Her Last Wish

Her last wish episode 22&23

Chapter 22.
Zeemah Writes . . .
” STOP SPILLING YOUR FOUL SALIVA OVER PEOPLE’S COFFEE!!!” Phil scre-med and a little boy who had walked into the coffee shop with his mum, ran out wailing, terrified at Phil’s scre-m.
His mum ran out after him, shouting his name.
Anne sat on the couch in the living room, munching the delicious hot pie she just baked.
“Oh . . I will forever be grateful to Layla” She savored the taste with her eyes closing and opening repeatedly.
She glanced at the plate on the table, there are two pies remaining, it will be enough for Dan.
She had baked just five pies and had given one to Paul, ate two.
She cant believe everyone wants to eat her pies now, they’ve always rejected it like it was one horrible thing and indeed it was.
She also couldn’t eat her pies then, no matter how much she tried to, it always tasted horrible.
She’s even thinking of baking some on her birthday, but her mum might not allow that, she already said the caterers will take care of everything that’s to be eaten, Anne only needs to drop a list of the meals she wants for her birthday.
The doorbell rang and she stopped chewing, she dropped the half pie in her hand on the plate and got to her feet.
Who could it be . . she wondered.
It clearly cant be Fel or Rylan, because they don’t ring the bell and Paul, he doesn’t ring the bell also.
She got to the door and pulled it open.
A delivery man was by the door with Paul beside him.
Their parents hadn’t told them to take a delivery . . .
“Good afternoon” The man greeted and Anne almost knocked herself for forgetting her manners.
” Hi, Good afternoon” She smiled.
“I have a delivery for Mr Daniel Keyes”
Daniel~ Anne thought.
He rarely order things.
“Okay, can I have whatever it is?” Anne asked.
“I’m not sure” The man smiled tightly. ” Besides, he needs to sign and he didn’t order our company to drop his delivery for anyone”
“Oh okay, i’m going to get him” Anne said, walking back into the living room.
“Mr Daniel Keyes, there’s a delivery for you” She shouted.
“Oh, im coming, Miss Anne Keyes” Daniel shouted from his room and Anne chuckled.
She took her seat back on the couch and poured more juice into her glass cup, she gulped half of it, before picking the half pie. It was warm now.
Dan was down the stairs in seconds, winked at Anne who smiled before walking to the door to get his delivery.
The TV was on and she hadn’t even bothered to watch it, because she had been enjoying her pies . . haha.
She picked the remote control and searched through the channels and finally clicked on the one she likes with a satisfied sigh.
She heard the door close and she knew Dan was done collecting his delivery.
She turned towards him with a questioning gaze, and then turned her gaze to the his hand, she couldn’t see what it was he had ordered because it was in a customized nylon of the delivery company but with more intense gaze, she could pick out the shape.
It was rectangular . . . in shape.
She sigh and adjusted her glasses, “Aren’t you going to tell me what it is?”
“I thought you would figure it out with how intense your gaze was” Dan laughed and she pouted.
He sat on the couch beside her. ” Oh my pies”
He picked one of them and bit into it. “Hmm” He murmured with a smile, taking more bites.
Anne poured him some juice which he took in a gulp after finishing the pie.
He sighed, a satisfied grin on his face.
“You’re so good at making pies now” He winked and she smiled.
“All thanks to me” He added and laughed when Anne snarled.
“Mum called me to bake some pies for Dad and her, they are going to eat it once they are back, before she starts making dinner” Anne said.
“And have you?” Dan asked.
“Not yet?”
“Why? You should have just baked it together with this” Dan said, picking the second pie.
“Nah, It’s gonna get cold before they get back”
“You can microwave it”
“Nah, I want it fresh and hot for them” Anne smiled.
“Oh” Dan sigh, now chewing on his second pie.
“The pastry and fillings are ready though, I just need to roll them out onto the pie cutter and then bake”
“Oh, great” Dan nodded, almost done with the second pie.
“You want more juice?” Anne asked and he nodded.
She poured more for him and he finished the pie before gulping the juice.
“Oh…” He smiled, stretching happily on the couch. “Thanks Anne”
“And this .. ” He said raising the customized nylon.
