Love Triangle

Love Triangle episode 26 – 27

LOVE TRIANGLE❤ (mixed feelings)




“why do you ask that?” I ask Ben

And he shrugged, why does he even care if I like Lucas or not, where is he getting to..

“uhm..i just felt like asking” he said and I rolled my eyes,

“well I do.. Happy?” I asked sarcastically and he just shrugged.. We both remained quiet again and stared at the lonely road

A boy suddenly walked down the street and his was wearing a headphone around his neck and I remembered sly and sighed..

I remembered when he tried to k-ss me and I sighed again and rest my head on the car seat

“hey.. you okay?” Ben asked focusing on the road

“yeah.. Why do you ask” I asked slowly..

“well you just kept sighing and when someone sighs it means, the person’s uncomfortable, worried or tired so which one are you?” Ben said and I shook my head negatively and said “none”..

“oh okay, whatever” he said and glanced at me then at the road..

“do you know that yesterday Sylvester tried to k-ss me” I suddenly blurted out and regretted, I just can’t keep it to myself not that it’s a big deal and I don’t get why it’s bugging me..

“k-ss you?!!” he said and glance at me and I nod with a pouty face..

“what!!.. Why?” he asked,

“well we both head to movies together and after that when we went outside we started talking and then he tried to k-ss me but I backed away” I explained And he nods..

“it’s a good thing you backed away” he said still nodding

“what? I wanted to k-ss him so badly but I just don’t know why I stopped it’s annoying. And I really like sly” I said and Ben coughed

“you know I don’t think it’s a good idea for you tell me all this” he said with his eyes narrowed

“aw, come-on Ben you’re the only person I can talk about this with” I said and he sighed and said,

“well I don’t think so how about Lucas? I thought he’s your Bff, can’t you tell him all this”

“no I can’t, cause few days ago Lucas confessed his feelings to me and if I tell him about me and sly he’d totally flip” I said rushing my words and then I breathed in and out slowly cause I was out of breath for talking to fast..

“whoa, Lucas actually told you he had feelings for you?” Ben asked surprisingly

“yep” I seethe

“okay have you given him a reply, do you feel the same way?” he added and threw him a look..

“before I could reply he told me to think about it and tell him, but to be sincere I don’t really feel the same way about him, I just see him as a really good friend nothing else” I said and he nods and kept quiet for a while before saying..

“so you don’t like Lucas but Sly?” he asked and I shrugged

“I don’t know, maybe..” I said I was about to say another word when he yelled “we’re here!” ..

The gate of his house was enormous and wow, I am speechless.. Right now.. He got a out of his car while I stayed behind and he head to the gate, I didn’t know what he did and the gates open and he walked back to the car, and entered and drove it in,side the house, and point of correction mansion.. “wow!” I breathed out as the gate closed and as he drove into the compound he parked his car and we both walked out..

“wow!! Oh my God, you have a pool???!!!!” I yell dragging his shirt and point to the pool happily while he laughed

“okay seriously you don’t have to take it out on my shirt” he said and I felt a bit embarrassed and let go of his shirt and smiled

“sorry” I said lowly and tuck my hair behind my hair,

“don’t worry that was my exact reaction when I saw the pool but I just didn’t show it” he said and I rolled my eyes,. I took a clear look at the big mansion and smiled, “and you said, your house was just like normal houses, but this is heaven” I said and he burst into laughter

Okay I’m practically embarrassing myself but it’s Ben, he’s not judgy and comfortable around him, so screw the embarrassment..

We both head in,side the house and it looked better than the outside, I was looking around the house, the shiny broad stairs the couches the floor the TV, oh my this is paradise, I wasn’t looking where I was going until Ben yelled “watch out” I froze but it was to late my legs already hit the table in the living room and the vase on top of it fell and broke into pieces.. I squeaked and held my breath looking back and forth between Ben and the table..

“i-i-i’m s-sorry” I said lowly..okay I’m doomed that must have cost a billion dollars, and where the hell am I going to get the money to repay what I just did, the only way is to sell my kidney cause I know my parents can’t afford that money and even one of my kidney can’t afford that so I’ll have to sell both and if I sell both, I’ll die.

