Average Boy

Average boy episode 29-30

🌺Average Boy 🌺
By Hossana Isaac O.
🌺(Hossy American Series) 🌺
🌺Chapter 29🌺
🌺🌺Tori Vega’s POV 🌺🌺
I was bewildered but I didn’t show it.
I’m pregnant for Beck? Beck that is no where to be found?
Me: but.. How about the accident? Why didn’t I loose the pregnancy
Doctor: well during that time you were only a day pregnant. It was more like a fertilized egg. It was still a zygote, not yet mature so it wasn’t fragile. If the accident happened at two weeks of pregnancy, there’s a possibility that you might have lost it.
I rubbed my temples and took the test results from the doctor’s desk
Doctor: I prescribed some drugs for you. Also, you have to watch your diet now. No more junk food and exercise daily but not too technical exercises. Rest well and drink a lot of water, okay
I didn’t reply. I just looked at the papers. I sighed and stood up
Me: thanks doc
He nodded and I walked out. I went to the pharmacy and got the drugs then headed out. I sat in the car and called Jade
📲hello Jade
📲Tori where are you? I just came to see you but you’re not in the house
📲I’m at the hospital
📲why? What’s wrong?
📲Jade… I’m pregnant… for Beck
She was quiet. I sighed cause I really needed her to say something
📲come home
I hung up and started the car then drove home. She was in my room waiting
Me: hey
My voice was so dull. I don’t even know if she heard it
I closed the door gently and collapsed on the bed.
Jade: does your dad know about this?
Me: no.. I just got back from the hospital. I didn’t tell anyone but you
Jade: I know this is going to be hærd, but you have to keep the baby
I sat up. Not like I have plans of getting rid of it but I just want to know her reasons
Jade: this baby is the only thing you’ll use to remember Beck, that’s if he’s not found. And.. If he comes back, he’ll be thrilled to find you carrying his baby. The baby’s the love you guys shared. It has to stay
Me: I’m scared. Jade I’m just eighteen
Jade : I know. But you can do this
Me: but, how about school…. I don’t wanna drop out
She thought for awhile
Jade : we’re almost done with high school. You can still finish up. Just two months
Me: and college?
Jade: you can get into college after the baby is born.
Me: won’t it affect my music career?
Jade: you can keep the baby a secret then
I sighed and nodded. Now how I’m I going to tell dad that he’s little princess is pregnant at eighteen and will be a mother before twenty
Just then the door flung open, it was dad
Dad: Tori?
My heart leapt. Did he overhear our conversation?
Me: yes….dad…
He stared at me with hurt in his eyes. Jade looked at us and stood up
Jade: I’ll excuse you
She left and he entered. He was wearing Jean shorts and a grey shirt. His hair was damp. I guess he just had a shower
He sat beside me and looked at the wall opposite us. He didn’t say anything
I was scared. Why is he like that? Could it be news about Beck? Or is it the pregnancy? Should I tell him first or wait and hear what he has to say?
I heaved a deep sigh as anxiety flowed through my veins.
He finally faced me
Dad: you were at the hospital today?
I nodded
Dad: you’re sick?
Me: pregnant..
I looked into his eyes but didn’t see any atom of surprise. Did he know?
He looked away
Dad: just as I feared
My tears began to fall on their own
Me: dad I’m sorry… I’m so sorry..
He looked at me and his eyes became dull
He pulled me into a side hug and began to wipe my tears
Dad: it’s okay baby. It’s fine. Everything happens for a reason
He stroke my hair gently and k-ssed my hair
Me: I’m a disappointment daddy
He brought my face up
Dad: disappointment? Tori Vega a disappointment? In what aspect? Because she got pregnant for the man she loves? Or because she stood strong even after passing through traumatic experiences? Or is it because she escaped death? Is it because Beck is missing and she refused to get depressed? Is Tori Vega a disappointment because of all these?
He looked into my eyes
Dad: no…. She’s not. Instead, she’s the strongest rich teenager I know. Other rich girls in your shoes would either commit suicide or become drug addicts and club girls. My Tori isn’t a disappointment
I blinked away my tears and hugged him
Me: I love you daddy. I love you so much
Dad: I love you more… So much more…
I wiped my tears
Dad: so what do you intend doing now
Me: I’m going to keep the baby
He nodded
Dad: and I promise to support you through out
Ten Years Later
🌺🌺Benedict’s POV 🌺🌺
I stretched on my bed and opened my eyes. I saw someone opening my windows. I looked up to see mom
Mom: up already?
