ICHABOD episode 7/8

Cursed For A 1000 Years

Episode 7

Harmony sat in the comfort of her living room, wearing just her long white bathing robe and holding in her hand a cup of martini. A fresh white flower was tucked in her hair.

Vivian sat beside her with her l@ptŠp on her l@p. A man stood before them. He was tall, dark and well built.

“So I just went throu-gh your background record now, it showed you have been t o the prison thrice Mr John.” Vivian said, starring at the man from the back of her wi-de-rimmed gl@ssed.

“That’s right ma’am.” John replied.

“Do you mind telling us more about the case of theft you were charge with?” Harmony asked.



“Well, it was a long time ago. I stole someone’s car and I got punished for it . That was all I have done my p@rt and I have been cleared.”

Harmony and Vivi exchanged glances.

“Okaydokey. So, what are the things you possess that will make you qualified for this job?” Vivian asked.

“Oh, I’ve been waiting for you to say that.” John said excitedly and immediately pu-ll-ed out his belt with one hand. All of a sudden, he started doing kungfu where he wh!pped and slashed an invisible opponent

. He jumped around for a while and somersaulted thrice.

While all this was going on, Harmony couldn’t believe the madness she was looking at. Vivian on the other hand was trying so h@rd to st©p herself from laughing and when John eventually st©pped.

“We will give you a call if you are qualified John.” Both women said at the same time

John bowed with the belt around his n£¢k. Then he took his leave.

When he finally left, both women bur-st into laughter.

“What was that?” Harmony asked amidst laughter.

“I dunno. Obviously the man has watched lots of Jackie Chan movie.” Vivian replied laughing so h@rd.

“How many applicants are left?”

“Seven.” Vivi replied and Harmony sighed.

“Okay, let’s have the next one.”

Vivian stood up and walked to the courtyard where the men were.


“I can’t believe that I accepted your ridiculous idea Adams.” Ichabod said, where he sat at the driver’s seat, in front of a mansion.

“Look, you alre-ady got the h@rd p@rt,you are a natural. What will it cost you to guard someone’s life?” Adams replied, stepping out of the car.

“First, you said your friend would bring a truck, then he s£nt his son Simon to bring a car. “

“That’s not a problem at all, you drive everything the same way. Now get down from the car and get a grip.”

Ichabod sighed and opened the car He was getting used to this 21st century nons-en-se. He wondered what happened with riding of horses as it was in his past life. Still, driving a car made much s-en-se as it was fas-ter than a horse.

“This castle is so hvge. Does a princess live here? Am I to be guarding a princess?” He said as he got out.

“It’s a mansion, not a castle. Good Lord! You are worse! plea-se try and behave when you get interviewed okay?”

“Well, I will try. I’m not going to let Odin mess this up for me, I can feel him de-ep down. Do you think this job is wise? I mean, I am still yet to find the lady.”

“Once you get the job, it will be the next thing we will do. Like we have planned. Now go on, I will be right here.”

Ichabod nodded and walked towards the mansion. He could see some men walking out alre-ady. None was white, they were all black and well built. They kept looking at him as he p@ssed. He began to think maybe he was over dressed, he was all suited up unlike the man who were in fabrics that clung so ti-ghtly to their bŠdy, showing off their rippling muscles and protruding groin.

“Good Lord!” He said to himself before walking in, holding in his hand a do¢vment.


“This is insane. I mean, I don’t need a S-x p@rtner Vivian!” Harmony said while her friend filled her cup. “They were all so dressed as if I was looking for one. I am so tired of this.”

“We do not have any applicant left though. I think you should start dressing up for an outing with Michael. He just s£nt a message.” Vivian said, showing her, her phone.

Harmony re-ad the message with lack of interest.

“Just wait here, lemme go fetch Tracy’s dress. Once you pick her up from school, you can just change for her.”

“Okay. That will be a good idea.” Harmony said, inhaling a de-ep breath while her friend stood up and went to Tracy’s room.

Harmony closed her eyes for a while. This was just too exhausting for her. She had interviewed all those men and for one reason or the other, she just didn’t want any of them. It had been a complete waste of her time. How she wished that she could just snap her f!ngersand the right man will come.

She sighed but opened her eyes as she heard a movement. Frowning, she stood up and for some reason, she felt a little bit dizzy. What happened to the breeze all of a sudden? She asked in her mind. It was like everything was slower than it should be…was she having another dream? No, this was real. Yet she couldn’t shake off whatever magnet was pu-lling her towards the front door. Something was pu-lling her and it was like her wh0le life depended on it. What was happening to her?


Something was happening to him while he stood at the front of the door. Thinking of ringing the door bell or knocking on the door. For some reason, the breeze had suddenly changed and he felt lighter than he had felt.

