Elites season 2

Elites 2 episode 9

πŸ‘Š πŸ’₯ πŸ‘Š


Episode 9

Written ✍ #Sadiq_Infinity (Capri leo)


πŸ‘» ADE πŸ‘»

GOD! what a hit. Demons are truly powerful. I can’t remember ever taking a hit this powerful and despite using my phantom ability, the hit still connected. Isabelle’s powerful shockwave was the biggest hit I’ve ever taken but this demon’s hit felt like I was smashed by a thousands concrete building.
If I take anymore of this hit, I’ll be dead for sure, it’s best not to engage in a confrontation with this spiritual being or else, this night might probably be my last. After recovering from the devastating hit I just took, I managed to stand up back to my feet. My body was fazing slowly and the pain surging through me was undescribable. The moment I gained full consciousness, I noticed that the area had being blown away. Kabir and Eze were not in sight but I did notice that Elizabeth and her gang trying to pin down Denise but they were getting moped mercilessly. In that moment, I realized that Denise was no longer in control of her body cause she was possessed by the very demon that was in her. I wanted to step in and see if I could talk her down but Atlas appeared and held me back.

ATLAS ➑ What do you think you’re doing?

Ade ➑ Trying to save that little girl from that demon.

ATLAS ➑ It seems that you have a death wish. Don’t interfere.

Ade ➑ Why?

ATLAS ➑ Demons aren’t like humans. We’re very stubborn and hΓ¦rd to persuade. We do whatever we like and nobody can stop us.

Ade ➑ Can’t you help me out?

ATLAS ➑ (laughs) No! You’re on your own. I won’t get myself involve in something that doesn’t concern me. You deal with your own problems.

Ade ➑ Well, is there any advice on how to beat this demon. It seems very powerful.

ATLAS ➑ It’s a she not it. It’s a female demon. Her name is Abyzou. She’s very strong and notorious. My advice for you is to leave that girl alone.

Ade ➑ I’m trying to help her.

ATLAS ➑ This is a fool’s errand. Nobody asked you to help her.

Ade ➑ Yes nobody asked me but it’s the right thing to do. If you’re not going to help, I suggest you leave.

ATLAS ➑ Hmph! Good luck Ade.

ATLAS disappeared right after wishing me luck. He was right about one thing, this is a fool’s errand and there’s a 95% chance that I might get killed but still, I have to try.. If somehow that girl falls into the wrong hands like Elizabeth and her gang, there’s going to be a mass scale of death, I have to prevent that from happening.
Without hesitation, I approached the possessed Denise from a safe distance trying to appeal to her good nature but the sinister aura I felt around her made me doubt if my plan was ever going to work. In that moment, Elizabeth and Ali tried their best to bring her down but they too were easily massacred and just as they were about to be killed by Denise, I quickly interfered before the final blow could be struck.

Ade ➑ Hey you. Those people aren’t your concern. What you should be worried about is me. I’m going to save that girl from your grasp, one way or the other.

Abyzou ➑ c-cky b–stard, don’t get so full of yourself. Your phantom ability won’t save you now. But before I kill you, I’d like to see what other tricks you can do. Prepare yourself worm cause you’re about to get crushed.

In a blink of an eye, Denise rushed towards in me with sonic speed and dropped an atomic punch πŸ‘Š on me but I was lucky to block her punch in the nick of time. As soon as the punch connected, I was flung back like a stone in a catapult.

BAM πŸ‘Š πŸ’₯

The impact of Denise’s punch made me go through dozens of buildings but thanks to my phantom ability, I was saved from crashing through the buildings, the only problem was my phantom ability couldn’t save me from Denise’s attack yet again. The pain I felt this time was greater than the first one, the pain was so extreme that I couldn’t feel my arms for some few minutes. While I was coping with my pains, ATLAS appeared and mocked me.

ATLAS ➑ What’s wrong Phantom boy? Can’t you protect yourself this time around?

Ade ➑ This isn’t funny and like I said earlier * leave me alone if you’re not going to help*

ATLAS ➑ There’s nothing you can do to stop Abyzou. She’ll kill you.

Ade ➑ I’m aware of that already. I don’t understand why I can’t protect myself from her.

ATLAS ➑ You humans are so gullible. Demons are also phantoms and only phantoms can attack other phantoms. Your only phantom ability is like that of a ghost not a demon.

Ade ➑ So you’re saying the odds are against me?

ATLAS ➑ Of course but there’s a way you can outmatch her.

Ade ➑ How?

