Her Quest For Revenge

Her Quest For Revenge Episode 7 – 8


Written by: Chidimma Mirabel


“What have we done to deserve this?” She said while crying…

She sat down like that and cried for some minutes…

A knock was heard on the door. Roxanna ignored the knock and kept crying..

The door then opened and Kelvin’s mother gasped as she saw Camella lying on the couch unclad, it looked like she was…dead.

“What happened here?” She said pin h©rror.

“Some bad came here, they raped Camella till dead” Roxanna said as she kept crying.

Kelvin’s mother wiped the tears that escaped her eyes and she went upstairs. She took some sheets and covered Camella with it.

“Poor girl, I’m so sorry.” She said as sge hugged Roxanna who kept crying.

She called the cops and they arrived shortly. They took her corpse away and immediately buried her beside her parents grave.

After all her burial, Roxanna walked back home and sat down on the ground thinking of all what happened to her just in these happened just in some days time…

“I’m all alone in this cruel world” She cried as she burried her head in her knees.

She stood up and ran out of her house. She saw Kelvin and his mom coming towards her but she just ran past them.

She kept running not knowing where she’s going, she just kept running and running. At one point, she stopped and her knees gave up as she sat on the ground.

It looked like the weather felt her grieve so it began raining heavily. She sat there as the rain drenched her…

“Why? Why is life so unfair. Such a cold and dark and lonely life I’m living, but here I am. I just wish to die, to join my family but it isn’t possible…Maybe there is a reason why I’m alive.”She lamented in tears.

She glared at no one in particular.

“As from today, all they’ll know is pain, they’re gonna feel my pain. I’ll make them, you’re gonna pay for this. That’s a promise, you’re all going to pay. I’ll make you suffer, I’ll crush you, and when you guys will think it’s over, then I’ll kill you” She scre-med and stood up as the rain poured heavily on her.

She began walking on the road deep in thoughts.

Suddenly a car sped towards her and before she knew it, it hit her. She fell on the ground, loosing consciousness.


They were all having a girl’s night at Jennifer’s place when a news popped up on the TV.

“Camella Martinez, a young girl aged 19 was found dead at her house. The witnesses confirmed that she was a victim of rape, she was raped till dead.” The journalist said

“Oh no poor Roxanna, why must all these tragedy happen to her?” Catherine said as she was already in tears.

“We have to look for her, she might try to harm herself” Jennifer said.

They all stood up and rushed upstairs to get dressed. After some minutes, they were done. They boarded one of Nathaniel cars and the driver drove them to Roxanna house.

They alighted the car and saw kelvin sitting in front of their house.

They walked up to him and Yvonne kept a safe distance from him.

“What are you doing out here? Where is Roxanna?” Jennifer asked.

“As i was coming here with my mom, I saw her storm out of her house running to who knows where. I ran after her but unfortunately I lost her. She’s been gone for the past two hours” Kelvin said worriedly.

“What? Oh no, what if she tried to hurt herself” Catherine said as she was in tears.

Olivia consoled her

“Calm down Cat, we’ll find her.” Olivia said.


Roxanna slowly opened her eyes and looked round the area. She was in a room she didn’t recognize.

“Finally you’re awake!” Someone said beside her.

She looked at the direction the voice was coming from and she saw a girl around her age, she had long brown hair and deep brown eyes with a small nose.

“Who…who are you?” Roxanna said weakly.

“Sorry I’m the one who hit you, actually it was my driver. I’m sorry but what were you doing alone in middle of the night? Don’t you know they can be evil lurking in the dark?” She said worriedly.

“I’m sorry. You should have just let me die” She said as tears escaped her eyes.

The girl gasped.

“What? Why do you want to die?” She said, surprised.

“What is the point of living when all your family, the same person you hold dear to you are all gone” She said in tears.

“Wait? Are you a Martinez?” She asked and Roxanna nodded.

“I’m so sorry, that’s so sad what happened to you” She said.

Roxanna wiped off her tears.

“It’s okay. What’s your name by the way?” Roxanna asked.

“I’m Suzy Guzman, nice meeting you” Suzy said.

“Roxanna Martinez” She replied.

They began discussing and chatting. It turned out that Suzy is the talkative type.

After some minutes, the door opened and a woman entered. She was beautiful with a slender body and she looked so much like Suzy but when you look very well in her face, you’ll know she’s old.

“I can see you’re awake” She said.

Roxanna nodded.

“Meet my mother. Mom, meet my new friend Roxanna” Suzy said.

“Nice meeting you Roxanna, and I’m so sorry you had to go through all this.” She said.

“It’s okay, thanks for your concern” Roxanna said.