. Something was wrong, He could feel Odin’s excitement, something was so wrong. Perhaps he should turn back, perhaps he should stay. Why did he feel like he was supposed to be here all of a sudden?

Something was happening but he didn’t know what it was. All of a sudden, the door opened and when he turned to see who had opened the door, his heart ceased for a while…..the time stŠpped momentarily.

Denis? It couldn’t be!


Harmony could hear that the gl@ss in her hand was ma-king a shattering noise but she stood there, looking at the strangest man she has ever seen in her life, unaware that while they were looking at each other, the white flower in her hair had changed all of a sudden to a violet red.

He was suited up. His brown hair thick, lvstrous and well combe-d. His brows were dark and furrowed in a serious expression. He looked like a Grecian that has not seen the sun for years.l-ips were pale, thin and cruel, his nose and chin were well defined yet, there was this thing that was pu-lling her attention to his eyes which were mesmerizing ocean of the bluest eyes she has ever seen….why do they seem so familiar?


No, it couldn’t be Denis! Denis was dead! He’d killed Denis with his own hands after the curse.

“ Yes, it’s Denis Idiot!”

No, it couldn’t be, he had killed her with his two hands, he had watched hr give her last breath so how could it be? How would she still be here, standing before him, in a white robe and looking so beautiful in those thick long black hair.

His heart was beating so fast that he was afraid it would pop out all of a sudden. He could feel Odin struggling to get out, if he didn’t handle the situation quite well, he would lose to Odin…or maybe he should take over, this shock was too much for him.

“Denis!” He whispered, trying h@rd to blink back the tears that were piling up…he was suddenly feeling h0t….he knew that Odin was about to take over….

“Harmony! What the hell is going on there?”

Like a knife, the third p@rty cut off whatever connection was building up and he immediately looked away to get himself back as his eyes were about to change.


Harmony snapped out of whatever spell had bound her and she looked behind her to see her friend coming out, holding Tracy’s dressing-bag.

“What is going on girl? Oh my God! Are you hurt? Let me get first Aid.” Vivian shouted, running back into the house.

“What are you talking about…?” Harmony said but then stŠpped as she realized that she was holding pieces of broken gl@sses in her hand.

She had broken the cup earlier without even feeling anything and her palm was bloody but then she hadn’t felt anything until now. She looked back towards the man but he was gone, in his place was the do¢vment that was on the floor.

Taking a de-ep breath, she bent down to pick it.

Cursed For A 1000 Years

Chapter 8

Adams waited at the driver’s seat patiently humming to himself when all of a sudden, the door bur-st opened, startling him.

“Oh mine! Ichabod! You almost gave me a fit! Why were you back so….” He kept quiet as he recognized the twitched face and the cyan eyes. In a low growl, Odin ordered, “drive!”

“Okay.” Adams said without further ado and switched on the engine.


He got off the car, slamming the door after him before walking into the house in a dominant movement. Adams watched him enter the house before he got off and walked after him

. He wondered what had happened but he knew for sure that Odin must have messed things up. When he got in,side, he met him pouring himself a drink. Adam stayed further back before asking.

“What happened, Odin?”

“That moron wouldn’t listen to me!” Odin growled, slamming the bottom of the cup against the table. “He just has this insane attitude of disobeying me. I knew it was Denis but he wouldn’t believe me! He messed things up for himself not for me!”

“I don’t un-derstand, Denis? You mean his wife, was the one you saw, thought she was dead.”

Odin graced his butler with a fiery glance and grumbled, “Adam you are too old and you are too slow for my liking, didn’t you get the little logic?” He hissed and hisl-ips twisted in a dangerous smile. “Denis’ descendant, reincarnation….how sweet

. It should be nice killing her again….” He laughed sardonically.

“But you are not supposed to be here during the day, you are only to come out in the night.”

Odin sighed with hisl-ips still bearing the wicked smiled. “Dear old Adam, you should thank Ichabod for that, he is getting weaker by the day and I am getting stronger every minute.” He shrugged proudly, “I can come out anytime he showed an emotional weakness, I just take over.

Damn the four months that I have to wait, I could have had that lady right there that instant. Just imagine digging my fangs into the fleshy p@rt of her n£¢k…delish isn’t it?”

Unaware of Adam who had gotten so close to him. By the time he turned around, it was too late, Adam bashed his head with a stick. He felt woozy all of a sudden, he knew he was losing his consciousness but not without doing this. He gr@bb£d Adam by the n£¢k and snarled at him, “how dare you!” before falling into a total blackness.


