She Is Insane

She is insane episode 28 – end

👧She is insane👧

Chapter 28

By Authoress promise

~Semi Final~

Elena’s POV

Yea, I know that Judy as find out about the imposter acting as former lover.
But I don’t care. I want Richærd at any course.
Even it means war. I’ll fight.
I try to say in,side but this stupid Judy won’t let me in.
” Get out of my way ” I yelled and she stern.
” In my life I’ve never seen such a pathetic shameless woman like you. How do you expect Richærd to even tolerate you” she implied with Sarcasm and I ignored, throwing me hair backward in a nonchalant style.
” Richærd belongs to m….
” Point of correction he belongs to me and not to you. He doesn’t even love you and he’ll never. So give up in trying and to think he’s gonna love a psycho like you ” I gibed and scoffed when I caught her annoyed reaction.
” You seems to forget you were once and embarrassment to yourself and to the world. You were a psycho who got insane for her so called lover who died ” I return her sarcasm.
She fold her hands and scoffed.
” I was a psycho. But now it seems you’re. Running after a man who hate you with all is worth ” she gibed again and I swell with anger.
I intend to slap her. But she held my hands and dropped it back roughly.
Before I knew what was happening. She slapped him instead making me almost loose my balance.
I held my hand on my cheek and glared.
” That for bring an imposter to act as Brian and you’ll be getting more of that if you don’t get ya f-cking bitchy ass from this place ” she struggled.
” Am not living ” I replied stubbornly and pushed her unexpectedly to the floor.

She didn’t fall to the floor but move to another side as she struggled to maintain her balance.
And I sway in.

Judy’s POV

How dare she pushed me. I got up from the floor with such annoyance and got to her.
I turn her to face contact with me and gave her a hot slap again.
She try slapping me back, but I held her hand.
” Let go of my hands you bitch ” she yelled.
” You’re the bitch here. The crazy pathetic being here. Stupid you f-ck” I yell sarcastically.
We started exchange foul languages at each other.
” What going on here ” I heard Richærd saying from the door.
I turn and saw it was Richærd with Sofia on his hand and he glared at Elena.
” Sofia sweetheart can you go to your room ” he urge her to go.
She left and went upstairs. He watch her until she disappear from sights.
With all the commotion I couldn’t heard the sound of his cycle.
He came closer to me and still had the glare.

Richærd’s POV

I got home and met the door wide open and when I gat to the doorway.
I’d saw Elena and Judy arguing.
Elena got gut. She came here after what she did.

” Why’ll you show your face here after what you do. Don’t you have self-respect ” I snarl with a grimace expression.
” I love you Richærd. I can’t leave without you ” she replied coming closer to me and try touching me.
But I held her hand before she could even lay her filthy hands on me and throw her hands down.
” I did what I’ve to, coz I love you more than anything ” she struggled already tearing up.
” Please am tried of winning you back. I did everything because of my love for you ” she added already tearing up.
” Elena you left me and made me heartbroken and do you know how I was able to cope without you. But I learn to. What we had was in the past. I’m in love with someone else. I love Judy now. So stop all this and live me alone” I struggled.
” I love you Richærd” she cried.
” You don’t if you really love me. You won’t have left me. You won’t have brought a fake Brian. You won’t have made me a father of a child that isn’t mine ” I said.

Judy’s POV

I can’t believe Richærd already knows, Sofia isn’t his.
But he still consider Sofia his. What a good man he is.
A loveable man to be with. Elena made a mistake of living him.
But am already feeling sorry for her. She’s in love.
She only did all that because loves him, but in a wrong way.
Taking advantage of peoples feels is wrong.
” Elena I can’t love you anymore. You’re in my past. The better you start understanding the better it’ll be for you ” Richærd advice.
Elena didn’t say anything, but started crying.
She just in love. I feel kinda of pity for her.
Before we knew what was happening Elena rushed into the kitchen and brought a knife.
Richærd held my hand as she pointed the knife at us.
What did she wanna do now. I was feeling sorry for her a while back and now she wanna kill someone.
Gosh, she worth feeling sympathy for.
She is just an obsessed psycho and won’t stop until she gets what she wants.
Not until she pointed the knife on her stomach.
“Am gonna kill myself Richærd”she said, really it seems she really wanna do.
Both Richærd and I gasped..
” Stop it Elena. Don’t do this Elena ” Richærd and I both echo trying to get her to drop the knife. But she didn’t.
” If I can’t be with you. I’ll just die and you can be happy with her ” she roared.

