She's A Bitch

She is a bitch episode 9-10

💋(I will wait)💋
🏨Chapter 9🏨
I was lying down in my new room. It was a room we the staff get to share. I sold my old mansion to get some money for fees. I already paid.
My head hurts.
“Jessie have you heard” My new roommate Terry said
Yeah I told them am Jessie after all it’s my middle name.
“What?” I asked getting up
“Madam said we should back our bags we are going to Deanna to serve the CEO of the restaurant. It’s her engagement party and she needs support” Terry announced as he started packing his bags.
Wow at least I will try and get some tips from those royalties. I got up and parked my bag then showered. Soon it was time to leave.
Wow this Kingdom is heaven. I watched as the ladies in the kingdom went about their activities.
“Wow this girls are hot”Terry whispered to me.
I giggled. If only he knew what happened to me because of ladies.
Soon we got to the castle it was very big. Our Manger Madam Boise took us to the staff room. It was big with two persons to a room. Terry and I were together.
I laid on my bed.
What a life.
I miss being the rich Liam Harrison that girls run after. I took my phone and dialed Jessica’s number.
She picked after the 5th time.
I said
📱Oh Liam. What’s up?
She asked
📲Am cool
📱So why are you calling?
📲Can’t I call my gf?
📱Sure you can. I got to go remember to buy me those golden ear rings like you promised also buy me a pink dress to match. OK bye I love you.
She said and hung up.
I sighed. Will this kind of girl accept me after finding out that am poor now?
“Bro take” Terry said as he gave me a mask
“What’s this for?”
“It is compulsory that every servant wears them. We should get ready the party starts in 2 hours” Terry said and left
This Liam just spoilt my show. I was on the road to cloud 9.
“Jessica should we continue this sometime?” Diego asked me
“Nah we must finish what we started” I said playing with his cheeks
“Chill girl I got a meeting. Take this an leave I will call you when am in need of your service” he said and gave me some cash.
I hissed got dressed and left.
After he turned me on Liam spoilt everything.
I texted Jeremy
📨PS come to my house an so ho-ny
I drove home and met mom. She was busy with her phone.
“Good day mum” I greeted
She smiled
“A guy is looking for you. I sent him to your room to wait for you.” she said and continued with her phone.
I giggled. And went upstairs I saw Jeremy. Immediately he saw me he landed his l-ips on mine
I mo-ned

