Dragon Princess

Dragon Princess Episode 13 – 14

Dragon princess
Written by TOM
Episode thirteen
I was awake. My head hurt so much. Oh no. I’ve been sleeping till eight. I’ve to get to school or face Mr Murray’s punishment. God. I mussed up my hair.
“Why didn’t mom wake me up”. I climb off the bed and went in,side the bathroom.
I got out in my school uniform.
“Mom. I’m going”. I entered the kitchen only to find Harrell cooking.
“Morning sunshine”.
“What’re you doing here? Where’s Mom”?
“Take your bag off. I prepared breakfast”.
“Where’s Mom”?
“Out. She went to the restaurant. I came over because you didn’t look good yesterday. I called Belle. She’ll be here in no time”.
“I never ask of your help”.
“Why”? He was moving towards me while I kept moving back.
“Because…….. Will you please stop moving”. He didn’t stopped till I was trapped at the cup set side. “Please stop”. He was in front of me. He bend his head slowly to my ear.
“Can you please move a little? I need to take a cup”. He straighten himself up.
“I…..”. The door bell rang. “I’ll get it”. I left quickly and he smiled. Was he flirting with me? I opened the door and Belle came in.
“Oh Kelly”. She put her bag down and hugged me.
“I’m fine Belle. Really”.
“I brought your favorite chocolate. Hmmmm, what’s smelling nice”?
“It’s Harrell. He’s cooking”.
“Oh my what. He’s here”. She ran into the kitchen.
“Not like he’s a star or something”. I took the bag and removed the chocolate and start to eat. I sat then my mind went to that moment. “He’s flirting with me right”? God. What’s wrong with me. I like this guy but why am I trying not to get close to him. The bell rang again. That must be Mom. I opened the door.
“Mom what…… Maggie”. She smiled at me.
“Is Harrell in”?
“Sure come in”. She entered. “He’s in the kitchen”.
“Thanks”. She left.
“Why’s she here”? I frown and sat. “Looks like I’ve to spend this day with a witch”.
We were eating. Harrell and Maggie were doing their lover stuff while I looked at them with irritating eyes. Belle was in the sitting room watching TV.
“Here”. Maggie gave Harrell a drink.
“Anything for my love”. She smiled. “I didn’t know you two were related. I’m sorry”.
“It’s nothing. I’m full”. He got up.
“Okay. Kelly do the dishes”.
“You won’t help her”?
“I don’t do dishes and besides, she can do it”.
“Fine. It’s time for you to go”.
“What? You can’t do that”.
“But I’ll. I don’t want trouble. Your parents probably don’t know you’re here”.
“I’ll tell them later”.
“The teachers will be worried”.
“I can’t go”. Then he bend down and said something into her ear. “Really”?
“Just trust me”.
“Okay. I’ll go”. She got up. “Kelly, take good care of him. Bye”. She bend forward to k-ss him but he blocked her.
“Not here please”.
“Piss. We haven’t even k-ssed. I’ll leave but do not forget your promise”.
“I won’t. Just go”. She left.
“You shouldn’t have done that”. I packed the plates. “I’m good at washing dishes but she….. She got some people to do that for her”. I start washing.
“I’ll help”.
“You want to know why? It’s you. I don’t want any problem. What if Maggie finds out we aren’t related. I’m done for good and what if she notices something different between us. Like……like……”.
“Us dating”? I nodded my head. “You like me don’t you”? I nodded again. “Since when”?
“Elementary school but that doesn’t change anything”.
“So you were the one sending those letters”.
“Hmmm”. I nodded. “I could say most of them. There was this day you almost found out but some girl took the reward”.
“Oh shit”. He bang his hand on the table. “Do you know what you’ve caused? You made me this way. You made me date that stupid bitch”.
“I…. I’m sorry”.
“I……when I saw that book with Yvonne, it has the same with the letter. Was that book for you”? I nodded. “Oh no. Do you know how I grew to love her because of that letter. At first, I noticed some strange things. Like her handwriting were different but I decided to ignore it. I love her more than anything not until Maggie tried to kill her. So I’d to date her. I never loved her. So you were the girl all along. Why didn’t you tell me”?
“I……I was afraid that you might find me unattractive”.
