She Is A Demigod

She Is A demigod episode 9 – 10

She Is A Demigod 💫💙
(She’s a half witch, half vampire )🤫😌

By: Authoress Popcorn❤️

Genre: Werewolf/Vampire/ suspense😲✨

💋 Chapter Nine 💋


Kylie brought a jar of milk and homemade brownies into the room.
Cindy and Lilly squeaked.

“It’s from my mom” Kylie said and placed it on the table.

“That’s so sweet of her”

“I’ll go have my bath now” she said and left.

Cindy and Lilly slowly ate the brownies and pizza.

After some minutes, Kylie walked out of the bathroom with her pyjamas. She wrapped her hair with a towel and sat beside them on her large bed.

“So, what do we do first?” Kylie asked.

“Let’s just talk about guys”

“My boyfriend just broke up with me” Lilly said and threw a brownie into her mouth.

They both kept quiet and stared at her.
“Are you dead serious? Why?” Cindy asked.

“Let’s not talk about it now” Lilly replied feeling less concerned.

“I don’t know why Jackson asked me to come over tomorrow” Kylie said and took a bite out of her pizza.

Cindy smiled.
“Really? Wow?! My dad just wanted him to introduce a girl to us as his girlfriend and he chose you”

“That’s crazy right? Why not Madison?” Kylie rolled her eyes.

“Madison is not his girlfriend. My brother is actually single”
Cindy rolled her eyes.

“Pass me the pizza cutter!” Lilly said to Kylie.

As Kylie stretched her hand to grabbed it, she injured herself.

“Ouch!” She gr0×ned.

As Cindy sighted the blood, she became thirsty. Her eyes started to turn gold.

Her heart started beating fast.

She diverted her gaze from Kylie’s blood and went out.
She went out of the house and went to the back of the house. She tried to control herself but couldn’t.

She slowly sat on the grass and closed her eyes.

Cindy shot her eyes wide open when she saw a cat walked pass her.
It was white and fluffy.

She slowly crawled to it and carried it up.
“Hey kitty kitty!” She whispered and dig her fingers into her fur.

She opened her mouth and dug her teeth into the cat.
It whimpered slowly.

Cindy s×¢ked out the blood till she was satisfied. Her eyes changed back to black.

She dropped the dead cat and stood up. She quickly cleaned her mouth and went back into the house.

“Hey girls” she greeted.

“Hey Cindy, where were you?” Lilly asked.

“I went to… I just went to receive some fresh air” she said and sat back on the bed.

“Fine, we were talking about prom. Kylie said she won’t come. I think we should find her a date”

“You don’t have to find her a date. My brother is available for her” Cindy said and they all burst into laughter.

“Look guys, there’s no way I’m coming to prom. Maybe some other time. I just don’t want to come” Kylie added.

They sighed and chatted all night.
When it was morning, they all had breakfast before leaving Kylie’s house.

“I’ll see you in the evening” Cindy whispered.

“Sure. Bye. Bye Lilly!”

She waved at them and closed the door.
“Are you going anywhere honey?!” Sarah asked her daughter as she cleared the table.

“Yes Mom, Jackson wanted me to have dinner with his family”

“That’s cool. You should go” her mother said with a smiley face.

“Do you think I should go?” She asked.

Sarah placed the napkin on the table and walked close to Kylie.
“Kylie, you are special and deserve everything in life. Trust me, I want you to go there and experience a little”

“Fine mom. Have you seen Moon anywhere?” she said

“No, did you check the balcony?” Sarah asked.

Kylie ran to the balcony and checked but didn’t see Moon.

“Let’s go check her outside”

Sarah and Kylie went out of the house and walked round, looking for Moon.
“Moon! Moon!” They called out repeatedly but didn’t get any response.

As they walked to the back, they sighted something white, lying on the grass.

Kylie furrowed her eyebrows and ran towards it.
“It’s Moon!”

Sarah heard it and ran to Kylie.

“It’s dead!” Sarah slowly announced.

Kylie turned to face her mother.
“What?! Dead? How?!” She cried out.

“I don’t know Kylie. Someone must have killed it”

Kylie stood up and stormed in,side the house.

Sarah watched her as she left and stared at the dead cat.

She turned it and saw blood on it’s neck.
“Vampires!” She thought.

“I know they aren’t far from here. They are trying to get my daughter. Just a month left and she will pass the death age. Once Kylie is eighteen years, she will be the first demigod to live up to that age. I’ll make sure no one gets to know about her not even herself, Kylie!” She murmured and went into the house.
Kylie cried throughout the whole afternoon. She didn’t get why someone would kill an innocent cat. She refused to eat and accept another cat. Even if they haven’t stayed together for a long time, she still missed Moon a lot.

