One More Night

One More Night Episode 8

πŸŽ„πŸŽ‹A Night Before Christmas πŸŽ‹πŸŽ„
Owned and written by:- Racheal Dennis.

Episode eight πŸŽ„

❌ Do not copy or repost ❌


Cassandra’s pov πŸŽ‹πŸŽ„

JJG nightlife!

It’s seemed as if the music is getting louder as the time passes, it’s also getting crazier.

A lot of activities are going on around us, some group of drunk teenagers were having a dancing competition,,, although they dressed themselves up as adults, but it’s still obvious they’re teens.

I wondered how they managed to snuck in, because I’m very sure those two blokes at the door won’t let in teenagers. Maybe they managed to fool those blokes with their disguise.

Some other group behind us were having a drinking competition, laughing loudly over the music at the losers.

Even some girls turned themselves into instant strippers, they were giving some men lap dances and k-ssing them as though there’s no tomorrow.

Honestly, this is the wildest club I’ve been to, nobody cares about anybody’s opinion,,, it’s as if everyone that came here we’re ready to let go of all their frustration and simply enjoy the night.

“Hey! What do you say about us joining in the fun?” Vero suggested.

“How do you mean?” Brad asked.

His eyes moved around, it seemed as if he’s just taking notice of what’s going on,,,after all, he’s been staring at my face all night.

“You wanna give those men lap dances?” he asked.

“No, silly. Let’s have our own drinking competition, our table is becoming kinda boring” she said.

Brad frowned and wanted to retaliate, but I beat him to it.

“Vero, we can’t drink, I have work on Monday and you know how my hangover works”

She scoffed, turned her gaze towards the table where the drinking competition was holding, I could tell she’s eager to join them from how she’s biting her lower lip.

“We can’t drink too much, you know Cassie’s hangovers lasts for three days” Brad said.

“Yeah,,,,” I trailed off. “,,, but you can join them if you badly wanna” I told her.

She sprang off her chair, knocking it off, a big smile appeared on her face.

“I love you, Cinderella, you treats me the best” she said and rushed off.

Brad sighed and reached for his beer, he took a gulp.

“Just give her ten minutes and she’d be so wasted” he said.

I laughed. “It’s good she have ten minutes, mine is two minutes”

He laughed at my words. “That’s so true” he said.

I have very low tolerance for alcohol, just a gulp or two and I’ll be drunk,,,,I think there’s no one in the world who’s like that.

“Right, sweetheart, that Jayden guy, can you stop being friends with him?” he asked.

“Why?” I asked him back.

“Because he’s the,,,,,”

His phone’s ringtone cut him off, he reached for it and checked the caller’s ID.

“Mom?” he asked himself, even though it’s clearly his mom.

He ended the call and dropped his phone, then faced me.

“Why didn’t answer it?” I asked.

“Nothing, I’ll just call her later” he answered.

“Oh, but what if it’s something serious? Your mom wouldn’t call if it’s not something serious”

He thought about it for a moment, then reached for his phone and dialed his mom’s number,, after a few seconds, she picked up.

“Mom, I,,,, ” he trailed off.

It seemed like his mom didn’t let him finish his words, his brows furrowed as if he’s trying to grasp what she’s saying.

Judging from his expression, she could be saying something very serious.

“Mom, calm down and say it slowly, tell me what happened?” he asked.

He paused and listened to her speak, after a few seconds of listening, his eyes grew wide in disbelief, he slammed the beer he was holding on the table and sprang up.

He balled his fist by his side.

“When did it happened?” He asked.

I frown in confusion, what has happened?

“I’ll be right there” he hanged up.

He snatched his jacket resting on the armrest, he snatched his car keys from the table and faced me.

“I’m sorry, sweetheart, I have to leave,,,, my dad was involved in an accident and he’s currently in the ICU”

“Jesus Christ!” I exclaimed quietly. “ICU? How serious was the accident?” I asked.

He shook his head.

“I don’t know yet, I’ll head there now”

His eyes moved towards Vero who was still in the drinking competition, he sighed.

“Please don’t get drunk, I’m leaving her under your care” he said.

I nodded. “It’s fine, hurry up and leave” I told him.

He gave me a weak smile, leaned down and k-ssed my forehead, before rushing off.

