Eve For Their Pleasure

Eve for their pleasure batch 18

°For their pleasure°
By Annabella.
Episode 26
(Brother’s trouble)
“Stop this the both of you!!”
Eve yelled at the two brothers who were already on each other’s neck.
“What is wrong with you?”
She asked staring at Hale who huffed as his l-ips twitched into a sneer.
How dare she ask him that question when she is the one at fault?
“Are you asking me that? Are you really asking me that?” He looked her over.
“I’m sorry” she made to touch him but he signalled her not to.
“Don’t! Don’t you dare touch me!” He warned,threatenly. “What woman snogs with her Ex in her matrimonial home?”
“How dare you judge me!” She snapped suddenly annoyed. “Does it hurt,does it hurt when you’re being played?” She queried and he felt a sense of de ja vu,he knew what she was driving at.
“If it do hurt, then that’s exactly how I felt when you were busy frolicking with Ashley.”
Philip was beginning to think they were talking about something else.
“So this is payback right?” Hale c*cked his head slowly,and stared at her through the corner of his eyes.
“No but I didn’t expect this from you.” She whinned.
“You didn’t expect this from me?,you know what Eve,I think you need a shrink to examine your head because you’re no difference from that bloody coxcomb behind you.” He seethed.
“What did you just call me?” Philip boom.
“Bloody coxcomb, that’s what you are.!” Hale lambasted.
Philip started to protest but Eve placed a gentle hand on his wrist, restraining him. “Stop it please..” she pleaded.
“You should say that to this idiot of a husband,who came out here and start a fight..” he retorted.
“Philip..” Eve’s voice cracked.
“Look at this” he pointed angrily at his jaw.
“You deserve more but you’re lucky she stood on the way I would’ve knocked you straight out .”Hale said, infuriated by the arrogant attitude of his doppelganger.
“She’s out,why don’t you do it now?” Philip jeered, pushing Eve gently out of the way.
“I favor my odds of kicking your ass. You bloody murderer!” Hale swored, irritated by this annoying Xerox of his.
“We’re the same” Philip said,a ghost of smile playing around the corners of his l-ips. “You kill,I do too..”
“I am nothing like you..” Hale snapped.
“We are the same cause we both take,so I’m here to take what belongs to me.”
They both stood, oblivious of their surrounding.
“You took Sonia and I’m sure you also took Ashley away from me,so I’m not going to let you take Eve,she is my wife..!” Hale stated angrily.
“Not like you have an option, she’ll accept to go with me. The same way she gladly k-ssed me and that’s the same way she’ll open up and let me go in between those pretty legs right in front of you..” Philip taunted.
“Why didn’t you go in when she was still with you?” Hale retorted,arms crossed.
“I didn’t cause I wasn’t ready,and now I am. So I’ll advice you to quit forcing her to love you because she doesn’t and will never do. I am the only one..”
“Get lost!” He thundered but Philip didn’t say a word let alone budge, just a little scof.
“Would you get out of my sight! Idiot! You must act the big fool you are.” He reprimanded loudly.
“Any more of that, I’ll make you regret this day..” Philip threatened.
“Look Philip, you’re nothing but a fool.”
Hale swore and Philip risked a punch but with the expertise of a master wrestler. Hale fend it off with both arms,and Philip threw another punch which caught him unaware. It threw him backwards so that he fell on his butt.
Philip pulled him up by the shirt.” I’ve let you slip out of my grip for a while now so I think it’s high time I taught you some manners..”
He hit Hale on the jaw,then lashed out with his right foot which caught him in the area just above the groin.
“Bitch you can’t do more than a hanging towel!” Hale spat blood-tinged saliva at Philip’s face and as if this was the tonic his brother needed,he picked him up and pummeled him again and again until his knuckles were entirely smeared with blood and weakly he fell to the floor.
Not yet satisfied, Philip made to pick him up again but a punch sent him backwards.
Gathering the last ounce of strength,Hale quickly got up and pulled a fast one on Philip by making swiftly for his feet.
With a heavy thud, Philip landed on the floor and what more?
Hale leaned upon him, pummeling Philip with the furry of a hungry Lion and as if to crown himself the king,he pulled Philip up by his collar and slammed him on the rail.
“Us brothers got to keep out of each other’s track,she is carrying my child so stay away from her..” he hit Philip again on the nose, simultaneously lashing out above his groin with his right foot non stop.
Philip doubled over in pain. A grunt escaped his l-ips,he was not sure which was more painful,the pain inflicted on him by the punches or those from the realization he was being dealt with,by his own twin_ his younger brother or the news of Eve’s pregnancy. But the pain was there, between the eyes,just above the groin,on his head which was repeatedly banged on the rail,and deep into his mind,as image of defeat,of failure and doom.