Nooooo.. This is so not good.. Just as I was about to apologize again, the door clicked opened and Ben’s dad walked in with a lady behind him..

“hey dad.. Welcome home” Ben said with a fake smile, oh goodness I could hear the sound of my heart beating so fast right now his dad looks so mean, I feel like crying right now..

“hey Be–” paused seeing me, he looked Back and forth between me and the broken vase on the floor and I almost lost..

“I’m sor–

“oh I accidentally broke that and she was about to help me clean it” Ben lied and there was no trace of free or panic in his voice or face.. “oh… Okay.. ” his dad said,

“wait.. You must be Daisy right?” the daisy behind Ben’s dad said

“uhm…yeah, h-how do you k-know?” I stammer and she smiled..

“well I just happened to know” she said and I nod, she just happened to know, isn’t that weird..

“you’re Gael’s girl right?” Ben’s dad said and I nod immediately “y-yes sir” I said and he smiled

“you’re as beautiful as ever nice to meet you, er.. Daisy” he said and formed a small smile and nod

“well Ben we’ll be upstairs talking business, came to me if you need anything” he said and Ben nods and he went upstairs while the lady trailed behind him.. Immediately he was out of sight I held my chest and breathe in..

“oh my God, I thought I was gonna die, I couldn’t breathe” I said and Ben laughed..

“I thought your dad would be angry with me, why’d you take the blame anyways” I asked and he shrugged and said “I just feel like I have to”

“well thanks anyway..” I said and he smiled, “I’ll clean that” he said referring to the broken vase

“no I’ll clean it” I protested

“don’t worry I’ll do it” he said but I disagreed until he just let me do it..

“okay all done, what do we do now?” I asked

“uhm.. Look around the house, I guess isn’t that what you came here to do!” he said and I nod, just as I took a step forward my stomach grumbled and I remembered I haven’t eaten since this morning.

“are you hungry” he asked

“you heard it right?” I said and he smiled and nod

“don’t worry I’ll order a huge size pizza and wings what do you say?” he asked bringing out his phone..

“that sounds like heaven” I said and he laughed he ordered the pizza.. And wings while we waited in the living room.. I took of my shoes laid comfortably on the couch.. And few minutes later our delivery was here and I immediately got on my feet and head straight to the door, I grabbed the pizza and wings from the delivery man while Ben paid him..and just immediately as I slam the door rain started to fall.. My eyes w¡den while Ben coughed behind me..

“uhm sorry but is it raining outside?” Ben asked while I turned and gave him a glare

“you know it’s raining don’t ask me that” I said and sat down on the couch with the pizza box on my lap .. “oh I thought the sun was going to shine all day, so I believe you know you owe me seventy-five bucks” he said and I rolled my eyes and grabbed my purse, I sighed when I saw nothing but my phone in,side my purse.. “I didn’t bring any money with me so maybe tomorrow” I said and opened the pizza box but he closed it..

“that’s no fair, well if you’re not with my seventy-five bucks then maybe I’ll ask for another thing since I won the bet” he grinned and I rolled my eyes

“what is it?” I asked

“oh.. I’m not gonna tell you now but later,” he said

“are you done talking cause I know I’m damn hungry” I said and he nods with a mischievous smile..

“oh and let’s go to my room cause it’s not nice eating these in here you might spill some sauce on the couch” Ben said and stood up,

“so you mean I eat like an animal?” I said angrily and he shook his head negatively and looked away,.. “let’s go anyway I don’t feel like eating here again maybe I’m gonna spill sauce over the TV” I said and he coughed and looked away like I wasn’t talking


Ben’s room was wide and well furnished his bed was three times bigger than mine and he also has a study desk at the side of the desk there was a big picture banner and Ben was the one in it.. He looked good!

He was shirtless and his hair was pushed back and he wore earrings and he held a big black blazer in his hand which was matching his p-nts..