Adam counted the time until it was exactly ten minutes later when Ichabod shouted from his de-ep sleep where he l@yon the floor. He put a hand to his head which was ban-ging so h@rd.

. Adam p@ssed him a bag of iceblock which he held to his head while he managed to stand up.

“Are you okay?” Adam asked.

“Yea, I will be.” Ichabod replied in his normal voice before sitting down.

“Odin told me what happened, Denis was the lady? Is that true?”

Ichabod nodded. It was stupid but there was no way he could explain that to him. He couldn’t even un-derstand.

“How is that possible?”

“I don’t know Adams, I don’t think Odin knows either.”

“Odin mentioned reincarnation, so it’s possible. “

“Then that is fv¢ked up. How do I behave around her? I killed this woman in my other life!”

“You killed another version of her Ichabod, not her. This is fate, fate has brou-ght you both together again. Odin knows you are getting weaker by the minute. You need to be able to control him.”

“I know Adams, I also need to get that job, it really needs to cli-ck. One thing that is certain is that Odin won’t t©uçh her until the full moon. He can’t t©uçh her but he can mess things up for me. I don’t want that.”


“You look so good Harmony.”

She scoffed at Michael’s compliment. They were in a restaurant, the three of them but Tracy was busy fiddling with the new tab her father had brou-ght her, she had hvge earphones attached to her ears, shutting her out of the adults’ conversation.

“Save your compliments, Michael, I don’t need them.” Harmony replied, taking a bite of her food.

“You have also done such a remarkable work with our daughter, she has ….”

“Hold on right there.” Harmony cut in. “Did you just say ‘our’ daughter?”

Michael nodded but she scoffed.

“Seems you have forgotten that you told me you didn’t want her so she is not your daughter.”

“Come on, this is why I am here Harmony

. I want to make things right.”

“What things are you talking about? There is nothing that you need to set right here. Wait, where were you those years ago? Where were you when I was in the labor room? Now all of a sudden you want to make things right?”

Michael sighed. “Look, I never wanted a child then but I do now. I want to be p@rt of her life…your lives.”

Harmony laughed, “hold it right there Michael. Hold on, what were you thinking? That we would just welcome you back into our lives with open arms?”

“I will do anything you want me to, I swear.

. Look, I am not getting any younger and she is my blood, my daughter. plea-se allow me to be p@rt of her life let her bear my last name and everything…”

Harmony laughed loud. “Really? Your last name? You must be joking. I have not even accepted you and you are talking about me changing my daughter’s name. That is never going to happen!”

Michael observed her for a minute and then smiled. “God I have missed your stubbornness! Let me show you I can be the best father in the wh0le world baby. plea-se. Just one month trial. I will do anything.”

Harmony gave him a condescending look but then waved her hands, “I will think about it.”

“Awesome. “ Michael shouted, then he took her hands into his and k!$$£d it. “I brou-ght you a gift.” He said.

“What?” She asked with languid interest. She watched as he brou-ght out a little pink jewelry box from his pocket and opened it In it l@ya silver n£¢klace that was adorned with diamonds. Her fave brightened up a little.

“Oh my God! Those are real diamonds.”

“Yes, they are.” He replied proudly, then took it out and walked towards her before fastening it around her n£¢k. He didn’t hesitate to k!ssher on the cheek while he fastened the jewelry.

“It’s beautiful.” Harmony said with a smile.

“Glad you liked it.” He replied, walking back to his seat. “So, how have you been?”

“Great. I’ve been great.”

He beckoned to a waiter. “So any interesting man in your life?”

She frowned but ignored him as her phone chimed. She opened her bag which was on the table and was beginning to find her phone when she caught sight of the do¢vment she had picked up that morning. Her facial expression suddenly changed.

“Are you okay?” Michael asked and she quic-kly nodded.

“Mum, I need to pee,” Tracy said, pouting herl-ips.

“Ok, darling, come with me. “ She said standing up. “Excuse us.”

“Sure, no problem my beautiful ladies,” Michael said before they both left.

When he realized they had left, he di-pped a hand into her bag and brou-ght out the do¢vment that had changed her mood within seconds.

He brou-ght out a resume of someone named ‘’Ichabod Noel.”’ He frowned, that was the strangest name he had ever heard. What could she be hiring for anyway? He thought to himself but he put the do¢vment back. It was probably nothing, he thought.


Adams led Ichabod to a small house close to the market’s street. They had parked Simon’s car somewhere close, so they had to trek. It was alre-ady getting dark and only a few houses around had electricity. Ichabod followed, wondering whom they were about to meet. Was she a sort of witch or a demon? He couldn’t say, yet his curiosity got the better p@rt of him.

