Meeting The Rock Star

Meeting the rock star episode 19-20

🎶Meeting the Rock star🎶
By Nwauwa Miriam
(Mimi candy)
Chapter 19
Dray God released his new song ‘over me…’ I featured in the music. The song was a hit! I couldn’t even believe that I was the one who featured in the song…I mean…me?
The song had about 3million downloads in three days!!
People’s comments were very inspiring and flattering as well. You wouldn’t believe it was those same people that mocked me like two weeks ago😌…that’s life for you…
My mom and Amber were very happy, even creamy was happy. Kori was happy, Danny congratulated me🙄🙄
Damian was impressed.
He decided to throw a little party😔
I didn’t tell you guys that I hated parties, very much.
Kori was very excited, but her excitement wore off when danny announced that April would also attend the party.
“You do know how to ruin my mood danny! For Christ sake, why would you invite…that…that…tramp!”
“Stop been unreasonable Kori, this is a party, she should attend it, and behave yourself.” He warned before leaving the sitting room.
Kori made a face at his retreating back and hissed loudly.
“Chill girl, it’s just a party… Just a Few hours and it’ll be over.” I said soothingly.
“I know that, but did I tell you that April’s face reminds me of poo💩?”
I laughed.
I was suddenly feeling thirsty, so I moved to the kitchen to get water. I heard Danny’s and Damian’s voice, so I paused and listened.
“C’mon danny, I think you should do a song with her, she’s really good.”
That was Damian.
“I can’t… She’s still inexperienced.”
I rolled my eyes.
“You’re funny man, you both should do a song together, the combination of your voices will be very very hot…trust me.”
“Look, I’ll give her more time, maybe five years…”
“Five years!”
“Yeah, to familiarize herself with all the terms and routines of the music industry…”
“You’re very very pathetic you know that..*
Oh crap!
They’re coming!!
I hastened away, and hid in an empty room until they they passed.
When they had left I came out and entered the kitchen, scowling.
Why should I be worried that Danny refused to do a song with me?
I poured myself a glass of water.
“Jerk.” I said before taking a long sip.
By the way, I have not heard from Jenny.
I brought out my phone and dialed her number.
It ringed for a while, there was no answer.
I frowned and called her again…no answer.
What’s wrong?
~Omniscience POV ~
Jenny opened up the shiny silver foil, she glanced at the contents with a little, insane smile.
She scooped up a little bit of it and licked it up, smacking her l-ips and nodding at the same time.
“Joy giver…” Her voice was slurred, her eyes brighter than normal. She scooped up the brown powder in her index finger, she tucked her spiky hair behind her ear, and inhaled the opioid mixture.
“Ah…” She mo-ned softly, her nose carrying trace of the brown narcotics.
She suddenly felt light headed, and closed her eyes, a little satisfied smile on her face.
Suddenly she was flying… In the clouds, she had developed wings, pretty wings, like the ones in barbie cartoon. She saw Barbie flying next to her, she giggled loudly.
“Barbie!” Suddenly barbie was flying faster and faster. Sgs struggled to meet up.
“Barbie… Wait!!” Barbie didn’t wait.
Someone was laughing in the background, cold mocking laughter…
“Barbie, please…” Her voice dropped to a whisper. ” …wait…”
A loud sound of phone ringing snapped her out of her delirium.
Her hands moved groggily to her phone and she picked it up to squint at the screen.
She tossed the phone away, while her hands moved to her precious package.
She inhaled another pinch of the narcotics.
This time, she was dancing with danny, on stage. People were laughing and cheering.
Danny leaned forward to k-ss her, she shyly covered her face with her hands.
“I’m shy…people are watching us.” She said, smiling shyly.
He smirked and yanked her to him.
“Let them watch.. You’re mine…mine alone…” His l-ips crashed down to hers with so much ferocity and passion. She k-ssed him back too, with the same fervor.
“I’m yours…” She purred. “…you’re mine…mine alone! Mine…..!!!!”
Suddenly there was darkness, someone clamped a hand on her mouth.
“Danny?” She whimpered, when she felt her clothes been roughly torn from her body.
“Shhhh! It’s fine…” She heard the voice, it was not Danny’s voice.
Hands groped her body, touching, squeezing, until she mo-ned out in pleasure.
Her legs were roughly parted, she winced at the unfamiliar, yet pleasurable feeling. Her body jerked spasmodically as she reached her climax.
“You won’t ever leave me…right?” She asked, p-nting.
“No…never!” His hands tightened around her wa-ist.
