Devil In Red

Devil in red – episode 22

Devil In Red – Episode 22
© Goddy Francis
I got dressed and rush downstairs. I think he knows my size too well , cause the dresses always fit perfectly well.
” You look good.” He says as I step on the last stairs.
” Thank you.” I blush as he take my hand.
He lead me out of his house and to his car. He open the door to the passenger seat and I entered. He shut the door and turn around to enter the driver’s seat.
” Where are we going ?” I ask.
” Anywhere you like.” He says and starts the engine.
He takes the wheel and drove out to god knows where.
” Why do you like short clothes ?” I ask.
” It looks hotter.” He winks and look away.
” Hotter huh ?”
” Yeah..” he Chuckles and smiles.
” So where do you wanna go ?” He ask and I shrug.
” Anywhere you want.” I smile and he smirks.
” You’re in college right ?” He ask and I nod.
” NYU ?”
” Yeah , freshman.” He smiles and turn to look at the road.
” Studying ?”
” Economics.. mom likes it.”
” Wow. So what do you like ?” He ask.
” Blogging..” he huff and smirk.
” What ?”
” It’s terrible. It’s nice your mom made the choice for you. Blogging is s***.” I swat his hands at his hateful speech and he Chuckles.
” Come on , going about looking for terrible topic to write about just because you want blog visitors. They keep writing false news about people , it’s so not cool..” he scoffs at the end of his speech.
I scoff and glued my eyes to the mirror. How could he say that about my dream ?
” I’m sorry…” He plea .
I turn to look at him and he smiled warmly.
” I didn’t mean to get you upset.” I nod and pouts.
” You’re hungry ?” He ask and I shake my head sideways.
” We ate this morning…”
” I know , but I thought you might wanna have something..” I chuckles to his thoughts and he smiles.
He halts his car outside a park and it looks like a fun park or something.
” You play basketball ?” He ask and I laugh.
” Damn you. You wanna play ?”
” I’ll beat you to that.” He winks and we rush out of the car.
Just as I thought it’s an amusement park. We entered and bought tickets. It’s Tuesday and it’s really normal out here , not rowdy as usual. The basketball court is empty when we got there. Jason picked up the ball and bounce it on the floor as he successfully throw it in,side the hoop.
” You’re up looser..” he tease and chuckles.
” If I win , you’ll do what I want.”
” Wow.. it’s a bet now ?”
” Maybe…” I wink at him as he smiled.
” What if I win ?” He asks.
” I’ll do anything you want.”
” And that Is ?” He ask rather too sed-ctive. I smirk and Chuckle.
” You can’t handle what I want..” he says and smiles.
” What do you want ?” I ask and he Chuckles.
He walks towards me and stop in front of me holding my chin up.
” I want your love and trust…” My cheeks flushed and I look down.
” Let’s play.” He peck on my cheek and bounce the ball again facing the hoop.
The ball bounce down and he caught it.
” You’re up..” I take a deep breath and hold the ball bouncing it up and down , I throw it on the hoop but it didn’t pass.
Jason Chuckles as he caught the ball. Till the game ended I only won twice , Jason was always making the passes.
” You owe me a dare..” he says on our way out of the basketball court.
” I’ll think about it.”
” You’re cheating.” He coo.
” I’m not , I just said I’ll think about it.” He smiles and interwine our hands together.
We stop by in a cafè as Jason ordered for coffee and snacks.
” I hate burgers.” He laments spinning his coffee cup non-stop.
” Why ?”
” It’s boring.” He smiles and drank his coffee.
” That’s weird and sounds African.” He laughs and almost choke on his coffee.
” That’s funny.” He laughs and sits his coffee on the table.
” You know it’s so weird I know nothing about you..” I states as he furrow his brows.
” What do you wanna know ?”
” Anything.”
” Okay , so let’s have a normal nice conversation , like two cute couple.” He winks and I laugh.
” I’ll go first. What do you like about me ?” Jason asks.
” That’s casual , make it normal.”
” What got you attracted to me ?” He asks.
” Your hair.”
” Really ?” I nods and he smiles.
” What got you attracted to me first ?” I ask.
” Your complexion.” I smiles and nods.
” And I like your l-ips.” He says and I blush.
” And you’re a good k-sser.” He adds drinking his coffee.
” I know I am.”
” Nah , don’t even go there…”
” Thank you.” I tell him.
” I like your ass.”
