Her Quest For Revenge

Her Quest For Revenge Episode 3 – 4



“Hey, you. What are you doing there?” Someone said from behind

He looked behind and saw two men all dressed in black. They were carrying some boxes in their hands.

He got off the van and ran away before they could react.

*I have to inform my superior about this* He said as he ran…

Meanwhile the two men stood, surprised at what just happened.

“Did he just escape?” The first man said.

“We have to inform our boss” the second one said.


Nathaniel walked out of his room, heading downstairs. Today, he doesn’t have classes so he has the wh0le day for him alone.

He met his mother sitting on the couch as she knit a sweater.

“Good morning mom” He said and k-ssed her on the cheek.

“Morning Nate. You woke up pretty late today, Jenny left two hours ago.” His mom said.

“That’s better than seeing her home, doing nothing.” He said.

“I’ll be leaving now mum, I have some meeting to attend to” He said and walked out of the house.

His father died of asthma so right now, he only has his mother and little sis to protect.

He entered in one of his fleets of cars and then drove out of his huge mansion heading to the studio.


Mr Martinez walked in the police station and he immediately headed to his superior office.

He knocked on the door

“Come in” Commissioner Roberto Brown said.

He opened thr door and walked in.

“Good morning commissioner” He said as he saluted.

“Morning, have a seat please” He said with a smile.

He sat down with a heavy expression on his face…

“Commissioner, I came to report to you about the results of my patrol” He said.

“Please continue” He said

“I saw a van not to far from this street the van was loaded with drugs, marijuana” He said.

Roberto spranged up from his seat.

“What? Marijuana? This is bad, have your squad prepared. We’ll be leaving for a mission” He said

“Yes boss!!” He said and walked out of the office and then went to prepare is troops.


“Catherine, how about we go have fun tomorrow” Roxanna asked as they walked out of the school.

It was closing time.

“Sure, tomorrow is Saturday. Let’s chillax for some days” Catherine said.

“Chillax?” Roxanne asked.

“Yeah, chill and relax” She said and they laughed.

They walked out of the school when suddenly a car sped almost hitting Roxanna. Luckily someone pulled her out of the way by the wa-ist, she landed on the person chest.

Roxanna looked up and almost fainted as she saw who saved her…

“Are you okay miss?” Nathaniel asked.

“Y…yes? I think so” She stuttered.

Actually Nathaniel came to pick up his little sister but a huge crowd of reporters began chasing him, together with some crazy fans.

He released her as he heard the noise coming from behind. He then began running away.

*Gosh, why did I forgot my shades and nose mask* He thought as he tried to run away from them.

Roxanna stood still as she continued staring at the direction he took, completely lost in thoughts.

“Wow girl, looks like luck is on your side. Can’t believe you got saved by your crush” Catherine said…

“Come on let’s go before another vehicle tries to kill you” Catherine said as she dragged her out of the area.


Mr Martinez punched the wall angrily as they got back from the mission.

“Can’t believe they got away,” He said.

“Don’t worry, well catch them next time” One of his colleagues said.

“You’re right, there’s always a next time” He said as he began calming down.

He looked at the time and it was getting late.

“I have to go right now, my family might be waiting for me” He said as he picked his coat and walked out of the police station.

He entered his car and drove off, unknown to him that another car was tailing behind him.

He parked his car and alighted it before walking in his house.

The other two men who were in the car that was following him remove the phone and dialed a number.

“Boss, we followed him like you said. What next?” He said as he looked at the house.

“Good job, now I want you to go to that house tomorrow and kill everyone in that house. It’s not a pathetic family that will ruin my plans” He said from the phone.

“Okay boss” He hung up and drove off….


“Mela, Roxy, daddy is home” Mr Martinez said.

“Dad!!” Roxanna said from her room. She ran downstairs and jumped on her dad, hugging him tightly.

Camella came downstairs and hugged her dad too.

“Looks like you guys missed me” He said and chuckled…

They released him, he then walked up to his wife and k-ssed her deeply.