She gave a little smile, a smile of happiness and fulfilment…
Amber sipped her drink, feeling a little nauseous. She looked at the clock in the small dirty, apartment of Dominic.
Today was the D-day.
She would end all ties, all relationsh¡p with him. She was already tired and fed up with the relationsh¡p.
Her makeup concealed the bruises he gave her, on her thighs were long, livid angry looking welts that he had given her with his belt.
She decided that she had had enough, she had stupidly thought she could change him, that was why she remained in the relationsh¡p.
But now, the dunce cap is gond, she was going to move on.
She looked impatiently at the clock Again, where the heck did he go to?
He had rushed off, saying he wanted to get something. He had served her orange juice to while away the time.
Her eyes were getting heavy, panic was beginning to set in.
Realization hit her hærd, she had been drugged!!
She tried to stand up from the bed, her legs became so weak, she fell back to the bed. She struggled to keep her eyes open.
“Somebody help!” She tried to scre-m, her voice came out in a pathetic whimper.
Nobody would hear her now, the game had turned against her.
“Somebody… Anybody?” She whispered, silent tears of anger, and regret falling from her eyes.
The door creaked open, he came in. She felt him sit on the bed, beside her.
He touched her face with hærd callused hands. She tried to move away, far far away from him, her body refused to move.
The tears poured out in torrent.
“Shhh…don’t cry baby…I have something for you…”
She wanted to scre-m ‘go to hell, you second incarnate of the devil!”
Her l-ips refused to form the words.
She cried, feeling helpless… Vulnerable…
“Here baby..” He pressed something to her nose, she tried to turn her head away from the awful smelling stuff, but she couldn’t.
“Easy girl…” He cajoled. ” …take a long nice sniff…you’ll thank Me later…”
“No…” Her voice was muffled. She held her breath, refusing to sniff it.
He chuckled and pressed it h-rder to her nose, she trashed and tried to fight him off…her strength was ebbing away, she was getting more frail and weaker.
More tears poured out of her face.
“Just a long nice sniff…” His voice floated to her again.
She gave up her resolve…
She sniffed it, she sniffed the opioid…
She sneezed violently, as the unfamiliar substance invaded her nostrils. He helped her to sit up.
“Good girl…” He cooed, rubbing his hands suggestively down her back.
“How do you feel?”
She closed her eyes and smiled.
“I feel beautiful…” She took a long deep breath.
“I feel awesome…” She opened her eyes to look into his face, her eyes were glazed, almost lifeless.
“I can fly… Fly up high in the sky…”
Suddenly she was chasing unicorns, colorful unicorns with long pointy horns. A child was laughing in the background… She joined the child and laughed…laughed… Tears formed in her eyes.
Her clothes were been roughly torn from her body… She didn’t care, she didn’t mind…the unicorns are more important.
She felt so strong… So brave…so immortal….
She knew that she’ll never die…
She knew that she’ll live forever…
Somewhere, where no eyes could see, the camcorder blinked blissfully away…
🎶Meeting the Rock star🎤
By Nwauwa Miriam
(Mimi candy🙈)
💃Chapter 20💃
I was very nervous as I dressed for the party. My hands were shaking so badly that I smeared my mascara on my face.
I sighed loudly.
Kelly, get your grips together! It’s just a party!
I know..I sighed loudly.
I heard a knock on my door.
“Yes?” I called out.
“Kelly?” It was Amber. “Kori is here.”
“Oh OK, let her in.”
She walked away.
The door soon flew open again and Kori stormed in.
😪 very typical for Kori not to knock before entering a room.
“Sup in-law?”
I blinked rapidly for a few seconds, my mascara brush hung in the air, as I tried to decipher what she meant by ‘in-law’
“In-law? Since when?”
She rolled her eyes.
“C’mon Kelly, you’re going to marrt my brother, and then I’ll become your sister in-law.” She smiled happily. I scoffed loudly.
“Nice dreaming Kelly,, but I still don’t like the dream.”
“I know you like Danny, so just stop the pretence and better accept the fact.” She retorted.
“Tsss…come help me with my makeup.” I said, trying to change the topic.
“Stop trying to change the topic Kelly…” She still collected the mascara brush from me. ” this is an important matter, it should not be overlooked. ”
I gro-ned inwardly.
“You look pretty today.” I lamely tried to change the topic again.
“Thanks, but you still have to marry my brother.”
“Kori! For goodness sake I’m 17!! How can I be thinking of marriage now!! And besides, your brother don’t like me.” I closed my eyes, so that she applied eye-shadow.