He passed it to Anne .. “It’s a phone” He said before she got to open it.
“A phone?” She peered into it, it was really a phone and she almost gasped as she brought it out.
Though its still in it’s expensive and classy looking cover but reading the imprints on the cover, she could tell it’s the latest brand of iPhone.
She threw her gaze back at Dan who was grinning.
“Your phone . .? Is something wrong with it?” She asked.
“No, it’s still in a perfect condition and i’m not even thinking of changing it soon”
“Then . . why this? and even if you wanted a second phone, you could have told dad or mum to get this for you, you shouldn’t have purchased it with your own money. Dad will be so pissed at you” Anne sigh.
“It’s for Layla, I got it for her birthday” Dan eased Anne’s confusion.
“Wow” Anne sigh and then smiled after few seconds.
“So thoughtful of you” She said, checking out the phone again.
“And yeah, it wasn’t so expensive, just a monthly allowance covered the purchase”
“Oh” Anne smiled, knowing Dan is capable of buying a car if he wants to, they’ve been saving their monthly allowances years back and their bank accounts has gotten so fat that their parents do tease them about it.
“She’ll be so happy to finally own a phone” Anne grinned. “An expensive one at that, Chloe will be so sick with envy” Anne laughed.
“Who’s Chloe?” Dan asked.
“Really? You don’t know Chloe?!” Anne expressed her surprise.
“I don’t, there are so many names in my head already, the new ones are still struggling to find their way in” Dan said.
“Wow! Chloe! Doesn’t it ring a bell in your ears” Anne asked.
“It rings nothing in my ears, with how surprised you are, it seems she’s someone I must know”
“Of course, she’s in your class”
“Really?” Dan asked.
“Yeah and every students knows of Chloe. She has three friends or rather puppies always with her”
“Oh!” Dan w¡dened his eyes. “The girl with pink hair!”
“Yes!” Anne said.
“Oh my . . how could I forget her name, she’s always causing a fuss in the class with her friends” Dan frowned.
“Two of her friends might just start yelling at each other all of a sudden” Dan gro-ned and Anne laughed.
“And she really dislikes Layla, Layla told me the feeling is mutual though” Dan chuckled and Anne laughed again.
“So how come you don’t know her name? I’m sure you must hear it in class frequently” Anne said.
“I know her name, just didn’t put it in memory. It’s the same with most of my classmates, they have to remind me of their names whenever I say hi to them. I really need to put an effort in memorizing their names” Dan sigh.
“You are still a new student, still adjusting to the school ways, it’s normal not to remember everyone’s name, you’re going to, with time” Anne said, dropping the phone back into the customized nylon.
“I hope so” Dan said, pouring himself more juice.
“And . . ” Anne paused and stared at her brother.
“What?” He ask, gently dropping the glass of juice.
“Do you think Layla is going to accept this? You know how she is in terms of accepting gifts or favors” Anne said thoughtfully.
“That’s the reason I had to wait till it’s her birthday before giving it to her, no one rejects a birthday gift from a friend and not just a friend but a special friend” Daniel wink and Anne smiled.
“You are right, though she might be a bit reluctant with how expensive this is but she’s going to accept it anyway” Anne said.
“Exactly” Dan gulped the juice.
“And have you wanted to give her a phone before now?” Anne asked.
“Of course, I’ve wanted to get a phone for her the moment she told me the reason she didn’t have one but I know she wont accept it and when she told me her birthday is in a few weeks, I sprang into action. I pre ordered the phone even before it was in stock” Dan flicked his fingers, smiling.
“Wow” Anne sighed, observing Dan whose face was fixed on the TV.
Could she be imagining it? Or there’s truly this spark in Dan’s eyes whenever he mention Layla, she could remember that look on his face . . . It was always there then whenever he rambled on about Jennie and albeit she hadn’t seen that look on his face since he broke up with her, she could still remember it clearly.
Though even Dan seem unaware.
She’s definitely not mistaken, that’s the look on Dan’s face now. The only difference was that they weren’t talking about Jennie but Layla . . .
“You should start baking the pies, Mum and Dad will be back soon” Dan cut into her thought, facing her.
