Hidden Scar

Hidden scars episode 11 – 12

💔Hidden Scars💔
(Pain within😭)
✏Written By:
Authoress Kamara✍
😍Episode 11😍
I gasped. “You are so full of yourself”.

He pretended to flip his imaginary hair. “Which makes me more irresistible”.

“Why are you even sitting with me? I was okay with Lionel keeping me company”.

“I notice you were so miserable and lonely so I decided to help you out of your misery by talking to you”.

I rolled my eyes. “Can you please scoot?”.

“Why Sweetheart?”. He said in a sugary tone.

“Are both of you a couple or something?”. Lionel asked from over his seat.

Reece slanged his left arm over my shoulders. “Yep, we are in a relationsh¡p”.

I shrugged his arm off. “He’s lying, he’s not my boyfriend”.

“I’m single”. Lionel winked.

“Looks like you want those balls cut off”. Reece said sternly beside me.

“Jeez!!”. Lionel raised his hands in surrender. “Dude!! Just a joke, i’m not trying to take your girl”.

“Let me make this clear”. I spoke up. “I am definitely not sating Reece”.

“But he’s dating you”. One of the girls replied.

Reece gr0×ned. “Summer!!”.

She giggled. “Sorry but you both would look great together”.

“Sorry but no thank you”. I replied the ‘Summer’ girl.

“Why not?”. The other girl asked. “Do you have any objections?”.

“Reece and I are not compatible”.

“Why would you say that?”. The other girl continued.

Reece gave me a pout. “Yeah Gwen is right, Why is that?”.

“Well ..”. I trailed off.

“Is there like a overbearing mother or something who doesn’t want you in relationsh¡ps?”. Summer asked.

I furrowed my eyebrows. “Overbearing what? Where did that come from?”.

“Or maybe a cop kind of father?”. Summer continued.

“Or maybe an overprotective brother?”. Lionel added.

Him saying that just reminded me of Alan, what he said about me staying away from Reece.

“Let me guess, you have a brother?”. Gwen asked.

I guess she must have known by my facial expression.

I nodded slowly.

“Do I know him? Is he cute? What school does he attend?”. Summer ranted on.

“Williams is her brother”. Reece spoke up coldly.

I notice the way their facial expression change at what Reece said.

“You and Alan are siblings?”. Gwen asked.

Is it me or does she sound disgusted?

“Is something wrong?”. I asked confused.

“Your jerk of a brother__”.

“Nat is nothing like him”. Reece said interrupting Lionel.

Summer huffed angrily. “And I hope it stays that way”.

“Uh, i’m literally confused right now”.

“What they are trying to say is__”.

“Your brother is a douchebag”. Lionel cut Reece off.

“Dude!!”. Reece exclaimed.

“I have to say the truth”. Lionel sounded angry. “Do you know what that jerk did?”.

“Lionel”. Reece said.

I notice Reece stared at Lionel trying to give him some kind of message. Lionel frowned and turned on his chair facing his front.

While Gwen and Summer turned to each other whispering in hushed voices.

“What’s happening?”. I whispered to Reece.

“Nothing you should worry about”. He replied.

Gosh!! There’s something I don’t know about.

I sighed as I walked out of the school buildings all by myself. I heard the skies rumble and I gr0×n.

Damn!! I have to walk home and this happens!!

I look across the parking lot to see Gwen and Sumer drove off in their different cars, they were nice before but they suddenly changed when the topic of Alan was brought up.

I walked out of the school gates and on the sidewalks skipping a little, i stopped when i felt little rain droplets on me.

I closed my eyes shut running on the sidewalks for some seconds before stopping again. Gosh!! This is going to be a heavy downpour.

I open my arms welcoming the raindrops that fall madly onto the ground. My hair was fully damped just like my clothes.

I jumped around splashing the water, i know i’ll be sick but i’m too happy to care.

Rain is the most beautiful thing there is and now its currently washing away all my sadness with its happiness. How nice of it.

I splash water around not caring anymore, at least thats what Reece taught me earlier today breaking the boundaries, not caring about the consequences.

I stand under the clouds not minding the stares people are giving me as I stood put under the heavy rain.

I smiled as the rain continues making my hair w-t clinging to my face. I heard a car stop to a screech halt behind me.