His words replayed in my head and sent shivers down my spine, it brought back all my bottled up memories and I felt my wh0le body suddenly aching.

I remembered when my parents were involved, they were rushed to the hospital and were also taken to the ICU,,,but I still lost them, they couldn’t be saved, none of the doctors could save them.

A gush of cold breeze suddenly blew past me, I started shivering even though the club is crowded, even my breath quickened,,,,I need to calm down.

My eyes landed on the beers Brad had ordered earlier, I guess this is just want I needed right now.

My hands inched forward, I grabbed the beer and started taking large gulps. I grimaced when I felt a small burn down my throat, but that didn’t stop me.

Hot tears rolled down my cheeks as I downed the beer, it’s been such a long time since it happened but it’s still very clear in my mind.

Bottle after bottle I drank non-stop, before I knew it, the alcohol is already getting into my system and I’m starting to feel dizzy.

My eyes scanned the place as they search for Vero, I wanted to find her so we can go home before I get worse.

But I couldn’t find her, my eyes landed on a couple who were k-ssing and I burst into laughter,,,it seemed as if they’re gonna s-ck off each other’s face.

Maybe I should go out for a walk, the alcohol might wear off after a while.

I got up and staggered towards the exit door, I bumped into a few people on the way or they bumped into me, I don’t really know,,,,I muttered a few sorry to them, I don’t even know it they heard it.


“Whoopee!” I exclaimed.

I’m finally outside the club, though I stumbled a few times, knocked down somethings along the way a few times.

I spread my wings and started running about, imagining myself as a big bird flying freely in the sky, with no worries.

β™ͺβ™ͺ I believe I can fly! β™ͺβ™ͺ
β™ͺβ™ͺ I believe I can touch the sky! β™ͺβ™ͺ
β™ͺβ™ͺ I think about it every night and day! β™ͺβ™ͺ
β™ͺβ™ͺ spread my wings and fly away!β™ͺβ™ͺ
β™ͺβ™ͺ I believe I can soar β™ͺβ™ͺ
β™ͺβ™ͺ I see me running through the open door β™ͺβ™ͺ
β™ͺβ™ͺ I believe I can fly β™ͺβ™ͺ
β™ͺβ™ͺ I believe I can fly β™ͺβ™ͺ
β™ͺβ™ͺ I believe I can fly β™ͺβ™ͺ I sang.

By now I wasn’t in control of myself, I don’t know what I’m doing,,,, I suddenly felt happy after drinking the beer.

I continued singing my song, suddenly I felt someone’s arm wrapped around my wa-ist and paused.

“Who are you? How dare you hold my wa-ist?” I asked.

There wasn’t any response, I only heard a sigh. I pushed the person away and looked at him, I smiled when I realized it’s Jayden.

“Hey! It’s you, Jayden!” I laughed.

I moved closer to him, held his face in my hands and stared at his eyes, my gaze moved to his l-ips and I giggled.

“You’re so beautiful and I wanna k-ss you!” I giggled again, louder than the few first time.

I paused when I felt a sudden dizziness, I leaned on him as my vision started blurring. He looked down at me.

“You’re drunk, Cassandra” he stated.

I pouted my l-ips, looked at him through my blurred vision and shrugged my shoulders.

“I’m not drunk yet, I’m just feeling dizzy”

“You’re feeling dizzy because you’re drunk” he said.

But I shook my head, I gave him a serious look.

“I’m very much sober and can still down a few more bottles” I told him.


I blew raspberry at him, pinched his cheeks softly, went in tiptoes and k-ssed his cheek,,,then giggled loudly.

“Yeah,,,, ” I slurred.

“Where are you friends? Why did they let you out on your own?”

“My friends,,,I don’t know”

He sighed. “Let’s take you in,side” he said.

He carried me in his arms, bridal style and headed back to the club.

While he was walking, I was busy resting my head on his chest, absorbing the sweet scent emitting off him. The scent was calming, I swear, I could even feel it calming my nerves.

My eyes focused on his face, though my vision is kinda blurred and it’s kinda dark, but I could still see his outlined features.

“Tell me, what’s your secret?” I asked him.

“My secret?”

“Yeah, which beauty products are you using? Why are you so beautiful?”

He chuckled lightly.

“I’m a man, I’m not beautiful but handsome” he corrected me.

I scoffed, put my arms around his neck to support myself.

