Dream Season 3

Dream season 3 episode 2


after exposure



episode 2


She started laughing

“Uhmmm oppa, why are you not tying it now?”she asked.

I smiled

“I will tie this if you promise never to call me sir again”I said

“Promise”she said

“Each time you say sir you Wil pay with a k-ss”I said

“Deal”she said

“And you must accept me as your friend and stop respecting me so much ” I said

” are you sure?”she asked

I got scared…

was she waiting for this opportunity.

“Yes, yes am sure”I said

She nodded and I carefully tied the rope well then we stood up.

She smiled and touched her back then she cleared her throat.

“Uhmmm oppa, i don’t really like this cloth”she said with a very pained face I smiled

“Ummm why?”I asked as i moved closer to her but she moved back.

I smiled as I took both her hands and forced her to sit down beside me

She sat down and took her lip into her mouth as she covered the gown which was already long.

“Uhmmm are you scared?”i asked

She shakes her head in disagreement.

“No”she said.

i moved closer.

both her hands already went to her chest as she cleared her throat and moved back. what a drama queen.

I touched her leg quietly..

Till I got to her laps.

she smiled quietly.

“Deya, am not like that. I am not even thinking about those things right now. What i want is just to be with you,mmmnnn”…

She smiled and I k-ssed her cheek quietly.

I took her hand and walked her into the dressing room.

A lot of female clothings where there.

I chose a white short and a black singlet.

“Here”I said

“Uhmmm isn’t there something longer?”she said.

I frowned my face

“Oh i will manage this”she said as she hastily took the cloth with both hands and bowed.

I watched her quietly… I brought out my teeth cos I was ready to eat her alive

“Nooooo hah! I wasn’t bowing to you I was bowing to myself..why will I bow to you? “she said in a cunning laugh I smiled as I walked out letting her dress.

She rushed out…oh the short is even longer than I planned.

But I love the singlet ..

She stood facing me quietly I smiled.

We both walked into the living room, she was holding my hand.

All the workers bowed and she carefully let go of my hand I smiled as I sat down.

“Uhmmmm everyone should leave now, come back when I call. Dont worry you will still get your allowances..bye, bye Bye”I said and waved at them.

“Sir can you cope?”my cook asked.

“Well, what can I do? Love is blind. infact God is in control” i said the oldest male worker laughed.

“Ok sir, we are leaving”the man said i nodded and watched them leave.

I stood and walked towards my heart throb with both hands in my trouser pocket.

“Sir what did you do?”she asked

“Isnt it obvious deya, am trying to be a hærdworking boyfriend and the best man for you” i said

She smiled shyly

“Uhmmmm can you cope?”she asked in a whisper

“Why not…is there anything I can’t do?”I asked

“Ok sir..uhmmm sorry oppa” she said.

I smiled.

“Deya you now owe me a k-ss”I said she smiled and nodded

“Ok”she said.

I nodded as I deeped both hands well in the pocket.

She smiled shyly as she moved closer to me.

“Ummm sir bend”she said and touched my shoulders i laughed.

She got embarrassed so I sat down on the chair holder she smiled and moved closer.

I smiled as she sent her pretty hand to my face..her hand was even shaking

she carefully moved my full hair behind my ear.

I lifted my face to her she smiled and took a deep breath.

Then moved closer to me..

she finally stopped half way.

“Ummm bryan close your eyes too ” she said in complaining voice.

I nodded and closed my eye…

What i enjoyed was her fingers in my hair, as for the k-ss I know she cant yet.

And finally she k-ssed my cheek.

I smiled and opened my eye.

Deya ran away.

“Deya that’s not a k-ss” I said as i ran after her

She laughed as She ran round the living room

“I will catch you “I said

“No you can’t run”she shouted

I ran after deya I almost caught her but she climbed on my chair and jumped up and down happily while clapping her hands together

I watched her quietly

–so real.

I must catch this girl

I climbed the chair and She jumped down hastily..

I tried catching her she ran away.

Oppa come and catch me if you can…..”she sang happily.

I laughed.

I tried catching her she used a side stew to block my way

“Aiiishhhh deya wait”I shouted as she ran into the compound.

All the guards started cracking quietly.

She ran round the pool.

“Deya we have not planned our relationsh¡p yet ..better Come here”I shouted.

“I love you” She shouted from the distance where she stopped

my eye w¡dened as i watched her.

She placed both hands across her Mouth and scre-med out again “I love you!!”she shouted while jumping up and laughing.