“Awwn love” Camella and Roxanna said as they made faces…

They broke the k-ss and laughed.

They then walked to the dining room and settled, ready to eat.

“Dad, you won’t believe what just happened to me. The famous singer, Nathaniel Davis saved me” Roxanna said as she munched on her food.

“That your crush again?” Her mother said as she stabbed her meat bringing it to her mouth.

“Mum, he’s not my crush. I just like his music that’s all” Roxanna said.

“Yeah, you much like his music that you have his picture all round your room. You made his picture your wallpaper. You smile each time they mention his name. Wow, that’s a great way of showing how you love someone music” Camella said sarcastically.

Roxanna scoffed and continued eating her meal as they other laughed…

__________Next day (afternoon)

Roxanna walked out of her bathroom with a towel round her body. She sat on a seat and applied her cream. She then wore a white top with a pink skirt and then she wore her white sneakers.

She took her brush and brushed her hair and made sure to fix her bangs properly and she smiled at her reflection.

She then picked her phone and walked out of her room.

Since it’s Saturday, her father is at home.

“Mom, dad, I’m going out with Cat.” She said as she entered the living room.

“Sure baby, have fun and don’t stay for too long” Her mother said as she cuddled with her father while watching TV.

She smiled as she saw the cute actions they displayed to each other.

*I wish that someday, someone will love me just the same way dad loves mum* She thought.

She shrugged and quickly walked out of the house. She saw Camella walking to the gate.

“Sis!!” She called and ran to her.

“Roxy, are you also going out?” Camella asked and she nodded.

“Alright come on let’s go.” Camella said and they walked out of the house

They took a cab which dropped Roxanna infront of Catherine house. She waved at Camella and the cab drove off.

Immediately Catherine walked out of her house.

“Wow, you look sxy. Any occasion?” Roxanna asked.

“Come on, stop flattering me. Compared to you I look like rotten tomato.” Catherine said which made Roxanna chuckle.

“You’re crazy” She said as they began walking to the direction of the zoo.

They reached at the zoo and they took many funny pictures with the variety of animals there.

After the zoo, they went to the club where they danced like mad people. That’s just the way they are always crazy.

At one point the bartender saw them.

“Hey you two what are you doing here. This is a club reserved for adults” He scre-med.

“Run!” Roxanna said and they began running, pushing the people out of their way.

They ran out of the club and sat down at a nearby bench as they caught their breath.

They looked at each other and began laughing loudly.

“Come on, the fun has just began” Catherine said and they stood up, walking to skate park.

They borrowed some skateboard and then they began skating.

“Yoo hoo!! Yeah!!” Roxanna scre-med…

The time limit was over and they had to return the skate board to the owners…

They bought the ice cream and they licked it while walking back home.

“Today was amazing, thanks Roxy” Catherine said.

“Anytime bess” She replied.

Roxanna esc-rted Catherine home and then continued walking. She reached home and saw fleets of police cars with an ambulance.

Her heart began beating fast and she ran to into her house.

She made to run in the living room but a cop obstructed her.

“Sorry, you can’t pass this limit. The area is currently under investigation” The cop said.

“What are you talking about? This is my house? I have the right to do what I want” She ranted.

Roxanna looked at her side and saw Camella crying. Dylan was trying to console her.

She ran up to them with a worried expression…

“Sis, what’s happening. What’s the meaning of all these?” Roxanna asked.

“Roxy, you have to be strong. Mum and dad, they’re dead. They were killed!!!” Camella said and broke into mor tears…


“No, no. This can’t be, but please tell me it’s just a dream?” Roxanna said as tears cascaded down her cheek.

“It’s the bitter truth Roxanna. I came back and saw them lying on their own pool of blood. It looked like they were shot.” Camella said wiping off her tears.

Her knees gave up and she sat on the ground as tears rolled down her cheek.

“No, this can’t be possible” She said in whisper.

Her mind and heart couldn’t digest the news so she passed out.

“Roxanna!!” Her sister scre-med as she rushed to her side.


