Jupiter High

Jupiter High 2 episode 39 – 40


🏫 HIGH 🏫

💞(A high school rom-nce)💞

#Season_2 Episode 39


By : kebby NG Media Services


I sat in the car, feeling a bit nervous, just where is he taking me, I thought as the taxi Kept going.

“Okay have had enough of being quiet, where are you taking me to? “I asked breaking the long silence

“Some place that you can stay until your parents are back”he said softly .

“But I told you that……….”

“They will be back soon which is all a lie, they didn’t pick and neither are you strong enough to wait for them, so I will be taking you some where safe”He said

“One thing my mom taught me is never to go to a safe place with a guy, I would prefer it if you let me off now”I said

“No, you are going to that safe place with me, you will be disobeying your mom today “He said

“Not if I can help it”I said

The car stopped due to the traffic signal and I held the door handle ready to get out but he stopped me by pulling me to him.

I was so close to him that I could see his blue eye ball perfectly

“I said that you aren’t going any where”he said starring at me in the same way that I was starring at him

He bent his head towards me but the car moved and that made him stop

“Should I still go or should I drop the lady off”The driver asked

“No , keep on going”he said and I couldn’t say any thing because I was thinking about what almost happened a while ago.

What was he trying to do? If the car hadn’t move, he would have done it…….it couldn’t possibly be…….no he wasn’t going to k-ss me right? I thought as I stared at him.

“We are here!”he said getting out of the car.

“Where is this?”I asked

“My home! Common let’s go in”he said and I didn’t have a chance to decline because he pulled me in.

“Young master,you are back home!”a man at the door greeted as we walked past him and Daniel never bothered to answer

“That man greeted you right now! Why didn’t you reply?”I asked

“Because he is one of my father lackey” he said

“Why do you sound like that”I asked suddenly

“Like what?*

“You don’t like your father that much right?”he asked

“It’s nothing you should concern your self with, my father is a monster and if possible you should stay away from him or else he might bite you”He said as he walked me to a private sitting room.

“Have a seat, my grand parents uses this room and since they are not around, I think this place will be better to wait until your parent arrive “he said

“But still I don’t thik I……..”

“It is okay, so just stay here while I get the maid to get you some thing to eat, I will also be heading to my room to change, I will be back in a bit “He said and walk out of the room.

I stood up starring at the place, it’s quite big and judging from the interiors, you can see that it is luxurious too.

I looked around and saw a photo album on the floor.

Wanting to while away my time, I picked it up and started to go through it.

You can tell that it’s an old picture judging from the way it looks.

The pictures there were all the pictures of Daniel father, I only saw him once at school but have marked out his face already.

Some how I felt a strong bond starring at this picture, what could this be? I thought as I put down the album.

“Rose! Rose ! Rose! Get back here”I heard a man yell.

“Leave me alone Max! You are nothing but a jerk and you deserve what I did to you and your lousy friends” a lady yelled too

Wanting to know who they were, I went to have a look and I saw the man in the picture and also a lady who looks just like Daniel, Daniel doesn’t have to tell me who they were, I already solved my math my self

They were both having an heated argument and from the way Daniel father was pursuing his mother up stairs, they weren’t done fighting.

Just then Daniel walked out of the kitchen,still dressed in his uniform

“What’s happening?”he asked as he walked out of the kitchen

“I think it’s your pa……….”I didn’t get to finish my word because he ran upstairs.

Feeling that it’s some thing bad, I ran after him and i saw him going into a room

The noise was getting much stronger and I could hear the three of them yelling

I walked until I got to the door way and I saw Daniel standing beside his mom and his father standing a few feet away starring at them.

“Leave my mom alone!”Daniel yelled again

“Daniel you don’t under stand, this is between me and ……………”

“Don’t leave me Daniel, he will do some thing if you do”his mom said holding onto him

“You know clearly that have never lifted my hand to hit you,you know that?”his father said

“That could change today father, there is a first time for every thing and I won’t allow you to hurt my mom, not now or ever”Daniel yelled and some where from it all, I saw his Mom smiling.

Why would she be smiling over a serious situation, I thought as I stared at them

“Leave Max! Get out of here! You have done enough harm already, just go away!”she yelled at him

“Daniel let me explain……”

“I have nothing to listen from you, so please dad! Leave”Daniel said hugging his Mom and once again,I saw her giving dad an evil smile, it’s like she did it intentionally

“Fine then”as soon as I heard that, I ran left the door way and got into the next room.

I didn’t care, as long as no one saw me!”I thought as I hid in the room.

It was a while later that I heard some one approaching.

Who could it be ? I thought as I hid behind the door.