I love you too deya,i love you just the way that you are..I don’t even want one thing to change. Not your curly hair, not your smile,not your walking step,not your naivity, not your innocence, not your shyness, not even your nervousness….i fell in love with you so bad that i fell for everything,every single about you.

Very soon I will tell you about singing.

I will tell you about singing first now that am not with your mum.

I really want to know if you can do it for me.

Just like that…I want to know how much you love me.

But I promise you, i will find your mum before you even miss her..

Am so close and i know exactly how to get her now..but I want to tell you about singing first…I need you to be determined first

When you finally get exposed I know you will change but please don’t change all the things that made me fall in love with you.

I love you so much.

“Oppa say you love me too so I can let you catch me” she shouted I laughed.

“I love you so much deya,i love you” I shouted she smiled and turned round and that was when I caught her she laughed.

I hugged her tight.

“I love you”i said she smiled

“Oh my,Oppa come on”she said and dragged my hand i smiled as she stopped facing the fountain.

“Oppa who was molded here?”she asked me

“Uhmmmm this is a man in the bible”I said she nodded

“Uhmmmm wifey,who denied Jesus?”i asked.

“Is it not Peter?”she said

“You see? that’s what I was telling Jeremy, i told him but he said it was moses”I said

“Jeremy doesn’t know the bible. Oppa I am proud of you”she said.

i smiled.

Judas really; Bryan why?

“Oppa call Jeremy so I can correct him”she said

“Ahhhhh no,he doesn’t need corrections”I said

“Call him..I will cal him”she said and placed the call on speaker.

“Oppa”she shouted in a happy smile

” my love” Jeremy said.

my eye w¡dened.

She smiled

“Oppa it was Peter that denied Jesus..it wasn’t Moses..Bryan was right”she said

“Hah!!! but your boyfriend said it was Judas”Jeremy saiD.

i started coughing as deya dropped the call and looked at Me like a wife who wanted divorce.

“Honey let me exp–

She removed her slipper and i ran away as she chased after me..

“Deya wait. am not feeling fine”I said.

“You lied to me” she shouted and ran after me.

I ran faster and soon I got to to the pool.

I didn’t see her again.

I took a deep breath,finally.

No more deya

God that was a run.

I tried walking when I felt someone touch me.

I turned;DEYA!

I fell in,side the pool out of shock and she She started laughing as she jumped with me.

I smiled as I held her to myself..wow she swims well..she smiled.

Her hair fell free due to the ruining.

Her face is just so attractive.

I helped her sit on the pavement then I stood facing her with both hands across her wa-ist.

Her hair fell free and sent water down her body..especially her chest.

Her n-pple traced but her long hair covered down her chest blocking the pretty sight.

I smiled as I looked in her face.

“It wasn’t Judas..ok”she said with an angry face I nodded.

She smiled happily.

“Sorry for making you get w-t.”she said

I smiled as I moved her hair away from her shoulders and sent it to her back.

She opened her mouth shock

“Hey its transparent”she SaiD In a cute voice and hit my hand i smiled.

She tried moving her hair back to her shoulders again.

I frowned.

she left the hair where i kept it and i moved it myself

“I love everything about you …never forget that” I said she nodded I moved into her and she gently opened her arms and hugged me tight.

I smiled and k-ssed her hair.

we need to go to s- square soon and register you.

This is a big challenge you need training and confidence.

I suddenly wish you weren’t a singer but I can’t lock down your future because I want you to be with me every minute.

Her w-t skin made the hug unforgettable. I felt her push her self upward right here in my arms.

I smiled..why does she want to whisper.

Finally deep down in my ear she whispered”did you know I loved you before I came to your house?”she asked.

I smiled and unlocked so I can look in her face she smiled and used both hands to cover her face.

I walked out and carried her from the pavement.

She held my shoulders softly.

“Bryan i feel cold”she said

“Sorry”i said

“Uhmm do you feel cold?”she asked

“Yes”i said

“Ok so let’s make hot coffee”she said in a laugh as she relaxed in my arms.

I smiled

Soon we got in

“Ummm go and change”she said ” i want to make sure you are ok first”i said

She nodded.

“Ummm i will just change”she said and ran into the dressing room.

Finally she walked out wearing a white gown..

I smiled as I took her back into the room then helped her wear the jacket of the gown she smiled as I zipped it

We walked into the living room.

“I will just change..”i said she nodded and sat down so i moved into my room.

I walked out and wore a black long trouser..

Then a black room sipper.