ATLAS ➑ It’s going to be difficult but it’s going to be worth it if it works.

Ade ➑ Tell me!

ATLAS ➑ The only way you can outmatch Abyzou is by taking her to the phantom realm which is also known as *LIMBO*.

Ade ➑ Ah.. So the limbo is real?

ATLAS ➑ Of course it is.

Ade ➑ So if I take her there, what’s next?

ATLAS ➑ She won’t be able to leave unless you take her out.

Ade ➑ Alright so how to I do that?

ATLAS ➑ Hold on, there’s a problem. That little girl she possessed is in danger. If you take her along, she’ll be trapped their forever. Humans can’t leave the limbo once they enter there. They’ll remain there until the end of time.

Ade ➑ God! So what do I do now?

ATLAS ➑ Find a way to get her leave the girl’s body and once you’ve done that then you can be able to take her to LIMBO.

Ade ➑ So how do I get to the phantom realm?

ATLAS ➑ Open your hands.

Ade ➑ Okay… ARRGGHHH!!!

I had no idea what ATLAS did to me but it felt very painful. Before long, the pain has stopped and here on the palm of my hand was a triangular symbol with small writings on each side.

ATLAS ➑ Once she gets 5 meters closer to you say this words 3 times. *Egredere limbo* and you shall both see yourself in limbo.

Ade ➑ How do I leave?

ATLAS ➑ You’ll see.. Here she comes.

Instantly Atlas disappeared and in that same moment, demon possessed Denise appeared. She gave me a scornful smile and instantly brought out long claws from her tiny little fingers.

Abyzou ➑ Don’t tell me you’re done? Things are just getting excited. I’m going to slice you up like meat. You better put up a good fight.

Ade ➑ I wish I could but the little girl is the reason why I’m holding back.


Ade ➑ What I’m saying is that I can’t unleash my powers cause I might kill that little girl and I don’t hit little kids especially girls.

Abyzou ➑ You monkey!! Are you insinuating that you’re holding back because of this girl!? What nonsense!

Ade ➑ Its true and I can prove it. Leave the girl’s body and we can fight to our hearts content, that is if you’re not afraid.

Abyzou ➑ 😑 WHAT!? You think I’m afraid to come out?

Ade ➑ Sure. If you’re not a coward then prove it. The girl will be out of harm’s way and we can brawl until the winner stands tall.

Abyzou ➑ So be it then. Prepare to meet your doom.

Just as I hoped, Abyzou got out of Denise body and charged towards me but before she could get to me, I repeated the words that ATLAS told me and at that very moment, Abyzou and I found ourselves in a very dark environment.
The limbo was definitely what I had expected, I’ve heard stories about this place but I never knew it was true. The limbo was a dimension between the world of the living and the world of the dead. The place itself was very scary and terrifying, there were dark clouds and red lighting bolts in the sky, the wind was a little bit hot and the atmosphere was very tense. Abyzou and I weren’t the only beings in the place, there were spirits and demons-like creatures hanging around the place. In put it in a simple term, this place is a nightmare.

Abyzou ➑ NO!!! What have you done? Take me back at once.

Ade ➑ I refuse.

Abyzou ➑ I’m not joking human!

Ade ➑ Neither am I. It seems you don’t like this place and I can see why. If you don’t want to remain here permanently, I suggest you listen to me.

Abyzou ➑ Alright, I’m listening.

Ade ➑ First of all, I’m not your enemy and I’m not here to hurt Denise. I came to help her.

Abyzou ➑ You humans are wicked and heartless. That girl has gone through a lot and I won’t like any one harm her ever again and I don’t trust you either.

Ade ➑ You don’t have to but I truly wish to help her.

Abyzou ➑ Why must you help? What’s your gain in doing so?

Ade ➑ I have no gain and you met those people that were trying to capture her. They were trying to use her as their weapon but they didn’t expect things to turn out like this.

Abyzou ➑ Hmm, Okay then fine. I believe you and I’ll let you take the girl under your protection but still she’s my vessel.

Ade ➑ Of course. I’m glad that you agreed to this.

Abyzou ➑ Don’t get so excited human. I have 2 reasons for agreeing with you. First, I want to get out of this place and second, I don’t sense any threat from you. So take me back at once.

Ade ➑ Sure let’s… Oops!

Abyzou ➑ What’s wrong?

It’s always easy to get into some deep shit but trying to get out of it is the most hΓ¦rdest part. ATLAS did teach me how to get into this God forsaken place but the demonic b-stard forgot to teach me how to get out. In that very moment, Abyzou glared at me with her bright red eyes as if she was going for the kill. It didn’t take her long to realize what was going on.