“Oh okay” She flushed a bit as she scrambled to her feet.
“Do you want me to come help you?” Dan asked.
“Nah, i’ll be done soon” Anne said.
Fel sat in the corner of her bed, clad in a bright pink crop top and a pair of blue jeans, her legs were folded beneath her and she flung the pillow she had been hugging to her chest, she looked stressed and worried, her hair loosely packed in a ponytail and some strands hung on her forehead but she didn’t even care at the moment.
She stared angrily at her phone.
Jacq wasn’t picking her calls and he had avoided her today till school was over, tears pooled the corners of her eyes as she dialed his number one more time.
She’s going to his house if he doesn’t pick this last time and just like he heard her thought, he picked the call.
“Hey” He said.
She blinked back her tears and swallowed hærd.
“Felia” Jacq called. “Are you there?”
“Hi” She said, her voice sounded even terrible to her own ears.
She cleared her throat “I’ve been calling you”
“Yeah, I’ve been busy”
“Were you busy at school also to have avoided me all through?” She asked, her voice gaining more nerve.
“Is that what you called me for?” Jacq sounded irritated.
“You should understand that I’m avoiding you because there’s something going on in my life! Stop acting like a kid Fel” Jacq almost yelled.
“If you don’t want to bother me with whatever is going on with you at the moment, that’s fine! But don’t make me bear the brunt of something I don’t even know about! That’s unfair” Fel shouted louder than she intended.
“Stop yelling at me! After all you told Dan everything going on with us and he even approached me like the hawk brother that he is, spilling thrash in my ears!” Jacq yelled.
“Is that what you’re pissed about? of course no but just an excuse. I’ve always told Dan everything going on with me and you know that! and you were fine with that! Why the sudden change” Fel got up from her bed, brushing one hand through her already loosely packed hair, the band went off and her hair spilled on her back.
She sigh.
She was waiting for Jacq to talk but he didn’t say anything and then she knew she was right, Jacq had only used that as an excuse. There was something else.
She continued. “You’ve been avoiding me for days now, acting sullen whenever I try to talk to you and yet you wont say what’s wrong with you, if you’re insisting on not wanting to bother me with whatever is going on with you, not telling me is bothering me more. I’m sick worried”
“I’d advise you not to be, it’s not something so serious and it’s not even something to worry yourself about” Jacq said calmly, and Fel thought she heard a faint chuckle in the background.
“What is it Jacq? What is it you don’t want to tell me?” She asked.
“You’ll know soon” Jacq said in a voice Fel doesn’t recognize. A chill ran down her spine . .
“Soon” Jacq repeated and this time Fel was sure she heard someone chuckle, someone was chuckling where Jacq was and . . it was a girl.
“Bye, see you tomorrow” Jacq quickly disconnected the call and she knew her suspicion was right.
Fel dropped on her dressing chair, her phone almost sliding off her hand. She dropped it on the dressing table and her eyes caught her reflection in the mirror, she looked a mess and . .
She was in tears.
“Stop chuckling, if she wasn’t so dumb, she would have noticed it” Jacq snickered, k-ssing his girlfriend on her cheeks.
She laughed. “Well, it’s quite good to be dumb at times, it’s going to save her some tears”
“Of course, some tears before she finds out” Jacq smiled, stroking her long blonde hair.
He stared into her bright blue eyes and she blushed.
“You’re so beautiful” He said admiringly.
“I know right and .. ” She paused.
“You should break up with her soon, It’s taking too long” She said icily.
“She’s out of my life already, I only need to announce it to her and it’s going to be soon, I promise”
“Great” She chuckled.
Jacq smiled as he cupped her smooth oval face in his palms and k-ssed her on the l-ips.
Some people already caught the main hint . . lol.
Chapter 23.
Zeemah Writes . . .
Chloe scre-med so loud that she attracted everyone’s attention in the cafeteria.
“How dare you touch me? How dare you?” She yelled at the girl who stood trembling in front of her, she had mistakenly brushed her arm with Chloe’s while walking to a table with her lunch in hand.
“I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to . . It was not intentional” The girl said, blinking hærd.