As they got to the balcony of the house, Adams pushed the door opened and they were enveloped by the blackness of the interior. Ichabod could perceive the scent of dried herbs mixed with chemicals.

“is there no one here?” Ichabod asked quietly, peering into the darkness to see Adam’s wrinkled face but somehow, the wh0le place was brightened up for him to see they were in what looked like a very old pharmacy with shelves and chemicals, yet there was no one in sight. So who had put on the light?

Adams walked to the sales counter which had a small bell on it, Adams ti-pped against it but no sound could be heard. He did it again but yet no sound. With a grown, he shouted. “Johnny get your wrinkly self over here, your stupid bell is not working again!”

Ichabod frowned. “Is a woman bearing the name Johnny in this century?”

“No, why would you ask that?”

“You said we were coming to meet a woman.”

“Oh yea, he is the one who will bring her to us, she is his daughter but you have to see the father first.”

“Oh, ok.”

Minutes later, Ichabod could hear a swift movement behind the shelves and out c@mÂŁ a short man in a black tail coat and a large hat which made him look like all those wizards you see in movies like Harry Potter.

“Ah! If it isn’t my old friend.” Johhny said cheerfully. “It has been a while since I last saw you. Are you having nighmares again?”

“No.” Adams replied, “I would like you to meet someone.” He said, “this is Ichabod Noel.”

Johnny laid his eyes on Ichabod and scanned him from head to toe. A serious smile cracked upon hisl-ips. “Ah. I can see you haven’t come alone, young man.”

Ichabod frowned, could the man be seeing Odin as well. “I don’t un-derstand.”

“Oh, I’m sure you do. This is interesting. I have seen demons possessing men but never have I seen this kind of a demon. Rasheedat must hear of this. plea-se take a seat.” He said, pointing to two chairs behind him.

The two men sat down. ichabod watched as Johnny brou-ght out a phone and began to dial a number.

“Are you calling Rasheedat?”Adams asked.

“Oh yes. She will be the one to help you. She has been researching on something like this for years, she will be so thrilled to see it finally happened.” The man said happily, beaming at Ichabod who shifted uncontrollably in his seat.

“Hello daughter, we have customers, you should know that he has duality…yes…no, you have to come, they are right here, ok.” After this he hung up and turned to them. “So what exactly is it that you want her to do for you.”

“Look, I need to suppress the beast in me.” Ichabod said, “I need to be able to control it. Wait, I don’t un-derstand, what is it that you and your daughter do exactly?”

“Well, she is my student as well as my daughter. I have the gift of sight, she has the wh0le package. I can see what is wrong with you but she offers the solution even though she can also see, you can’t come to my daughter except throu-gh me. You see, our family has for years believed in the supernatural and we have the gifts to see what normal eyes do not see….”

“Too much info father, you don’t want to scare our visitors away…” Said a female voice and they all turned around to see Rashidat in the room with them.

She was a pretty young lady on a low cut. She hvgged Adams before facing Ichabod.

“Wow. My father was right. This is remarkable. I have re-ad so much on duality but I have never seen anything like it before. This is too good to be true.”

“Well, lady, as long as I appreciate behind the first of my kind, I don’t have much time left. plea-se, can you help me?”

She smiled looking at Ichabod’s hand. “Your ring is getting weaker so are you. Yes I can help you but don’t mind my father, he alone has the sight to re-ad people, he can see supernatural things, my gifts are just pure science. What I have re-ad about duality suggested that one rules the day while another rules the night. Yet when one, that is the human side fails to get emotional balance, the other can take over. The emotion level must always be at a balance, if it goes slightly above probably due to emotions or anger, the other one will always take over.”

“Well, then I need something to get me emotionally balanced plea-se.” Ichabod pleaded.

Rasheedat walked to the shelve and little bottle of something red.

“This is Monogen.

. Doctors use it in small doses as a pain killer, priests use it for patients during exorcism so it should work for you. When the priests are casting out demons, they mix it with holy water and make sure it gets into the mouth of those afflicted with evil spirits.”

“Oh my God!” Ichabod’s face brightened up. “You really think this will work?”

Rasheedat shrugged. “ I have been working on this for years and if it has worked for priests. It should work for you. Just a drop on your ton-gue should do the trick. Let me know if it works.”

Ichabod collected it excitedly, “how much are we…?”

“No, don’t pay yet, first, let’s hope it works, then you can tell me all about you. I wanna know everything and how you got to be the carrier of this curse. That will be enough payment plus, it will be an achievement for my career.”

Ichabod smiled. He was t©uçhed and excited at the same time “Thank you.”

While they spoke Adam’s phone vibr@ted…

“Ichabod, there’s a message from the hiring site, you are to come back tomorrow, to start the job.”


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