I can’t see due to the heavy rain but I felt someone take my hand and pull me, by the warm feeling that rushed through me makes me know the person to be Reece.

He held my hand tightly pulling me to a red sports car which I guess its his. He opened the door and motioned for me to get in.

“I can walk home”. I yelled for him to hear.

“Just get in”.

“I’ll w-t your carseat”.

“I’m not complaining, am i?”.

I got into the car and he closed the door shut, walking around the car to the driver’s seat and got in closing the car door.

He passed me a pink handkerchief and I took it from him pressing it to my face.

I used the handkerchief to clean my w-t face, soon it was dry and everything was clear though my hair dripped with water droplets.

“Here”. I handed it back to Reece.

“It yours”. He replied.

I took a good look at him now that I’m not blinded by the rain.

His w-t dark hair was curled backwards showing off his golden brown eyes the more and he really looked cute that way.

“Are you done drooling?”. He snapped me out of my thoughts.

“I so wasn’t doing that”. I argued faintly.

He rolled his eyes. “Can I drive now?”.

“Yes please”.

He revved the engine and drove off.

“I never knew you had a car”. I told him after some silence.

“Well I have my ways of hiding this from people, if they knew I had a car. I’m pretty sure it would have been decorated like a pretty rainbow”. He explained.

I chuckled lightly. “Like the teachers car”.

“You just can’t get over that”. He said with a glint of tease in his voice.

“Well that caused me detention so I don’t think I can forget it”. I stated.

“I’m sorry about that”. His eyes focused on the road. “I should have never forced you to do that with me”.

“Don’t blame yourself, i did it of my own free will”.

“Are you sure? You seemed pretty mad when the principal said detention”.

I remembered. “Oh that”.

“Yeah that”.

I sighed. “Reece, I’m sincerely sorry. I should never have said that about you”.

“Its okay, Nat”.

“No its not okay, I hurt your feelings with my choice of words”. I continued. “I was so inconsiderate and blamed you for it whereas you were just trying to get me into a light mood, so I apologize”.

“This long speech for me?”. He joked. “I feel loved, Nat”.

“Reece, I’m serious. I should have never talked about your grades like that, it was very low of me”. I added.

“I’m fine with it, Nat”. His voice sounded calm.

“You are no longer angry at me?”. I asked hopeful.

“Although I didn’t like what you said, I was never angry at you, Nat”. He said unexpectedly.

“You weren’t?”. I asked surprised.

“Nope, i can never be angry at you, even if I was angry, it can’t stay long if its you”. He told me sincerely.

I blushed unintentionally. “Really?”.

He nodded. “Yeah”.

I relaxed on my seat. “Okay”.

“You can stop blushing right now, your face looks like tomato”. He teased me.

I clasped my hands over my face. “Reece, stop it”.

“Your face really looks cute right now”. He continued the teasing.

I removed my hands. “Focus on the road so you wouldn’t get us killed”.

“No need for that, i’m here already”.

I looked out the window and noticed he had parked and I was at my house.

“How did you know I live here?”.

“Alan”. He replied coldly.

“Oh”. I mouthed.

But how would he know Alan’s place? They aren’t even friends at all.

He unlocked the car doors. “See you tomorrow, Nat”.

“Thanks for driving me home”. I said with a smile.

“Don’t you think I deserve a gift?”. He asked.

I raised an eyebrow. “What could you possibly want, Reece Carter?”.

“A k×ss”. He smirked. “From you”.

“Nope”. I said popping the ‘p’.

He chuckled lightly. “Yeah I should have expected that”.

I gave him a little smile and opened the car door stepping out of his car then shut the door close.

I gave him a little wave. “Bye Reece”.

“Nat”. He got out of the car and walked towards me.

I stopped. “Yeah?”.

He surprisingly gave me my phone.

“How did you get this?”. I asked surprised.

His eyes twinkled. “I won’t tell, bye”.

I looked at him weirdly before I walked to my porch, i stopped and turned back, he smiled at me before going into his car then drove off.

I chuckled softly before I took the key from under the front mat then opened the door.

I walked in closing the door, my parents were home. Obviously, always busy with their companies.

Thankfully, Alan isn’t here too.

