
Emily episode 19 – 21


Episode 19

“Chloe!” called out Shania. “Your dad is here and Calvin.”

It had been a week since Chloe was discharged from hospital. She had been staying with Shania all along. She walked down the stairs with a sad look on her face folding her arms.

“Auntie Shania. I don’t want to go with dad. It’s so boring living with both of them. Can’t I stay here with you,” she held her hand. “Please. Daddy?”

“I also don’t want you to go my princess. Can she stay another week Andrew? Seriously I will be bored if she leaves..”

Andrew looked at Calvin and he nodded.

“Okay. You will stay here with Auntie Shania,” said Andrew.

“Thank you daddy,” she hugged him.

“Well, we better get going Calvin. It seems Miss Chloe is not coming with us.”

“Actually, my dad is coming over for dinner. I was hoping you two will join us. I hope you don’t mind,” said Shania.

“Thank goodness! What a relief. I didn’t want to leave this place. If dad is not staying he can leave. As for me I would really love to join you for dinner,” spoke Calvin.

“Ohh Calvin. You really know how to make my day. You very funny. The Kelvin Hart type,” laughed Shania.

“We will join you,” responded Andrew

They sat in the loudge watching television. It was around 6pm when Shania started preparing for dinner. She was alone in the kitchen when Andrew walked in.

“I thought I could come in and give you a hand,” he said

“Ohh it’s you. You scared me up. My mind is in the pot,” she said smilingly. “You can wash your hands, peel the potatoes and make the salad. Is that okay?”


Andrew washed his hands and started peeling the tomatoes.



“You never talk about your wife,” she said her eyes on the pot.

“She left me for another man. We got divorced.”

“I am sorry.”

“No, it’s okay. Should I cut the potatoes into pieces?”

“Yes, but not too big. I still need to roast this chicken.”

“I can roast it for you,” said Andrew.

“You know how to?”

“Yes,” he smiled. “I am a man of so many talents.”

After boiling the chicken pieces for 8-10 minutes. He dried it and dipped in a beaten egg. He coast chicken pieces well with Robertson Gold ‘n’ Crispy coating. He fried until it was a golden brown.

“Wow!” exclaimed Shania. “It taste delicious. You did it better than I. Actually this is good. How did you learn all of this?”


“You so funny!”

They stared for a while.

“Aaaah,” he cleared his throat. “Grandpa is here,” said Calvin

“Okay, coming,” replied Shania

They walked to the lounge and greeted her father. Later on she set the dinner table with the help of Chloe and her step mother. They sat on the table and said grace.

“Divine! Shania didn’t cook this,” said her father. “This is delicious.”

“Dad. Thanks to Andrew.”

“Even I would never roast a chicken like this. This is good,” said her step mother.

They finished eating and sat in the Lodge. Chloe and Calvin made them all laugh with their jokes.

We often wonder, where happiness starts. The journey usually begins, in our individual hearts. Each one of us possesses happiness ownview. We must stick to our values. In the mirror we must be true. Spending time with others, who we love and deeply care. It’s these simple moments in time, everyday we would love to share. All the fortunes in this world, shall not make our spirits sing. It’s amazing how much joy, a baby’s laughter seems to bring.

Andrew wiped a tear seeing how happy Chloe was with Shania. He watched them as they washed dishes in the kitchen. Shania’s father had already left with his wife. He never thought he was going to spend another day with his daughter. But there she was having the time of her life.

“Happiness comes now and then, we cannot be sure just when, but when it’s there, enjoy each hour,” he went on. “Because happiness has such power, joy to you it will bring. Even mak..”

“Make someone else sing. What peace of mind happiness can show, he cut him short and continued. “Making you and others glow, nurture it makes it last. Forget the troubles of the past. Never fear that it will go for it could always grow and then tomorrow you will be happy,” he paused. “I wouldn’t mind if she becomes my mother. She is a good woman dad,” said Calvin.

“Did you really had to cut me short?”

“I thought you needed some help to finish the sentence. See you were disturbing me. I am watching my movie and you busy watching Auntie Shania and Chloe, while talking to yourself at the same time.”

“Its called meditating, sonny.”

“Oh please, dad,” said Calvin with a laugh.

“What are you two talking about?” asked Shania as she walked in with dess**t. “I have got dess**t with me here. Ice cream, strawberry and chocolate flavours.”

“I am eating with Auntie Shania,” said Chloe.

“Me too,” said Calvin. “Dad you on your own.”