Suzy beamed happily as an idea popped in her brain.

“Roxanna, how about you come live with us?” She said which started Roxanna.

“I don’t want to be a bother to you guys” She said.

“Oh come on stop being modest. My dad is a senator, I have all I want without lifting a finger but I feel all alone in this huge mansion. Please come live with us please?” Suzy said and made her best puppy face.

“Alright, but I’ll have to go back home and inform my friends then” Roxanna said.

“Okay cool, we’ll go see them in the morning. But for now, rest” Suzy sat and stood up then walked out of the room.

Suzy’s mother walked towards Roxanna with a serious expression on her face.

“I’m willing and happy to welcome you into my humble home. And I’ll make sure you lack nothing. Also I know you’re burning with anger, you’re thirsty for revenge and I’ll help you with that” Her mother said

“How will you help me?” Roxanna asked

“Sleep tomorrow I won’t just tell you, I’ll show you” She said and walked out of the room

Roxanna closed her eyes and drifted off to sleep.


Roxanna woke up early and went to the bathroom. Everything was already arranged for her. The shampoo, toothbrush, paste etc.

She brushed her teeth and took a bath before walking out of the huge bathroom. She gasped as she saw a new school uniform on her bed.

“How do thy know my school?” She asked as she applied her cream. After that she wore her uniform.

She sat down to brush her hair but she stopped.

“New life, new looks” She said and she picked up a scissors and cut her hair short before brushing and styling it.

After that she picked up her brand new backpack and walked out of the room.

She gasped as she looked round the house, it was so huge. She was even confused on which stairs to take.

“This way ma’am” A maid said and she followed.

Sh entered the dining room and Suzy and her mom together with a man sitting in the dining room.

“Roxy, come on. Come and sit beside me” Suzy said gesturing to an empty seat beside her.

She walked and sat down there and food was served to her. She ate with great appetite.

“So you’re the Roxanna that’ll be living with us from henceforth” The man spoke and Roxanna nodded while swallowing a piece the meat she’s been chewing.

“I’m Suzy dad, and I have no problem with you living with us as long as it makes my little princess happy. I’ll treat you and consider you as my daughter” He said with a smile.

“Thank you sir” Roxanna said.

“Enough with the formality, you can call me father” He said and Roxanna nodded.

“I asked dad to transfer me to your school so that I can spend more time with you” Suzy said happily.

They finished eating and the driver took them to school.

As they stepped out of the car all eyes turned to them…

• Isn’t that the senator daughter?

• Yeah it is, what is she doing together with Roxanna

• Looks like she’ll attend this school from henceforth

• Have you heard what happened to Roxanna sister?

• I heard she was raped till death, poor girl. She’s now all alone.

• She kinda deserves it. That Roxanna is always proud and I hate it.

• I heard that her sister is a slut. Who knows maybe it’s in the blood.

Roxanna clenched her fists and tried to calm down as she heard on the comments about her.

“Shut up everyone!! Who are you guys to judge a person. What if her sister is a slut, what if Roxanna is proud. What’s your business in it!! Rather spewing rubbish, you better go and study and see if you’ll become someone in future. If I hear any nonsense coming out of those stinky h0les, you’re gonna get it from me” Suzy said and held Roxanna’s hand as they walked to a quiet place.

She ran her hands through her hair as she tried to calm down.

“Thanks for defending me earlier” Roxanna said.

“It’s no big deal, you’re now like a sister to me” Suzy said.

Catherine, Jennifer, Yvonne and Olivia walked to them.

“Roxy, thank goodness you’re okay. We were so worried about you” Catherine said.

“I’m fine, Suzy helped me”

“Who’s Suzy?” Olivia asked.

“Hi I’m Suzy. Nice meeting y’all” Suzy said with a big smile.

“Nice meeting you too Suzy and thanks for helping our friend. I’m Jennifer” Jennifer said.


“And I am Catherine.”

“Who’s she?” Roxanna asked.

“Yvonne” Yvonne said.

“A new girl, cool!!” Roxanna said.

*I know you’re acting tough but deep in,side you you’re in great pains* Yvonne thought staring at Roxanna.

They walked to class while chatting…


Immediately the bell ranged signalling that it’s closing time, the girls walked out of the school and there they saw a car. Suzy’s mom was standing in front of the car with her shades making her look like a model.

She removed it as she saw the girls walking towards them.

“Mom” Suzy said and gave her mother a hug.

They broke the hug and Roxanna smiled at her, she smiled in return.

Suzy’s mom then looked noticed four other girls standing behind them and she smiled satisfactorily.