I scre-med and jumped off the bed
Me: mom!!
I ran into her arms and she caught me and lifted me up, despite my weight
Mom: I’ve missed you sweetie
She dropped me and squatted
Me: when did you return?
Mom: last night. But you were already asleep. I didn’t want to wake my little Prince Charming
She touched my cheek and hair
Me : I’m so glad you’re back from tour. I watched you everyday on television. I even saw how you played games with D Code on the beach in Brazil
She laughed and stood up to arrange my bed.
Mom: that was on the day of my first concert there
Me: mom I’ve really missed you. I felt jealous when I saw you looking happy and lively. While I’m dying of boredom in this huge house. I sometimes feel like I’m swallowed up in it
Mom chuckled and sat on the bed, I sat beside her and she unbuttoned the upper buttons on my pyjamas
Mom: guess what?
Me: I’m not guessing.. Just tell me
Mom: I cancelled all my tours this year. Except for the one in Mexico City, and it’s still three months away. When I’m going, you’re tagging along. Let’s take a Mexican vacation. And I’m only going to focus on my music video after the concert and you’re featuring in it. You and your dance team
I jumped up
Me: awesome!!!
I began to dance and she laughed
Mom: breakfast is ready. Let’s go
Me: I’m coming down, let me go to the bathroom
Mom: Kay Kay… And we’re going to see Jade tonight
Me: she’s in town too?
Mom: since two days ago
Me: and you didn’t tell me so we could go bowling? You should have texted her to come see me
Mom: whatever..
I chuckled and entered the bathroom. Today is the happiest day since this year. Mom’s back!
🌺🌺Tori Vega’s POV 🌺🌺
I climbed down the stairs gently. I got a call from Jessica, my personal assistant.
📲yes Jess
📲Tori, Cat says you forgot your diamond necklace in the dressing room in London
📲tell her to take it
📲okay ma’am
I hung up and turned to go towards the dining room
Cat is now a fashion designer, based in England. She’s the one taking care of my costumes and for some other artistes.
She’s also a partial back up singer for me
Jade is an actress. She acts mostly action movies
And I am a singer. One of the best. I am the only female singer with the highest fans in the world.
I’ve worn awards. Lots of them. I worn a Grammy Award last year.
I walked to the table and sat down. My stewardess uncovered the food and I stared at the different dishes. I sighed and took my cutlery. I’m so tired, but I’m happy that I’m home with Benedict Oliver. I’ve missed him so much.
I lost hope of ever falling in love after waiting for five months, one year, two years, five years, eight years, and now ten years without Beck.
We never found him.
But I fell in love with the cutest, most passionate and understanding personality in the world.
I love him so much. My Benedict. I sometimes feel guilty because I hærdly spend time with him but he’s as understanding as always.
I just wish he knows his father. He looks so much like Beck. The hair, the eyes, the looks, the dance moves. His charming voice.
Benedict is so cute.
I wanted to keep him a secret but I couldn’t. I had to let the wh0le world know I have an angel as my son.
Benedict is a partial kid actor. He acted as Tonnie in Summer Sunshine and also Manuel in Dance Tour. He acted as Jackie Luis in Super and Dennis in Empire, a Disney movie.
He already gained popularity on his own as an actor and a great kid dancer, much more than the popularity he got as the son of award winning Tori Vega.
Lately, he has been concentrating on school so he hasn’t been acting. Just learning new dance steps
He came into the dining room
Me: come sit quickly. I can’t start eating without you
Benedict : that’s good to hear. I thought you would have finished. I would have forced you to eat again…. And you’ll get fat and ugly. And your voice will s-ck… And no one will buy your songs. And you’ll become broke and rely on the money I make only
I laughed
Me: would you want that?
He shrugged
Benedict : even if you’re my mom, I still don’t want a liability. I’m still too tender for that
I smiled at him.
He began to dish out the food by himself, he never allows a maid do it. I don’t know why.