“I would tolerate it if you weren’t so ugly! Ughhh! ” Chloe growled in irritation, rubbing her arm vigorously like a forbidden thing just touched her skin.
Her friends stood behind her saying nothing, Sabrina was particularly uneasy with the amount of gazes on them.
“I’m sorry” The girl said, she had stopped shaking but she still looked scared.
“And your skin . . OMG! did that s-k-i-n of yours just touched mine?” Chloe scre-med, slamming the girl’s lunch off her hand.
Few people exclaimed.
Chloe’s known to be that way.
“OMG I need to go take a bath” She said, rushing off with her friends trailing behind her.
“Puppies” Jessie snorted and her friends laughed.
“What was that?” Dan asked Layla, stunned at what just happened.
Layla laughed. ” You don’t know who Chloe is?”
“I know she’s our classmate of course, but what was that? why did she do that? ” Dan asked, watching the girl clear her lunch on the floor, he felt so sorry for her.
“Oh, I guess Chloe has never created a scene since you resumed, well . . there you have it” Layla said and continued with her lunch.
“Is she allergic to people’s touch?” Dan asked.
“Allergic? you heard her say if the girl wasn’t ugly, she would have tolerated it ”
“Oh yeah, wow . . that was so mean and unfair” Dan furrowed his brow, he suddenly didn’t like Chloe.
“Chloe has always been that way, so mean, the girl is lucky not to have been slapped” Layla said.
“Really? You mean she can still get slapped even after her lunch was wasted?”
“Of course” Layla said.
“And no one is going to do anything…” Dan asked.
“No one is going to do nothing, if you cant stand up for yourself, then no one is going to do that for you” Layla said.
“Wow” Dan sigh.
“Though if a teacher was around at the moment, Chloe would get reprimanded but if not …” Layla shook her head to complete her words.
“Chloe bullied me for years and I only got free when I stood up for myself, taking that decision wasn’t easy but I took it anyway and I’ve never felt so happy to have made the decision” Layla smiled sadly.
“Chloe was the mastermind behind the ill treatment you got from everyone for years?” Dan asked and she nodded.
Not only didn’t he like Chloe, he felt angry towards her. He hates bullies so much.
“She turned everyone against me and even students in lower classes treated me like shit, except Anne, knowing there’s at least someone who didn’t hate me kept me going. Anne is a life saver honestly, how would I have coped with being scorned by everyone in the wh0le school, it would have been hideous” Layla pressed her l-ips together. “And yeah, Dylan kept me going too, the thought of getting to see his face again every new day was enough to get me off my bed and prepare me for school”
“Oh .. talk of the devil” Dan said and Layla thought it didn’t sync with what she just said until she saw Dylan appear beside her.
“Hi” He said to her, not giving her the time to adjust to his presence.
She swallowed hærd, Dylan talks to her now but every time he does feels new, her heart wont stop thumping.
“Hi” She said pulling herself together, she hopes her cheeks wont betray her.
Dan continued eating, acting oblivious of Dylan’s presence.
“So, we’ll be having truth or dare after lunchbreak, I came to ask you to join” Dylan said and Dan raised his brow.
‘was it not after this same game he had embarrassed her’ Dan thought, glaring at Dylan.
Layla stared at Dylan, surprised. The aftermath of the last truth or dare replayed in her mind and she quickly shook it off.
The fact now is Dylan is asking her to join the game, he came to her himself . . did he really wanted her to join that much ..
It’s not like him to ask people to join the game, he must really want her to. The fact that he considered her important enough to ask her almost made her feel over the moon.
“I can see you’re still yet to forgive me, it’s fine” Dylan said, about walking away.
“No, it’s not that. I was .. just surprised. I’ve totally forgiven you, I hadn’t even taken it as an offence” Layla said.
“Oh, so …?” Dylan asked.
“I’ll be joining” Layla said and he smiled.
“Okay, see ya” He winked before walking away. Layla smiled.
Dan scoffed, irritated with the fact that Dylan is using Layla’s weakness against her but of course, she was too blinded to see it.
“Do you think that was a good decision?” Layla asked Dan, slightly embarrassed.
“You already told him you would join and telling you it’s a bad decision wont make you change your mind, so if you think it’s a good decision, then it is” Dan shrug.