“F-ck you!!” He growled in pain but the hærd punches from Hale continued to rain on him.
Hale withheld a punch.”Philip or should I call you Mr stupid because that’s what you are. However stay away from Eve! This is your second warning.”
“She might be married to you and carrying your child but you can’t keep her away from me” Philip chuckled but Hale could tell he was angry.
“I will..”
His grip on Philip’s collar tightened as he punched him again. “I’ll keep her away from you..” Hale said and Philip chuckle again. He could feel blood trickling down from his nose and when he looked down on his shirt,he saw that the red liquid had soaked a vast area around his br-ast pocket.
With two fingers pressed together, Philip wiped a little trail of blood down his upper lip and stared at it.”I’ll make Eve pay for every single blood I lost, she’ll have to pay with her own blood.”
If that was a threat then it really had Hale,his eyes twinkled with fear and weakly his hand slipped off Philip’s collar.
“Don’t you ever try to hurt her.!” He warned weakly.
Philip sensed that the mention of Eve sobered him,so he switched on his threats.
“It’s better you don’t let her out of your sight,cause you might just wake up and find her lying in her own pool of blood right in,side your living room. And of course we both know that thing she is carrying won’t be excluded. It’ll have to pay too.”
His voice had gotten shriller now and anger filled his eyes.
Hale’s body limped with panic but as if on an impulse he snaffled Philip’s collar again and threw out another punch. He didn’t stop and Philip didn’t try to fend off the punch or fight him either,he just lean on the rail and let him have it.
Suddenly,the security rushed out of the gate house and hurried towards them, attracted by the commotion from the balcony. He had never seen his boss in such a foul temper before. It was one thing to get boss angry,he was simply terrible,the security thought but never had he seen his boss this furious.
Quickly, disengaging his boss from Philip, taking care to steer clear of stray punches,the security stood aside, watching them both intently.
Phillip wiped his fingers on the rail, soiling a little area of it with the blood from his nose. “When you’re mourning your wife,do remember that blood.” He touched the tip of his finger on his forehead and walked out of the balcony- out of the compound.
“Damn it! F-ck! ” Hale slammed his fist repeatedly on the rail and
finnaly turned to face Eve but she was no where to be found,no one was insight except the security who stood staring at him.
Alarm,he shot into the house like an arrow insearch of Eve. He navigated straight to Eve’s room but there was no sign of her.
He hurried out of the room and moved his search to the other rooms in the building. Still,there was no sign of her. Lastly he hurried out of the building and made out to the gate.
Still no sign of her but he could glimpse Philip’s car zooming out of sight.
He had wanted to go back in,when Rose hurried up to him.
“Rose” he called somewhat surprised to see her.
“He took her.” She wasn’t making any sense.
“Who took who ? Hale asked, trying to place what she just said.
“I mean Philip. He took Eve.” Rose voice quivered.
“He what?”
°For their pleasure°
By Annabella.
“What?” Hale drew in a sharp breath.
“Eve,she is gone. I would’ve stopped them but everything happened so quickly..” Rose explained, panic creaping into her.
“So she’ll rather be with him?” His shell of courage was beginning to crack.
“No, Eve didn’t just follow him . ”
“What happened,tell me everything I need to know. Rose where is Eve.?”Hale yelled, slipping to the edge of hysteria himself.
“I’ve been around, waiting for Eve for a long time but there wasn’t any sign of her,I was about going back when I saw Philip walk in through the gate I knew something bad was going to happen so I watched from the gate,then the hubbub started I knew she’d be hurt so I took her away from the scene…….
Flashback 🕰️
“She is out,why don’t you do it now?” Philip jeered, pushing Eve gently out of the way. Her heels slipped and she reeled backwards and would have tumbled but someone held her from behind.
Eve turned and saw Rose. “Rose..” she murmured as she straightened up.
“Come on, let’s get out of here” Rose whispered, pulling Eve away with her towards the gate without the notice of anyone except Philip who smirked as he watch them through the corner of his eyes.
“You see what happened out there,all because of your stubbornness. How could you even think of k-ssing Philip,not in any other place but in your matrimonial home?” Rose really railed at Eve after they settled in her car,in the privacy of the black tinted windshield.
“I didn’t wish for any of these to happen,he was just so sweet. I didn’t even know when I k-ssed him. I didn’t want to cheat on Hale but I still love Philip.” Eve grip her hair and Rose watch it fall in loose curls over her shoulder.
“Even though you still love him,why would you k-ss him. Girl that was so uncalled for..” Rose admonished.
“I said I didn’t mean to..” Eve retorted.
“Yeah I understand,you didn’t mean to. First you cheated on Philip with Hale and now you’re married to him, you’re flirting with Philip. Girlfriend what do you want him to see you as,a cheat?loose woman? common we both know this isn’t cool at all..” Rose scolded Eve who shoved her fingers into her hair in frustration.