I decided to dish mine too and signalled for the stewardess to excuse us
Benedict : mom, I wanna have long hair like b-oboo Stewart. But mine would just be jawlength.
Me: why?
Benedict : I love long hair. It would suit me. And I’d be really good looking
Me: like Beck…
Benedict : he had long hair?
Me: dude, you’ve forgotten so easily. Come on I showed you his pictures.
Benedict : ohhh sorry… My bad
I chuckled and ate quietly. His next question got me thinking
Benedict : do you think that dad could still be alive?
To Be Continued
Written by Hossy
🌺Average Boy🌺
🌺By Hossana Isaac O.🌺
(Hossy American Series)
🌺Chapter 30🌺
🌺🌺Tori Vega’s POV 🌺🌺
I smiled and sliced my lettuce. I’m on a strict veggie diet.
Me: if he’s alive, he’d come back. There’s no place that our name hasn’t been heard. Beck must have heard about us and would have come back. I just don’t think he’s still there
I sighed. I don’t think he’s there but I wish he’s there.
Benedict : well, I hope he’s alive and not married. Cause if he is married, there’s no way he’ll come back
My heart sank. That could be true.
Throughout breakfast, I was lost in thought. Thinking about Beck. It really hurt me to think he’d be married. Maybe with kids. Happy and in love with a different woman.
It really hurt my feelings. I was still in love with him, I never stopped. I thought I would but Benedict made me love him more. I dreamt of having a complete family, with Beck and Bene.
After breakfast, we went to swim then went out to the mall
🌺🌺Tessa’s POV 🌺🌺
I curled my hair and brushed it down. I wore a black shirt and Blue Jeans. I smiled at my figure, I looked so much like my idol. This is the way she dresses. The shape of my face looks a lot like hers and our hair color is also the same. I love Tori Vega so much. Unfortunately, my dad hates music. He hates movies and TV stuff. He doesn’t even have a cellphone. Only a telephone in his office and at home
My name is Tessa Rudy. I’m twelve years old. I live with my dad Christophe Rudy and we live in Mexico.
Today dad and I are going to watch polo on the beach. He has been busy for a long time now and today he’s free so he decided to take me out.
I brought out my headset and decided to plug it for charging since its almost down.
Just as I tried doing that, a knock came on. I know it’s dad. I quickly hid the headset under my pillow and sat on the bed, bending like I was going to tie my shoe laces
Dad: you’re ready baby?
Me: just my shoes dad
He chuckled
Dad: it’s always your shoes Tessa. Always your shoes
Me: when I’m fifteen, it’s going to be my nails
Dad: I’m going to have to save up before that time. You’d need a lot
I smiled as I stood up
Me: I’m done
Dad: you look good
I gave him a fist pump and we left the room. I was glad he didn’t see me with a headset, or else I’ll ruin his day. The last time he caught me with Ella’s earplugs, I almost cried because of his vulgarity towards me. I wonder why dad hates music so much. He even hates dancing more.
He said entertainment is a waste of time and energy. He believes that one should do what can benefit the body. Health is his number one priority. He doesn’t eat junk food and drinks. He takes strictly vegetables and homemade dishes. He doesn’t like pizza. Doesn’t like cake. My dad’s life is so not enjoyable
Despite all these, I fell in love with music and TV shows. I love to sing and dance. I’m not so good at dancing but I can sing a lot. My classmates always said I sang like Tori Vega. Even better than her. That’s why everything I do is to be like her. I have tons of her songs in my phone. Yeah I have a phone. A phone dad knows nothing about. Dad doesn’t even know I love music. He thinks I’m his obedient little girl
Well, I am obedient but when it comes to music, I’m not.
Dad: I’m only doing this because I missed you
He opened the door to his car for me and I sat in. I smiled as he sat in. My dad is really good looking but he looks really older than his age. He looks forty but he’s just twenty-eight.
One thing dad doesn’t joke with is his hair. I don’t know why. He has brown jawlength hair. He also has a little goatie and a moustache that’s always brushed up and tidy.
I know some of my teachers have eyes for him. They always report me even on the slightest mistake, just so they can talk with him.