I sat down by my window watching the limo that carried the royalties to the castle.
My perfect kinda fancy. I sighed. I really hate this place so boring. Just then Sophie entered.
“Girl aren’t you dressed yet? The exchange of rings are about to start” she yelled angrily
Before I could speak she dragged me tore my dress am wore me a red body shaped short gown with black heels. She did some make up on my face.
Sophie can be crazy sometimes
“Now you look perfect. Let’s go” she said about to drag me
“I don’t want to go. I don’t feel like” I said
“You better feel like or am telling mom and Aunt Taffy” she threatened
Not those two. If they fine out they won’t allow me miss this party
“OK fine. I will go but”before I could lay my conditions she dragged me
See the reason I hate coming here.
I got downstairs.
It was more beautiful. The waitress were only men in mask. They were all of the same height and body structure.
Sophie sure has taste.
I went to the bar and sat on a stool. Just then Ryan came.
“Hello little girl” he said as he pinched my cheeks.
Ignored him.
“Little Eli you can’t still be mad at me for the love of God it been 12 years. OK I will buy you that exact doll OK” he said
I hissed. I don’t need that doll again.
Just so you know when I was four. Ryan, Kiara and Sophie buried my favorite doll. From that time till now I haven’t forgotten about that.
“OK I will by you a thriller filled with gowns,shoes, jewelries” he said trying to please me. I kept quite and continued with my phone
“Hey sweetheart your dad needs you” Kiara said as she played with Ryan’s face while pecking him
He smiled
“Little sis gotta go but I will be back” he said and ran off
Immediately he left Kira sat down on his sit.
“So you decided to show your face after the death of your parents” Kiara teased
Kira and I were never friends she always tagged,me a spoilt brat. Meanwhile she was worst.
It was always a case. Just like two spoilt brat fighting for a dress that’s me and Kiara. When we were young we always fought but our parents always told her to surrender to me because am the youngest. For that reason she disliked me.
“And you are not ashamed to still be with Ryan after getting your h0led drill by so many lads” I said mockingly
“At least am better than you I have parents” she said
I was hurt. I can’t let her see am hurt.
“At least I don’t depend on my parents and boyfriend for funds. I run my businesses by myself” I said
She hissed and left
I sighed.
I really hate this place so many bitches.
It was finally time for the exchange of rings. Wow I must say Sophie’s prince is really handsome.
She is so lucky.
A happy childhood
Complete parents
Maids at her Peck and call
And a happy love life.
To say the truth I envy Sophie a lot. That’s why I don’t like coming to Deanna.
I went back to my bar and sat down.
“Waiter” I called a guy
“Get me a can of water” I said while operating my phone
I just finished serving the guests when a lady asked me to get her a can of water.
I can came back with it but I triped and pored the water on her phone. She yelled
“Have you gone mad”
That voice. What’s she doing here. Before I could think I landed my l-ips on hers.
Heaven knows how have missed her.
Who else smells trouble for Liam?
He just k-ssed the girl who he poured water on her phone
Will our Eli spare him?
Now let’s talk about our lady Jessica.
How will she feel when she finds out her bf is a waiter
💋(I will wait)💋
🙈Chapter 10🙈
I was angry when a waiter spilled water on my phone. Instead of him to apologize he k-ssed me.
I must say that was my first k-ss.
Soon he pulled away. I became enraged.
How dare he?
Before I could think I slapped him.
“How dare you? Do you know who I am?” I yelled
Immediately My aunties and cousins ran to the scene. My uncles tried to make the guest under control
“Dear what happened?” Aunt Taffy asked
“Aunt this pig spilled water on my new phone. Instead of him to apologize he k-ss me” I yelled painfully
“And that was my first k-ss” I added
“It’s not as if you will get another k-ss” Kiara said
I glared at her. Before we could speak. Ryan jumped on the waiter beating him.
My aunt’s were tensed. Sophie called the guards and they took the waiter to the dungeon.
“I hate coming here. This is why I never wanted to come here” I yelled and ran upstairs.
Immediately I got to my room I shut the door.
I was very angry. I went to the bathroom and showered.
I really hate this place.
How can that thing k-ss me? Yuck
I wore my night gown and laid on my bed.
I sat down in the dungeon nursing my wounds.
Why did I k-ss her?
Do I really like her that much to put myself in trouble?
Elini please get me out of here i promise never to cross your part again
But come to think of it can I do it?
“Come” I heard someone said
Oh Terry
“What are you doing here?” I asked scared for his life
He smiled
“Take this. Clean your wounds with it. I kept a box of baked potatoes and sauce in,side. Please rest. I will try and convince Madam Elini to free you” he whispered giving me the first aid kit
“No let her be. I have hope she will come by herself and free me” I whispered back hopefully
“If you ever get out of here. You will tell me everything about you and her” he said
“You better leave before someone’s sees you” I cautioned him
“Take care J” he said
“Thanks for the food T” I said and he went out.
I went back to my sit. I opened the kit.
After cleaning my wounds I ate the food.
To say the truth Terry is the best cook. If I ever had a chance to be Liam Harrison again am making him my personal Chef.
I looked at through the window. I saw the moon.
“Moon please tell Eli to get me out” I said with hope
I got up. Why can’t i sleep?
Why do I keep on thinking about that waiter?
Who is he?
I got up and wore my robe. I wore my flip flops and went to dungeon station of the castle.