“Oh” Layla blinked, facing her meal.
Dan has never given her such attitude and she guessed it was because him and Dylan doesn’t like each other.
They ate the rest of their meal in silence.
Dan sat on his seat watching some students gather for the game, Layla included. They all sat in a circle.
“Dan aren’t you joining?” Chloe suddenly asked loudly and he almost grimaced. Everyone turned to him.
“I’m not joining” He said, switching his gaze to Layla who had been avoiding his gaze since they left the cafeteria.
He hope she’s not feeling bad because of how he had responded to her. Had he been harsh?
“You should, Dan. It’s always fun” Chloe smiled too widely and Dan almost felt irritated.
“As the newest student, you should join in the game” Miranda quickly added.
“Is it a ritual?” He asked.
“Not really”
“Then i’m not interested”
“We would really love for you to join us Dan, isn’t so every one?” Chloe turned to the girls in the circle, knowing they would all love Dan to join too.
“Yes Dan, please join” They chorused, all staring at him with pleading gazes, the girls most especially.”
He sighed, obviously not able to turn them down. They had thought of him highly enough to plead with him to join them. He didn’t have the heart to turn them down though he wish he did.
“Okay” He said, getting up from his seat and smiled when the girls cheered. He knows how much he attracts girls but he just doesn’t dwell on it, he doesn’t need to.
He approached the circle and got seated on the last empty seat which was between two girls.
He recognizes one of them as one of Chloe’s friends. He turned to look at Layla and she was staring at him now, he winked at her and she smiled.
She was looking more at ease now.
Dylan fumed where he sat, he hadn’t expected Dan would be begged to join the game he had org-nized, he was pretty sure some people would have pulled out if Dan hadn’t agreed to join. No one even cared anymore if he wanted to join, whom they wanted now is Dan.
“Okay, we should start before the teachers end their meeting” Chloe said and took a seat opposite Dan, grinning.
The bottle was rolled and the game started and everyone watched.
Halfway through the game, a girl was dared to k-ss a guy she would love to date and she giggled as she chose Dan, much to Chloe’s chagrin.
Dan stood up and the girl grinned shyly, Chloe fumed, tightening her fist. She made Dan join so she could get to share an intimate moment with him! She cant believe other girls are getting the chance. This is the fifth girl who would choose Dan as the guy they would love to date. Why has the damned bottle not rolled in her direction!
She glared at the guy in charge of the bottle, hating him instantly.
To the surprise of everyone, Dan turned his cheek to the girl.
“Hu . . h? . .” She asked.
“You can k-ss me on the cheek, the k-ss wasn’t specified right?” He asked and the girl nodded, embarrassed.
“So I guess a peck would do” He smiled at her, lowering his cheek to her height.
Chloe chuckled loudly, loving Dan more. Most people tried to hide their chuckle.
The girl k-ssed him lightly on his cheek, looking sullen. Even the blind would tell she had wanted to k-ss him on the l-ips.
Dan sat back on his seat and sighed, he hadn’t meant to make her feel that way but k-ssing someone he doesn’t have any feeling whatsoever for is just something he cant do. k-ssing is very intimate to him.
“Dan, your turn!” He heard and brought himself back to the game, his mind hadn’t been in the game all along because he wasn’t even interested in the first place.
“Huh?” He asked.
“Truth or Dare?” He was asked and he looked confused until he saw the bottle was pointing to him and the girl who had asked him ‘truth or dare’
“Oh” He said, not even recognizing the girl as one of Chloe’s friends.
“Truth or dare?” Christy asked again.
“Truth” Dan said and Chloe secretly winked at Christy. Though they hadn’t planned anything but Christy knows she better do this in Chloe’s favor.
Everyone watched eagerly.
“Which female do you think is the most beautiful in this circle?” Christy asked, and Chloe smiled to herself.
She is the school’s queen and she has always ranked the most beautiful female in Ocean High, everyone knew that and Chloe is indeed beautiful.
Anyone would point to her as the most beautiful in the circle, her pink hair alone attracts attention to her not to talk of her finely carved face albeit always covered in make up.
