ICHABOD episode 12/13

Cursed For A 1000 years

Episode 12

In a swift movement, he was in her room. The be-d lamp was on, it was a faint red lamp and for a normal human eye, you wouldn’t be able to see much but for a vampire, even in the dark, everything is bright.

He watched as she l@ypeacefully in her be-d. Her breath was in a slow movement and her b©dy was covered in her white blanket. Her hair was tucked in a blue satin . She looked as fresh as a morning dew in her sleeping state.

“Wow! That is one beautiful piece of cake.” Odin said to himself and was immediately standing beside her, so close to her that he brou-ght out his hand and with his index f!nger, he trailed the side of her cheek down to her jaw line…

He could feel Ichabod’s resistance within him so he chuckled to himself …

“Calm down idiot. You know that the night belongs to me. Even though you tried everything to st©p me from coming out in the day, you can’t st©p me from

. That will mean getting rid of me forever and that will only work on the full moon.”

He could perceive the delicious scent of her blood and he closed his eyes as he could feel them burn….his veins were protruding and he swallowed

. The f!nger he had on Harmony’s face now had a longer nail sticking out and the more her che-st rise and fall due to her breathing, the more he could the movement of her blood…..this was too much…. He could feel the twitching in his mouth as the fangs in his two front teeth protruded out and he opened his mouth….yet he knew he couldn’t have her right now….that bloody full moon! He was really hungry for her but…he still needed to wait else, he knew he would just ruin everything even though he desperately wanted to ruin things for that stupid Ichabod, it would mean ruining things for himself.

Several thoughts were going into his mind all at once. If he decided to ruin things for Ichabod, he would limit the chance of getting close to her. If Ichabod gets close to her, then he would also be close to her. If peradventure they make love on the night of the full moon when he would be at his strongest, he could take that bite he had craved for years.

He smiled and thought of penetrating into her mind once more just as he had done many times. That way, he always managed to interfere with her dreams about Ichabod which she was yet to realize. Somehow, the dream had a kind of illusion that was preventing her from seeing Ichabod’s face in each of her dreams, or odins face anytime he took over the dream and this was always at the ending.

He felt her m0@n in her sleep….

She was having a nice dream for sure, he thought in his mind and he straightened himself up bent slowly to say something into her ears when he heard…

“What are you doing?”

“Oops! Busted!” He said before standing up and turning around only to see Tracy at the door. She was ru-bbing her sleepy eyes.

“Come on, you don’t need to b©dyguard my mum when she is sleeping. You are so weird. Come, I wanna show you something.” The girl whispered, ru-bbing her eyes and walking closer to take Odin by the hand, leading him out of the room.

“Gosh, I hate kids!” He muttered to himself he followed her out of the room…she obviously hasn’t seen his contorted face….

Odin followed as the little human girl took her to the balcony of the house. There was no light except the reflection of the moonlight. There were two seats as well and she sat one.

Odin grunted, what kind of foolishness was this? So would Ichabod actually turn him into a baby sitter in this night? He thought of using his power on the little girl to sÂŁnd her to sleep immediately but…

“I’m so sad Ichabod.” The girl whimpered and this st©pped him from doing what he wanted to do.

“If you are sad, talk to your mother not me.” He murmured.

“My mum doesn’t like my dad.” She said, more like talking to herself. “If he still doesn’t show at the Halloween p@rty, I am going to be laughed at again . I can’t ask my mum to dress up like my dad again. It’s embarr@ssing.” She cried. “For days I couldn’t even do anything in cl@ss without being laughed at. I hate this stupid Halloween.”

Odin was ba-rely listening to her, instead, he was thinking of how he would lure her to sleep without hurting the little one but all of a sudden, she jumped from her seat and then ran to hvg him, clinging to his w@!st.

He was shocked and could h@rdly make a sound. The little girl was crying and he frowned

. This was just too much for him-this wh0le nanny-of a thing! He gro-an ed loudly…he didn’t sign up for this.

“Hush..hush little one.” He said, patting her on the head with his left f!nger.


He opened the door of her room. He was carrying a sleepy Tracy in his arms and then slowly, he put her on the be-d. His f!nger dug into the be-d clothing, ma-king a little tear.

“Oops!” He said before covering her with a blanket.

Just as he turned his back towards her…

“Do you have a daddy Ichabod?”

What the hell! He thought that little devil was sleeping!

“Yea, but I hate him.” He replied without turning around.

“You do?”



“Because he is responsible for all this nons-en-se that I am doing. He promised me to a wo…” He st©pped as he realized he was about to say this to a mere child. “You need to sleep little one and so do I…” With this, he walked up to her so fast, whispered something into her ear and the next second she was fast asleep.

