
Luci episode 51

🧚 The Fallen Angel 🧚
{Mated to a heavenly tyrant!}

Chapter 51…#_semi_final

Written by: Racheal Dennis.


Narrator’s pov 🧚

St Greg’s college….

Caldwell stopped outside the big gates of st Grey’s college, Lucifer pushed the door opened and jumped out.


Lucifer didn’t wait for him to complete his words, his mind was totally on to get Melanie home.

He reached for his phone and quickly dialed Melanie’s number, he waited for her to pick up.

But to his disappointment she didn’t pick up, he redialed it, after a few rings, someone finally picked it up.

“Darling, I’m outside your school gates, where are you?” He asked.


A male voice laughed from the other side, Lucifer frowned and check the number again to confirm if he had dialed the correct number…of course, he dialed the correct number.

“Who are you?” Lucifer asked.


Lucifer clenched his fist and balled his fists, he already knew who it is.

“…have you forgotten my voice in just a few thousands of years?”

“Where’s my mate?! What have you done to her?!” Lucifer growled.

The male voice laughed again.

“Calm down, brother…I haven’t done anything to her, yet”

“Don’t you dare lay your hands on her! Or I’ll make you pay dearly for it with your life!”

The male voice sighed. Shuffling sounds were heard, it’s as if he’s moving a chair.

“You have ten minutes to get here, or you’ll be sorry, Luci!” he hanged up.

Lucifer growled, he threw his phone at the wall and pulled his hair.

“Mr Bright…”

“I’m still late! I’m still f**king late!!” He growled.

Caldwell took a few steps away from him, if he doesn’t he’d be sorry.

“Those demons are bloody useless!”

“Sir, like you’ve predicted, they were fighting off other demons…”

“Hurry! Come with me!”

Melanie’s pov 🧚

My eyes opened slowly, though my vision is a bit blurry because of the brightness in the room.

A short gro-n left my mouth as I felt my head pounding, as though there are drummers drumming in my head.

“Oh, the queen is awake!” I heard someone exclaimed loudly.

Trying hærd to make my eyes adjust to the brightness, I lifted my head and saw an angelical figure sitting on a chair in front of me.

I thought I had seen everything about handsomeness since I knew Lucifer, but seeing this person in front of me just proved me wrong.

He’s super handsome that I thought I had died and maneuver my way to heaven, Lucifer’s ugly compare with this guy.

“Your majesty, it took you longer than I expected to wake up” he said.

Goodness! Even his voice is sweet too, but not as sweet and smooth as Lucifer’s.. Lucifer’s voice always sounds so musical.

“Do you care for some drinks?” He asked.

I didn’t reply him.

A muffled scre-m caught my attention, I turned towards the sound and saw Gabby chained up against a pillar.

That’s when I looked down at myself and realized I’m also chained against a pillar, but tighter than Gabby’s.

“Or you want some water perhaps?” He asked again, calling my attention.

I turned back to him, narrowed my eyes at him.

“What do you want from us?” I asked him.

He got up, walked towards a small table at the far end of the room, he picked up a small glass of water and started walking towards me.

His eyes moved towards Gabby when he’s standing in front of me, he shook his head.

“No, I don’t want anything from her, only you!”

He turned back to me and smiled sinisterly at me, he looked at the glass of water he’s holding and sighed.

“But we’re not in a hurry, I’m gonna tell you what I want from you, after you drink this water!”

He waved the glass in front of me with a smirk, his eyes held some wicked and evil plans that I couldn’t even interpret.

I know he’s done something to the water and he’s gonna make me drink it anyway possible, but I’m not scared.

After all, I wanted to pay for my sins.. who knows if I’m pregnant with the devil’s child already.. the only way to pay for my sin is death.

Even the bible said, the wages of sin is death!

“Who are you?” I asked, even though I already know.

He laughed and looked at his men behind him, then shook his head.

“She’s asking who I am” he said and paused.

“I can’t believe Lucifer didn’t introduce any of his brothers to you, but don’t worry, I’ll introduce myself after you drink this!”

With that he opened my mouth and forced the glass in, well, we can’t say he forced it in since I purposely let him had access.

I gulped the water, I emptied the glass in no time and man, it tasted really weird…I don’t even know if it’s water from this earth plains.

From the corner of my eye, I could see Gabby struggling and mumbling loudly, trying to stop me from drinking it.. but I ignored her.