When it was noon, Kylie dressed in blue trouser and get top. She let her hair fall on her shoulders.
Her mother left for work after seeing Moon’s dead body.

Kylie walked down the street, staring left and right. She found her way to the mall where she bought a nice gown that she would wear to Jackson’s house.

As she paid and walked towards the exit, the rain started. She was forced to stay back. She went to the canteen and ordered a cup of coffee.

As she sipped it slowly, she heard a familiar voice and stared up.
She saw annoying Chris staring at her.

She lowered her gaze, diverting her gaze from him.

When Chris saw that Kylie didn’t reply to his greeting, he pulled out a chair and sat opposite Kylie.

“I said hi” he said again.

“What do you want Chris?” Kylie asked without sparing him a glare.

Chris smirked and took a bit out of his hamburger.
He chewed slowly and stared at Kylie who has finally stared up.
“I just wanted to talk to you huh”

“About what?” She asked slowly, in annoyance. The anger about the death of Moon still hurt her deeply.

“You, I, school”

“I’m not interested” she interrupted him.

Chris sighed and drew his chair closer to the table.
“What’s up? Why the mood?”

“Leave me alone!” She yelled and left.

Everyone stared at Chris as Kylie walked out of the mall. She entered the rain and took a cab home.

Chris got angry about what Kylie did to her. He stood up and also left the canteen. He promised himself that he would deal with Kylie in his own way.
First, she stole his best friend now he humiliated him in public.
Kylie stood in front of the mirror few hours later dressed in black short gown. She styled her hair and did a little makeup.

Sarah walked into the room and saw Kylie looking so beautiful but not happy.

“Kylie” she called out.

“Hi Mom” Kylie replied without sparing her mother a glare.

Sarah knew it was because of Moon. She walked towards Kylie and sat beside her.

“Sweetheart, you don’t need to be angry. I can get you another cat. I promise”

“I don’t need any cat mom” she replied slowly, trying not to break down.

“Okay. Tell me whatever you want, I’ll get it for you. Anything to make you happy Kylie” Sarah spoke softly staring deeply into her eyes, trying to get her to forget Moon.

But it didn’t work.

Kylie diverted her gaze away from her mother and stood up.
“I’ll be fine mom. Just as I never met dad. I’ll forget Moon same way I forgot my father”

Sarah nodded in confusion.
“Why didn’t the spell work? Maybe because she’s a Demigod” she thought.

“But mom…” Kylie called out making Sarah snap out of her thoughts.

“Hmm” she replied.

“You never told me how father died”

Sarah eyes w¡dened. She was never expecting that question from Kylie.

“What’s his name? How does he look like? What was his best colour?”

“Stop Kylie! I’ll tell you about that some other time. You have a date now. Don’t ruin your mood. Now smile for me”

Kylie squeezed her face and managed to smile.
“That’s my girl”

Sarah k×ssed her forehead and left her room.

Kylie sat in front of the mirror and continued staring at her reflection.

She touched her necklace and wanted to take it off but it was impossible.

“Why can’t this goddamn stuff get off my neck?!” She yelled.

💋 Chapter Ten 💋


Kylie heard a horn downstairs. She rolled her eyes when she heard her mom’s voice.

“Hunny!! He’s here” she yelled.

“I’ll be down in a sec!” She yelled in reply.

Kylie grabbed her phone and ran down the stairs. She tried her best not to look the best.

Jackson smiled as she walked towards him.
“Hi, you look pretty”

“Thanks” she replied without smiling.

Jackson opened the door and led her out of the house.

“Have fun!” Sarah yelled as Jackson drove off.
Jackson drove slowly not to get any complain from Kylie. He wondered why she looked so quiet.
He wished he could read her mind to get what she’s thinking about.

“How was the girl’s night?”

“It was great” she replied quickly.

Jackson raised his eyebrows.
“That was quick. Why are you so quiet?”

Kylie turned her neck to stare at him.
“Do you wanna keep asking me questions or what?”

“Sorry, I just want to feel concern” he replied starting to get angry.

“Don’t try hærd” she replied and stared back at the road.

He sighed and the car remained silent again.

“Why are you taking me to your family?” She asked.

“Now, you are asking me questions” Jackson rolled his eyes.

“Answer me” she said calmly not to get angry.

Jackson stole glances from her.
“It is a family tradition. I just wanted my family to meet you and I didn’t want to take anyone”

“Anyone, you mean Madison? What’s wrong with taking your girlfriend to meet your family?” Kylie purposely asked. She remembered when Cindy told her that there was nothing going on between Madison and Jackson.