Odin sighed. “Thank Goodness. Now, I need to find something better to do.” He said and was about exiting when he heard noises coming from somewhere. He st©pped and realized it was coming from Tracy’s be-d.

“What sorcery is this?” He asked himself, taking the tab beside her pillow. He could see that it was an event.

. There was a group of people on the podium, most of which were men, holding their daughter/son as they all took p@rt in a choreogra-phy.

There were some dressed like a big reptile with their head and foot sticking out, there were different dressings and everyone was laughing and was having fun.

He turned the tab around to see if the image was coming from somewhere behind it but there was nothing like that. He t©uçhed the screen, hoping he would be able to t©uçh one of the little people in it but his f!nger t©uçhed the gl@ssy cover.

“This wh0le technology thing is madness….” He said to himself but st©pped as he saw Tracy coming to the front just as the music ended. She was dressed in a white go-wn, there was a tiara on her head and in her hand was a magical wand. She looked really sad, as if she was going to bur-st into tears.

Everyone was waiting for her to do something but she looked terribly sad while holding the mic….

‘I’m here baby. I’m here….” Said a voice from behind the c@mÂŁra and all eyes turned to see Harmony rushing to the front, wearing the most odious costume ever. It was difficult to tell if she was trying to dress like a mermaid or a frog. When Tracy saw her, she dropped the mic from her hand and ran out of the stage in tears…..

“Wow! This must have been a total disaster….” Odin said to himself and was about to drop the tab when his hand mistakenly pressed something and he found another video dance titled, “The Dracula dance video.”

Above the video was a message- “Her Halloween p@rty is in two days time, you better get cracking if you really want to be p@rt of her life. I will s£nd a video to you, practice the steppings and be serious with it. This is going to be your last chance. Do not mess things up!

“Okay, this should be interesting.” Odin said, taking a seat and pressing the pl@ybu-tton, if nothing attracted him, the “Dracula” on the title of the video got him and well, they shared something in common……

Cursed For A 1000 Years

Chapter 13

The light that c@mÂŁ on disrupted his sleep and he opened his sleepy eyes, forgetting where he was until he saw Harmony looking at him in shock. She was still in her pajamas.

“What are you doing Ichabod?”

Ichabod stood up immediately and trying not to show how embarr@ssed he was.

“You are really taking your job seriously. First, the toilet thing and now, you are babysitting my daughter . You shouldn’t. Seriously.” Harmony said, walking to where her daughter l@yon the be-d.

“Forgive me. I must have sle-pt off.” He mumbled the words together.

Harmony said nothing but instead proceeded to wake her daughter up. Meanwhile, Ichabod was about taking his leave when Harmony said. “Is that my tab?”

He turned around and realized he had left the tab on the floor. It must have dropped when he sle-pt off…. when Odin sle-pt off. Wait, Odin sle-pt off?

“What is my tab doing beside you, Ichabod?” Harmony demanded, looking a bit displea-sed.

Ichabod was ton-gue-tied. “Well, I er…”

“Sorry mum, I took it from your room. I must have left it there.” Tracy said immediately, standing up from her be-d.

Harmony looked from her daughter and then to Ichabod before standing up to pick up her tab.

“Anyway, hurry up Tracy, you will be late for school. Ichabod, plea-se get the car re-ady.”

He nodded and left the room while mother and daughter went to the bathroom.

“Ichabod looks so different this morning

. Or maybe I had a dream about him.” Tracy said, removing her pajamas and climbing into the tub.

“Why did you say that?”

Tracy shrugged. “He looked so different in my dream and I thought I saw that his f!ngernails were….never mind, it was just a stupid dream.”


Some hours later, Ichabod was at the driver’s seat, Tracy was behind him, giving him the direction to her school while Harmony was busy ma-king some calls at the back seat. Within a few minutes, they got to the school and Tracy was getting down from the car but st©pped and turned to Harmony.

“Mum, are you sure that daddy will come around this evening for rehearsal?”

Harmony was quiet, she had been trying to get across to Michael since morning and it was no use.

“Baby, I promise, he will be there…”

Tracy sighed and climbe-d out of the car. Harmony waved at her but she didn’t bother to look back.

“Should I take you back home?” Ichabod asked, looking at Harmony throu-gh the rear mirror.”

“Hold on.” Harmony said before dialing a number on her phone. “Vivian, did you get Michael? Okay, s£nd me the address, I’m, coming there right now.” She said and ended the call. Shortly after, her tab chimed and she opened it.

“Ichabod, start the car and follow my direction.”


Hours later, Harmony was still standing beside her car, waiting for Michael. The car was parked in front of MTN Company. According to Vivian, he had just been made an amb@ssador and was still dealing with the paperwork.