Abyzou ➑ FOOL!!! You got us here but you can’t get us out!?

Ade ➑ Quit shouting on my head. I just learnt how to do this recently. Let’s be patient, I’ll fine a way to get us out.

Abyzou ➑ FOOL!!! you don’t know the kind of trouble you just got us into.

Ade ➑ What are you talking about?.

Abyzou ➑ Time works differently in the limbo. Each minute we spend here is like a day in the human world. If we spend 60 minutes here it will be like 60 days in your world.

Ade ➑ 😨 JESUS!!!

Abyzou ➑ We have to get out of here now, if we stay any longer, It won’t end well for you.

Ade ➑ Why?

Abyzou ➑ You’re human and humans can’t leave the limbo but thanks to your abilities you can. If a human stays in this limbo for a year in this place, he’s a good as dead.

Ade ➑ But he won’t age right?

Abyzou ➑ Of course not but let’s say somehow he leaves this place and steps into the mortal realm, all the years he’s missed will catch up to him and if he has exceeded his time in the world then he’ll die and turn to dust. That is why humans can’t leave the limbo once they get in.

For the first time in my life, I got scared. That b–stard tricked me into coming here, I’m sure he knew about nature of this place and refused to tell me. Demons live longer than humans so they have no problem staying here but as for humans, it’s a death sentence.
In that moment, I was in a state of immense panic and worry. There was nothing more that I would love than to live this place. I quickly checked my watch to see how many minutes we’ve spent here but to my surprise the arrow was just running around and around non stop. Just as I was about to lose my head, ATLAS appeared right next to me and Abyzou.

ATLAS ➑ Ade.

Ade ➑ YOU RAT!! You lure me to my doom. How could you?

Abyzou ➑ So it was you that taught him how to bring me here. You’re as shrewd as ever, ATLAS.

Ade ➑ You both know each other?

ATLAS ➑ Yes but that was a long time ago.

Ade ➑ I don’t care about your past. What I want is to leave this place now!

ATLAS ➑ So you know!?

Ade ➑ Of course I know. Abyzou here told me everything. Tell me how to get out, NOW!?

ATLAS ➑ You’re so disappointing Ade. After so many years you still haven’t understand the true nature of your ability. What a waste of talent.

Ade ➑ I don’t care. Get us out.

Abyzou ➑ How long as it been?

ATLAS ➑ 4 days.

Ade ➑ 4 days ke?

Abyzou ➑ Where’s Denise?

ATLAS ➑ The little brat is safe. Your friends took her in and they think you’re dead. Elizabeth and her gang are trying to get the girl by all means necessary.


ATLAS ➑ You see that mark in your hand.

Ade ➑ Yes?

ATLAS ➑ Connect it with Abyzou and you’ll be back in the same place we both left. See you around, Ade.

After that, ATLAS disappeared and left me alone with Abyzou and in that moment, She and I connected our hands together and in a blink of an eye, we were back at the same place we were in 4 days ago.
Unfortunately, we appeared at a wrong time cause it was day time and building contractors were present at the time. Everyone froze as they saw me appear instantly, Abyzou couldn’t be seen because she’s a demon. She had already left and went in search for Denise the moment we both appeared.
Seeing how terrified the contractors were, I decided to leave so that they won’t end up having stroke because of fear. Suddenly, the contractors shouted and dispersed like flies running like antelopes. At first, I thought it was my appearance but it wasn’t, so as soon as they left, I used my abilities and sneak into a closed barbing shop and that was when I saw what made the contractors run like mad men. Upon passing by a viewing mirror I noticed my body didn’t show ; I was shocked at first but then my reflection showed on the mirror for a few seconds and then disappeared again.
Before I could figure out what was wrong with me, ATLAS appeared once again by my side.

ATLAS ➑ Hmm, it seems you’ve awaken one among the special elements of your ability. You can now turn invisible..

Ade ➑ Oboi, no be small thing. So phantoms can be invisible as well?

ATLAS ➑ Isn’t it obvious? Tell me why can’t humans see ghosts or demons but even if they did, they won’t be able to survive the shock they get once they see what we look like, that is why we’re invisible to the n–ked eye.
Now you can go anywhere without being seen. You can even enter the bank and steal to your hearts content.

Ade ➑ I’m not a criminal . If you don’t mind, there’s someplace I have to be right now.


Next episode ➑ Four days don waka.

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