” Jeez , you said they were tiny.”
” Just ****in with you , they are perfect. They turn me on.” He flirts and my skin heat up. I gulp and look down like a highschool teenager.
” Are you shy ? No way , that’s new.” He mocks and I swat his arm.
He laughs and bites his lower lip.
” Your turn..” He winks and I tilt my head.
” I like your hands , your l-ips , your hair and mostly your eyes. And yeah.. your smile.” He smiles and look in my eyes.
That always make me uncomfortable. I sigh and roll my eyes scanning the cafeteria.
” Gold..” he calls and I look up at him.
” What am I to you ?” He ask and my heart beat skip. I open my mouth to talk but I find myself deciphering what he just said.
” Someone I don’t wanna loose.” I answer.
His expression is normal when he looks at me. He smiles afterwards and pouts like a girl. That’s unusual , I know.
” Have you ever dated before ?” I ask and he smirks.
” I don’t date.” I actually expected that , so it’s not new.
” Why ? You said you believe in love.”
” True.” He smiles and look around.
” I’m just not ready . I don’t even know what relationsh¡p tastes like.” I nods at his speech and he smiles.
So basically , we’re not dating. That’s wow. Then what are we ? Something in me wants to ask him , but another me don’t care. I know he cares about me , what more do i want ?
We talked about different stuff and he told me part of his stories. That his mom’s dead and he’s the only kid. His dad abandoned him when he was little and his mother had to hustle and bustle.
His mom moved with him from Washington to New York and she died after few years. He graduated from college and decides to make good use of himself. I told him half of mine but i didn’t tell him about Emily because , I wasn’t ready for his pity.
He drove me home that evening and we k-ssed. It’s always awesome k-ssing Jason. I happily ran upstairs and saw Perkins playing video game with Carol.
” Olè ” Carol shouts as I slam the door shut.
” Oh my God. Who bought you that dress ?” Perkins asks and I smiled.
” Jason.”
” What ? Whatever thing that is going on between you two is more than just feelings. It’s pretty.” Perkins says and I smile.
” You spend the night and he took you out right ?” Carol asks and I nod.
” I’d say you’re lucky.” Carol smiles and sat down.
” I need to shower , be right back guys.” I rush to my room and undress myself. Jason already sent me a message and I missed his call twice.
I smile as I read his text. I drop my phone on the bed and step on the bathroom to shower. If I’m being sincere , then Jason is the best thing that has ever happened to me. His words are comforting and I’m happy I met him.
I wear my PJs after shower and join the girls playing video game. Perkins made cookies and it’s really nice. We talked about my experience with Jason and I told them everything excluding the kitchen activity. I really don’t wanna talk about that one.
Following day at school..
I pack my books and take a deep breath after the statistics professor left. The hell I hate calculation , it’s not like I have a choice. I made my way through the door and tried to meet up with Perkins and Carol at school field. My phone buzz and it’s a text message from Jason.
‘ please stop by at my place. I missed you.’ my cheeks flushed and i end up blushing.
‘ k , I’ll be there soon.’ I text back.
” Hey girls..” i wave at Perkins and Carol as I sit close to Carol who was staring non-stop to her phone and her earphones are stuck in her ears.
” Sup with class ?” Perkins ask.
” Dope , yours ?”
” Nice , not like Carol who almost accept a date from Brad.” Carol scoffs and removed her earbuds.
” Really ?” I ask glancing at Carol.
” He said he’s sorry and I’m not willing to take him back. I told him to go **** himself.” Carol spits .
” Did you just say the word ‘**** ‘ ?” I ask and she huff.
” All thanks to Perkins lousy mouth.” She says with an air quotation.
” My ears are tight , didn’t hear anything.” Perkins scoff and I laugh.
” Guys i need to meet up with Jason.” I smirk and pouts.
” Are you guys going out again ?” Carol ask.
” Seriously you’re the only one having fun here , we’re both single remember , so go have fun while I try to make out tonight.” Perkins says.
” I’m fine with it. I’ll be busy in my dorm. Practicing music.” Carol winks and I hug both of them at once.
” Love you guys , see ya.” I say and walk out of school field.
You may call me silly but , Jason has turned into my addiction. No day goes by that i don’t think about him to the extent I don’t give a **** about Mitch anymore. Each time I board a car , I hate why I don’t have a car. All thanks to mom and college.
