Elites season 2

Elites 2 episode 26

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Episode 26

Written ✍ #Sadiq_Infinity (Capri leo)


🍁 LOLA 🍁

My career as a detective may have ended but that doesn’t mean that I’m inactive. A couple of days after I quit my job, I’ve been meeting with Sonny every now and then trying to persuade him if he could get me a job at the place he was working.
However, it seems that whenever I brought that up, he always finds a way to keep me at bay and It’s pretty obvious that he was hiding something from me. My mind was telling me to back down but curiosity got the better of me.
So one evening as I was in my car waiting for the traffic light to show the green light, I sβ‚±0tted Sonny across the street running very fast. At first I thought he was in trouble but then I realized that nobody was following him so where could he be going to at this time?. Out of curiosity, I turned my car around and followed him from a safe distance and see where he was going. Luckily for me, he didn’t enter any corner or alleys, he just kept running straight and after a couple of minutes, I halted my car close to a pharmacy shop in shock as soon as I saw Sonny enter the NOVA agency.

From that very moment, everything became clear to me. This must be the place that Sonny works and since I’ve been here before it’s obvious that the people I met in,side must be the same as Sonny. No wonder they get their work done easily, it seems like I’ve stumbled upon the gathering place of all the freaks in Lagos.
Without hesitation, I went out of my car and headed straight to the building to find out the truth once and for all. Some of them might resent my presence but with Sonny around, I’m sure he can vouch for me. Finally after entering into the building, I noticed that the lobby was empty, even at the reception there was nobody insight. So I decided to go in,side and see if I could find anyone but then something unexpected happened.
As I was about to climb the stairs, I head some kind of alarm ringing around the building. Before I could even react, I noticed a young guy standing behind me staring at me suspiciously. The guy’s presence didn’t startle me what surprised me was how he got here without making any sound.

Chris ➑ Lady, wetin carry you come here?

Lola ➑ Uhm, I’m looking for Sonny.

Chris ➑ Sorry, he’s not here.

Lola ➑ But I saw him enter here.

Chris ➑ Well, something is wrong with your eyes.

Lola ➑ There’s nothing wrong with my eyes. Look, I know what this place is and I know what you are. You’re an Elite aren’t you?

Chris ➑ (shocked) How do you know this?

Lola ➑ Just take me to Sonny and I’ll explain.

( Kabir appears )

Kabir ➑ That won’t be necessary detective.

Lola ➑ How did you know that?

Kabir ➑ It doesn’t matter. You said you were looking for Sonny?

Lola ➑ Yes.

Kabir ➑ Is he your lover?

Lola ➑ WHA… no. We’re just acquaintances. Is he here?

Kabir ➑ Follow me. Chris, you can go now.

Chris ➑ Alright sir.

What happened next was totally mind blowing and at the same time confusing. The guy whom I had met earlier disappeared before my eyes instantly. I tried to ask what had happened but I decided to keep my mouth shut cause now it seems like I’ll be experiencing something on a whole new level. I just hope that I haven’t gotten Sonny into trouble.



Sunday ➑ I know that face. It’s that detective, so she’s still alive.

Ade ➑ Sonny, how did you know that detective?

Eze ➑ and what’s she doing here? Are you two dating?

Ade ➑ Not exactly. I’m sorry for not telling you people earlier but she knows my secret.

Eve ➑ Seems like there’s a rat in this agency.

Sonny ➑ I’m not a rat. I never told Lola that I worker here. I’m even surprised that she showed up here.

Ade ➑ She’s been here before.

Chioma ➑ Tell us, what does she know?

Sonny ➑ All she knows is that I’m an elite. That’s all.

Felicia ➑ Well, we’ll have to wait for Kabir to bring her here. I have a feeling she knows more than you claim she knows.

Women! Their wahala is too much. In all of God’s creation, they’re the most stubborn ones. No wonder all of mankind was kicked down to earth. However, what surprised me was how she knew I was here. Could it be that she had bugged me? or Could it be that she was following me around. It seems like I may have underestimated her. I just hope Ade and the others aren’t mad at me and I hope they don’t kick me out.
Moments later, Kabir showed up with Lola and everyone stared at her awkwardly. Staring back at us too, Lola’s gaze became fiery as she locked her eyes on two other Elites whom she had already met long ago.