The door opened and I saw Daniel walking into the room.

He switched on the light and I could see the sad expression on his face.

Some how I wanted to comfort him but is it my right full place to do that, am no one to him, not even his friend! I thought as I kept starring at him.

He was now standing by the window and still carried that sad expression on his face

“Now you know why I call my father a monster”he said softly and it took me a while before I realised that he was talking to me

“You knew I was there all along?”I asked and he turned to stare at me

“I knew!”he said trying to smile but he couldn’t do it

“It must be hærd on you right?”I asked and gently he nodded his head with out thinking further I went to him and gave him a hug

“You know some one once told me that it’s okay to cry some times, it relives the heart, it doesn’t make you look weak, so just cry it all out, I am here to give you my shoulders”I said and he pulled me close burying his face on my shoulders while he cried.


It took a while before my sobs subside, I felt so embarrassed.

My idea mainly had been to bring Mary to the house to rest a bit and also to show off to her but things turned out worse when my parents arrived fighting.

If I had known that things will be this way, I would never have bring her here.

“Are you okay now?”she asked softly

“Yes, I am, it’s kind of embarrassing”I said starring at her

“You don’t have to feel embarrassed okay,it’s nothing to be embarrassed about”she said having a cute smile on her face

“I just wanted you to have a rest but it turns out that that will be impossible now, am sorry Mary”I said softly

“You don’t have to be embarrassed and you don’t have to be sorry, am quite grateful because am here with you instead of being out there waiting for parents return and am also glad that I was here today, now I have a little bit of inkling to who you really are and am glad about it”she said giving me a lovely smile and i couldn’t hold back , I pulled her close to me and gave her a deep k-ss.

In Addy to your beloved author 5th October

Please 🙏 prepare all your gift 📦, so that you can sent to me as a happy birthday wish to your favorite author on 5th October.


🏫 HIGH 🏫

💞(A high school rom-nce)💞

#Season_2 Episode 40


By : kebby NG Media Services


I can’t believe am being k-ssed by Daniel and it turns out to be my first time too.

I don’t even hate it, I like it, I enjoy being k-ssed by him,I thought as he kept on k-ssing me.

He pulled me close and wrap his arm around me, k-ssing me more deeply.

This feels like heaven, I never knew k-ssing some one could be this great.

Just then we heard a noise from a distance and we broke apart.

I stared at him and it was then that I realised what I allowed him to do.

“Mary am………”

I didnt let him finish his word because I ran out of the room.

I heard him coming after me but I didn’t stop, I kept on running till I got out side.

I stopped when I realised that my bag pack isn’t with me!

I can’t leave with out it, I thought as I ran back into the house.

“Daniel! Daniel! Is that you!”I heard his father call

No one apart from Daniel know that am around, I don’t want any one else seeing me , I thought as I began to look for a place to hide.

Just then Daniel came to me pulling me into a room.

He stood in front of me and he was very close, the room isn’t that spacious and so we had to stay that way if we didn’t want some one seeing us.

“Daniel! Where are you? We have to talk “he called and Daniel moved close to me trying to hide so his father wouldn’t see us.

He wasn’t aware that he had moved very close to me and that was making me feel uncomfortable.

“He is gone”he said softly and then he stared at me.

I knew he was starring at me but I didn’t look back, having him this close is making me feel strange, it’s giving me a certain feeling which I don’t know how to explain.

“Look at me!”he said and I did.

“Me k-ssing you a while ago is not a joke Mary, I like you, Ever since I saw you dancing in the room, I have never been able to get you out of my head, each time I get angry, just thinking of you calms me down, I hate seeing you around James, I always want you by my side, have never felt this way towards any one, you are the first Mary, I enjoy k-ssing you a while ago and i still want to do more of it…….”he stopped to stare at my l-ips

“Daniel…..I……”I didn’t get to finish my word because he bent his head and k-ssed me again.

I tried to resist at first but then I gave in,not because I got tired but because I wanted more of it.

Just as much as he wants to k-ss me, I also want him to k-ss me too.

I wrapped my hands around his neck and pulled him close.

It took a while before we broke apart, I stared at him only to see him smiling at me

“Seems like am not the only one who enjoys the k-ss”he said pushing a strand of my hair away

I pulled out of his arms “I….I….have to leave”I said

“Aren’t you going to give me your answer”he asked

“I…..I have to think about it “I said opening the door to leave but he held me back

“Let me take you home”he said

“No!”I said quickly

“I mean no, I will rather go home myself, you don’t have to come with me, I will go home on my own” I said and pull out of his hold.

I went to take my bag pack and quickly I ran out of the house.