Once my mind is made up, no one can stop me…just like when I decided not to be a nun.

“You’re a good girl, I guess I’m not gonna torture you too much…”

He smiled, nodded in satisfaction.

“.. you’re quite cooperative and I love it!” He said.

I took a glance at Gabby, our eyes met and she shook her head.. I saw tears running down her cheeks.

A lot of things must be going through her mind right now, but she can’t do anything about it.

“Well, it’s time for introductions”

He walked back to his chair in front of me, he sat down and crossed his legs.. then folded his arms on his chest and leaned back on the chair.

“My name is Jophiel, you must have heard about me from the bible, correct?”

I didn’t reply him, just stared at it blankly. He chuckled and continued.

“I’m one of Lucifer’s younger brothers, well, you can call me his enemy.. I don’t care”

“What did you want? Why did you kidnapped me?”

“Oh, that’s easy, I just wanna use you as a remote control” he replied.

“A remote control?”

He nodded.

“With you here Lucifer’s gonna do everything and anything I ask him…” he trailed off.

He reached for his pocket and brought out a leaf, I squinted my eyes as I stared at it.

It’s kinda golden or yellowish in color, it’s a very beautiful leaf and I’m sure I’ve never seen anything like it before.

I’m not sure it’s from this earth, he must have brought it from heaven with him.

“.. I need him to eat this leaf and he would only do it willingly when you’re here, don’t worry, I’m not gonna hurt you..”

He paused, his eyes trailed along my body and he shook his head.

“… because you’re gonna die on your own!” He said and released a very loud, evil laughter.

Chills ran down my spine, a very bad chills and I shivered.
My eyes moved towards the empty glass on the table, I gulped disgustingly as I recalled drinking the water.

His words replayed in my head, then I faced him.

“What leaf is that? And why do you want him to eat it?” I asked.

“It’s a mortality leaf, I want him to eat it so he can become a mortal” he answered.

“Huh? What’s your gain?”

He smiled.

“I wanna be the king of hell”

“But Lucifer’s already the king… ”

“That’s the problem!” He cut me off.

He sprang up from his chair, then rushed towards me. He grabbed my chin and lifted my head slightly.

“He’s not supposed to be the king, how can dad make him the king of hell.. I want it!” he growled in my face.

I frown at his statement.

“Who would want to be the king of hell? And getting blamed for every single sin on earth?” I wondered out loud.

He let go of my chin and burst into a dry laugh, he looked like a lunatic right now.. his behavior doesn’t even seem angelic, he’s just got an angelic face.

“I want it! I don’t care if I’m getting blamed for every single sin on earth… I just want a place of my own where I can rule!”

“But Lucifer isn’t the king of hell yet, he’s just supervising things there… he’s like a manager in a company”

Well, I don’t know if what I said was true, I only said what came to my mind, because I just wanted to rile this guy up.

“Yeah, I know that…but soon Dad’s gonna start making plans of making him the king of hell” he said.

“Oh? So it’s just your own thinking?” I asked with a smirk.

He faced me with a harsh glare, his glare would intimidate anyone but not me… he’s poisoned me, there’s nothing left to fear.

“It’s not my own thinking, I know very well what dad’s thinking!” He snapped.

He looked kinda frustrated, which made me burst into laughter.
I really didn’t know we have some lunatic angels, this is the first I’m seeing.

“No one can guess God’s thoughts, he’s unpredictable!” I told him.

He scoffed.

“Maybe you humans can’t, but I can. He’s my dad after all” he replied.

“You’re just being too full of yourself, God is no man, you can’t predict him… wether you’re his son or not”

His glare intensified, he clenched his jaw as though he’s trying to stop himself from doing something.

“Was that why you framed Lucifer years ago?” I asked.

He didn’t reply, he simply turned his back on me and balled his fists.

“Tell me why exactly you framed him, what’s your benefits?” I asked again.

He kept quiet for a while, then sat back on his chair.

“I was hoping dad’s gonna investigate and find out I’m the real culprit, then cast me down”


Is that his reason? Isn’t it….

“I wanted to be the devil, I wanted to be the king of hell and have a place of my own where I’ll be reverend like my dad!”

“Your obsession is just so absurd” I said.

He turned to me with an even harsher glare, I gulped but didn’t stop saying what I wanted to say.

“You could have just told your dad what you wanted”

“You think he doesn’t know?” He asked me.

And thinking about it now, he’s right, God must surely know he’s the real culprit.