Lola ➑ This can’t be. MURDERERS!!

Ade ➑ What is it?

Lola ➑ No wonder I haven’t gotten any feedback from you guys. You were in cahoots with this killers.

Felicia ➑ What is she talking about?

Ali. ➑ She’s talking to us.

Sunday ➑ Obviously.

Lola ➑ You will pay for what you did to Ken.

Sunday ➑ We didn’t kill him however your partners death was on him. He should have been smart to know that he’s no match for us.

Lola ➑ ARRGGHHH!!! (charges towards Ali & Sunday)

Sonny ➑ Lola. NO! (grabs her)

Lola ➑ Let me go Sonny. You knew what they did and you didn’t do anything. Why?

Sonny ➑ I’m sorry Lola. It’s complicated.

Lola ➑ And here I thought you were different.

Ade ➑ Enough! Lola calm yourself.

Lola ➑ I won’t, not until these two pay for what they did.

Sunday ➑ (laughs) Lola or what’s your name. Better watch your step else, I’ll sling shot you like I did last time.

Ade ➑ There will no be such thing.

As tension rises between Lola and the elites responsible for the death of her late partner, everything soon falls apart as both parties argue and make threats to each other. I felt sorry for Lola and tried to console her but she was full of rage but before things could get out of hand, Felicia intervened.

Felicia ➑ Iris.

Iris ➑ Yes ma.

Felicia ➑ Paralyze these goats.

Iris ➑ As you wish.

Carrying out the very order she had gotten from her boss, Iris made Lola and the other 2 elites collapse on the ground like bags of cement. After that, we all behaved themselves and turned our attention towards Felicia as she expressed herself.

Felicia ➑ Look, I don’t care what went down between you people. We have something important to do so if you still want to argue like goats, I’m going to make sure that Iris here makes your condition permanent. Ace has something to say to us and I want to hear it. As for you detective, I’m sorry for your loss but this isn’t the place for you to cause a commotion. If you want revenge do it outside not in here and since you know about us, it’s essential that you stay here. Of course, we can’t allow you to go Scott free because you might tell someone but let make it clear, you see this pen in my hand, I’ll going to show you a little demonstration of what happens if you rat us out.

In that moment, everyone witnessed the pen in Felicia’s hand disappear and in that moment, Lola jerked unexpectedly m0-ning painfully . We needed nobody to tell us where the pen went, it was in,side Lola and from the way she reacting, the pen was somewhere very uncomfortable.

Lola ➑ (m0-ns painfully) UHHHNNN

Ade ➑ Felicia stop!

Felicia ➑ Relax, she’s not going to die.

Ade ➑ Remove that pen from her system.

Felicia ➑ Okay, okay. It’s done.

Iris ➑ Shall I undo mine as well?

Felicia ➑ Sure.

Lola ➑ How did you do that?

Felicia ➑ Are you talking to me?

Lola ➑ Who else?

Felicia ➑ Its Teleportation.

Ade ➑ Enough talk. Lola, I’m sorry for what happened but there’s something I’d like to confirm from you. Can we trust you?

Lola ➑ Even if I tell anyone nobody will believe me and besides after going through that painful experience, what choice do I have.

Ade ➑ What is your view about the Elites?

Lola ➑ Sorry for saying this but you’re freaks of nature. You’re too dangerous in fact. How many of you are there?

Ace ➑ Not much but our kind is starting to rise and in a couple of years, we’ll be all over the world. This is a new evolution of mankind.

Lola ➑ Evolution? Like changing.

Ace ➑ Precisely.

Lola ➑ The world won’t accept this.

Ace ➑ They can’t fight it. This is God’s work not ours.

Lola ➑ I have one question. Since you’re all Elites, why haven’t you used your powers for your own personal gain?

Felicia ➑ That’s a very good question but why do that when we could help others?

Eve ➑ And you expect us to believe a selfish b-tch such as you is doing that?

Iris ➑ Watch your mouth, lizard. The boss here is very generous. She has saved countless..

Felicia ➑ IRIS! Be quiet.

Iris ➑ Alright ma.

Kabir ➑ Alright everyone. We’ve wasted enough time already. Ace, can you proceed from you left off.

Ace ➑ Sure, follow me into the testing room.