I saw the mark on my tummy That was when I remembered the first day I met deya…

don’t even know why I hadn’t removed this Marks yet.

I pushed the hair band into my hair and took the black top when deya walked in.

I smiled as I moved over to her

“Where you scared,”i asked

“Yes it was too quiet”she saiD

i smiled.

she looked down at my tummy.

“One minute”she said and ran away i smiled as i stood waiting for her.

She ran in and lifted a small container

“Ummm this cream can clear those marks for sure”she said

“What’s that”i asked

“Oh its oil. it will this marks.here” she said as she rubbed it on her palm.

Then squatted down and applied it on my tummy.

Oh gaaaaaad

I hastily dragged her up.

“Ummm wait” she sent her fingers to my tummy again and applied the last one..

Her fingers ran on my belt i gently collected her hand

“Ummm its ok” I said she nodded

“Ummm if it doesn’t clear I will feel bad each time I see it” she said i nodded

“I will apply it regularly” I said she smiled and nodded.

I wore the top and we both ran into the kitchen while laughing to nothing.


Uhmmmm why did i feel like that when I applied that oil.

I felt so sweet.

But why was he shaking and acting scared..the oil doesn’t pain.


Bryan moved over and sat on the counter as he played a quiet music in his phone.

I smiled as I put the hot water on then turned to him where he sat.

I smiled…so pretty.

He was looking out the window he finally turned and looked st me.

His eye made me smile happily as he rolled them at me.

He is mine ..how

“I love you” he said I smiled as he sat quietly like a kid waiting for his mum

“I love you too”I whispered

He smiled and hummed to the song on his phone.

I love you priya, today and tomorrow….

I smiled…why does he like Indian songs..he smiled as he looked at Me

not again.. not ag–“his phone rang he took the call as he pointed at the boiling water

“Diego”he said as he watched me pull down the water.

I placed the coffee closer so it can get cold.

“No they went on a break”he said as he gave me a hand and lifted me to sit beside him.

I smiled.

“Am fine … no am alone” he said and pecked my l-ips I smiled shyly.

“Yes .. goodnight” he added as he moved my hair into my ear with the same hand he held the phone he dropped.

He looked in my face but his phone rang again.


“No they went on break

“Am fine”he said and took my hand i smiled and watched him drop the call.

“Ummm sir–“he k-ssed me instantly..

I moved back and he moved in with the k-ss.

He unlocked and i blinked my eye Twice he smiled.

not again not again..I will die if you go he sang in a little voice as he opened his phone messages.

“Oppa the tea is warmer now” I said.

He jumped down and we both walked into the living room where we sat facing each other.

“You Wil teach me how to make this later” he said

“Oh ok”i replied

“Are you still cold,”he asked in concern.

“No am not” I said.

He nodded

“You didn’t dry your hair” he said as he touched my hair.

“Well …it’s Ok”i said

He nodded.

we drank our coffee happily.

I am so happy..I feel like my life will be better from now

I looked at Bryan and smiled..his eye made my night.

His phone rang he stood up.

“Honey goodnight”he said

“Huh”i added

“its 9” he said.

My eye w¡dened he smiled

“So I will see you in the morning”he said

I nodded

He k-ssed my fore head and ran up.

I ran info My room.


Who’s call was so important that he dismissed me huh?.

Secondly am scared ..

Cant he stay here?

I will stay on the floor.

I held by pillow tight but the room light went off.

I sat up in fear.

A red light came on.

Bryan walked in I smiled.

He wore white now.

White trouser,slipper and top then tied his hair.

He moved in and locked my door.

Then cat walked over to the bed while moving his hair from his face.


He smiled.

“I forgot you where scared boo ” he said and Lay beside me

I wrapped both hands on my chest he hugged me like that by force.


He used the duvet to cover even our faces then held md tight.

I was fighting but he kept laughing as he held md tighter.

“Ahhh Sir let Me go” i said

He laughed.

“Hey stop shouting..the guards will come” he said abd turned me to face upward then he held me to himself.

“Bryan you are corrupting me” i said and rolled out he laughed and grabbed me again.


“I love you” he said.

I kept fighting till he turned me to my side and i faced him.

“Am cold” he said

“Really,”i asked

He noddee.

I carefully moved into him and he held me tight.

I removed my hand from my chest and held him tight as i moved deeper into his arms.

I smiled as I relaxed in his arms.

He ate into my l-ips I smiled and closed my eye ..He closed his eye too.

I held him tight and smiled



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