“Who said danny don’t like you?”
“Even a blind man can decode that.” I retorted. She sighed.
“But you’re still going to be my in-law.”
I rolled my eyes.
“Yeah, maybe when you grow mushrooms from your head, I’ll consider it.”
“Let’s go, you’re ready. By the way, you look very, pretty.” She touched my hair fondly.
“Thanks, your dress is pretty too.”
She scowled at me.
“I complimented you,, not your dress.”
I laughed.
“You know that you’re always pretty, why then do you want to hear it from me?$
” just say I’m pretty.*
“You’re pretty?” I laughed.
“Thank you.” She joined me and laughed.
We walked out of my room hands in hands. Amber was also looking pretty, she and Derek looked good together.
“Wow, girls…you look beautiful.” Derek said when he saw us.
Kori and I giggled.
“Don’t say that too loud, Amber might hear and become jealous.” Kori said with sarcasm. We laughed. Amber was soon by Derek’s side.
“Let’s go.” Kori said,smiling broadly.
As we all moved to the car, my hands became more and more sweaty.
I hope things will turn out right…
â—€At the partyâ–¶
Loud music was streaming almost everywhere, people milled around. My jaws dropped. I thought dray god said it wasvl just a little party…I didn’t expect so much crowd.
My apprehension heightened,
Kori was excited.
“OMG! Kelly! They’re cute guys here…see that one..with gray eyes, gosh! I’m in love already!”
I smiled nervously.
I saw Damian walking towards us.
He gave a cat whistle, eyeing Kori and I.
“As always, you girls have managed to knock my breath away. You look hot.” He took turns in k-ssing our hands.
I felt a little better.
“Nice party man.” I said smiling.
He winked slightly.
“It brings the hot chics closer to us.”
I rolled my eyes.
“Hey Damian.” Kori leaned closer to him.” Who’s that hot guy there? Introduce me!” She smiled at me.
“Aww…I’m jealous already. How can you ditch me for him?” A low pathetic whine.
“Shut up man wh-re, where’s Danny?” I suddenly began to look around, I hadn’t seen danny yet. Amber and Derek had snuck out.
“Oh..he’s with Wendy Phil.”
Kori hissed loudly.
“Seems like ape hasn’t showed up yet…come on Kelly… Let’s go find him!” Sgw dragged my hands and began to pull me away.
“Bye dray god, have fun!” I shot out as I was roughly dragged away.
“You too!” He gave a jaunty salute.
“Kori, you should stop dragging me like this! I’m not a child anymore!” I protested.
“You’re my sister in-law. Duh!”
I slapped my forehead.
“I’m going to get upset with you if you keep calling me that!” I said.
“Duh! Whatever! As if you don’t like it. Oh…that’s him…let’s go!” She tried to drag me again, I resisted.
“I’m not going Kori.”
“I don’t like this matchmaking business. It’s as if I’m forcing myself on him, I don’t like it one bit.” True enough, I didn’t like it at all, I’m sure that danny was equally bored by it too.
“But that’s not true Kelly, you know you’re not forcing yourself on him.”
“Danny doesn’t know that.” I countered.
“Look listen, I don’t have the wh0le…”
An uproar rose from the crowds, interrupting her.
We both turned to know the source of the noise.
We both rolled our eyes at who we saw.
The infamous red vixen🙄🙄
Her clothes were too revealing, she smiled at the camera while her eyes searched the crowds.
We all knew who she was looking for. She s₱0tted him and began to walk to him, gracefully, her hair falling wildly to her back, giving her this dignified bearing. Except for her dress, she might have pass off as a queen.
I watched, quite disgusted as danny and April exchanged a quick k-ss, I turned away, to look into Kori’s face. She was also scowling.
“Typical of April to draw all the attention to herself!” She hissed out viciously. I rolled my eyes.
“I just feel like clawing at her ugly face… C’mon Kelly, do something!” She said, jabbing her shoulder to mine.
“What do you mean ‘do something’! What do you expect me to do?”
Seriously, this girl is very funny. She’s expecting me to go and disrupt a couples chitchat?
No way!
“Sì, I said it…party pooper, if not that I promised to behave well, I’d have done something really cool.”
She turned her scowling face to me. I turned my face, to look at danny and April. They both had a glass of wine in their hands and were both smiling.
“C’mon!” Before I could protest again, she had dragged me again, and was moving forward, towards them, towards danny and his wh-re.
My heartbeat suddenly increased, I didn’t like this at all.
“Hey danny! Where have you been? Kelly and I have been searching everywhere for you… Right Kelly?”