I went to the kitchen to get a glass of water, i dropped my phone on the counter and opened the refrigerator taking a bottled water.

I opened the cap and drank a little out of it before closing it then putting it back into the refrigerator.

I heard my phone ring so I picked it up from the counter and looked at it.

Unknown number. Weird.

I picked the call. “To whom am I speaking with?”.

“Nat”. Reece voice sounded over the phone.

“Reece? How did you get my number?”.

“What do you think I took your phone for?”. He answered with a question.

Gosh!! This guy is also annoying over the phone.

“Why are you calling, Reece?”.

“I just love your voice over the phone”.

I rolled my eyes and hanged up. How dare he? He took my phone without me knowing and stole my number.

I saved the number as Cocky Jerk so I would know if he calls. I was typing the name on the contact when another call came through.

Unknown number again. Different from the other one.

I picked it up and his voice came up again.

“Reece?!!”. I yelled.

“Awww”. He cooed over the phone. “Nat knows my voice”.

I sighed. “Why are you calling again?”.

“Just wanted to know if you are okay”. His voice sounded serious. “You were under the rain, do you feel cold?”.

I felt touched by his concern.

“I’m fine, Reece. Thanks for asking”.

“Well ..”. He trailed off as I heard squealing in the background with popping sounds.


I heard him gr0×n over the phone as I heard another popping sound again.

He shouted someone name, it sounded like Astrid then I heard more laughters.

“Bye Tasha”. I heard Harley voice over the phone amidst laughters.

“Harley?”. I asked surprised but the line was disconnected immediately.

I dropped the phone on the counter again, what happened, Reece and those popping sounds, it sounded like balloons popping.

Weird right?

Another unknown call came through again.

I picked up. “Reece, how many numbers do you__”.

“Reece? Did I just hear you say Reece?”.

My breathing hitched as I heard the voice of that disgusting thing. Alan.

“So its true? You’ve been f×¢king around with that bloke”. Alan sounded angry.

I didn’t say anything.

“f×¢king answer me, what the hell were you doing with that motherf×¢ker? I told you not to f×¢king talk to that boy”.

“I have the right to make friends”. I retorted.

“Wow, little Natasha now talks back”.

I was tearing up already. “Just leave me alone”.

“Let me warn you about something, Natasha”. He growled. “You belong to me and i swear the next time i come back, i’m gonna f×¢k you to death if you don’t stay away from that bloke, i’m very__”.

I hang up the call immediately as I slid down to the floor crying. I sat on the tiled floor drawing my knees close to my chest hugging myself tight as I keep on sobbing.
Like React Comment Share💔Hidden Scars💔
(Pain within😭)
✏Written By:
Authoress Kamara✍
😍Episode 11😍
I gasped. “You are so full of yourself”.

He pretended to flip his imaginary hair. “Which makes me more irresistible”.

“Why are you even sitting with me? I was okay with Lionel keeping me company”.

“I notice you were so miserable and lonely so I decided to help you out of your misery by talking to you”.

I rolled my eyes. “Can you please scoot?”.

“Why Sweetheart?”. He said in a sugary tone.

“Are both of you a couple or something?”. Lionel asked from over his seat.

Reece slanged his left arm over my shoulders. “Yep, we are in a relationsh¡p”.

I shrugged his arm off. “He’s lying, he’s not my boyfriend”.

“I’m single”. Lionel winked.

“Looks like you want those balls cut off”. Reece said sternly beside me.

“Jeez!!”. Lionel raised his hands in surrender. “Dude!! Just a joke, i’m not trying to take your girl”.

“Let me make this clear”. I spoke up. “I am definitely not sating Reece”.

“But he’s dating you”. One of the girls replied.

Reece gr0×ned. “Summer!!”.

She giggled. “Sorry but you both would look great together”.

“Sorry but no thank you”. I replied the ‘Summer’ girl.

“Why not?”. The other girl asked. “Do you have any objections?”.

“Reece and I are not compatible”.

“Why would you say that?”. The other girl continued.

Reece gave me a pout. “Yeah Gwen is right, Why is that?”.

“Well ..”. I trailed off.

“Is there like a overbearing mother or something who doesn’t want you in relationsh¡ps?”. Summer asked.