She had thought of entering but she thought it was best to wait for him outside. So she stood outside with Ichabod who excused himself some minutes ago.

Harmony had to do everything to make that idiot go for their daughter’s Harmony. If he refuses to show up, she would tell him never to show up at their house again. If he knows he wants to be a father, he must be re-ady to do everything that comes with the responsibility. She was really angry.

“I thought you may need this.”

She turned around and realized Ichabod was holding a plastic chair in one hand and a bottle of cold soda in another.

She smiled. “Where did you get these?”

“Well, I got the soda at the shop over there and I requested for the chair,” Ichabod replied.

Harmony chuckled, “that is so sweet. Thank you.” She said, reaching out a hand to collect the drink from him. By so doing, their hands c@mÂŁ in contact and for a while she felt something go throu-gh her entire b©dy but she immediately collected the drink and cleared her throat. What the hell was that?

“There is a shade over there, is it okay sitting down over there?” He asked and Harmony nodded. Together they ran towards the other side of the road which looked conducive enough for chilling. Ichabod put the chair on the ground and she sat on it.

“Are you not going to sit?”

“No, I’m a b©dyguard, what kind of a guard would I be if I sit while you sit?”

Harmony smiled but said nothing. She gulped down half of her drink.

“You are really sweet Ichabod. Thank you.” She said with a smile.

For a while, none of them spoke until she realized it was getting too awkward and she realized she didn’t know much about this man.

“So tell me, where are you from Ichabod?”


Well, Ichabod had been getting re-ady for this question. “Well, I’m from here and there.” He replied with a chuckle but Harmony only scoffed.

“Your CV says you are from Baltimore, but I’m just curious, why Nigeria? Why b©dy guard?”

He smiled. “Well, I will answer you if you answer me this.” He said.

“What?” She asked, giving him that sweet smile that made him fall in love with her centuries ago.

“Why did you hire me?”


Harmony was surprised when he asked that. That was really a serious question.

“Well, I…I don’t know. There was something about you that drew me to you…” she said, trying not to sound awkward. “You have this mystery surrounding you and I got intrigued.”

“Well, let’s say that was why I c@mÂŁ to Nigeria, to find you….and to protect you…”

Harmony knew he was probably joking about this and wasn’t serious about saying all these, Maybe he was toying with her but the sincerity in his eyes and the way she was feeling as if she heard these same statements before and….what the hell was happening. She was looking at him with so much intensity and then she looked at the ring on his f!nger…it looked so much like…

“Have we met before Ichabod?” She asked with a puzzled look.

“Do you think we have met before?” He asked.

“Why do you keep asking me the same questions I keep asking you?”

Ichabod chuckled. “I apologise but no, I don’t think we have met before.” He replied looking so sweet and adorable and….oh God! Harmony looked away. She really needed a man in her life right now, she couldn’t believe she was beginning to like a man that seemed so familiar and yet so strange.

“There he is,” Ichabod said, standing up. Harmony did the same and truly Michael was coming out of the company, all suited up and alone. Harmony walked up to him as he was about to get into his car. Ichabod watched from afar.


“Baby…” He started as he sighted Harmony.

“Shut your tra-p Michael, I am here to tell you that if you fail to go to her rehearsal tonight, you lose every chance of getting to be her father.

. This is your last chance and don’t

ever ignore my call again.” She threatened.

“Hey, calm down, I was busy okay? I just got this major deal. Look I am doing everything for the both of you, I want to retire and stay at home to take care of the both of you…” He said, moving closer to her but she stepped further back.

“Do not even think about tou-ching me. I c@m£ to give you this warning, plea-se, it means everything to her.”

“I will be there.” He said soberly and she turned to leave.

“What exactly is that guy doing for you?” He asked, referring to Ichabod who was looking at them.

“None of your business and get a costume!” Harmony replied before walking away.


Ichabod kept looking at her from the rear mirror, she looked so angry and he wanted to do something to make her smile. He was driving to where she directed him, he didn’t know where they were going actually.

“Are you okay?” Ichabod asked but she sighed.

“You must be feeling so sorry for me.”

“Not at all. I think you are a wonderful mother and you are doing everything to make your daughter happy. You must be proud of yourself.”

Harmony smiled. “You are really sweet Ichabod.” She said. “Thank you.”

Ichabod nodded and concentrated on his driving. She was looking for something in her bag.

“Is everything okay?”

“Yea. I just remembered I found something in my room when I woke up this morning, I don’t know how it got there. Did you come to my room last night? Is this yours?”

Ichabod looked up in the mirror to see the black bottle of Monogen in her hand….Oh no!


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