She stepped on me, I winced in pain.
“Uhmm…” I didn’t say anything, I just waved, smiling nervously. Now that I was at a close proximity, I stared, quite disgusted, at April’s dress. The cloth’s neckline was too low, that it left much of her br-asts exposed.
“Why would you be looking for him?” April hissed out maliciously, taking in my attire.
I gulped, quite loudly as danny did the same.
“Hey ape, I never remember talking to you, next time I’m talking to my brother, you keep your trap shut, got it?” Kori fumed.
“Kori, you promised you’ll behave well..” Danny looked apologetically at April.
“Trust me, I’m behaving well, if not.. There are somethings that I’ll like to do to her…” Her fist clenched tightly, and she bared her teeth at April, who shrinked away.
“Anyways danny…” Her demeanor changed suddenly, she gave a sweet smile. “There’s this cute guy over there that I’m crushing on, he’s asking me for a dance, and I don’t want Kelly to be on her own, so I want you to look after her.”
Danny sighed loudly.
“OK fine. She can stay with us.”
“No! We need our own privacy!” April’s eyes had narrowed into slits as she glared at me.
“You don’t have a say in this hoe, if you don’t like it, you can go stuff your face with shit!” Kori raised her middle finger to her face.
“Don’t you dare call me a hoe again Kori!” April shot back.
Kori gave a mock pout.
“You don’t like hoe? How about wh-re?”
“Kori stop! Please.” Danny intervened pleadingly.
“Tchhh…have fun Kelly.” She said.
“You too.” I said. Before I could even blink, she gave me a violent push, I fell foward , forward… Into Danny’s out stretched arm.
Time froze…as I stared into those blue eyes that captivated me, I felt like I was swimming in a sea of blue..
“Clumsy bitch! Get off him!” April thr-st me away from him.
I cleared my throat loudly, as I adjusted my dress.
“Sorry…about that…” I stammered. I glanced into her face,she looked red and very angry.
I looked into Danny’s face, he looked cool and composed. Then Why was my innards threatening to exlode?
I took a deep breath.
Slow music was playing and couples were dancing. Amber and Derek danced passed me, I smiled and waved at them.
This party is very boring.
April was very angry that she could not even talk to danny. They just stood, she glaring at him, him looking unperturbed and drinking from his wine glass.
Then dray god appeared, with a huge smile on his face.
“You look dashing today milady.” He said curtsying to her. She scowled at him.
“Thank you.” She grudgingly said .
“Can I have a dance with you?” He stretched out his hands.
“No! For Christ sake I have a partner.” She said, rolling her eyes, and looking at danny.
“Sì, I know that… Just one dance. Please…he won’t mind at all, right danny?”
“Sure…you can go ahead and dance with him.” Danny said, gesticulating with his hands, lights reflected from the rings in his hands.
“I’ll be back shortly!”April shot out. I didn’t know if it was for me or for danny. But still, I was left alone.
I didn’t like this.
I poured myself a glass of wine, feeling bored.
I made to put the cup to my l-ips, he snatched it from me. I raised a brow.
“No drinks for you.” He said haughtily, and downed my drink in one gulp.
“Why?” I struggled with my anger.
“One, you’re light headed, two, I’m in charge of you.” He looked amused as he said that.
“Who said I was light headed?” I blurted out, angry.
“You can’t even stand three glass of wine.”
“I can! ”
“You can’t.”
“I said I can!”
“Tchh..I can’t risk that. My face is too precious to be manhandled now.”
“You’re not funny, you know that?” I said sullenly.
He rolled his eyes.
“I know, but still, no drinks for you.”
“Then what am I supposed to do here? This is boring!” I nearly yelled at him.
“You stay here with me of course.” His l-ips curled up in amusement.
“You’re boring.”
“You too.”
I turned my back to him. I heard him laug loudly.
I s₱0tted Kori dancing with one cute guy. She winked at me, I glared angrily at her. This is all her fault, I’m stuck with this jerk. I should have preferred staying at home, listening to some cool .
Damian and April danced pass us, I felt myself been violently pushed again. Forward… Forward into Danny’s arms again.
I knew Damian had deliberately pushed me, but that’s not important now, what’s important is that I’m in Danny’s hands again, and looking into his face, his eyes. Those enchanting blue eyes. I was out of breath,, I just wish I could stay in his arms and stare into those dreamy eyes forever.
His hands around my wa-ist tightened,, his l-ips curved, his eyes dropped to my l-ips, and then to my eyes again.
“Dance with me..”

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