As everyone began to follow Ace, I stood next to Lola trying to help her up but she brushed me off and lashed out at me.

Lola ➑ Don’t you dare touch me. You’ve just shown me the kind of person that you are.

Sonny ➑ Look Lola. I’m sorry and I know you’re angry but there was nothing I could do. You saw yourself what the others are capable of and even if I told you those 2 were here, what could you possibly do?

Lola ➑ Don’t kid me. Your ability allows you to regenerate from any kind of harm or wound. Even with that, you didn’t have to balls to do what’s right!

Sonny ➑ HEY! I may have super healing abilities but that enough isn’t alone. You’ve felt and seen what that Felicia lady can do. She could teleport me to the sun if she wanted to. Ade here can see and communicate with spirits and demons, Naomi has a set of evil eyes that kills anyone instantly when they make eye contact with her, that’s why she wears very dark goggles. Tell me Lola, how in the hell do you expect me to act? In case you’ve forgotten that guy that blasted you like a pebble into the wind, is a incredible amount of force that could tear this city in half. These people are monsters compared to me and the good news is, they’re now on our side. The one that killed your partner is still out there.

Lola ➑ So you expect me to turn a blind eye on those 2 that are responsible?

Sonny ➑ What choice do you have and besides even if you were to strike, you’re extremely out matched. Come on now, let’s go and see what Ace is up to.



Here in the testing room, Ace’s love interest Sofia clicks and taps away on her laptop doing some research and while she was doing that, The Elites soon pour into the room feeling surprised by her presence. After sensing the presence of the Elites, Sofia shuts down her laptop and exchanges pleasantries with them.

Sofia ➑ Hello everyone, it’s nice to see you all.

Felicia ➑ Who’s that shorty!?

Ace ➑ She’s the most beautiful and intelligent specimen and the perfect formula I can never solve.

Rollins ➑ Guy, speak English.

Ade ➑ Sofia. What are you doing here?

Sofia ➑ No need to get surprised. I know what you all are and rest assurer your secret is safe with me.

Rollins ➑ Ace even you! Women are skillful manipulators.

Eve ➑ I resent that.

Felicia ➑ Better watch your mouth Rollins. I’m still here.

Eze ➑ Wonders shall never end.

Ifeanyi ➑ That’s the consequences of falling in love.

Teresa ➑ So you’re in support of that ridiculous statement.

Ifeanyi ➑ Ah, Teresa no be like that o.

Ace ➑ Quiet! Look, Sofia can be trusted. She and I have a very good understanding.

Rollins ➑ Until you break her heart and she decides to sell us out (laughs).

Richærd (Adaptor) ➑ Naturally. The snakes.

Kaitlyn ➑ E be like say some guys won die today.

Chioma ➑ Will you please shut up?

Going on and on with their arguments, Richærd and Denise who were watching what was going on decided onto get involved but however the demon Abyzou who was getting annoyed decided to get involved and put an end to the unnecessary argument between the Elites.
Taking possession of Denise’s body, Abyzou instantly lands in the middle of the Elites dispersing them to different directions.

Abyzou ➑ YOU FOOLS! are you here to argue or are you here to do something important?

Eve ➑ It’s that girl.

Chioma ➑ Denise.

Felicia ➑ Wait o, is this the little girl that I saw? What’s going on and what’s that monstrous voice?

Abyzou ➑ I’m Abyzou, mother of RichΓ¦rd and this girl’s body is my vessel. Since I’m now here there will no more arguments. I have a very short temper and I will not hesitate to kill everyone in this room.

Ade ➑ You hear you Abyzou.

Abyzou ➑ Good.

After giving Denise back her body, the Elites maintain themselves but they couldn’t help but feel astonished by what happened.

Felicia ➑ So this is the strongest elite. A demon possessor. Not fair.

Eze ➑ Says the one that can kill anyone without any physical contact. By the way, who’s that boy?

Ade ➑ My son, Richærd.

Kaitlyn ➑ What a charming brat.

Felicia ➑ Kaitlyn, watch your tongue.

Ade ➑ Enough talk. Ace. Let’s proceed.

Ace ➑ Alright. Felicia step forward please.

Felicia ➑ Okay, this should be interesting.


Next episode ➑ How far we can go.

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