It was really big. I saw a lot of people. Some were looking at me with hopeful eyes,
Some with demonic eyes.
This place smells so bad. I walked for a while my legs began to ache. Then I got the last prison. I looked in,side. I saw the guy.
He was looking at the moon. His face was looking great apart from the sores.
I knocked on his gates. Immediately he jerked back to life. I hissed. Such a weakling.
Immediately he saw me he bowed his head.
“Am not here for sentiments come here” I commanded
He came to me. His head was still bowed.
“Look up to my face”I commanded
He did it slowly.
Oh no is it really him?
Was he the waiter?
But what’s he doing here?
And why is he a waiter?
I called a guard and he opened the dungeon.
“Liam” I called
He looked at me and smiled. It was a a painful smile.
“Elini please I don’t deserve to be called Liam. Liam is rich am just a poor guy now. Call me Jesse” he said
I sighed and crossed my hands across my br-ast.
“Don’t be like a child” I commanded
He looked up to my face then the most unbelievable happened. He hugged me.
I didn’t know when I hugged him back. We were like two friends who hadn’t seen each other for years
I loved when she hugged me back but she soon withdraw.
“Am letting you go now but throughout my stay here stay away from me” she said
My heart broke.
“Please Elini I missed you” I said aloud
“Liam we are not even friends. We are just classmates who hate each other” she said
I could feel tears roll down my face.
“Go to your room. Tomorrow I will tell my family I freed you” she said and left.
I was hurt.
I carried my weak legs and went to my room. I openly the door.
Immediately Terry saw me he hugged me.
“I missed you” he said
I kinda wish Elini would have said such.
“I already prepared water for you to bath just in case you came back. Go shower I will quickly bring some food for you” Terry said and left
Terry is so nice. He reminds me of Dad. I wish I was never a player.
I checked my phone. No messages.
Why do I have a feeling Jessica is just using me?
Truth to be told I like Jessica but I like like Elini.
I showered then ate the food Terry served me. He m-ssaged me to sleep after dressing my wounds.
“Jay I got great news” I said as I met Jay and her mom doing their nails
“Amon what’s the news?” Mrs Avery said
Jayla’s mom loves calling me Amon
“Have got two news. Firstly Dylan is in town and secondly Zenter bought us a character in that new movie Mari Gold” I said happy
“Really Zenter did that for us?” she asked sarcastically
“Jay you better be happy about this. Zenter just wants to be our friend” I said
She hissed and carried her bag.
“Where to?” I asked her
“Since you ruined my nails day am off to see Dylan” she said and left
“Mrs Avery please convince Jay to come for the audition” I pleaded
“Even if you left I would have still forced her. Give me that script. I know the audition is tomorrow. Come and carry her by 9:30”
“Thanks Mrs Avery”
“You are welcome dear” she said
I hurried home. Got to get into character.
Every time be friends with him. I don’t like that guy at all he always seems weird to me.
I was walking when a car pulled over. It was Dylan. I opened the car and got in.
Dylan is my childhood bestie. We always do everything together but later he went to Spain while I went to Germany.
“So what’s up bestie?” He asked
“Nothing much just kidding around” I said
He giggled. We were driving when I saw a familiar face.
Wait isn’t that Jace?
What is he doing in this part of the neighborhood?
And who is that girl?
“Dylan please hunt the car for a sec” he did so and I came out ready to destroy.
I walked to them and cleared my throat. When Jace saw me he frowned.
“What do you want?” He asked me rudely
“Jace am your girlfriend so you better treat me like one” I said folding my hands.
He got up and burst into laughter.
“Just so you know I dumped you a long time ago”
“What!” I yelled shocked
“Yes. Your rules are crazy. So many boyfriend but yet you are still a V-rgin. No first k-ss yet. Yuck” he said with disgust
Tears were already building up in my eyes
“Jace am sorry” I said holding his arms. He pushed me.
I would have fell but felt someone held my wa-ist. I look it was Dylan.
I thought I left him in the car. Now he will make fun of me.
“Man don’t hurt my bestie ever again” he said as he carried me in bridal style to the car.
“Let’s go get ice creams” he said and started the car.
Truth to be told I never really loved Jace.
So I ain’t hurt one bit.
I was on my way downstairs when I saw Jessica’s room opened. I entered and I saw her throwing up.
Finally some results. I almost thought she was barren.
“What are you staring at?” She asked
“At a future mother” I replied
She smiled
“You are such a fool” she said
“How?”i asked confused
“Yeah I was pregnant but I took an abortion pill that made me stool and vomit the baby” she said proudly
I didn’t know when I landed a slap on her face.
“How dare you slap me?” She yelled
“I know am bad, I know am a bitch but I never for once aborted a child” I said
She hissed then laughed
“I just pity you Dara. I normally looked up to you before but now I hate you” she said I smiled
“I never liked you before and bet me I will ruin your image get that you wh-re” I said and left
Look who wants to ruin my image by the time am done with her she won’t even remember her gene.
I took my phone and called Amy.
📱 hey Amy
📲 what do want J?
📱i want you to do an edit of Collins having s€× with me
📲Babe that’s going to be hærd but I will try
📱Also I want it to be given to her on Valentine’s day
📲Yeah on it
She said and hung up
Dara watch as I turn your world upside down

The battle line is drawn Dara vs Jessica

Is Jay right to hate Zenter?

But wait ooo who is the father of that baby

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