Richærd try going closer to her. But she did it.
She stabbed her self.
I can’t what just happen. I gasped as I saw her collapsing to the floor.
Richærd and I rushed to her.
” Elena ” we called.

Like and comment sorry for not posting yesterday.
I wasn’t feeling that fine. I got a headache.

👧She is insane👧

Chapter 29

By Authoress promise

~ Grand Finale ~

Richærd’s POV

We search for Elena car keys in her bag and saw the key.
I can’t carry Elena in my cycle. So I’ve to use her car.
Sofia rushed downstairs and came to us.
She looks scared and started crying.
I would’ve let her see this but in a situation like this I can’t prevent her from seeing this.
I soothing her. But she kept on crying.
” We’ve to take Elena to the hospital Richærd ” Judy reminded and I went to Elena and picked her up in my arms and headed to the outside.

Judy’s POV

I took scared Sofia by her hand and trailed behind Richærd.
I just pray nothing happens to Elena. Now I totally understand she is just unluckily in love.
She go to the extent in stabbing herself.
Richærd nudge me to ins××t the keys in the car.
I did it without hesitating.
I don’t want her to die. Am not that selfish.
After opening the door Richærd place her in the back seat.
Sofia sat at the front seat since she was scared to stay beside lifeless Elena.
I sat beside her. Sofia criers was not left out through at the journey.
Even after Richærd assured her all she be well.

” Elena how’re you ” I said to Elena.
She as just regain consciousness.
She didn’t reply me. But just stare.


Some hours ago we all thought Elena is not gonna make it.
But she survive after all the doctor effort.
Elena as offended Richærd and I but I don’t hate her for do what she as to.
She just want her love back. But trying to get it in a wrong way.
” Why do you save my life ” she inquired with a stunning look.
I smiled and was about yo utter something when Richærd interrupted.
” Coz, you don’t deserve death. Why do you went to the extent of killing yourself. How’ll your mum and dad be able to cope the lost of their daughter. ” Richærd said.
She gave a unfamiliar strange gloomy face.
That face gat me confused. I wonder what that face was for.
She was silent for a while. She try sitting on her butt.
But the pain on her stomach won’t let her.

I urge her to lay back down. She did and smiled to me.
” Richærd please can you forgive me for everything am so sorry” she apologize living me startled.
What’s happening is Elena really apologizing.
Richærd and I gazed at each other. Before looking at Elena.
” Judy am sorry for everything. I cross the line. I brought a fake Brian to separate you two. But your love for each other as brought you two more close. How I wish I didn’t blow up my chance earlier” she stated and started crying.
Wow, there is still some good in her. She isn’t really a bitch.

Richærd’s POV

I can’t believe this Elena is actually apologizing for her vulgarity.
Do she mean it or trying to play another game.
I can’t trust her. What of if it another game of hers.

Elena’s POV

I love Richærd. But it seems he’ll never be mine.
He saved my life after all what I’ve done as in he would’ve left me to die.
Am just ruining such a good man and a nice girl for my own games.
I’m tried anyway.
I guess I’ll just let them be.
I’ll go far away from Richærd that is the only way I can get over him.


Richærd’s POV

Elena is living our life’s. She is going to Canada to start a new life.
I thought it was all a new tactics, not until she brought the topic of living our life’s.
Judy, Sofia and I were in the airport.
She was about boarding the plane. Very soon her number will be call.
” Richærd there is something I wanna give you before I go completely ” she mention making me curious.
” I almost forgot ” she added, while she her hand into hand bag
She search her bag for seconds. Before bring something I assume to be a card.
She handle over the card to me.
” What’s this ” I inquired curiously.
” It’s a card from a music artist. He is a director and he’s gonna sponsor you. You’re talented with music. I know how badly you wanna sing in a stage. That you long life dream. I know you don’t desire to be Waiter” she explained.
” I’ve already show him some of your music that you upload in the internet and he loves your performances. He wish to sponsor and am sure in know time you’ll become London’s idol ” she added.
” I can’t accept it. I’d really wanna be a superstar but am sure I am gonna achieve it one day” I said, am totally against her offer.