“Look I’ll just leave if you’re going to pass judgements on me..”. Eve made to open the door but Rose held her hand.
“I’m sorry if I passed judgements on you..” she breathed. “But what you did wasn’t nice. They’re brothers, it’ll seem like they’re sharing you.”she chided again and Eve bit her l-ips, annoyed by the nags.
“I told you my sleeping with Hale was just a mistake..” she replied as a come back as if she just heard the words for the first time.
“Fine,it was a mistake but he’s now your husband so what about this k-ss with Philip. Is it also a mistake?”
Eve stared at her,not able to give a reply.
“Girlfriend you really don’t have an excuse..”
“You talk as if you wouldn’t have done the same thing if you were in my shoes.”
“I can never be in your shoes,infact your shoes are too big for me.” She joked.
“Rose no one is above mistakes..”
“Okay peradventure I be in your shoes I would’nt have k-ssed him. For the sake of my marriage. But girl didn’t he say he doesn’t need you again why would he come back to do a thing like this or is this payback?I don’t understand any of this”
“This is not payback,he still loves me and I love him back.” Eve said and Rose made a snort.
Why can’t Eve see this the way she is doing?.
“And you’re married,gosh what is wrong with you. Philip is just going to use you, remember you’re carrying Hale’s blood in your system so there’s no way Philip is going to take you back. Don’t you get it?”
“But he said he still love me?” Eve countered slavishly.
“And you believe it?”
“Yes I can feel it, besides I love him too.
“Girl you’re just confused..”
“I’m not confuse, I love Philip.”
“He’s just here to cause trouble in your home,the earlier you rekindle your marriage and make Hale fall hopelessly in love with you before Ashley gets out of coma,the better for you and your baby.!”
“I don’t care about Hale and his fiance. I don’t even love him

“If you like you tour all the countries and reproach him openly or climb mount Everest and fast for hundred days, he is still your husband!”
“He is a monster!!”
“Come on girl the man is trying some change,he loves you now. When I said be tough I was expecting you to be hærd on that fiance of his and not him. You’re even lucky to be married to someone who slept with you on your first meet and still accepts you. Philip won’t marry you, he’ll just use you that’s one thing you should know.” Rose words tugged at the back of Eve’s mind and she couldn’t give a reply.
They both lasp into a moment of silence,each with their own thoughts.
“I think you’re right Rose..” Eve murmured, breaking the lingering silence at last.
“Don’t think, I’m right..!” She pointed out.
Eve raised an eyebrow “So?”
“So go in there and do the right thing. Walk up to your Ex and tell him to his face that you don’t need him anymore.”
“That’s what I want to do but I can’t. I’m scared because I still love him.”
“F-ck that love. The earlier you open your eyes to reality the better for you..”
“My eyes are open Rose but I don’t think I can face reality,I know the way I’m treating Hale isn’t right but I want him to feel the same way I felt when he was doing the same thing to me..”
“He has felt it. But there’s something you need to know,men are not always affected by all this things it’s the ladies who is always affected. Take for instance you sleep with Philip now,and later realize your mistake then turn a new leaf. Do you know that if Hale ever cheats on you,you won’t have the courage to face him because you’ll be hunted by your past..?”
Eve stared wordlessly at her.
Rose was right and she knew it.
“Yes, it’s hærd to see a man being accused of being loose. It’s always the woman,even if he does it more than her majority of fingers will be pointed at the woman.”
“You know I didn’t think of that. It seems you’re a therapist,cause you talk like one.” Eve forced a smile.
“I’m not a therapist..” she place her hand on Eve’s hand which was on her lap. “I just don’t want you to end up making a mistake you’ll live to regret.”
“Okay what should I do now?”
“Just do the right thing,do what you know is right.”
“Should I tell Philip that I don’t need him anymore?”
“If you think it’s right..”
“My heart is telling me that it’s right..”
“Then follow your heart.”
“Alright..” Eve took in a deep breath and alighted from the car,then headed towards the gate which was ajar.
Her strides were confident,even though her heart pounded from fear. Fear that her emotions would betray her again. Fear of what Hale might do to her. Concentrating her thoughts on how to get herself out of the mess,she took a peek into the ajar gate and pulled back when she saw the two brothers interlocked in a duel.
“This is just a waste of time…” She murmured and turned away from the gate.
Rose got down as she saw Eve walk back towards her car. “What’s it?” She queried.
“I can’t do it..”
“They’re still on each other’s neck.”
“More reason why you should go in.”
“So I’ll get hit too?”
“No, you’re the only one who can stop them.”
“But I can’t do this. I can’t. I just can’t….”