But I thank God dad doesn’t have eyes for a woman. I think he secretly despises them cause since my mom died, he never brought a lady home for any reason. Not even his secretary visited him. He doesn’t even have friends.
Dad: I’m taking a leave of absence in the next three months
Me: really. For how long?
Dad: a month
Me: a month??
Dad: surprised?
Me: hell yeah I’m surprised…
Dad: so what do you want us to do? Take a vacation?
Me: yes please. Let’s go to the capital city please…
I was surprised and happy. Tori Vega is coming to Mexico in the next three months for a concert and dad is taking a leave. I have to seize this opportunity. I need to go there live. I’m actually gonna dodge there
Dad: Mexico City? Hmm..
Me: dad please. I always dreamed of going to the capital….
I pouted as he glanced at me.
Dad: okay. We’ll go to the capital.
I squealed and lifted up my arms. Dad chuckled and drove on. I was so happy
Tori Vega here I come!
🌺🌺Beck Oliver’s POV 🌺🌺
I drove my daughter to the beach for the polo game that my colleagues were going to play. I now work in a big ranch as the manager.
I’ve struggled for the past ten years since I left USA. It hasn’t been easy for me at all. I managed to get some education and got employed. Before then I had already gotten Tessa. She was my only joy. The reason I smiled. As she grew up, she reminded me of only one person, Tori. Tessa looks like her, talks like her and even the smile. I knew Tori came back in form of Tessa, just to be with me again. That’s why I love Tessa so much. She’s my darling angel
Tessa : dad look…
She pointed to her principal, Mr Lorenz Bruno.
Tessa: he looks like a monkey
We both laughed
Me: I don’t know why you dislike him
Tessa: dad, everybody does. No one likes him. Not even the teachers
Me: I know of someone who likes him
Tessa: who?
Me: his wife
She laughed
Tessa: he doesn’t have a wife
We laughed together
Me: he’s so unlucky then
Tessa: are you saying you’re unlucky too? Cause you don’t have a wife anymore
I smirked
Me: he’s unlucky because people don’t like him. And at least his wife would have liked him but he doesn’t have one. I’m not unlucky cause people like me Tessa.
Tessa: especially Miss Guello…
I laughed. Miss Guello is her grumpy teacher. Very fat. She likes me a lot. Even asked me out last year
Me: don’t get me started
She chuckled and arranged her hair. She’s pretty
🌺🌺Tessa’s POV 🌺🌺
Two months had already passed, I was arranging my things for the vacation next week. I was really happy and looking forward to it. Dad and I were going to one of the best hotels in Mexico City. The place is mainly for vacations and totally for people with the money. Celebrities vacate there. It’s going to be so much fun. I’m sure dad doesn’t know there’s a tendency of me listening to music there, or maybe he even knows.
I was listening to Tori Vega’s new song titled Reason Why. I really loved it. She even featured her son in the video. Gosh he dances like a pro. He’s about my age mate. I do watch his movies. He acts for Disney.
I looked through my things and saw a broken bracelet. I have been looking for it for months, I never knew it was under my bag and even broken. I picked it up and decided to get bonding glue from dad’s drawer.
I strolled to his room, he wasn’t there. I drew out his locker and looked through. I’m sure I once saw a bonding glue here. I looked through all of it but didn’t see it. I sighed and opened the little drawer by the side. It was filled with dusty books
Me: there’s no way it would be here
I coughed as the dust went flying out. I wanted to close it back when I saw a picture under a book. Out of curiosity, I pulled it out and cleaned the surface cause it was brown with dust.
It was dad’s picture when he was younger. The place looked like a classroom. A girl had her hand over his neck and she was holding a phone. Her face wasn’t clear, moisture had washed that part off.
I began to wonder who she was. Could it be my mom? Dad said she passed away when I was born and he didn’t show me any of her pictures.
I looked intently at the picture trying to decipher the face. The brown hair was long and curly like mine. That was the only part of her head that was visible.
Just then Dad came in
Dad: Tessa what are you doing today?
I looked up at him and showed him the picture
Me: is this mom?
He stared at the picture with shock in his eyes. He stood still, not moving. I could see his eyes turning watery. I was confused as I looked at him
Dad: yes… That’s mom
To Be Continued
Written by Hossy

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