of imminent danger. Momentarily, I realized what was to happen, so I quickly dashed out of the room and zoomed out of the house. Within a blink of an eye, Mr. Morg-n’s house exploded to smithereens, the impact of the explosion was devastating that the ground itself shook tremendously for some minutes.
After the explosion, I approached the remains of Mr. Morg-n’s house to see if I could find the corpse of Omhigan but all I could find was traces of his footsteps in the rubble. It was no surprise that he survived this terrible explosion cause after all he’s a goblin and goblins are immune to fire.
Things had now taken a drastic turn and it was obvious that Omhigan was out for the hunt but there was something that bothered me.
The death of Morg-n was quite a setback cause he must possessed some highly valuable information, it must be the reason why Omhigan killed him so that nobody would know about it but then again what was the purpose of these items that were purchased by Morg-n?. It seems I have to dig deeper and find out what it is.


Next Episode ➑ Evidence

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