“Cool, you all are here. That’s just what I needed, come on get in car. I’m taking you all somewhere” She said and entered the car

The girls looked at each other confusedly before entering, Suzy already knew where they were going.

She drove off with them. The drive was pretty long. After an hour drive, they arrived at their destination.

They all alighted the car and looked around the area. It was super quiet, the only building present in the area was a factory, and abandoned one.

“Follow me girls” She said and she entered the building. The girls followed shortly…

They kept walking while scanning round the area. Suzy’s mother stopped in front of what looked like an elevator.

From the look of it, it was old, rusty and abandoned.

Suzy’s mother pressed a button and the elevator opened. She walked in and was waiting for the girls to walk in to.

After some minutes of thinking, the girls entered the elevator too. She then pressed a button and removed her shades.

A scanner scanned her eyeballs and after some seconds it said.

“Welcome agent V” The scanner said and the elevator began moving downwards.

The girls were more confused as they heard a scanner speak. Suzy almost laughed at the look on their faces.

After some minutes, the elevator opened and the girls gasped as they saw many workers they were all dressed in black and there was a lot of computers, cameras, in fact a lot of technological devices.

Suzy’s mother turned to them and said.

“Welcome to my secret company, it is called the G empire”

The girls looked at her with dumbfounded expression on their faces.

“I know you all are wondering what this place is or why I bought you guys here. This company is top secret company designed for helping the police force when situation gets too complicated. You know in this world, the police are sometime useless so I built this company in order to fight for justice”She said.

“Wow” The girls chorused.

“Now, the reason why I bought you girls here is because I see potential in you”

She walked and stood in front of Jennifer

“Jennifer Davis, I have observed you and I know you are very good in technology. You can be our professional hacker”

She walked and stood in front of Catherine.

“Same goes with you Catherine Jones”

She walked and stood in front of Yvonne

“Yvonne Simmons, I know what happened to you in your past and I know you want to make that person pay. That’s why I’m willing to help you and train you to become a skilled fighter and professional spy” She said.

“Olivia Harris, I also see in you the will and zeal to protect your dear Yvonne. You’re willing to fight for justice and that’s the kind of spirit we need in this company. I would want you to become a skilled fighter and professional spy too” She said.

She finally stopped in front of Roxanna.

“You Roxanna Martinez, I can see a huge fire of anger, revenge. You want to make them pay for what they did to your family, you want to bring justice to other people who were victim of their tyranny. I will train you to become a skilled fighter too and a spy of course” She said

“You girls have the kind of spirit that is highly needed in this company. Of course I won’t force you to join the company, the decision is all yours. I would give you two days to think about it” She said…

“I’m in” Yvonne said.

“If Yvonne is in then count me in too” Olivia said.

“Well I’m in too” Jennifer said

“Me too!” Catherine said

“I’ll join you guys too” Roxanna said.

“Wow that was fast, welcome to the G empire. Your training starts tomorrow, for now, Suzy will show you around and also when we’re in her you address me as agent V which stands for agent Victoria Guzman. You girls will also me addressed the same way.” She said and they nodded.

Suzy tour them round the company showing them the different department in the company.

After the tour, they where handed a bag which contained the company uniform, ear bud, trackers, scope lenses and so on…

After that they walked out of the company.

“So in which company are you Suzy” Olivia asked.

“Same as you, I’m a fighter/ spy” She replied.

They boarded the car and the driver dropped them to their different homes.

__________Next day (afternoon)

Immediately after school, the driver drove them to the company.

They got dressed in their uniform and then went for training while Catherine and Jennifer went for their tutorial.

They entered a room and met Suzy’s mother (agent V) standing dressed ready to fight.

“Your first training is that you attack me” She said.

They looked at each other, confused before launching at her. She effortlessly dodged their attacks and gave some kicks and punches at the same time…

“You girls have to toughen up yourself. Use what happened to you girls as driving force” Agent V said as she dodged their attacks…

___________Two years later ___________

Gunshots were heard in a quiet room. A man ducked and shot his gun towards a direction.

“Agent R, the main target is escaping” Catherine spoke through the ear bud Roxanna was wearing as she was pressing the keyboard of a computer.

“Copied. Agent Y, cover me” Roxanna said.

“Okay” Yvonne said.

She ran out of her hideout and Yvonne began shooting at those who tried to shoot Roxanna.

She saw a car zoom of the area driving at a mad speed.

“I won’t let you escape” Roxanna said to no one in particular.

She s₱0tted one of his men climbing on his motorcycle. She ran to him and hit him on the neck he passed out.

She boarded the bike and drove off speedily tailing the car behind.

The men driving the car peeped their head out of the car and began shooting at Roxanna.