“She is not my girlfriend. How many times do I have to tell you?” He yelled and repeatedly hit the steering.

Kylie was forced to laugh.
“I just wanted to see your reaction and it was just as I expected”

Jackson slowly smiled as he drove into the compound.
He stopped the car and they alighted from the car.

“Let’s go in” he said to Kylie.

Kylie nodded and stared at the mansion. It was huge and beautiful. It has tall fence and a lovely garden.

She walked behind Jackson into the house.

When they finally entered into the house, Dylan and Alice, Jackson’s parents were waiting for them.

“Oh my, you are so beautiful my dear Kylie” Alice said slowly as she walked towards Kylie.

She gave her a tight hug and sniffed her neck. Her eyes quickly turned red. Her scent was appealing. She stared at Jackson who was behind Kylie.

As Jackson sighted his mother’s eyes, he quickly grabbed Kylie by the w–st, preventing her from looking at Alice.

Alice quickly left the scene and tried to calm herself down.

“Dad, she’s Kylie. My girlfriend” he lied.

Kylie shot her eyes wide open and stared at Jackson.
He noticed it and pushed her closer to himself.

“Hi Kylie. I’m Dylan” Dylan greeted with a smile.

“Hi sir” she greeted and waved her hand like a gentle girl.

“Let’s go to the dining table, Cindy is waiting with Freddie” Alice said as she appeared out of nowhere.

They slowly went to the dining room and sat down.
Alice served the meal and they all started eating.

“What type of meat is this?” Freddie asked.

“It’s a rhino” Cindy replied.

Freddie and Kylie both stared at Cindy with shock on their face.

Kylie slowly pushed the plate away.
“Thank goodness I haven’t tasted it yet” she thought.

“Do you have to scare our guest? It’s cow meat” Jackson replied, laughing slowly.

Freddie laughed and continued eating slowly.
Kylie refused to eat. She only sipped out of her juice and stared low at the table.

“So, Kylie dear. Tell us about yourself”

“Uhh” she gr0×ned and stared at everyone’s face. Freddie adjusted his huge glasses to listen to what Kylie have to say.

“I’m Kylie…” She started.
“I’ll be eighteen next month. I’m kinda stubborn and calm, I guess”

“I’m glad my son found someone like you” Alice smiled.

Kylie replied with a smile and lowered her gaze.
She wasn’t feeling comfortable.

After dinner, Cindy took Kylie to her room.
It was twice as large as Kylie’s room. The windows were glass and very attractive.

“Wow!” Kylie was forced to admit.

“Welcome to my room” Cindy said and threw herself to the bed.

“It’s so beautiful. I love it. Maybe our next hangout will be here” she replied.

“My family don’t really accept visitors that’s why I didn’t make the venue my place. Even this meeting is once in a year” Cindy replied.

“Ohhh” Kylie said and continued staring round the room.

Alice knocked the door softly and entered into the room.
“Hey girls”

“Hi Mom” Cindy rolled her eyes.

“I’m here to see Kylie. I have a gift for you”
She made Kylie sit in front of the mirror while she showed her a beautiful necklace.

“It’s beautiful” Kylie smiled.

“Now, I’ll take this off and… Ouch!!”
Alice shook her fingers in pain. She was electrified as she wanted to take off Kylie’s necklace.

She turned and stared at the burns on her finger.
“What happened?”

“It’s nothing. Just take the necklace and have fun okay?” She said and left.
Alice pulled Jackson while talking to Freddie.
“Excuse us please” she said and left.

“What happened mom?” He asked as his mother closed the door. He turned and saw his father sitting on the sofa.

“Why did you bring him to the room?” Dylan asked.

“Where on Earth did that girl come from?” She asked angrily.

“Does that matter? You asked me to bring my girlfriend here, I brought her. Please don’t complain” he replied.

“You saw my eyes when I hugged her right? Her scent is appealing. Now look at this, my finger got electrified because I touched her necklace. Who the hell is she?”

“I have no idea mom” he shook his head.

“I also noticed something. I couldn’t read her mind” Dylan spoke up.

“Yes. Me too. I couldn’t” Alice said quickly. She was scared and angry.

“Okay, I can’t read her mind too. Neither of us can. Maybe, the necklace got affected or something. I don’t know, I don’t care. I have to go drop her off right now” he said and turned to leave.

“Wait! I want you to get more closer to her and find out more about her” Dylan said to him.

Jackson glared at his father and left.

He saw Kylie standing by the door already.
“Are you ready to leave?”

She nodded.

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Love y’all ♥️🖤🤍

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