“Me three. Guess will have to eat together as a f..,” stopped Andrew.

“As a family,” said Shania smilingly. “Come sit next to me, my princess.”

“But Auntie Come on. You should be feeding me,” said Calvin.

They all laughed at him.


Episode 20

After two months.

“Florence, I am going home.”

“Okay, madam. Boss is still in Bostwana?”

“Yes, but he is coming back today,” replied Emily. “I will see you tomorrow.”

Things had been going on well between her and Max. He had gone to Botswana on a business trip. She walked to the garage and was about to open the door.

“Are you Emily?” she asked wearing a long black dress and a black veil covering her hair.

Emily stared at her, heart pounding really fast.

“Ye ye yes,” she stammered moving backwards. “Who are you?”

“Don’t marry him. He is not what you think he is. He will soon show you his true colours. Leave him or you will die,” she said trembling. “You will die.”

“You are crazy.”

“No, I am not crazy. Run Emily, never look back,” she warned and ran.

“Wait! Stop!” shouted Emily following but she couldn’t catch up with her.

“Madam! Are you okay?” asked the security guard.

“Did you see a woman wearing a black dress, covered her hair with a black veil?” asked Emily.

“No, madam. It’s just you and me.”

“You didn’t see her?”


She was confused and even thought she was hallucinating. She went back to her car and opened the door. She got in,side and locked the doors. She kept looking through the window hoping to see the woman. She started her car and drove home since Max was coming back. She parked the car and got in,side the house. She headed to the bathroom and took a breath before starting to prepare for dinner. She was about to roast her chicken when her phone rang. She just answered without checking who it was.

“Hello!” she responded.

“Run Emily. Never look back. Run for your life. He will hurt you Emily.”

The voice sounded scary.

“Who is this? Hello! Hello!.”

She sat on the chair in the kitchen biting her nails. She couldn’t call back because it was a private number. A knock on the door disrupted her thoughts, afraid to go and open. She ran upstairs and locked herself in her room. She waited for a few minutes and heard Max’s voice calling out her name. She took a deep breath and opened the door. She ran in his arms.

“Okay. I guess you missed me right?”

“Yes, I did. I am glad you home. This house is so big. I was scared,” said Emily.

“Let me go and take a bath. We will talk later,” said Max heading to the bathroom.

Emily set the dinner table. They had dinner together and later went to their room. She tried sleeping but could not thinking about the woman she had met at the garage. She got off the bed and went to sit in the loudge. She was watching a movie, ‘War Room’. When her phone rang again, it was around 10pm. She jumped on her feet and moved distance away from the phone. It didn’t stop ringing. Max walked downstairs and took the phone.

“Whats wrong Emily?” he asked getting close to her.

“Who was calling?”

“It’s an alarm. It wasn’t a call. Are you okay?”

“I am fine. Let’s go to sleep,” she said holding his hand.

There was a bang at the door and she scre-med in terror. Max looked at her. Wondering why his fiancee was acting weird. He was about to walk to the door when she stopped him.

“No! Don’t go!”

“What is happening to you Emily? You acting weird,” he said and went to open the door. “It’s the dog. See, there is nothing.”

She took a deep breath and swallowed hærd. They went back to sleep but still Emily didn’t seem to get any eye shut.

Early in the morning, she woke up feeling dizzy. She kept running up and down to the bathroom. It was for the fifth time when Max noticed her.

“Are you okay?” he asked concerned.

“No, I feel sick,” she lay on the bed.

“Do you want me to take you at the hospital?”

“No, you go to work. I will go later at the hospital,” she said covering herself with a sheet.

“Okay. Call me if it gets worse.”

He grabbed his car keys and walked out of the room. At around 10am. She got up from the bed and took a bath. She had booked an appointment with her doctor. She needed to found out what was wrong with her. Walked out of the house and got into her car. Drove it to the hospital, parked it outside. Walked in and went straight to the doctor’s office. Knocked on the door and he responded. Got in,side and offered her a sit. He took her blood and she sat in the waiting room waiting for the results. Hours passed and was called back in the office.

“You are pregnant! Congratulations!” said the doctor.

“What?!” she exclaimed.

She remembered that she had stopped taking her pills. It was not good news to her since Max had told her that he didn’t want a baby. He didn’t want to be a father. She walked out of the hospital feeling weak. She had no idea how she was going to explain the pregnancy thing to Max.

“Take your pills everyday. I don’t want you to fall pregnant,” she remembered him seeing.

She opened her car door and sat.