“Oh. You thought I love Yvonne because she was pretty. I did it because of that letter. It was so touching. It’s backed me up especially doing the hærd times but you…..why are you telling me now! It’s no use”!
“What’s happening”? Belle showed up.
“Dammit”. He left angrily.
“I’ve to go”. I ran upstairs.
“You okay”? It was Bayern. I wasn’t in my room cause I could feel the cold.
“Why did you brought me here”? I looked up and wipe my tears.
“You’re crying princess”. He bend and looked at me.
“Get away from me. It’s of no use now”. I cried.
“Fine. As you wish”. He left and I cried more. I could hear footsteps.
“I said go”.
“Not me”. That was Aegon voice.
“Leave me please”. I looked up at him and he bend to my height.
“You know what, you look pretty when you cry”. I think that word make my tears stop.
“Please stop it. I’m not in the mood”. I frown.
“People said I’ve a gift for making girl happy. That’s why they kept falling for me”.
“I guess that a lie after all”.
“Don’t cry hmmm”. He cleaned my face and pulled me up. “What the hell are you wearing”?
“At least your man should have allowed me to change before dragging me here”.
“That’s…… God, take this”. He removed his coat and hand it to me. “That’ll keep you warm for some time”.
“Piss. Acting nice. After you left me to die”.
“Bayern was there in time. So everything has been taken care of”.
“Do you really have a heart”? I start to walk. “Maybe you don’t”.
“As you can see, I’m breathing perfectly with it”. He followed.
“I’m not gonna walk to that mount…… whatever you call it”.
“Why were you sad earlier”?
“None of your business”.
“Wait”. He grabbed my hand. “Something’s wrong”.
“I’ve told you it’s nothing so can you please let go of me”?
“No? Leave my hand or….”.
“Or? You wanna hit me”?
“Gosh. I wish you could turn to that ugly dragon of yours”. I removed my hand and start walking. He didn’t talk. Better. After some mile, I looked back.
“Looks like it turns out as you wish”. Aegon flew away.
“Oh my! What do I do now”? I panicked.
Dragon princess
Written by TOM
Chapter fourteen
“I’m sorry”. I said to Aegon who was asleep.
“Go”. He said getting up.
“Look I’m___”.
“Tell Bayern to get ready”. He cut in. “We’re leaving”.
“Wait. I…”. He was gone. I guess he’s still mad at me.
We were flying. Suddenly, tons of arrow flew towards us. “What’s that”?
“The Aklak”. Bayern answered.
“Why are they attacking us”?
“Shut up and take cover”. Aegon shouted.
“I….. Whoa”. The arrow almost hit me.
“Are you hurt”? Bayern held me.
“I’m fine. You alright Aegon”?
“I’m fine. Just shut up. I’m trying to focus”.
“Why__”. He breathed out mouthful of fire on them. “You shouldn’t do that”!
“I said….. Ahhh”. A big arrow was stung at his wing. We were falling.
“Oh no”! I scre-med. By the I knew it, we were on the ground. Aegon had changed into his human form.
“My prince”! Bayern and I ran towards him. The arrow was stung in his arm. He was bleeding profusely.
“I’m fine. I……”. He gro-n so hærd as Bayern removed the arrow. Blood was rushing out.
“We’ve to stop the bleeding”. Bayern said.
“No….”. He gro-n again. “We’ve to go. The Aklak would be here soon”.
“I’ll help”.
“You know what, just take him with you while I hold them off a little bit”.
“Come”. I held him.
“I’m not leaving”.
“They’re coming. You’ve to leave my prince”.
“Come on Aegon. This is not the time to prove obstinate”.
“I__”. Bayern chant a word and he fell.
“He’s asleep. Go quickly”. I struggled to hold him and start walking.
Everywhere was dark. We were in a cave. I couldn’t make a fire. I put him. What am I supposed to do now? I don’t even know anything about medicine.
“Aegon”. I slapped his face with a gentle touch. “Wake up please”. No answer. “Please. You can’t die here. Oh jeez. What am I gonna do now”? I looked around. Couldn’t see a thing. Oh Lord. Let not be wildoren in this cave. I prayed silently. I can’t get eaten by some stupid animal. “Fire up”. Nothing happened. Then I chant in some strange language as I heard Bayern did. The stick lighten up with fire. “Oh yes”! I smiled. Then I heard a gro-n.
