Her World

Her World episode 19 – 20

Her World 🌍

Chapter 19🌹

Jennifer Owens ♥

Continues…….. Writer’s P. O. V…..

Amy could be seen going towards the door as the doorbell rang.

She opened the door and smiled when she saw Bryan at the porch.

“Seriously? You just gonna stand there like a statue? Come on in ” she told him.

“Uhm.. I ” Bryan stuttered and looked behind him, giving space for Cindy to be seen.

Amy gasped a little, opening her mouth when she saw Cindy.

“What the hell is she doing here?! ” she yelled.

“Calm down please ” Bryan told her, shielding Cindy away from Amy so she wouldn’t get hit.

“I decided to let her come join us, I invited her ” Bryan blurted out and Amy just stared at him with furrowed brows.

“Are you serious?! ” she snarled at him.

“I am. Then she told me you aren’t gonna let her in here so I’m here to convince you to let her join us for the party ” Bryan said.

“No way! No f-cking way!” Amy stated bluntly.

“Please, we are having a party tonight so just let her in cause of that, we are happy” Bryan said, in hopes to convince Amy.

“It’s still a no. Never letting this bitch into my house cause she’s so rude so there’s no way! ” Amy yapped.

“Please forgive her ” Bryan pleaded and Amy nodded no.

“Fine then, I’ll just go back home and not celebrate this party ” Bryan said and Amy’s eyes darted to his.

“Are you being for real now? ” Amy asked.

“Yup! ”

“Fine then, get your ass outta here ” she said and slammed the door on their faces.

“Are you serious? ” Bryan scre-med from outside but Amy said nothing as she went back to the couch to seat.

One could see the cookies she had made on the table and every other snacks and French fries she had made.

The door bell kept ringing but Amy just sighed and sat down her butt, ignoring the door.

It became too much so she went to the door and opened it.

“Yes? ” she asked but was a little surprised to see only Bryan at the door.

“Is this a trick? Where’s she? Is she gonna run in the moment I loose guard? ” she asked, looking around.

“No she’s not. She left ” Bryan said and walked in.

“Well, good “Amy said and slammed the door after her.

“OK so what are we doing for the party? ” Bryan asked and grabbed a cookie as he sat.

“I don’t know, we could just dance like crazy till we’re tired ” Amy suggested.

“Yeah, just the both of us. Like some psychiatric patients ” Bryan blurted out and Amy rolled her eyes.

“Fine, then just sit your ass there and eat ” she said.

“Amy? ” Caden called as he descended the stairs.

“Hey, you’re awake ” Amy said and gently wiped Caden’s mouth off his drool.

He picked him up and took him upstairs.

She bathed him, wore him his pajamas and brought him back downstairs.

She made him sit on the couch and went to get him food from the kitchen.

Bryan just kept eating cookies, watching as Amy took care of her kid brother.

She finished feeding Caden with the food she brought from the kitchen, wiped his mouth and took the dishes back to the kitchen.

“OK now, what are we doing? ” Amy asked, rubbing her palms together.

“I don’t know ” Bryan blurted out and Amy rolled her eyes.

“Careful with those eyes else they might fall out ” Bryan told her.

She went to the TV and inputted a cassette.

Soon, the song “Aderall” by Popp Hunna started playing.

“Woo-hoo! ” Bryan scre-med and got his butt off the couch.

“You know how to dance to this? ” Amy asked him and he chuckled.

“So very well” he replied.

“OK fine, let’s do a duo but Caden will judge who got the steps right ” Amy said and Bryan glanced at Caden for a moment.

He looked back at Amy after Caden gave him a shrug.

“How am I sure he’s not gonna be partial?” Bryan asked.

“Why would he?” Amy fired back.

“Cause he’s your brother and you’re his sister ” he let out with a shrug.

He blinked rapidly when Amy and Caden just stared at him, saying nothing.

“And I’m just a stranger ” he added.

“Fair enough but I’m delighted enough to let you know that we have integrity and honesty is the number one thing we put ahead of everything so my Caden can never be partial ” Amy said in a proud tone and Bryan just raised an eyebrow at her.

Amy and Caden stared at Bryan, waiting for him to speak up.

“OK fine! Before you both eat me raw. Let’s start ” Bryan said and Amy jumped in joy.

She and Bryan took their positions and she restarted the music.

They started dancing to the music.

They were so engrossed with the dance that none of them heard Amy’s phone ringing on the dinning table.

Not even Caden noticed the ringing phone cause he was amused by the dance, laughing at the funny steps they made.

The phone kept ringing, switching on and off as if begging the owner to pick it up.

The music ended and Amy collapsed to the floor, p-nting.

“OK so who won ?” Amy asked Caden.

“Yeah, tell ” Bryan added.

“Don’t be scared, be honest. Who danced better? “Amy asked her kid brother.

“It was you ” Caden said, not being precise on who.