“Drive!” she commanded . “Don’t look back, drive the car.”

“Who are you? Are you the one who have been calling me? What do you want from me?”

“Dammit Emily! Drive the car. I will tell you when to stop. Now!”

She started the car trembling.

Episode 21

“We going to the graveyard?” asked Emily, as she took a turn to West Park cemetery.

“Just drive. Park the car under that tree,” she ordered.

Emily did as per told. She parked the car under the tree. They stepped out of the vehicle. The woman was still wearing her black dress and a black veil covering her hair.

“Follow me,” she instructed.

Emily trailled behind. She broke into a sweat and her pulse raced. She was shaking like a leaf, her stomach churning. She stopped and placed the flowers on a tombstone.

“Here, lay my older brother, Craig. It was just the two of us. Our parents died in a car accident,” she went on. “I was very rich when I married Max. I put everything that my parents left for me in his name, including the company and the mansion. I trusted him with my life and everything I had,” she wiped the tears.

“I thought you were dead and you cheated on him with his best friend,” said Emily.

“What?! Is that what he told you? He tried to kill me, Yes. But I managed to dodge the bullet. I didn’t cheat on him. He used to abuse me. When my brother found out he killed his parents. He wanted me to leave Max but I ignored him,” she paused. “I was blinded by love and for once I thought my brother hated Max but No. He was trying to protect me from him. I didn’t believe it that Max killed his parents. When I confronted him together with my brother. He confessed on killing his parents and burning them in,side the house. After telling the truth he shot Craig. His cousin brother, Billy arrived later. When he walked in,side the house my brother was already dead. Max lied to him and said I was cheating with my brother, since Billy didn’t know Craig. I was shocked and at the same time confused. I managed to escape and I went to Canada.”

“No no Max is not a killer.”

“I used to say that Emily. I saw his true colours when he killed my brother right in front of me. But before that like I said it before. He used to beat me up every night and locking me in the garage. When he found out that I was pregnant. He made sure I had a miscarriage. He put poison in my food. I was admitted for a month. He paid the doctor to fake the results of my miscarriage,” she got close to her and held her hand. “Listen to me very carefully. Leave that man. He is a psychopath, a maniac, he is mad and crazy. He is a serial killer. He is handsome on the outside but in,side he is the devil’s twin.”

It was hærd for Emily to believe what the woman had said to her.

“What is your name? How did you find me? How did you know I was the woman Max was going to marry?” asked Emily with a hint of confusion in her voice.

“I am still talking to Billy’s wife. My name is Selena. Helena, Billy’s wife is the one who told me about you. She got your phone number from her husband’s phone.”

Emily almost collapsed when Selena held her hand.

“Are you okay? Wait! You are pregnant?”

Emily didn’t answer the question. She needed space. Time to think, she wanted to be alone. It was too much for her. Max had never laid his hands on her. Was this woman, standing beside her lying? Did she love Max? Was she jealous of Emily? The thoughts raced into her head. She dragged in a deep breath and looked at her. Her heart beat was rising. She looked directly into her eyes. The dark depths of her eyes seeming to search hers as if looking into her soul. She needed to go home and think. Once she was away from her she could think of other options, but she couldnt do any of that. She didn’t believe all that Selena had told her.

“I have to go home,” she finally spoke.

“Okay, but please don’t tell him that we met. Whatever I told you keep it to yourself,” said Selena.

Emily started heading towards the car.

“Emily!” called out Selena. “Be care f…,” she stopped at midsentence and fell down on the ground.

Emily looked around and saw a black car driving off. When you nervous your body is on high alert. Your heart beats faster, your blood pressure rises. Selena was still quivering when Emily got close to her.

“Selena! Don’t leave me please,” said Emily in between sobs holding Selena’s hand.

“Yo you sh……,” she looked at Emily and smiled.

Emily saw the light go out of her eyes. The level of horror at the situation seemed to directly increase her ability to act outside of her feelings.

“I am sorry, Selena,” she said and called the cops using a private number.

She got into the car and drove off at home. Tears streaming down on her face. She parked the car and went straight to bed. Late that night Max sent a message saying, he wasn’t coming back home. That night a blacklog of deferred emotion fell on Emily. She went to bed shivering, crying and fearing for her life. Selena had died and what if Max was behind the hit. She tried sleeping but could not. She wanted to run away from Max. She immediately got up from the bed and started packing her clothes. Suddenly someone opened the door.

“Where are you going sweetheart? Are you running away from me?” he asked.


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