“Where are we? Where’s Bayern”? Aegon tried to get up.
“Rest”. I held him back. “You’ve lost so much blood”. He didn’t argue. “I’m not skilled at this but I’ll try and stop the bleeding”. I removed his shirt. Hmmmm. He really have six packs.
“What’re you starring at”?
“Nothing”. I quickly brought out my handkerchief with tissue from my bag with some water. I washed the face of the wound. The arrow seems to have plung deeper. I wrapped the handkerchief around it still the blood won’t stop coming.
“Just get Bayern. There’s nothing you can do”.
“I can still do something”.
“There’s only one thing you can”. He looked at me. “Cut my arm”.
“What? Are you crazy”?
“If you don’t it’s gonna get infected”.
“I can’t. I’ll go get Bayern”. I left. “Bayern”. As I shouted, my surroundings changed. I was back home. “Oh no”.
“Kelly! Come down”! Mom shouted.
“Oh no. What happened? I shouldn’t be here”.
“Kelly”. Mom shouted again.
“Coming”. I went downstairs.
“What have you done”? Mom asked. I was confused.
“Done what”?
“Harrell isn’t eating. Did you say anything to upset him”.
“You were with him this morning. Belle said you two fought”.
“It was just…..”. She start to hit me. “Mom stop”.
“You this silly brat. Do you want to kill me. Fine kill me but what does Harrell has to do with you for you to upset him”.
“Mom. How can you be so inflexible. I didn’t do anything”.
“Then why isn’t he eating”.
“That was……it was…..”. I couldn’t talk and she start to hit me again. “Mom”.
“Start cooking. You’re gonna beg him. Here”. She passed me the bowl. “I don’t care about what you cook but he must eat. He’s such a gentle boy. I don’t know what you’ve said to provoke him like that”. She gave me a smack on my head.
“Awwww. Mom”.
“Why? Start cooking”. She left and I frown.
I was at Harrell’s house. I press the bell and his mom opened the door.
“Kelly”. She smiled.
“Evening Mrs Deanerys”.
“Come in”. I entered. “You brought something along”?
“It’s for Harrell. I heard he hasn’t been eating”.
“I don’t really know what came over him. He’s up in his room. If he doesn’t answer, use this key”. She hand me a key.
“Thanks”. I smiled at her and climb the stairs. I knocked on the door. No answer. “Harrell can you please open the door”? No answer again. “I’m coming in”. I put in the key but it wasn’t locked. I stepped in. He way lying on the bed.
“What do you want”?
“I brought you some food. Mom said you haven’t eaten since morning”. He didn’t answer. “Harrell”.
“Get out”.
“You can’t keep___”.
“I said get out”. He got up.
“Kelly you know what”. He cut in. “I would rather advise you to leave or I don’t know what’s gonna happen to you”.
“Can we at least solve things out? Please”. He smirked and walked towards me while I shifted back.
“You know what, I think you’re overstepping your boundary”. He kept walking till my back touched the wall. He touched my face. “I wouldn’t wanna hurt this pretty face of yours. Now get out and take that stupid food you brought. Now”! He shouted and I ran out of the room.
“How did it go”? His mom asked.
“Not good. Looks like he is still mad at me”.
“Did you two fought”?
“Hmmmm”. I nodded.
“This is bad and I’ve an important place to attend. Can you please take care of him”?
“Please. You’re the only one I can trust. I would have called his friends but he’d none. Please Kelly”.
“You don’t have to beg me. I’ll make sure he eat”.
“Thanks so much. I’ve to go”. She took her bag and left. I sighed and looked at the bag. Was my cooking not that good. I brought it out and put it in the fridge.
“What can I make to suit his taste? Cakes. No. He doesn’t like sweet things. Well, let’s try something new”. I brought out my phone and start to browse.
I’d finished cooking. I heard the door opened and Harrell came out.
“What’re you still doing here”? He’d dyed his hair.
“Your mom told me to stay”.
“You should go”. He opened the fridge and brought out the food I made. “What’s this”? He showed it to me.
“I thought you might want to eat it later”.
“Thought? Well let’s see about your thoughts”. He poured the food in front of me.
“Harrell stop”.