“He knows, that’s why he scattered my plan and cast Lucifer down instead…but that’s still good.. ”

He stared at the leaf on the table and smirked.

“… I’m just gonna use this as an opportunity to get rid of Lucifer, then I’ll see who he’s gonna make the king of hell if not me!”

I shook my head. “You’re a fool” I said.

In a snap his hand was firmly wrapped around my neck, choking me.

“Repeat what you just said!” He growled.

A sudden cough attacked me, I coughed out and before I could stop myself, I sprouted blood all over him.

He let go of my neck at once and jumped back, glaring at my blood on his shirt.

“Look what you’ve f**king done!” he growled.

I laughed at him mockingly, but stopped abruptly when a sharp pain hit my abdomen and I released a scre-m instead.

He looked at me, now it’s his turn to laugh at me.

“You’re bleeding! It’s working!”

He jumped for joy.

“I can’t wait for Lucifer to come and do according to my demand, just to claim the antidote!”

My eyes grew wide when I felt my tongue swelling, it didn’t even take three seconds and my tongue was already bigger than an orange.

What in God’s name did he give me to drink? Is this how I’m gonna die?

“Seeing you like this, he’d be willing to become my toy!” He laughed again.

Just when he said that, the door burst open. Our heads turned towards it, Lucifer stood by the door with his eyes brewing red.

“How dare you abduct my mate?!” He growled.

Jophiel laughed, he opened his arms and walked towards Lucifer.

“Brother, longest time!”

Lucifer stretched his hand forward, he raised it and waved it.. just as his hand had moved earlier, Jophiel was lifted off the ground and stoned to a pillar.

He held his chest and coughed out blood, but burst into laughter instead of gro-ning in pain.

Lucifer ignored him and rushed towards me, he punched the pillar and the chains fell off me.
He carried me, went on his knees and rested my head on his laps.

His eyes trailed along my body and he frowned.

“Why are you bleeding, darling?! What did he do to you?!” He asked.

I shook my head, I couldn’t talk, since my tongue is kinda being a obstacle.
I pointed towards Gabby, but found out Caldwell was already getting the chains off her.

Lucifer placed his hand on my stomach, he leaned down and placed his ear on my chest.. while his hand rubbed my stomach.

“It’s faint, I can barely hear them!” He murmured.

I wanted to ask what he meant, but I couldn’t, I can’t talk because of my swollen tongue.

“You came too late, she’s already drank my poison”

He turned towards Jophiel, his eyes became even redder than before.

“Where’s the antidote?!” He asked.

“I don’t have it”

He don’t have it? Didn’t he said he’s only gonna drop the antidote if Lucifer agree to his conditions?!

“Darling, give me a minute!” He told me softly, but his red eyes didn’t change.

“Lanie!” Gabby called as she rushed towards me.

She pulled me away from Lucifer and hugged me tightly, her shoulders shook as she cried.

“Why did you drink it?!” she scolded me.

A lone tear rushed down my cheek when I saw her sad expression, it made me kinda regretted my decision.

But it’s a decision I must make, it’s the only way to make up for my sins…for falling in love with the devil…for choosing not to be a nun,only to have s€× with the devil.

I clenched my stomach as the pain increased, I started coughing and choke on my blood.

It’s as if I have too much blood in my mouth, it’s making bubbling sound in my mouth.

Lucifer got up and charged at Jophiel, he landed a few pinches at Jophiel, before carrying him and threw him against a wall.. Lucifer repeated that action a few more times.

“Give me the antidote and I might spare you!”

“You… ”

Jophiel lazily got up, his face was having different colors from all the punches Lucifer’s been throwing at him.

He laughed.

“I’ve been looking forward to having a fight with you, Is that all you’ve got?”

Lucifer growled, he opened his hand and a blade appeared, it’s the same blade he used in killing Cain.

“I’m so gonna kill you!!”

That being said, Lucifer charged at him with the blade. Jophiel also drew out his blade and they started fighting, it’s just as if I’m watching a movie right now.

Their blades were waving in their front, hitting each other as they fought fiercely.

Caldwell was also fighting off Jophiel’s demons, or are these angels? I don’t know what to call them.

While they were fighting, a very bright light suddenly appeared, Gabby and I closed our eyes immediately.

The sound of blades hitting each other stopped, then we heard a very gentle voice.


Which angel could this be? I wondered.

To be continued.

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