Roxanna slowly opened her eyes and squinted them as the light shone in her eyes.

“Mum, dad” She whispered.

Camella who was sleeping on a chair beside her woke up and rushed to her side.

“Roxy, how are you feeling right now” Camella asked worriedly.

She stared at Camella for some minutes before averting her gaze.

“How do you expect me to feel” She said.

“Listen, mom and dad are gone. We have only each other to depend on, you have to be strong for them Roxy.” Camella said as tears escape her eyes.

“Alright sis, you too be strong okay” Roxanna said and wiped off her sister’s tears..


Jennifer was busy watching a movie on the TV when a news suddenly popped on the television.

“Flash info, a police officer was found dead in his house together with his wife. The reason for the dead remains unknown but it has being speculated that it was a case of murder…” The reported said on the TV…

After that the photos of the dead couples were shown. Jennifer gasped as she recognized the corpse.

“Those are Roxanna parents” She muttered.

She suddenly felt bad for her and her sister, he she hates her but at the same time she admire her. She didn’t wish for any of these things to happen to them.

She stood up from the couch and picked he phone before rushing out of the house.

In no time a cab in front of Roxanna’s house. She got down and made to knock but someone spoke.

“Don’t bother knocking, they aren’t around”

She turned and her heart skipped a beat as she saw kelvin.

“Hi, if they aren’t there where are they then” Jennifer asked.

“When Roxanna learned about the news, she passed out. They are currently at the hospital” Kelvin said sadly.

“Please take me there” Jennifer said.


He went in his house and came out on a bike. He gave her a helmet which she wore.She climbed on it and they rode off to the hospital.

Some minutes after, they arrived and they both alighted the bike.

They walked into the hospital and took the direction of her ward.

They walked in and met her sleeping. Camella wasn’t around.

Jennifer walked up to her seat and sat down beside her as she stoked her hair.

“I can imagine the pain you are going through, that’s the same thing I went through when my father died” She said.

Roxanna slowly opened her eyes thinking it was Camella but surprise caught her as she saw who it was.

“You? What are you doing here?” Roxanna asked.

“I came to pay my deepest condolences” Jennifer said.

Roxanna chuckled dryly

“If you are here to have pity for me or to mock at me, the door is wide open. You can leave” She said with a stern look on her face.

“No, Roxanna. I’m serious, and I’m sorry for all the bad things I did to you I was just jealous” Jennifer said.

“Jealous? Why?” Roxanna asked.

Jennifer looked at Kelvin which made Roxanna to look at him too.

“Um, Kelvin. Could you give us some privacy?” Roxanna said.

He nodded and walked out of the ward.

“I’m jealous because, because I love Kelvin. You guys spend so much time together that I thought they was some chemistry going on between you guys” Jennifer said…

“Me and Kelvin? No way!! We’re just close friends. Besides aren’t you too young for you to be in love” Roxanna asked.

“Aren’t you too young to be in love with my brother?” Jennifer asked with a smirk…

“Hey, I don’t love him. That’s just a crush!!” Roxanna said and quickly closed her mouth.

“You said it, you said it. You’re crushing on my brother” Jennifer said and began laughing. Roxanna joined her too as they laughed…

“So are we friends now.” Jennifer asked.

“Sure!!” Roxanna replied with a smile.

Not long after Camella entered and saw them chatting happily. She smiled as she saw her sister’s mood was good, for now..


After a long and boring hours of driving, Yvonne’s family arrived safely at their destination.

They alighted the car and yvonne stared blankly at the building in front of her.

“Do you like it here?” Her mom asked.

She kept quiet, only staring at the house. Her mother sighed and held her hand as the walked in the house…

She showed her her room which was painted in white her favorite color.

“We’ll be living here as from now. I heard the neighbors are nice person. You’ll surely like them” Her mum said.

“Ok mum” She spoke for the first time in two days.

They helped her arrange her things in her wardrobe and room before leaving her alone.

She sat down on her bed as she stared out of the window…

There she saw a guy. He was busy on his phone while sunbathing.