“This is my house”. He went over to the dining and poured all the food away. I almost cried at the sight of it. “I don’t need your stupid food. Now get out”.
“Can I at least clean up the mess”.
“I said get out”. He shouted so loud that I jumped and left. I cried so hærd. At least he should have eaten the food.
I was at school. Harrell seems to ignore me. He doesn’t talk to me nor make eye contact with me. I looked like a total stranger. Exam was around the corner. I would soon be in my fifth year. I was in class reading when Belle came in.
“Hey”. She sat in front of me. “What’s wrong? Your face looks……..how should I put it……..it looks……”.
“Knock it off Belle. I’m fine”.
“Good then. I won’t pry”.
“How’s Vicky”?
“Just good. Did you two fought”?
“Nah. Why would we? We’re just having some misunderstandings”.
“Let’s go grab some coffee. I’m already sick of reading”. I got up.
“Whoa. No way. I thought you’re the reader type”. She followed.
“People change”. We get to the cafe. Maggie ran out crying.
“What do you think happened”?
“Don’t know”. I said and saw Harrell sitting alone. He looked tense.
“Are you thinking what I’m thinking”?
“Don’t get the wrong idea”. I ordered my coffee. “Americano for you”?
“Hmm”. She nodded. “But you saw what happened. Maggie just cried out”.
“Probably, they maybe having a funny fling”.
“You call that funny”. We collected our coffee. “No”.
“Then what’s….”. I bumped into someone. My coffee went all over him. “I….. I’m so sorry”. I looked up. Harrell. Oh Lord. What have I done? Belle gasped and everyone. I couldn’t talk. He just stared at me. I could tell that his body was raving with anger. He grabbed my hand suddenly and dragged me out of the cafe. We were outside on the field. Everyone was watching.
“Why do you always get on my nerve”?
“I’m sorry”. The tears kept falling. “I didn’t know. I just turned and……and…..”. I cried.
“Oh no. Not this”. He looked around and saw everyone watching.
“Do you really hate me that much? You even poured away all the food I made for you. I’m not that good but can’t you at least appreciate it”. I sniff. “I know I’m not pretty and not the kind of girl you like but I’m sick and tired of it. Why are you so mean to me. Why do you hate me that much”? I cried.
“Do you think I hate you? Then why would I break up with Maggie”? I looked up at him. “I told her everything. That we aren’t family nor related. At least she understood me. I was at first mad at you that I wish I could strangle you and see you choke to death because of what I’ve been through. I……I just couldn’t because I…..I…… It’s over. Let not see each other again. If you hadn’t write the letter or hide yourself, I wouldn’t be living like this. My dad wouldn’t have died before he divorced Mom”. He cried. “Do you know how much…… Damnit”. He cried.
“I…. I’m sorry”. I wipe my tears.
“Do you think Mom would like it. She wouldn’t want to see your face for seconds”. He clean off his tears. “After all what you’ve done, I still can’t believe I still want you and I hate myself”. He grabbed my hand so hærd that it hurt.
“Leave me. Please let me go”.
“Look into my eyes”. I didn’t answer. “I said look”. He shouted.
“Harrell please stop. You’re hurting me”. He laughed wickedly.
“I said look”. He grabbed my face roughly and I was starring at him.
Don’t miss this story Boys Before Flower Episode 1 (Part A)
“Stop. Don’t do this. I can’t look”. I tried to turn my face but I couldn’t.
“Forget me. Forget I ever exist. Erase me from your memory. Do not talk nor look at me. I kept falling for you like a fool. Like a lunatic without any pride. I hate myself for anticipating or worrying over you. I even say absurd things just to make you laugh. What must think I’m”?
“I’m sorry”. I cried.
“You’re sorry, for what? What did you do? For deceiving me and causing all these mess”. He shouted and laughed. I was scared. This isn’t Harrell. “How much have you laughed at me for falling for you? Do you know how I felt? Why? Why don’t you’ve shame. Did you ever felt anything for me…..for a second. You kept ignoring me. Playing hærd to get huh”?
“Please stop. Stop please”. I cried.
“You’re crying. Every seconds I spend with you terrifies me. So get out. Get out of my life”. He released me. My hand hurt so much. “Good bye……. Kelly Kent”. He turned back and left. I just stand there and cried like a fool.

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