“A man can be considered beautiful too”

“Really? How?”

“If he’s extremely handsome”


We didn’t say anything more, he just continued the rest of the journey in silence.


Authoress Racheal’s pov β˜ƒοΈπŸŽ„

Soon, they made it back to Cassandra’s table, he sat her on a chair. She put her elbows on the table and rested her chin on her hands, she stared at him with a smile.

He looked around as if he’s looking for something, or someone.

“Your friends aren’t here, have they gone home?”

Cassandra shook her head.


“Then where are they?”

“I don’t know” she shrugged.

Her eyes landed on her half drank beer, she reached for it and took quick, large gulps.

But unfortunately, it was snatched from her, which made her pout and blinked innocently. She nipped on her lower lip, she haven’t had enough, she needed more beers.

Her hand reached for the table, she searched for her bottle of beer but couldn’t found,,, she frowned and pointed an accusing finger at him.

“Where,,, where,,, di-did you,,, you hide,,, it?!” she hiccuped.

Well, she’s oblivious of the fact that she’s hiccuping, she had actually thought she was talking fluently.

“I didn’t hide it, it’s finished” Jayden replied her.

“Liar! You took it!” she snapped and banged on the table.

“No, I didn’t, it’s finished”

“Then order for more, I need more!” She laughed.

Jayden ignored her, his eyes continued roaming the crowd if he would see Vero or Brad, but unfortunately he couldn’t see any of them.

Suddenly, Cassandra grabbed his hand on the table, he raised his head and looked at her.

“What?” He asked.

She smiled. “You’re beautiful, I,,I,,,I want some of it”


“Bang me” she said.

Jayden frowned at her words, but she chuckled as if she’s just said something very funny.

“I wanna get laid! It’s a wild night, I’m da*n happy!” she shouted.

Jayden was actually surprised at how bold and straightforward she is in her drunken state, the girl he met this morning at JJ construction won’t say any of this if she wasn’t drunk.

But then again, he can’t be so sure, after all, she asked him how could he be so perfect… she’s an unpredictable case to him.

At that moment, her favorite song popped up and she couldn’t help but hooted loudly, she started dancing on her chair.

As if she wasn’t satisfied with dancing on the chair, she got up and climbed onto the table, then started dancing and swaying her hΒ‘ps rhythmically to the music.

Her words from earlier struck her and she continued shouting and giggling.

“I wanna get laid! I wanna get laid! Everybody, I wanna get laid!”

Her voice was very loud, it superceded the music and everyone turned towards her.

“I wanna get laid, I wanna,,,,,”

Jayden sprang up, he quickly caught her hands and slapped his hands over her mouth.

“Cassandra, that’s not something you can shout out” he whispered harshly in her ear.

But she’s too drunk and was oblivious of the situation, she giggled and bite his palm,,, he withdrew his hand at once and cursed under his breath.

“Cassandra!” He called warningly.

“I said I WANNA GET LAID!” she shouted even louder.

“That’s it, you’re coming home with me”

That being said, he swooped her in his arms and rushed her out.

While leaving, Jayden looked up at the VIP booth, luckily Stephen was wise enough to refrain himself,,, he wasn’t drunk.

He smirked at Jayden, sent him a teasing wink. Jayden sighed and left.

“Mr Grassi” Kelvin greeted Jayden, when he saw him (Jayden) rushing towards the car with wasted Cassandra in his arms.

Kelvin reached out his hands to carry her, but Jayden shook his head.

“Get the door”

“Yes, sir”

Kelvin quickly pulled the door open, Jayden slide in with Cassandra still in his arms, she was busy giggling and touching his face.

“Where are we headed, sir?”

Jayden faced Cassandra, he held her hands and stopped her from touching his face.

“Where do you live?” He asked her.

“Where do I live?” She repeated Jayden’s question.

“Yeah, your address”

Cassandra giggled, she sat on Jayden’s laps, snatched her hands from him and held his face in her hands,,,,then rested her forehead on his.

“How about you take me home? I’ll keep your bed warm” she k-ssed his nose.

Jayden inhaled deeply and sighed.


“Yes, Mr Grassi”

“Take us home”


“Yes, home”

“Yes, sir” then Kelvin started the car and drove off.


“Yo! This house is hugeeeeee!” Cassandra shouted the moment she stepped into the living room.