“don’t drool over my picture Daisy” Ben suddenly said and I scoffed and said “as if”

“that was my first shoot as a model” he said proudly

“yeah well whatever” I said and my eyes moved to another picture on the wall and it was ben and I and I remembered the picture clearly..

“wow that’s us, ” I said with a smile

“yeah I look good” Ben said and I rolled my eyes and sat down on his bed and start to eat my zza..

Ben and I talked for hours in his room , as time passed by the rain gets heavier and all I just do is worry cause it’s nighttime already and I don’t I’m going to go home tonight..


I glance around Ben’s room for a wall clock but I couldn’t find one so I grabbed my phone and checked the time, it was 8:15pm I sighed and rest my face in my palms.. This is so not right..

I laid back on Ben’s bed while he glanced at me…

“I don’t think I’ll be able to go home tonight, ”

“I don’t think you’ll be able to go home tonight,” Ben and I said the same time and I nod.. “why did I come here in first place I didn’t expect this rain” I said anxiously staring at the window I’m worried and I don’t know why..

“you can sleepover if you want” Ben offered but I didn’t give him a reply, sleepover?!!

I gazed at my phone and sighed heavily

“what are you so worried about? You just keep sighing and it’s bothering me you know” Ben said and I sighed again while he rolled his eyes..

“I’m sorry, I’m worried about my mom and dad, what if they start worrying when they don’t see me home Huh?” I asked and stood up

“it’s okay your dad knows you’re here and he’ll be pleased if you just agree to sleepover for tonight, there’s a storm out there Daisy” Ben said and I nod he’s right dad is fine with me.. But why do I care if he’s fine with it anyway..

“but what about mom, she’ll totally flip if she finds out I’m not at home” I said and Ben gave me a “really?” look and I nod..

“okay you know what call your mom and I’ll call, dad, I mean your dad” he said and brought out his phone

“good idea” I said and he smiles.. I called my mom and she picked up immediately..

“hey mom” I said into the phone

“hey sweetie everything all right?” she asked

“yeah, everything’s fine”i said

“okay, then why are you calling” she asked suspiciously and I could already imagine her curious face staring at me deeply..

“well I just want to let you know I’m not at home right now” I said. “what?! Where are you right now?” she asked

“am at Ben’s” I replied and I could hear her sigh.. “thank Goodness I thought you’re with friends hanging out or something cause the storm is too much and I’m not even sure if I’m coming home tonight it’s too dangerous.. So I want you to stay there” she said and my eyes w¡den

“wait.. You want me to stay here for tonight?” I asked again to be sure..

“yes.. Unless you’re not crazy enough to go out there, I’m staying over at Megan’s, so I want you too to stay there, your dad can stay home alone” my mom said and I breathed a sigh of relief, there was really nothing to worry about..

“okay thanks mom” I said

“you’re welcome dear, sleep tight and don’t catch a cold” she said and I giggle

“I won’t bye mom” I said cheerfully

“bye hon” she said and we both hang up..

I turned and saw Ben staring at me holding his phone.. “I just called your dad and he said you can stay” Ben assured me and I nod..

“okay, thanks. Mom’s okay with me staying here too” I said and laid down on the bed which suddenly felt cold… “that’s nice” he said and I rolled my eyes. ..

“it’s not nice, assuming you’re a girl, we could have both had a girls night it would have been real fun” I said and stared at the ceiling..

“well.. Since I’m not a girl too bad” he said and I sighed,

“to be honest, I’ve never even been to a sleepover before, I don’t even know how girls night are celebrated.. I remember my old school and how I would sit in class alone and watched as others talked and laughed what they did all weekend, I couldn’t share mine cause I was just studying, eating and sleeping and nobody wants to hear that cause it was lame, I barely step out of my room , I wanted to change and be like other girls I wanted to hang out with others but I was afraid to take a step, I wasn’t shy but I just didn’t want to make friends with anyone, I thought my life would continue like this when we moved here living without friends but I was wrong, not until I met Lucas… I think he opened my box,” I said and smiled to my self

“you’re and I are pretty similar though.. But let’s just forget the past and face the present and the future cause nothing Is worth coming out from the past” Ben said and I nod.. But I suddenly jerk up


“but wait! Does your dad know that I’m staying here tonight!!?? What if he finds out and gets angry at you for letting me stay here ..I’m doomed” I panicked and Ben laughed,

“I don’t think that’s gonna happen, my dad isn’t like that, and didn’t you notice he likes you already” Ben said and I breathed in and out slowly and nod I should just stop picturing Ben’s dad as a strict person, maybe he’s not like that..

