Dragon Princess

Dragon princess episode 9 – 10

Dragon princess
Written by TOM
Chapter nine
Looks like they’ve resolved the issue. Harrell and Maggie were both holding hands and smiling. Guess everything is settled then.
“Ms Kelly”. It was the social teacher. “I would like to see you in my office”.
“Presentation”! I blurted out. “I don’t think I can. I mean, I’m not good”.
“People start from somewhere. Prepare yourself”.
“I’m not ready”.
“The minister of finance and some other guests will be there”.
“Why would you choose me if there are so many important people coming. Carly’s there. She’s good also Harrell. Why me”?
“No further questions should be asked. We’ve made our decision so prepare yourself. It’s coming up next week. Do not make any mistake. Now go”.
“Yes”. I said slowly and left.
I removed my shoes and laid on the bed.
“A very hærd day princess”.
“Who told you to come? I didn’t summon you”.
“The prince would like to meet you in the evening”.
“It’s not yet time”.
“I thought you would need time for packing blanket”.
“This is all a dream”.
“Sure it’s”.
“What’re you talking about”? I sat upright and stared at him.
“All what’s is happening is real but I made it to look as an illusion to you. You won’t be able to remember anything once you wake up”.
“So I’m asleep”.
“No. You’re awake and healthy. I’ll pack the blanket”.
“You’ve never asked of my name”.
“You’re Kelly Kent”. He packed the sheets.
“What’s your prince name”?
“Aegon. Aegon Pendragon”.
“Sounds nice. Lovely name for a prince”.
“Let’s go”.
“Wait a second”. I took the jug and drank all it contents. “Rum. Taste great”.
“Just a pity they don’t make sweet ones”. We stepped into the portal.
“So where’s your prince”? I asked.
“In the other castle”.
“You’ve another castle”?
“Yeah. It was built for him”. We stepped out. “Just keep quiet when we get there”.
“Is he that mean”?
“Just do as I say princess”. We reached there. The castle was so big. Is watched as Bayern bowed his head. I looked around but couldn’t see anyone. “She’s here your Grace”. A loud thud was heard just like the one I heard in the bath.
“She’s…..small”. The voice was rich and thick. “How can I be sure she’s the one”.
“Believe me your Grace”. Still on the same posture. “You know I can never lie to you”.
“Why should I believe that”?
“Her eyes. They glow of fire”.
“For your correction, my eyes doesn’t glow”. I said and he looked at me.
“You heard the girl”.
“Believe me your gra___”.
“Sure”. He left. I was left alone with a prince I can’t even see.
“You’re too small to have a great destiny before you”.
“Are you gonna keep hiding in that shadow or talk to me face to face”.
“No. I just don’t want to frighten you”.
“I’ve seen more than that”.
“Okay then”. He stepped out of the shade. He was big. So big. He’d two big wings. Oh my. He’s a dragon. Well dragon don’t exist. I looked up at him. I looked like a pen in front of him.
“Good”. He flap his wings and went in,side the shade.
“You’re not a monster. You’re just a….. dragon”.
“My name’s Kelly. Kelly Kent”.
“Sure? That’s all you got to say”?
“I hate talking Mrs Kelly”.
“I’m not married”.
“Then you probably should”.
“What? I’m just fifteen”.
“You look older than I expected”.
“I’ll take all the insults but don’t you ever say that again”.
“You ain’t scared”?
“Why would I be”?
“You ain’t scared if I eat you or burn you alive”.
“Burn”? I laughed. “You got to be kidding me”.
“Look to your left”. I did. There were human bones and skull everywhere.
“You wouldn’t do that to me”. I was getting scared. “You need me”.
“No I don’t”. Then he breath out a mouthful of fire on me. I scre-med. I thought I was gone forever but I couldn’t feel a thing. The fire faded away. My clothes were burned. “I’ll tell the maids to get you some clothes”. He flew away.
I was in the room.
“He burned me”.
“But you weren’t”. Bayern replied.
“I saw it clearly. The fire went towards me. My clothes got burned but I didn’t”.
“That’s because you can’t be burned”.
“First, the blood of the great Khan run through you and the great Khan can’t be killed by fire and secondly, this isn’t your world. So you can’t be killed”.
“So that’s why I can’t get burned”.
“You’ve to rest princess”.
“Sure”. I laid on the bed. “Good night”.
“Night, princess”. He left.
I was eating when Harrell and Maggie walked in. As usual, there were noise. I decided not to look over to them. I wished Belle had been here.
“Kelly”. It was Maggie. “I’m sorry for for all I’ve done. I hope you’ll find it in your heart to forgive me”.
“I don’t understand you”.
“We’ll talk it over after class. Bye”. Harrell winks at me and they left.
“Family”! I stared at him with my eyes bulging even more.