She ran straight to a sofa and fell on it, she closed her eyes and took deep breaths.

“I wanna live here! I don’t wanna leave! I’ll live in this hugeee house forever!”

“Cassandra, bring your voice down, it’s 10:47pm and you’re disturbing the neighbors!” He said, but Cassandra didn’t listen to him.

She got up and climbed onto the sofa, began jumping on it as if she’s jumping on a trampoline.

“This is my home! This is my home! This is my home! Forever, ever, ever, ever and ever!” she was shouting.

Jayden placed his hands on his wa-ist, he stared at her in frustration, he doesn’t know how to make her stop this craziness.

He looked at his wrist watch, luckily it’s still having 57%, he would just have to manage it through the night.

Cassandra suddenly hopped off the sofa, she rushed to Jayden, grabbed his hand and pulled him to a sofa. She made him sat down, then took a few steps away from him.

She cleared her throat, she held up her hand as if she’s holding a microphone.

“Hello, everyone!”

She waved as if she’s waving at a crowd of people, she started imitating hooting sounds, as though there’s a large crowd of people cheering for her.

Well, in her imagination, she’s standing in front of an audience right now.

“I have moved into a new home, I wanna sing you all a song,,, it’s my favorite and I know you’re gonna love it!”

“Cassandra, it’s,,,,,”

“Listened and feel blissful tonight, are you excited?”

“No” Jayden said.

But again, Cassandra ignored him and imitated the hooting sounds again.

β™ͺβ™ͺ When I am down…. β™ͺβ™ͺ
β™ͺβ™ͺ and oh, my soul’s so weary… β™ͺβ™ͺ
β™ͺβ™ͺ when trouble comes… β™ͺβ™ͺ
β™ͺβ™ͺ and my heart burdens me… β™ͺβ™ͺ
β™ͺβ™ͺ when I am still… β™ͺβ™ͺ
β™ͺβ™ͺ and awake in the silence… β™ͺβ™ͺ
β™ͺβ™ͺ until you come and sit a while with me… β™ͺβ™ͺ

Though she was dead drunk, but her voice still sounded so pleasant to the ears, Jayden closed his eyes and didn’t realized when he started nodding to the music.

β™ͺβ™ͺ you raised me up…. β™ͺβ™ͺ

Jayden’s eyes snapped opened at her very high pitch, he wanted to stop her, but he just let her be,,, he wanted to know if she can maintain the high pitch.

β™ͺβ™ͺ you raised me up… β™ͺβ™ͺ
β™ͺβ™ͺ to walk on stormy seas… β™ͺβ™ͺ
β™ͺβ™ͺ I am strong…β™ͺβ™ͺ
β™ͺβ™ͺ when I am on your shoulders… β™ͺβ™ͺ
β™ͺβ™ͺ you raised me up… β™ͺβ™ͺ
β™ͺβ™ͺ to more than I can be… β™ͺβ™ͺ

He was very surprised when she completed the song without falling out tone, or pitch,, he started wondering if she was actually drunk or if she’s faking it just to come home with him.

But her next action proved she’s truly drunk. She knelt in front of the table, pet it as if she’s petting someone.

“Did you enjoy the show?”

She laughed.

“Should I sing you another song?”

“No! No, please, spare my poor heart” Jayden said.

Cassandra turned her gaze to him, she frowned at his words. She got up and rushed to him, she landed a resounding slap on his cheek, then pointed her finger warningly at him.

“Your heart is not poor, do you hear me?!”

“Huh? You slapped me?”

“Yes! Stop cursing yourself! Your heart is not poor! Now I’m gonna sing and you’re gonna sit quietly and listen, you won’t say a word!!” she said in an authoritative tone.

Jayden don’t know what to say, he simply nodded his head and slumped back on the sofa.

“It’s gonna be a long night” he muttered, but Cassandra somehow managed to hear him, she giggled.

“Yeah, a long and fun night”

“I just hope I don’t die before daybreak” he said.

To be continued.

NB:- This is giveaway season, drop your long comments, likes and shares to be part of the lucky winners… Winners are gonna be receiving their prize on Sunday….are you gonna be part of them?

Warning:- No “next” “nice one” “awesome” “intriguing” “hot” should be typed under my story.. I know it’s a nice story, because I’m taking my time to write it.

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