I furrowed my eyebrows. “Overbearing what? Where did that come from?”.

“Or maybe a cop kind of father?”. Summer continued.

“Or maybe an overprotective brother?”. Lionel added.

Him saying that just reminded me of Alan, what he said about me staying away from Reece.

“Let me guess, you have a brother?”. Gwen asked.

I guess she must have known by my facial expression.

I nodded slowly.

“Do I know him? Is he cute? What school does he attend?”. Summer ranted on.

“Williams is her brother”. Reece spoke up coldly.

I notice the way their facial expression change at what Reece said.

“You and Alan are siblings?”. Gwen asked.

Is it me or does she sound disgusted?

“Is something wrong?”. I asked confused.

“Your jerk of a brother__”.

“Nat is nothing like him”. Reece said interrupting Lionel.

Summer huffed angrily. “And I hope it stays that way”.

“Uh, i’m literally confused right now”.

“What they are trying to say is__”.

“Your brother is a douchebag”. Lionel cut Reece off.

“Dude!!”. Reece exclaimed.

“I have to say the truth”. Lionel sounded angry. “Do you know what that jerk did?”.

“Lionel”. Reece said.

I notice Reece stared at Lionel trying to give him some kind of message. Lionel frowned and turned on his chair facing his front.

While Gwen and Summer turned to each other whispering in hushed voices.

“What’s happening?”. I whispered to Reece.

“Nothing you should worry about”. He replied.

Gosh!! There’s something I don’t know about.

I sighed as I walked out of the school buildings all by myself. I heard the skies rumble and I gr0×n.

Damn!! I have to walk home and this happens!!

I look across the parking lot to see Gwen and Sumer drove off in their different cars, they were nice before but they suddenly changed when the topic of Alan was brought up.

I walked out of the school gates and on the sidewalks skipping a little, i stopped when i felt little rain droplets on me.

I closed my eyes shut running on the sidewalks for some seconds before stopping again. Gosh!! This is going to be a heavy downpour.

I open my arms welcoming the raindrops that fall madly onto the ground. My hair was fully damped just like my clothes.

I jumped around splashing the water, i know i’ll be sick but i’m too happy to care.

Rain is the most beautiful thing there is and now its currently washing away all my sadness with its happiness. How nice of it.

I splash water around not caring anymore, at least thats what Reece taught me earlier today breaking the boundaries, not caring about the consequences.

I stand under the clouds not minding the stares people are giving me as I stood put under the heavy rain.

I smiled as the rain continues making my hair w-t clinging to my face. I heard a car stop to a screech halt behind me.

I can’t see due to the heavy rain but I felt someone take my hand and pull me, by the warm feeling that rushed through me makes me know the person to be Reece.

He held my hand tightly pulling me to a red sports car which I guess its his. He opened the door and motioned for me to get in.

“I can walk home”. I yelled for him to hear.

“Just get in”.

“I’ll w-t your carseat”.

“I’m not complaining, am i?”.

I got into the car and he closed the door shut, walking around the car to the driver’s seat and got in closing the car door.

He passed me a pink handkerchief and I took it from him pressing it to my face.

I used the handkerchief to clean my w-t face, soon it was dry and everything was clear though my hair dripped with water droplets.

“Here”. I handed it back to Reece.

“It yours”. He replied.

I took a good look at him now that I’m not blinded by the rain.

His w-t dark hair was curled backwards showing off his golden brown eyes the more and he really looked cute that way.

“Are you done drooling?”. He snapped me out of my thoughts.

“I so wasn’t doing that”. I argued faintly.

He rolled his eyes. “Can I drive now?”.

“Yes please”.

He revved the engine and drove off.

“I never knew you had a car”. I told him after some silence.

“Well I have my ways of hiding this from people, if they knew I had a car. I’m pretty sure it would have been decorated like a pretty rainbow”. He explained.

I chuckled lightly. “Like the teachers car”.

“You just can’t get over that”. He said with a glint of tease in his voice.

“Well that caused me detention so I don’t think I can forget it”. I stated.

“I’m sorry about that”. His eyes focused on the road. “I should have never forced you to do that with me”.

“Don’t blame yourself, i did it of my own free will”.

“Are you sure? You seemed pretty mad when the principal said detention”.