“That would keep you out of trouble for a bit”.
“Why would you say that? We aren’t even related”. I walk towards my bicycle. Flat tyre. “Not again”.
“You can walk home with me”.
“You haven’t answered my question yet”.
“I did it to save you. She threatened you”.
“If she finds out”?
“She won’t”.
“What give you the courage. You aren’t the one at risk here”.
“I know Maggie more than anyone”.
“Sure you do”.
“Will you please just listen”?
“I’m”. I pushed the bicycle and started walking.
“I only told her that our mom’s are friends”.
“And that makes us family”.
“I was only tense. I’m sorry if I’ve wronged you”.
“I never know you to be the honest type”.
“Sure I’m”. He smiled.
“I don’t want to get into a scandal. People are looking”.
“Let them”.
“What”? I stared at him.
“We’re family”. He held my hand. “Aren’t we”?
“Gosh. Your so silly”. I removed my hand. “I’ve known you to be the smart type. Why do you talk about silly things”.
“I was just trying to be funny”.
“Well, that wasn’t funny. I’m not a simpleton”.
“Sorry then”. He was silent all the way home. “See you tomorrow”.
“You always see me”. I walked away
“Have a nice snore”.
“I don’t snore”. I frown.
“Doesn’t matter”. I left. I might have misjudged him of being someone who’s bring and smart. He just talk a lot about silly things.
I need your opinion on this story. I know I don’t post quickly. That’s because of some personal matter so please kindly bear with me. This story has been completed so I won’t stopped halfway. So your opinion on this story.
Chapter ten
Here I’m now in my silly dreams.
“Can’t I at least get some rest before bringing me here. I haven’t eaten yet”.
“I’ll have the maids to prepare something for you. The prince would like to meet with you”.
“Where’s he? I’ve no time to waste”. I walked away.
“So soon”. He said as I stepped in.
“Not if your man hasn’t brought me here with an empty stomach”.
“I’ll tell the maids to see to that”.
“Bayern already did that. So why did you call me”?
“Sit”. I sat. He came out from the shadow. “I’m not a coward”.
“Never said you were”.
“I want to end this suffering but only you can. I never wish everything to come out this way. I wasn’t in my right mind back then”. He stared at me. “Would you please help me”?
“If I don’t want to help you, then why would I be here and I’m not doing this for you. I’m doing it for your people. They look pitiful”.
“Thanks. How I wish I could go back in time and stop the war”.
“Can I leave now”?
“Yes. We’ll set for the journey tomorrow”.
“Journey? What journey”?
“We’ll have to travel to the mount of Meeran to break the curse. Its takes months to get there by foot but we should we able to get there in a week if we fly”.
“Bayern didn’t tell me all that. I’ve a presentation to present next week”.
“Leave that to the librarian. He’s skilled in things like that”.
“Fine”. I left angrily. I’ve to think about myself too. I can’t be dragged here because I want to break a stupid curse.
That’s what I’m talking about. I finished eating. I was so full that I couldn’t get up.
“Who cooked it”?
“The chef”. Bayern appeared. “I’m glad you like it my lady”.
“I’ve to go”. I got up and Bayern held me so I wouldn’t fall.
“I’m fine”.
“No you’re not”. I was really fine but this is strange. I felt weak. I started to feel dizzy and I slumped away.
I opened my eyes slowly.
“How did I get home”?
“Breakfast”. Mom shouted. I got up and started my daily routine.
“Lydia and I are going to the restaurant. Her son’s coming over so treat him well”. Mom said.
“What’s his name exactly”? Wayne asked.
“Harrell. He’s in final year. Just waiting to get into college. He’s Kelly senior”.
“I see”. He start to eat. “Is he a football fan”?
“Don’t talk or I’ll give you a smack”. We were all silent.
“I’ll take you to the dentist Julia when I’m back”.
“I don’t want to go”.
“You should dear unless you want to become teethless and you Kelly”. She faced me. “Prepare dinner if I come late. Bye”. She left.
“I’m going to the gym”. Charlie stood up. “And I’m taking Julia with me”.
“Why”? I asked.
“It’s a secret. Come on let’s go”. They left.
“Wanna play video game”?
“You always win anyway”.
“You might this time”.
“Okay. I’ll give it a try”.
My laughter filled the air. I couldn’t believed I won even though I knew he let me. There was a knock on the door.
“Looks like it’s the boy”.
“I’ll go get it”. I opened the door. He was in shorts and kinda looks like he got a new haircut.
“Hi”. He greeted.
“Hi. Come in”. He entered while I closed the door behind.
“Wanna play”? Wayne asked him as he sat beside him.
“I don’t think I know how to play that thing but I’ll give it a try”.
“I’ll just get something to eat”. I entered the kitchen.