“Who? Me? ” Bryan asked.

“No, Amy ” Caden blurted out and Amy jumped up.

“You see? I dance better than you” Amy teased Bryan.

“It’s because you know the dance steps to that music better than I do ” he said.

“Oh really Mister? Fine! You wanna go for round 2?” Amy asked him.

“Hmmmmm. Alright but I get to choose the music this time ” Bryan said.

“OK!” Amy replied and let Bryan go choose the music.

Bryan ins**ted the cassette and soon, “Dream girl ” by Irais started playing.

“Oh wow, cool taste “Amy complimented.

They got on their positions and started dancing to the music.

The music ended after a while and they both looked at Caden, waiting for him to announce the winner.

“I won right? ” Bryan asked and Amy just rolled her eyes.

“Did I win? ” Bryan asked again.

Caden hesitated, glancing at Amy then at Bryan.

“Yeah you won! ” he scre-med out and Bryan ran to him and picked him up .

“Told you! ” Bryan teased Amy.

Amy sighted her phone on the dinning table and for some reason, she decided to go check it out.

She scre-med when she saw 12 missed calls from the hospital.

Bryan ran to her and also saw the missed calls.

“Calm down, it might be good news ” Bryan told her.

“No Bryan, the doctor would never call me this much if it was something good ” Amy said, already loosing her stamina.

There was a message so she checked it.

“Amy come to the hospital immediately ” the message read.

“Bryan take care of Caden ” with that being said, she ran out of the house.

She boarded a taxi, panicking in the taxi as she headed to the hospital.

The calls were hours back and though it was kinda late, she had to go for Cody.

She arrived at the hospital, paid the cab man and ran into the hospital like a mad woman.

She was headed to Cody’s ward but stopped on her track when she saw the nurses pushing out Cody’s corpse.

She couldn’t believe it was her Cody so she had to unveil his face and it revealed her Cody.

“No ” she whispered as tears fell down her her cheeks like a pool.

Her World 🌍.

Chapter 20… 🌻

Jenifer Owens 💋

~ Amy ~

I couldn’t believe what was going on in front of me.

I don’t know if this is some kinda dream but I just wanna wake up.

I stood in front of Cody, blocking the nurses from taking him any further.

My baby, My baby Cody.

“Take him back to his ward ” I told the nurses and they glanced at each other.

“But he’s dead ” one of the nurses blurted out.

I was angered by her words and wanted to slap her very hærd for saying my Cody is dead.

My Cody can’t die, he’s still my baby so he can’t.

“He’s not dead okay? Now take him back to his ward ” I ordered.

They took Cody back to his ward and left.

I carried my Cody in my arms and placed him on the bed.

He felt so cold and white.

“Baby ” I whispered into his ear and gently k-ssed his face.

“Please come back to me, come back “I cried on him……. My tears falling on his face.

” mom please bring him back, please. I can’t, I can’t live without him ” I wept so hærd on Cody, hugging him to myself.

“Amy ” I heard the doctor’s voice behind me but I don’t care, I just want my Cody back.

“Amy please you got to be strong ” the doc said and tried pulling me up.

“Let me go, please let me go! ” I cried and held tight to my Cody.

“Just leave me alone, y’all should leave me ” I cried.

“Cody! please don’t leave me 😭😭😭😭” I wept.

“Mommy please bring him back please ”

“Amy ” the doctor called again.

“Everyone should leave me 😭😭” I replied.

I can’t believe my Cody left me, no it isn’t true.

I had my head buried on Cody’s chest as I wept.

If wishes could come true then my Cody would come back to me.

The only thing I ever want so bad in this life now is for my Cody to come back to me.

“Amy you… ”

“Doctor bring my Cody back ” I wept.

“Look ” the doctor said but I felt too weak to even look up so I kept on weeping.

“Look at Cody’s hand ” he said and I felt strength surge through me immediately he said that.

I quickly looked up and glanced at Cody’s hand.

“Is it…. Is it moving? ” I asked the doctor cause the tears in my eyes kinda made my vision blurry.

“Yes, his index finger just moved ” the doctor said.

“Does it mean he’s alive? He’s not dead? ” I asked the doctor.

I kept sniffing as I held Cody’s hand in mine.

The doctor came closer to Cody and checked his heart beat with his stethoscope.

I looked up at him, waiting for him to speak up.

“He’s alive, right? ” I asked the doctor.

“Right? ” I asked again when he didn’t say anything.

“Yes, but his heart rate is so low and he needs to be treated immediately” the doctor said.

“My Cody, I knew my Cody would never leave me. He has come back to me ” a smile tugged on my l-ips as the doctor started connecting oxygen and every other necessities to him.

Soon, the electrocardiogram started reading Cody’s heart rate and my baby was alive.

I couldn’t hold in my happiness so I kept smiling like an idiot.

I was p-nting cause I was already dead in,side, there was no way I was gonna live without my Cody.