I remembered. “Oh that”.

“Yeah that”.

I sighed. “Reece, I’m sincerely sorry. I should never have said that about you”.

“Its okay, Nat”.

“No its not okay, I hurt your feelings with my choice of words”. I continued. “I was so inconsiderate and blamed you for it whereas you were just trying to get me into a light mood, so I apologize”.

“This long speech for me?”. He joked. “I feel loved, Nat”.

“Reece, I’m serious. I should have never talked about your grades like that, it was very low of me”. I added.

“I’m fine with it, Nat”. His voice sounded calm.

“You are no longer angry at me?”. I asked hopeful.

“Although I didn’t like what you said, I was never angry at you, Nat”. He said unexpectedly.

“You weren’t?”. I asked surprised.

“Nope, i can never be angry at you, even if I was angry, it can’t stay long if its you”. He told me sincerely.

I blushed unintentionally. “Really?”.

He nodded. “Yeah”.

I relaxed on my seat. “Okay”.

“You can stop blushing right now, your face looks like tomato”. He teased me.

I clasped my hands over my face. “Reece, stop it”.

“Your face really looks cute right now”. He continued the teasing.

I removed my hands. “Focus on the road so you wouldn’t get us killed”.

“No need for that, i’m here already”.

I looked out the window and noticed he had parked and I was at my house.

“How did you know I live here?”.

“Alan”. He replied coldly.

“Oh”. I mouthed.

But how would he know Alan’s place? They aren’t even friends at all.

He unlocked the car doors. “See you tomorrow, Nat”.

“Thanks for driving me home”. I said with a smile.

“Don’t you think I deserve a gift?”. He asked.

I raised an eyebrow. “What could you possibly want, Reece Carter?”.

“A k×ss”. He smirked. “From you”.

“Nope”. I said popping the ‘p’.

He chuckled lightly. “Yeah I should have expected that”.

I gave him a little smile and opened the car door stepping out of his car then shut the door close.

I gave him a little wave. “Bye Reece”.

“Nat”. He got out of the car and walked towards me.

I stopped. “Yeah?”.

He surprisingly gave me my phone.

“How did you get this?”. I asked surprised.

His eyes twinkled. “I won’t tell, bye”.

I looked at him weirdly before I walked to my porch, i stopped and turned back, he smiled at me before going into his car then drove off.

I chuckled softly before I took the key from under the front mat then opened the door.

I walked in closing the door, my parents were home. Obviously, always busy with their companies.

Thankfully, Alan isn’t here too.

I went to the kitchen to get a glass of water, i dropped my phone on the counter and opened the refrigerator taking a bottled water.

I opened the cap and drank a little out of it before closing it then putting it back into the refrigerator.

I heard my phone ring so I picked it up from the counter and looked at it.

Unknown number. Weird.

I picked the call. “To whom am I speaking with?”.

“Nat”. Reece voice sounded over the phone.

“Reece? How did you get my number?”.

“What do you think I took your phone for?”. He answered with a question.

Gosh!! This guy is also annoying over the phone.

“Why are you calling, Reece?”.

“I just love your voice over the phone”.

I rolled my eyes and hanged up. How dare he? He took my phone without me knowing and stole my number.

I saved the number as Cocky Jerk so I would know if he calls. I was typing the name on the contact when another call came through.

Unknown number again. Different from the other one.

I picked it up and his voice came up again.

“Reece?!!”. I yelled.

“Awww”. He cooed over the phone. “Nat knows my voice”.

I sighed. “Why are you calling again?”.

“Just wanted to know if you are okay”. His voice sounded serious. “You were under the rain, do you feel cold?”.

I felt touched by his concern.

“I’m fine, Reece. Thanks for asking”.

“Well ..”. He trailed off as I heard squealing in the background with popping sounds.


I heard him gr0×n over the phone as I heard another popping sound again.

He shouted someone name, it sounded like Astrid then I heard more laughters.

“Bye Tasha”. I heard Harley voice over the phone amidst laughters.

“Harley?”. I asked surprised but the line was disconnected immediately.

I dropped the phone on the counter again, what happened, Reece and those popping sounds, it sounded like balloons popping.

Weird right?

Another unknown call came through again.

I picked up. “Reece, how many numbers do you__”.