” Please Richærd it just a gift at least am doing something right for the first time” she try persuading.
” Judy please make him understand ” she diverted to Judy.
” Richærd please accept a great offer with good intentions. Please do it for me ” Judy said.
She is the one Pearson I can’t refuse.
I agreed to it.
” The card you see there is his business card. You can get his address right three in the card ” She explained.
” Am sorry about everything. I hope you find someone who’ll love you ” I said and she smiled. A forge smile coz am sure she’s hurt. It a hærd decision.
” No Need to be sorry Richærd. I deserve what I got for living you earlier ” she reply.
Her number was called and she left with her luggage.

We all watch her until she was out of sight.
” Can we go to the park” I suggest to Sofia and Judy.
” What about the meeting with the artist ” she inquired.
” I’ll go there tomorrow. I just wanna spend time with you and Sofia ” I struggled and Judy chuckled.
“I also wanna hear you cool song ” she said.
” Sure”
I raised my brow and we all walk away.


I was in a restaurant having lunch with Judy.
Am gonna propose to her. Right here and right this moment.
I brought out an engagement ring and do the normal stuff.
” Will you marry me ” I struggled.
She cover her mouth as a gesture of surprise.
” Yes I’ll” she replied without hesitating
I placed the ring on her finger and k-ssed her.
” I love you ” I mo-ned.
They was random applauds for the people in the restaurant.
” I love you too ” she replied.
💟 Epilogue 💟

Judy’s POV

It as being exactly Six month since we got married.
Richærd was a good and caring husband.
He loves me a lot and I love him too.
He always try is best to make I and Sofia very happy.
And not to forget is music life. In this six month he got so many fans and fame.
He watch him performs in stages. He quited being a waiter a three month a ago and focus in his music, coz he can’t do two at a time.
As for me, I got a job a month ago as a receptionist in a five star hotel. The salary was a good one.

We sat down on the dinning table having dinner. Spaghetti 🍝 and meatball was for desert.
” Do you had magic to the food. It so delicious” Richie complement.
I calling him Richie for short.
” Mumm maybe ” I replied and dug the folk into the spagetti roll it and place it in my mouth.
” I love it ” Sofia said with a mouthful.
” Yea is…
” Wait how…
I gaze at Richærd and too gazed ate.
We were both stunned.
“I can’t believe ” Richærd trilled and stood up.
He took Sofia in his hand excitedly.
I too stood up and went to them excitedly.
” Daddy I love you ” Sofia spoked.
Her voice was so sweet and tender
like the child she is.
” My daughter can speak ” Richie trilled, while throwing Sofia in the air repeatedly. Sofia chuckled.
” What about Sofia. Don’t you love me ” I said with a smile.
” I love, love you ” she replied.
“Then give me k-ss on the cheek ” I demanded.

She pecked me.
” Don’t daddy ” Richærd ch¡pped in.
Sofia peck him too.
We both gave her a k-ss on the cheek.
“That tickles ” She giggled as we planted so many k-ssing on her cheek.
Then Richie and I gazed at each other.
He grin at me and whispered
” I love you ”
” I love you more ” I replied.
Sofia jerk us from our wonderland with her loud laughter.
Next Sofia yawn and we knew she was sleepy.
Richie took her to bed and I clear the dishes.

Richie and I retired to bed.
” Sweetheart,am so blessed to have you in my life ” I said.
My head was in his chest. He ruffled my hair gentle.
” And am the luckiest person to have a woman like you” he replied.
” Some times I wonder how you were able to put up with my craziness. Wasn’t I and embarrassment to you as in….
I cease when I caught his facial expression lacing with frown.
He hate it when I talk such thing about myself.
” You were never an embarrassment to me. I was fond of your craziness an that was what made me for in love with you ” he replied.
He statement was lovely, but he didn’t cease the frown.
“Sorry ” I apologize and he smiled.
” Don’t say such thing about yourself, never and not in the future ” he spoke softly.
He lean closer is eyes was on my lip.

He k-ss my l-ips and I k-ss him back passionately.
One thing lead to another, we got intimate.

Richærd’s POV

I love Judy am always gonna make her happy.
She looks so beautiful when she sleeps.
I k-ss her forehead, before my own sleep envelope me.
Slowly, I slept off.

The End.

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