“yeah okay” I said and laid back gently on the bed.. Staring at the ceiling again,

“but wait Ben, who’s that lady with your dad anyway?” I asked

“Heather.. That’s my dad’s secretary” he replied, “well my hunch is telling me something is going on between the two of them” I said and Ben gave a confused look

“something like what?” he asked and I gave him a mischievous smile and his eyes w¡den when he understood what I meant

“uhm no way, I don’t think anything is going on between the two of them don’t think awkwardly” he said and I chuckled

“what if something is really going on between them and they get married, then Heather will be your step mom” I said with a smile

“Heather being my step-mom isn’t that bad, but don’t think that way it’s not happening” Ben said and I rolled my eyes and said “okay, let’s just wait and see”

“yeah whatever” Ben added and I huffed..


Ben and I remained quiet again and as I stare at the ceiling while he sat quietly at the edge of the bed, the sound of the rain became louder since no one was talking and the silence was killing me.. I glance at Ben and caught him staring at me and my heart skipped.. Damn it.. Not again .

“what? Is there something on my face?”I asked but he just smiled and looked away “weirdo” I mutter out loud and he nods and said “don’t worry I get that everytime it’s not new to me” he said to me and I shook my head negativelike..

“so.. What do you feel like doing?” Ben added,

“sleep” I said and got under the blankets like it was my very own bed.. “well okay..i forgot you’re a boring person” he whined, I know he is just trying to make me get up and do something with him, maybe talk or play games with him but I’m not in the mood right now, I’m feeling a little bit cold and this bed is totally keeping me warm and I don’t want to get up, it’s so cozy..

“I admit I am a boring person, now would quit being whiny and just keep quiet so I can go to sleep!” I half yelled and he scoffed and glared at me playfully then got under the blankets too facing me. . . We were both facing each other and I gasp..

“you’re not going to sleep on the same bed with me are you?” I asked and he smiled before saying, “you say it like its your bed”

“for what I understand by nature you treat your guests right and give them what they want” I explained

“says who?” he scoffed and I glared at him while he just smiled.. We both kept quiet and stared at each other and I could feel my face heat up and my heart beating so fast.. I couldn’t breathe

I quickly removed my gaze from him and face the ceiling.. That was awkward, what was that feeling?

Ben muttered something but I didn’t hear what he said cause I was lost in thoughts.. I snapped out of my thoughts and breathe in and out slowly and my heart beat returning to the normal rhythm..

“hey Daisy!” Ben yelled and I flinched and turned to him “what?” I yell back

“I’ve been calling you for ages but it seems like you’re having a serious silent conversation with my ceiling” he said and I sighed softly

“sorry, I was just lost in th—why are you even calling me anyway?” I asked

“never mind, I wanted to tell you something but I’ll tell you when daisy’s back cause you’re real lost” he said and I rolled my eyes .. “just shut up Ben” I said and gave him a disgusted look while he smiled..

His smile..*

My subconscious added and my face starts to heat again I don’t like the way I’m feeling now, I’m feeling so cold but somehow I’m so warm..

“what?” Ben asked and moved a bit closer to me with a smile


“what?” I asked with my eyes w¡den

“why are you staring at me like that?” he asked, staring at him??

“I wasn’t staring at you” I defended..

“you were” he said, was I? Did I? When?!!

“w-well I.. I mean i-i.. Can you just go to sleep” I said not knowing what to say he shrugged,

And that’s when it happened, that’s when my l-ips reached for his and I k-ssed him..


T. B. C

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