“Reece? Did I just hear you say Reece?”.

My breathing hitched as I heard the voice of that disgusting thing. Alan.

“So its true? You’ve been f×¢king around with that bloke”. Alan sounded angry.

I didn’t say anything.

“f×¢king answer me, what the hell were you doing with that motherf×¢ker? I told you not to f×¢king talk to that boy”.

“I have the right to make friends”. I retorted.

“Wow, little Natasha now talks back”.

I was tearing up already. “Just leave me alone”.

“Let me warn you about something, Natasha”. He growled. “You belong to me and i swear the next time i come back, i’m gonna f×ck you to death if you don’t stay away from that bloke, i’m very__”.

I hang up the call immediately as I slid down to the floor crying. I sat on the tiled floor drawing my knees close to my chest hugging myself tight as I keep on sobbing.

😍Episode 12😍
“Tasha!!”. Bella squealed running towards me.

I smiled as she hugged me.

“Why are you acting like its the first time you are seeing me?”. I asked amusedly.

“Umm, hello. Its the first time I got you to attend a party”. She said excitedly.

I rolled my eyes. “Its just one party”.

“Its the after games party”. She corrected me. “Which is happening tonight by the way”.

“I hope you and Harley chose the right clothes for me”. I said hopefully.

Her eyes twinkled. “You are going to love it”.

“Yeah yeah”.

“Come on”. She dragged me going into the school buildings. “We are kinda late”.

“Oh so you didn’t know that before you hugged me happily?”. I mocked her.

“You really have to tell me whats going on”. Bella said as we walked through the school hallways.

I sighed. “For the last time, nothing is going on”.

“Oh really?”. She scoffed. “Why do I get this feeling that you are hiding something from me?”.

“Trash that feeling”.

“I am your best friend, Natasha, you can trust me”.

I stopped by our lockers. “Okay fine, what do you want to know?”.

“First, whats going on between you and Reece?”.

I raised an eyebrow. “Why do you think there’s something going on?”.

“He’s been trying to get your attention ever since and you ignored him”. She replied.

“I did not ignore him”.

“You literally avoided him the whole of yesterday”. She stated.

“I just wanted to umm ..”. I trailed off.

“You like him?”.

I looked at her. “How many times do I have to tell you I don’t like him”.

“You make me believe otherwise”. She said.

I rolled my eyes not responding to what she said, she opened her locker and placed her books in it.

“You ready for party this night?”.

I gr0×ned. “Why do you keep reminding me?”.

“Because its your first party”. She said in a duh tone.

“Its not like I’m even going to do anything at that stupid party”. I told her.

“Loosen up girl, high school life is only once”. She slammed her locker shut.

“Yeah yeah whatever”. I told her.

“See you later”. She hugged me slightly. “I have to get to class before Mr. Matt”.

She pulled away and ran off blowing me a k×ss. I laughed and pretended to catch it.

I opened my locker picking the books I needed for the morning when I noticed a piece of paper that wasn’t there yesterday.

It looked like a note, someone must have sneaked it in.

I turned it to read. The handwriting was messy, i didn’t even know who owned it.

~~Stay away from Reece Carter or you are going to get it. He’s mine~~

Seriously? Whats wrong with all these people? I should stay away from Reece?

I was trying to ignore the stupid note while crushing it in a paper ball when someone approached my locker.

“Hey Kitten”. Jeremy said smiling at me.

I smiled back at him. “Jeremy”.

“What you up to?”.

“Some people are just born stupid and that is so sad”. I handed him the paper ball.

“Huh?”. He opened the paper ball and read it out loud. “Stay away from Reece Carter or you are going to get it, he’s mine”.

“I’m pretty sure it was some of those dumb cheerleaders who throw themselves over him”. I told him.

Jeremy looked at me. “Well they wouldn’t sent it to you if they hadn’t noticed the closeness between you and Reece”.

“Reece and I are maybe friends but something more?”. I faked a gag. “Thats absurd”.

“Never mind about that”. He crushed the paper into a ball again and threw in the trash bin across the hallway, a perfect hit.

“Wow! Score”. I exclaimed.

He chuckled lightly. “And thats why I’m the team’s captain”.

“Its Co-captain”. I corrected.