Roxanna made some crazy twist and turns. She removed her gun and aimed it at one of the men shooting, she shot him on the arm and he fell out of the car window.

She then aimed at the other man and shot him but he quickly entered the the car.

She then aimed at the car wheels and shot on one it began slowing down. She then shot on the other and the car turned and hit a tree.

Roxanna alighted from the bike and walked up to them aiming her gun at the car.

“Get out of the car” She said.

Two men came out of the car with an old man dressed in black suit.

“Please we can settle this peacefully, how much do you want. I’m willing to give you” The old man said.

“I don’t need your filthy money” Roxanna spatted.

One of the men made to shoot at her but she was fast, she shot his hand.

“When I say don’t move, I really mean it” She said.

Not long after, the sirens of the police cars were heard.

They parked behind her and arrested the old man with his two men.

“Thanks a bunch miss, you’re indeed a great help to the police force” One of the cops said to her.

“That’s no big deal, you call me agent R” Roxanna said and boarded her bike before zooming off.

Actually the man they arrested was a politician, rumors where heard that he embezzles the state money but no proof have been found. The G empire succeded on finding the proof which they sent it to the police who came and arrested him

Roxanna arrived at their headquarter and walked in through the elevator. As she arrived they she removed the mask she was putting on. They always put on a mask inorder to protect their safety and identity.

“Well done Roxy, you nailed it! High five” Suzy said and they struck hands together.

“Well I wouldn’t have done it without you guys help, let’s just say it’s team work.” Roxanna said.

“Come on girls, we’ll be late for our concert!!” Olivia said.

They quickly did some makeup and drove to where the concert was held.

They walked to the back stage and changed quickly.

“Go girls you guys will be awesome” Jennifer said as her and Catherine waved at the girls.

They walked up stage looking as gorgeous as ever. The hall was filled to the brick as shout, cheers were heard.

🎤Hello everyone!!! How are you doing??” Roxanna said cheerfully.

It was responded with shout and whistles.

🎤 We’ve brought you guys a new hit and y’all are gonna love it! 1, 2, 3 go!

The lights went out and shone only on them as they sang:

Party is over!!
But I do still love you like insanely!
I can’t even sleep….
Cuz everytime I close my eyes,
The memories comes back

From the very first day I always knew…
That one day my fears will come through…
But even though I saw the signs
I love you insanely

Aaaahh…I can’t take no more…
Aaaahh…I’m gonna burn it up….
I keep thinking
I keep dreaming all about you…
But you took my heart and broke it into pieces….
Aaahh!! Give me fire!!!!

Light it up baby,
I’m gonna burn it up yeah!


Hey, waiting for you at our hideout!
Give you all of this and give you all of that…
And make sure that you never never forget about me…
Awn, and after break you all up in piece
This is ROXY
Kinda FOXY
Everything I do is JUICY
You remember
That I’m not that kinda girl you’re messing with.
Ooops awn you’re so cute.
I love you like insanely.

Light it up baby
I’m gonna burn it up yeah!!


ROSY girls
My love for you gave me strength
My love for you gave me joy
In the end
My love made me weak

Party is over
But I still love you like insanely….

🎤 Thanks y’all we love you from ROSY girl” Olivia said as they walked downstairs.

“Girls you nailed it!!” Catherine said as they hugged themselves.

Roxanna’s phone began ringing

“Sorry let me attend to this call” She said and walked away.

Almost immediately, Nathaniel, Chris, Mason and Dylan came.

“Come here sis let me give you a big hug” Mason said and Olivia hugged him tightly.

“I’m proud of you sis” Chris said and ruffled Yvonne hair. She smiled happily.

“I’ll always be proud of you my Jenny” Nathaniel said as he hugged Jennifer.

“Where’s Roxanna?” Kelvin asked.

“Who’s Roxanna?” Nathaniel, Chris and Mason chorused.

“The girl you said she was hot” Kelvin said to Nathaniel.

“I didn’t say that!” He lied.

They began laughing…

“I need to use the restroom. I’ll be back, we have to celebrate this” Nathaniel said and walked away heading to the restroom.

After he was done urinating, he washed his hands and wiped it on the towel before walking out.

In the girl’s restroom, Roxanna was answering a phone call. It was her aunty Margo. She said she will come visit next two weeks with her daughter.

Roxanna walked out of the bathroom while fixing her hair properly. She suddenly bumped into someone making her loose balance.

She closed her eyes as she was awaiting to land on the floor but a hand held her wa-ist and drew her closer. She landed on the person chest.

She opened her eyes and looked at who saved her and her heart began beating fast as she saw who it was.

“You’re the girl I saved two years ago” Nathaniel said.

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