I was all through with the cooking. They were both laughing went I came out. They seem to get along together.
“Dinner’s ready”.
“Wow Kelly. This dude is really good at this. He won even though it’s his first time”.
“Guess you never knew he’s a genius”.
“Will you go to the basketball court with me tomorrow”?
“I really don’t know how to play but I’ll try”.
“He’s really a genius”. Wayne laughed.
“Enough of the talk. Will you two just come and eat”.
“Oh. I don’t think I’ll be able to eat. I’ve to see Gwaine”. He got up. “I’ll be back. Take a good care of him”.
“Wai___”. But he was already out of the door. “Is all this gonna get wasted”?
“We can eat it together”. Harrell walks towards the table and sat. “Smell nice”. He smiled. “First time tasting your cooking”.
“Thanks for the compliment”. I frowned. “I think I also lost my appetite”.
“Really. Please”.
“Well if not for me then for my Dad sake”. I couldn’t talk. Why would he begged me.
“Fine”. I sat.
“Thanks”. He smiled.
“Ah. I’m damm full. That was good”. Harrell sat on the couch. I hand him a cup of coffee. “Are you trying to fatten me up”? He collected the cup from me and put it on the table. “Heard you’re gonna do the presentation. How lucky you’re”.
“I don’t like it”.
“Why? Everyone would love to be in your place”.
“Everyone would but I don’t”.
“I can help you if you want”.
“I’m fine on my own”.
“Really”. His phone rang. The caller ID says Maggie. “Yes”. He picked it. “Not in the mood. I’m quite busy…….. I think I’ve had enough of that. Your Dad doesn’t like me…… Knock it off. There’s nothing you can do about it. I’m hanging up”. He cut the line. “I’ve to get going”. He got up. “Can you walk me down the street”?
“No. I’ve got some stuff to do”.
“Okay then. Bye”. He left. I closed the door. My phone rang. It was Belle.
“Hello girl”.
“I’m so sorry I couldn’t make it to your house”.
“It’s nothing. By the way, Harrell visit”.
“Really? Is it for real or you’re trying to con me”?
“Would I lie to you. He and Wayne seems to be getting along”. I climb the stairs.
“Did you guys talked”?
“Kind of”. I opened the door and saw Bayern sitting on my bed.
“That’s cool”.
“You know what, I’ll call you back. I a little bit busy”. The line went dead. I stared at him. “I’m not yet ready. I’ve to pack some things along”.
“We have what we need”.
“Okay. Let’s go”.
“Ahem”. He cough. “It’s this way princess”.
“You should have told me earlier”. I stepped into the portal. “Is there gonna be a saddle cause I’m scared of height”.
“You’ll be safe my lady. Trust me”.
My scre-m filled the air.
“I thought you said I should trust you”.
“You’ll get used to it”. Jeez. I can’t believe I’m actually flying.
“Can you please slow down a little bit? The air is entering my eyes and nose”.
“This is the slowest I can go”. Aegon replied. Thanks goodness he landed.
“I think we should travel on foot. I don’t think I will be able to fly that thing again”. I brought out the loads.
“I’ll make some camp”. Bayern spread the sheet”.
“Why’s it so cold in here”?
“It happens after the war and it never stopped”.
“Oh”. I wore my sweaters. “I love the cold but this is just too much”. The camp was already made. I was in,side warming my body near the fire.
“Here”. Bayern gave me a plate of roasted meat with fruits.
“Thanks”. I start to eat. “Is he okay”?
“He’s fine. Dragons don’t get cold”.
“Can you help me out with something”?
“Sure. Anything for you your highness”.
“I’ve a presentation next week but I’ve nothing to say”.
“Leave that to me”. He took a paper and start to write. I got up and went out.
“Want some”? I asked Aegon.
“I don’t have a hand to eat that. I’ll make some fire”. He breath out a mouthful of fire on the stick.
“How did you get used to it? Being a dragon”?
“It’s just a matter of time”.
“Can you tell me about the great Khan. I love to know more about him”. I sat on a wood.
“As far as I know, he’s a great ruler. There was peace. No war”.
“Then why did you attack his kingdom”?
“I really don’t know what came over me that day. I felt like……..I was possessed or something. My dad was killed. He was the only person I got and a thought came to me that it might be Khan’s men who killed him since his body was found close to his kingdom. I didn’t care about the dragons. All that was in my mind that time was to get revenge”.
“Where did you hide them? The dragons”?
“It’s in a cave beneath the castle”.
“I thought they never exist”.
“Not in your world. Get some sleep. We’ll leave at dawn”.
“I’m not sleepy. I just kinda fell like…… talking. Hope you wouldn’t mind”.
“Not at all. I’ve all the time in the world”.
“There’s this guy I like………..”. I kept on talking.

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