“Still the same thing”.

“Not exactly”. I argued.

“You are watching me play today right?”.

“Yep, i come watch you play after school then after the game, i go change over at Harley’s then next is the party I was forced to go to”. I explained.

“I bet you would be the most beautiful girl at that party tonight”.

“I bet you told about ten other girls this statement”. I joked.

“You are always my special person, Love”.

“Thats so sweet”. I cooed.

“I’m serious”.

The bell rang signaling first period before I could say anything.

“What do you have now?”. Jeremy asked.

“Hmm, probably History”.

“Shoot, i have Algebra”.

I snickered. “Good luck with that”.

He k×ssed my cheeks before walking off.

Bella and I walked to the bleachers at our sports stand.

“Who are we playing against?”. I asked Bella.

She pointed to some group of people at the other side of the sports ground. “Them”.

“Come on”. I took her hand. “Lets go find some seats”.

We took our seats at the other side of the sports stand sitting.

I gr0×ned. “What are they doing here? I thought they are supposed to cheer”.

I was referring to the group of cheerleaders who were seated not far from us. And one of them just happened to be Shannon, Jeremy’s ex girlfriend.

She hates me for no reason I just don’t know.

“I don’t like her”. Bella commented. “I just wonder how Jeremy managed to date her”.

“Or you don’t like her because she dated Jeremy”.

She rolled her eyes. “Whatever”.

Minutes later, everyone was seated, the game was soon about to start between Madison High and Haven High.

“Hey girls”.

I turned to see Harley holding two large cups of popcorn.

She squealed excitedly and sat with us much to the dismay of other cheerleader girls.

Remember, Harley is the most popular girl in the school so thats why she sitting with us is really kind of weird.

“Hey Harley”. Bella said enthusiastically.

“Who’s ready for some game?”. She yelled happily.

I smiled. “Seems like you are”.

She giggled. “Of course yeah because after the game is the freaking party”.

Someone tapped me from behind and I looked back.

“Jeremy?”. I asked surprised.

Bella turned hearing his name, well most of the cheerleaders sitting on the same bleachers with us were also staring dreamily at Jeremy.

I noticed he was holding a green sports shirt similar to the one he wore.

I stood up. “Whats that?”.

“For you”. He replied.

I cocked my head. “For me?”.

He nodded. “To support me”.

Well this was common in Madison High, the other teammates usually have two jerseys. They wear one and give the other one to their girlfriends to support them.

I took the jersey. “You really want me to wear this? But you’ve never even let others touch it”.

“Thats why you are my special person”. He replied sincerely.

I smiled. “Good luck in the games”.

He k×ssed my cheeks. “Thanks”.

He walked away to join his teammates while I sat down back with Harley and Bella.

I noticed Bella was trying to hold in her sadness while Shannon and her groupies were giving me death glares.

“Maybe you should put that on now”. Harley suggested. “Before they start playing”.

“Do you want to wear this, Bella?”.

She shook her head. “No, Tasha, he gave it to you”.

I smiled sadly at her. “I’ll just go wear it”.

I stood up still holding the green jersey as I went out of the sports stand heading to the restroom.

I stopped outside considering something, if I wear this jersey then my arms would show revealing my scars.

I decided to wear the green jersey over my long sleeved grey shirt. Well it fits me well.


I turned to see Reece. “You came?”.

He shrugged. “My best friend is playing, its only natural that I come”.

“Yeah”. I fiddled with my fingers.

“I can see you are supporting Jeremy by wearing his second jersey”. He stated.

“He gave it to me”. I explained.

“Did I do something bad?”. He asked all of a sudden. “Why are you avoiding me?”.

“Reece, i don’t think we should talk about this now”. I said nervously looking around.

“Just tell me what I did wrong, if its about taking your number then I’m sorry”. He apologized.

I sighed. “No Reece, its not about that”.

“Then tell me”. He insisted.

“Reece, i have to go back in,side”.

I made to leave but he pulled me back to face him close to him right now.

“I’m sorry”. He apologized again.

“Reece”. I sighed.

He drew his face close inches to mine, he looked at my l-ips as if waiting for an invitation before he placed his l-ips on mine.

I hesitated at first before relaxing to his l-ips on mine.
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