I stared at my Cody, sleeping peacefully on the bed and I just couldn’t stop smiling.

I squatted a little and k-ssed my Cody on the forehead.

“This is indeed a miracle ” the doctor said and I nodded in smile with tears rolling down my cheeks.

” my Cody knows how much I love him so he came back to me and I know my mom heard me crying too “I told the doctor and he smiled.

“OK fine, when you are done come to my office, we need to discuss what happened ” he said and I looked at him.

“Discuss what? What do you mean? “I asked him.

“Your brother didn’t die on his will but someone tried to murder him ” he blurted out and my head spun for a moment.

Murder? Someone tried to murder my baby? Who’d want to kill a child so young? A 4 years old boy that doesn’t even know anything about life, who?

This triggered my curiosity so I followed the doctor to his office.

I sat opposite him, uneasy cause if the doc said someone tried to kill Cody then we don’t have to leave him alone in his ward again.

“It was this evening actually, I went to check up on him and I found every life supporting machine disconnected from him ” he started and I p-nted softly.

This is making me scared, what if I had lost my Cody?

” I guess I got there too late cause he was already dead when I got there. I tried reviving him but it was far too late for that so I started calling you but you wouldn’t pick” he told me.

Tears rolled down my cheeks as he told me.

I want busy dancing, celebrating, happy while my Cody was suffering.

Gosh! I’m the worst sister ever! This is all my fault!.

“How did the unknown person get into the hospital and did all that?” I asked the doctor.

“We don’t know Amy ” he replied.

“You don’t know? Well I’ll tell you! Your security is trash! Your hospital has a very low security and all the security guards here are fools! ” I yelled at him.

“We are very sorry Miss Amy, something like this haven’t happened before but it’ll never happen again “He assured.

My thoughts were far from where I was, I just couldn’t stop thinking of who’d wanna kill my Cody, he’s such an angel.

“We need tight security now cause if who ever tried to kill him finds out that he’s still alive, the person would still come back ” the doc said and I nodded.

“Can we at least go ask the receptionist if anyone came to check up on Cody? ” I asked the doctor.

“Yeah sure, let’s go ” he said and we headed to the reception.

We got there and asked her. She replied yes and the doc and I glanced at each other then back at her.

“Who? ” I asked her.

“Hold on ” she said and went through her laptop.

“Cody’s uncle ” she replied and the doc and I looked at each other again.

Cody doesn’t have an uncle for Pete’s sake.

“What do you mean his uncle? Cody doesn’t have an uncle, I’m his only guardian ” I stated clearly.

“How was he ?” the doc asked her.

“He was dressed in a suit and he looked so responsible ” she replied.

“let’s go see the CCTV footage ” the doc said and I nodded and followed him.

We went to the guy in charge of the cameras and asked him to show us all the footage for this evening.

In the CCTV footage, there was a man in suit like the receptionist had told us.

He walked up to the receptionist and after a while, he went in the direction of Cody’s ward with another guy in suit.

They were two, two men in suits.

Minutes later, they came back and left the hospital like nothing had happened.

The CCTV camera don’t show the activities of wards cause it’s private so we didn’t see them doing the deed.

We could file a complaint at the station cause we could see their faces.

The doctor made a call to the county sheriff and he was here with his team a while later.

The doctor told them everything, showed them the CCTV footage and a photo of those two guys were printed out.

They said they’d handle the case and make sure to find the two criminals.

The doctor placed two security guards at the door post to Cody’s ward so they’d keep an eye on him.

They’re to let no one in except me and the doctor.

I felt so bad leaving Cody at the hospital but I had to go check up on Caden plus there are security guards looking after Cody.

I’ve been waiting out here for a cab but haven’t gotten anyone.

It was so so late, it was almost morning.

I decided to take a walk down the road till I see a cab.

Everywhere was so cold with wind howling everywhere making my hair fly.

I wrapped my arm around myself, trying to keep myself warm.

I sighted a group of guys coming towards me and I stopped on my track.

They didn’t look gentle but looked more of vagabonds.

I looked back and noticed I was already far away from the hospital.

OK, just calm down, don’t look at them but continue walking.

I looked down as I walked in the other side of the road.

I gasped when they crossed over to me and circled me.

“Hey cutie, did you miss your way? ” one of them asked.

Their breath stank of alcohol and I couldn’t help but cover my nose.

“I didn’t miss my way ” I said and tried walking away but they blocked me.

I was already starting to shake out of fear.

“Look, y’all better let me go or else.. ”

“Or else what? ” one asked.

I was so scared, thinking of what they’d do to me.

The road was so empty and I knew they could have their way with me cause there was no one to help.

One of them grabbed my arm so tight I squealed.

They started dragging me to God knows where.

“Let me go! ” I cried as they dragged me away.

I should have slept at the hospital.

T. B. C.

Jennifer Owens.

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