Eve trailed as she saw Philip walking out of the gate amid wiping his blood smeared nose with an handkerchief.
“Philip…” She called quickly and he stopped on his track but didn’t turn let alone look at her as he tuck the handkerchief in his left slant pocket.
Eve walked up to him .”I’m sorry for this.” She said and Rose furrowed her brows. What was she doing? Apologizing?
He turned to her. “It’s okay Eve, Hale can be terrible at times..”
“Yes but maybe we shouldn’t have talked in the first place..”
“But I’m not complaining, I’m ready to fight for someone I love.”
He stated and she took in another breath. Her heart was now thumping with instense fear. She didn’t know how to do it but she knew it was the time to do so,so she took in another breath.
“That’s the point Philip,I want you to stop fighting for me. I’m married to Hale now, there’s no way I can come back to you..”
“What is this?, I thought you loved me?”
“I do but my heart can’t be in two places.”
“And you think you have a place in my brother’s heart.”
He crapped, trying hærd to control his temper.
“Of course I do,if you should know I’m carrying his child.”
“What do you think will be of you when the baby is born?, he’ll take his child and throw you out. You’ll be nothing but his baby mama..”
Rose stared at Philip and a sudden feeling of anger starts clouding her mind.
What is he trying to do.?
“I won’t be his baby mama because I’m not just carrying his child, I’m his wife. Can’t you see I’m still wearing his ring..” she waved her ring finger at his face.
“You better loose that thing you’re wearing. I’m sure he is keeping another woman, he’s just acting a delusionist for the main time. After you put to birth, he’ll unleash his true self. See the way I look now,this Is how you’ll be looking everyday.” Philip scolded Eve who frowned.
“I knew it..” Eve murmured as Rose walked up to them.
“You don’t know anything. Hale won’t do that. This wasn’t the plan” Rose countered.standing besides Eve.
“I’m tired of all this. I just want peace.. I need some sleep..” she said hysterically.
“That means we’re history now right?”Philip narrowed his eyes at Eve and quickly looked away.
“No it’s okay,you don’t have to apologise.”
“I wasn’t apologising…”
“Okay can we go to my car and have a talk, I’ll love to have a word with you…” He offered but she quickly shook her head negatively.
“There’s nothing to talk about Philip. I can’t go with you”
“I feel lonely,I just want to talk to you please.” his voice was sober this time.
“I can’t Philip..” she avoided the gleam in his eyes which was already promping her to do what he’d ask.
“It’s not like we’ll do anything bad, we’ll just talk. I don’t have any one to talk to please. Please-please-please don’t say no to me..”
What an angel— Eve’s legs felt weak.
“You won’t waste my time right?” Eve wriggled her head slowly.
“Eve what are you doing?” Rose who has been silent all along finnaly spoke up.
“I just want to talk to him, nothing else. I’m not getting back with him..”Eve explained innocently.
“What about where we were going to.?”Rose countered moving her eyes from Eve to Philip.
“You’ll still go, It won’t take long. I promise..”. Philip begged.
Rose wanted to protest but Eve stopped her. “I’ll just talk to him..” she said placing a hand on her wrist.
“Fine but I give you only ten minutes..” she stated going back to her car.
“I won’t trespass..”Philip promised but did he really mean it?
“Alright..” Rose called out.
“Thank you..” He wanted to take Eve’s hand but she didn’t allow it,instead she kept an acceptable gulf between them.
Rose lean by her car, watching patiently as they walk up to Philip’s car hoping the conversation won’t take long. But everything quickened as the car sped into the road, with Eve yelling at the top of her voice..
“Ev…….” Rose voice trailed.
Flashback over 🕰️
“Not again!!” Hale huffed and shoved splayed fingers in his hair overly disappointed.
“I’m sorry I didn’t know he’ll get her because of me.” Rose apologized.
Hale slammed his fist on the iron gate “This is all my fault,I would’ve locked her up.”
“No It is my fault..”Rose quiped almost breaking down.”if I didn’t take her out of the gate then I’m sure he wouldn’t have left with her. Tell me what I’m going to do to help get her back.”
“This is my fight and I’ll fight it alone.” Hale pointed out and made to go back in,side but Rose caught his arm by the wrist.
“What do you mean by that,We should be on our way to the station now. To make a report” Rose said frantically and he scoffed.
“Go home Rose,this isn’t the first time he is doing this.” He removed her hand from his wrist and made to go in,side again but stopped at her instance.
“What?so you’d let him go with her.?” She chided to his back.
“No. I’ll get Eve back and this will be the last time he’ll ever do this to me.” He stated with his back still turn to him.
“What will you do? Rose asked batting her damped lashes.
“I’ll kill him…” He stated and she tensed. Rose just kept staring at him in shock. And when she came to protest he was already gone and only the bang of the gate met her face.

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