I paid the cab and sigh at Jason’s apartment. I walk in and drop my bag on the couch. He’s no where to be found. I look around and a weird guy walk in. He’s really cool anyways.
” You’re looking for Jason ?” He ask and I nod.
” My bad , I’m Jake , a friend.” I smile and nod.
” I’m Gold.”
” I know. He said a lot about you. You’re pretty anyways.”
” Thank you.”
” Come with me , let me take you to him.” He leads me through a back door and we appeared in his swimming pool.
” Have fun.” He winks and walk out.
Is he s***ting me ?
Jason isn’t here and he brought me here . I scoff and walk closer to the pools deck and cross my arm glancing at the swimming pool. Jason swim out and sweep his hair backwards. His long eye lashes are w-t as his eyes checked me out.
” Hey..” he smiles and I smile.
” You’re busy.” He pouts and swim closer to the deck.
” Come on in.” He says and I Chuckle.
” No way..” I blush and bite my l-ips.
” Squat closer , I wanna tell you something.” I tilt my head and squat closer .
He grab my wa-ist and pulled me in. I tried to yell at him for wetting my clothes but he splash water on my face.
” That wasn’t funny.” I finally said.
” I know.. I just wanna feel you.” He says softly holding unto the hem of the dress I’m wearing. Thank God it’s a gown.
He pull it over my head and throw it aboard. And , I’m just left with underp-nts and b-ra standing close to Jason.
He smiles and pull me closer swimming to the middle of the pool. He brush his hand around my wa-ist and trail it my back proceeding to take my b-ra off.
” Don’t be shy , I don’t bite.”
” And Jake ?” He smiles and move his hands to my bottom and that made my pores open.
” Just be naughty.” He whisper and sit me on the deck.
He stands in between my legs and curl his hands around my wa-ist. There’s intense silence between us as we stare at each other. He smiles and k-ssed my cheek and slowly move it down to my shoulders. I bite my lip and smiled to the tingling feeling.
His hands grab on my thighs as he k-ss slowly to my collarbone. He slide his hands under my b-ra and unhook it.
” Don’t be scared..” he says softly stroking my bare back.
I take a deep breath and tried to hold back the pleasure. He k-ssed my l-ips and fondle on my br-ast car-ssing my entire body. I mo-n on his mouth and cuddle tight to him. He remove the already unhook b-ra and k-ss on my n-pples brushing his tongue on them.
” Just take me to your room.” I said amidst the pleasure.
He smiles and stop making me feel nervous.
” You’re sure ?” He ask and I nod.
” Just say it again.” He orders.
” Take me to your room.” I said resting my hand on his shoulders. He smiles and got out of the water with me on his arms in a bridal carry. I didn’t even care I’m a bit unclad.
He shut his bedroom door and guard me to his bed holding tight to my wa-ist. I lay on his bed as he stare at my eyes. My breath his fast and I felt so nervous , I really don’t know why.
” If you’re not comfortable , we can stop.” He says and I shake my head sideways. He smirks and look down at my chest.
He get in between my legs and k-ssed my chest down to my stomach. His hands grab tight to my thighs and I mo-n slightly as he k-ssed the wa-istline of my underp-nts.
He stops and take off my underp-nts parting my legs. He k-ss my thighs slowly and down to my sensitive part. I felt his warm tongue brush against it as my entire body heat up more. I tug his hair tightly and mo-n to his tongue motion on my sensitive part.
After minutes of k-ssing my bottom he move up to my chest as he plant soft k-sses on my neck. He’s fund of making eye contact and I barely care why. He stretch his hands to his nightstand and brought out a foil packet.
” Should I ?” He asking holding the foil packet to my face.
” Yeah.” He smirks and unclad himself as he tears the foil paper. I look over as he slides in the content.
” Move up a little..” he whispers and i obeyed.
I mo-n in pain as I poke my fingers into his bare back. His eyes is filled with pleasure as he thr-st in and out of me slowly. I felt my own tears as I mo-n softly. It hurts , same time it’s crazy , cause the feeling isn’t describable.
He stops and lean closer to my neck , planting soft k-sses. I mo-n slightly and pinch his back slightly.
” I love you.” He whispers and that made me smile.
How to grow your business while you stay at home
It’s been long I heard that and since I started having connections with Jason , this is the first time he’s saying that. His eyes is pretty and it’s filled with emotions.
I just hope he stays after this .
To be continued

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