Yvonne continued staring at him with a blank look on her face. He was tall, well built with brown hairs…

He looked up towards her direction and was surprised to see Yvonne staring at him.

Yvonne suddenly frowned which seemed to startle the guy. Her frown deepened as she continued to stare at him.

“What’s wrong with her” He muttered as he saw Yvonne frowning at him.

Yvonne scoffed and slammed her window close. The guy sat down surprise and confused…

“Did I say something without knowing?” He asked himself…

“Mason??” His mum called.

“I’m coming mum!!” He said and stood up, he looked back at the window where Yvonne stood and shook his head.

“Girls are sure crazy sometimes” He said as he walked in.

Mason, went to his room and changed into something casual before coming downstairs. His nose caught the sweet aroma of food.

“Mmmh something delicious is sure cooking up tonight!” Mason said.

He walked into the kitchen and saw his little sister cooking.

“Don’t tell me you’re the one cooking tonight?” Mason said…

“Yes” Olivia said with a smile.

“On second thoughts, I think I’m not more hungry” Mason said.

Meet Mason Harris, Olivia big brother.

“Don’t you dare, we’re dating and that’s final!” She said as she pointed the knife to him.

“Okay, but please cook something reasonable.” He said and dash out of the kitchen before a spoon could hit his head…

Their mom laughed as she watched them

“You guys should have opted to be clowns you’ll be multi millionaires by now” Their mum said…

Mason sat down on the couch as he bite on and apple. Their mum pushed him off the couch and he landed heavily on his butt.

“Ouch! What’s that for?” He sat as he rubbed his butt cheek.

“You lazy bone, go get dressed properly. Let’s go and welcome our new neighbors” His mum said.

He frowned and marched upstairs while mumbling inaudible phrases.

After some minutes the three of them were all ready and Olivia even reserved some food to give them. They walked our of their house and went to the other house…

Olivia rang the door bell and after some while the door open slightly. Yvonne peeped out side.

“Hello, we’re the neighbors we came to say hi” Olivia said.

She opened the door for them to walk in.

“Greetings ma’am” She said in a barely audible tone.

Their mother smiled and entered fully followed by Olivia and lastly Mason. As soon as he saw her his eyes w¡dened in surprise.

“This is that girl from earlier” He thought…

She frowned deeply as he passed by up to a certain level that her brows were almost touching.

He slowly walked in making sure not to make a wrong move, this girl might kill her if he mistakenly coughed.

They sat down and Yvonne ran upstairs to inform her parents that they got visitors.

Not long after her parents came downstairs with smiles on their faces. Yvonne was holding Chrid hand. Ever since the incident his big brother is the only guy whom she feels safe with.

Chris was confused as to why she was holding his hand but when he saw Mason, he understood it all.

The parents exchanged formalities and Mason’s mother said that his husband is on a business trip to Australia.

“What’s your name?” Olivia asked Yvonne as they were sitting on the couch..

“Yvonne” She replied

“Cute, I’m Olivia.” I hope we become best of friends.

Yvonne simply nodded with a smile.

“You’re so cute look at those golden hair, they’re so curly. I wish I was gifted with one too” Olivia began talking and talking..

“Hey, my name Mason” Mason said as he stretched his hands for a handshake.

“Chris, I’m 19 and you?” He asked and took his handshake…

“Same age, I hope we get along together” Masone said with a smile.

Chris nodded and they began discussing like they knew each other for a long time.

“So I have a question, why is your sister like that. I mean the way she looked at me earlier, I thought she was going to kill me” Mason said and Chris laughed…

“Well, it’s kinda sad. Just two days ago, she was…raped” Chris said sadly.

“Oh I’m sorry” Mason said feeling sad for the poor girl.

“Thanks, after that incdence, she developed a phobia for men. So I’ll advice you to keep your distance away from her” Chris said.

“Sure!!” He replied and then looked at Yvonne feeling sad for her…

As if she sensed that he was looking at her, Yvonne looked at Mason and their gaze met. She immediately frowned which made Mason to advert his gaze…

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