I stared back not to find him coming after me and I breathe out in relief.

“I can’t believe he said that to me and I also can’t believe that I shared not one k-ss but two with Daniel”I muttered as I walked out of the gate

“I like you!”

Just remembering his word made my heart pound.

I can’t believe that some one as hand some and rich like Daniel could be drawn to a girl like me.

I turned to leave only to hear a horn of a car, I turned to see a car parked right out side and I gasp out when I saw the driver.

“Mind if we go for a little chat!”he said and when I hesitated a bit ,he gave me a smile

“Don’t worry, I won’t hurt you, am not the monster Daniel says I am”he said

I gave him a look a ‘how do you know’ look and he gave me a smile and opened the passenger door for me

I got into the car and he drove off, it was quite silent and I felt nervous.

What does he wants to speak to me about and where is he taking me to?

“I heard that young kids these days goes to an ice cream store, you wouldn’t mind if we went there right?”he asked

“Am hærdly a kid sir and we hærdly go to ice cream stores again,most kids this days goes for a cappuccino, latte or an iced Americano, I prefer cappuccino”I said suddenly feeling comfortable around him.

“Well then i know a place where they sell an good cappuccino”I added and he gave me a smile

A while later we took a seat in the restaurant, drinking the cappuccino and also muching on a strawberry cake.

“I can’t believe this place has change so much”he said starring at the room

“Do you know this place?”I asked

“Yeah, back then it was a study restaurant, my friends and I always come here to read “he said

“But you have been living in the state for the past fifteen years “I said

“I have but I was staying here until some thing happened”he said having a sad expression

“It must be bad right? Seeing how you moved out of the country”i said

“Yes! I lost my first love”he said looking so sad

“What happen?”I asked wanting to know more

“Just some thing, it’s all in the past now”he said

“I didn’t come here to talk about me, I came to talk about Daniel”he added

“What about Daniel?”I asked, remembering the k-ss I shared with his son earlier

“You are the first person he has ever brought back home though he did his best to hide you”he said

“Really? Am I the first?”I asked and he nodded

“Even back In the states, he hærdly had any friend and he never bring one home,you are the first and now I want to know why you are special?”he asked

‘Maybe it’s because he likes me’ I thought as I kept on eating my cake

“I never knew you liked strawberry cake, you finished a plateful”he said as he called for the waiter to bring another serving

“I also like eating strawberry cake, seems like we have a taste in some thing “he said

“We do”I said giving him a smile

“Am not a monster like Daniel says, I was working hærd to build up my own company and so I never had the time to take care of him, I was hærdly there for any thing he needed, I was practically too busy to have his time and maybe that is why he hates me and maybe I deserve it”he said sadly

“From the little I have seen of Daniel, he is kind,Charming and caring ,even though you had no intention of hitting his mom, he stood by her, he will surely under stand if you tell all this to him” I said

“Really? Would he?”he asked

“Yes he will, there are times when I get mad at my mom but once she gives me a reason, I will surely under stand, it’s better than her not giving me one at all”I said and he nodded gently

“So I should talk to Daniel?”he asked

“Yes, do talk to him and tell him why you were never there for him back then, he will certainly under stand “I said and he nodded gently

Just then my phone began to ring and when I saw that it was grand ma, I knew that I used up my time.

“Oh no! I have to go sir, my parents are very worried”I said not answering the call

“I will take you home!,they must be very worried about you”he said getting up

“You don’t have to?” I said softly

“I will and if necessary,I will explain your lateness”he said and I nodded gently and followed him.

He drove straight to the address I had given him and when his car had stopped in front of my house,I got out of it and he also did the same

“You don’t have to explain, I can do the explaining my self “I said

“Are you sure? Wont they be angry ?”he asked

“No they won’t, my parents trust me”I said softly and began to head in but then I stopped and turned to him

“Just one more question sir!”I said


“Did you see your lost love again?”I asked and he gave me a smile

“Yes,I did”

“Does she know that you still miss her ?”I asked and he gave me a questioning look

“I might be young but am not dumb, it shows on your face that you still miss her even though it’s been sixteen years” I said

“It’s all in the past now Mary, she is now happy with her new life and am happy for her”he said

“I doubt that sir, good night”I said turning to leave only to stop when I heard my mom call.

“Mary! Where have you been, do you know how worried have been!” She said hugging me tight

“Never ever scare me like that………”

“Andrea?”I heard Daniel father call my mom name and she turned to stare at him in shock.

“Do you know my mom sir?”I asked starring at him

“She is…..your mom ?”he asked starring at my mom.
To Be Continue 👇




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