Everyone already knew what Dan’s answer would be or rather they thought they knew what his answer would be.
“Layla” Dan said shocking everyone, including Layla herself whose mouth fell open slightly.
Everyone turned to look at her and she felt her cheeks go hot, she stared at her laps, biting the in,side of her cheek.
“And I don’t ‘think’ she’s the most beautiful girl here . . she is.” Dan said with all seriousness, Layla had to raise her head to look at him, stunned. He winked at her and she smiled sitting up straight, her head raised high like the most beautiful girl in the circle that she is. Dan’s gaze has this way of giving her courage whenever she lacked it.
The students were stunned too and some of them started whispering that it seems Layla is indeed the most beautiful here, having studied her face closely.
Chloe’s l-ips trembled in anger and it took all the strength in her not to scre-m.
The game continued and after a while, the bottle faced Dan again. He sigh.
Sabrina is to ask him . . . and she avoided Chloe’s gaze as she asked Dan ‘truth or dare’
“Truth” Dan answered.
“Whom do you like most in this circle asides yourself?” She asked, still not meeting Chloe’s gaze.
She’s so fed up of Chloe’s obsession for Dan and she had asked that question knowing well that Dan would choose Layla and that might make Chloe see she stand no chance, that should make her let go of her obsession for Dan and go for the guys who want her, Dan clearly doesn’t like her.
“Layla of course” Dan said, tucking a thick strand of his hair behind his ear.
Chloe fume yet again but she wasn’t the only one fuming now, Dylan was too. He hates the fact that Dan seem to have Layla’s attention the most, the way they exchange smiles and knowing gazes irks him so much. Everyone seem to admire how close Dan and Layla is, though most of the girls were envious of her and they did little to hide it.
The game continued and this time the bottle was facing Layla and Dylan.
Everyone watched expectantly, knowing how the last truth or dare between them turned out.
Dylan smiled .. finally. He had sat opposite Layla knowing the chance of getting to ask her a question or dare her is high. He already has it all planned out. He’s doing this so Dan can know he stands no chance against him on Layla, albeit they seem the closest of friends but he knows Layla is going to choose him over Dan and that’s gonna make Dan pissed and that’s exactly why he’s doing this. To piss Dan off, yeah .. it’s petty but he would do anything to see Dan look so down and pissed. He’s done with Dan having the upper hand.
“Truth or dare?” Dylan asked Layla with a sweet smile.
Dan scoffed, rolling his eyes. He knows Dylan is about to use Layla’s feelings for him as an advantage again. Son-of-a-bitch.
“Truth” Layla said, nervous. If there was anything she learnt in the last truth or dare, it’s to always choose ‘truth’ because it seems safer.
“A guy you like most in this circle?” Dylan asked grinning, he relaxed his back on the chair, looking well assured, he knows she’s going to mention his name, he’s only waiting for her to say it. He almost laughed, thinking of how disappointed Dan would look.
“Daniel” Layla said, without hesitating and she looked like she meant her answer.
Dylan’s smile froze and he involuntarily sat up.
Most people weren’t surprised, knowing how close Dan and Layla is.
“No . . no” Dylan said and everyone turned to him.
“I’m not talking about . . just like, I meant feelings?” Dylan smiled, having comforted himself with the fact that Layla had thought he had asked about just normal like but even had that, she had chosen Dan!
Well . . perhaps she loves him and likes Dan.
Everyone waited for Layla’s answer in the tensed silence and just when she was about to talk.
“The teachers are done with their meeting and Mrs Moore is headed to our class now” A student announced and the game was over, everyone quickly walked to their seats.
Dylan felt a tap on his shoulder and he turned to see Dan who winked at him before laughing.
He has never felt more infuriated and it took every ounce of power in him not to hit Dan.
“Using Layla’s feelings for you as an advantage is not going to get you anywhere, it’s only going to make you a petty assh-le. I expected better honestly but it’s fine, kids will always behave like kids” Dan smiled and patted Dylan on the shoulder before walking away.
Dylan’s teeth clattered in anger. Dan has won yet again!
“I’m the most beautiful girl in Ocean High!!!!!!” Chloe suddenly scre-med and everyone blatantly ignored her.

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