Stuck Between The Beverly Brothers

Stuck Between The Beverly Brothers episode 27 – finale

Stuck between the Beverly brothers.


Chapter 27🌻

~ Finale ~

Jennifer Owens 😍 β™₯

~ Kyle ~

I drove back home and told Brett everything.

Dad might think we have no evidence against him since he took the SD card.

LMAO, his doom is on the way.

“first, how do we get Amber’s mom cause if we go on with the case, height kill her ” Brett said and I nodded.

“I know right! We just have to be smart ” I said.

“but dad doesn’t know we know he has Amber’s mom as hostage so he can’t use that against us ” Brett said and I arched an eyebrow.

“what I mean is that : we should go on with the case cause if dad really wanted to kill Amber’s mom, he’d have called us and blackmailed us but he didn’t cause he thinks we don’t have evidence ” Brett explained.

He’s right! The day after tomorrow, we’ll go to the court cause and I know dad will be expecting that it’ll be cancelled but no!

“let’s just get prepared for the day after tomorrow cause it’s a big day and oh! Hope Carly and Manuel are ready to testify against him “I asked and he nodded.

“yep! They’re more than prepared ” he said and I smiled.

“and I hope you are ready ” I said and he nodded.

“I sure am ” he said boldly and I tapped his shoulder before heading up to my room.

I freshened up and plumped down on my bed.

My stomach growled and I remembered I haven’t ate.

I went downstairs and got myself left overs of bacon that Carly made maybe.

After eating, I went back up to my room and laid on my bed.

I miss amber so much.

I closed my eyes and before I knew it, I slept off.


~ Brett ~

After freshening up, we all had breakfast.

We didn’t go to school that day cause tomorrow is a big day so we have to prepare.

The day went slowly and it really annoyed me.

You know that saying that when eating for a big day to come, it takes limes forever and it really happened in the case.

It was like tine stopped.

The day finally came to an end and I was more than grateful cause I want that monster to rot in prison.

After freshening, I dressed up and came downstairs to meet everyone.

They were all ready for the court hearing.

We had breakfast which was of bread with jam and milkshake.

After that, we all headed out to the car.

We boarded it and Kyle drove us out.

~ Carly ~

Finally! That monster is about to rot in jail, he’s about to leave our lives for good.

Justice will finally be to those who were impressed by him, my parents will finally get justice.

I glanced at Manuel who was beside me and we smiled when our eyes met.

We linked our hands together, s-cked in a long breath and let it out as a sigh of relief.

I smiled and looked to see Brett staring at me from the rearview.

His eyes held anger and jealously.

Gosh! He’s just too possessive.

Not that I’m complaining but jeez!

Manuel is my brother.

I smiled warmly at him and that seemed to do the trick.

We finally arrived at the court and alighted.

As we headed in, a car pulled up and we stopped to see who it was.

The monster alighted and I clenched my fist.

He smirked when he saw us and headed to us.

“wow! You guys still went on ahead with the case though you guys don’t have any evidence ” he said in a mocking tone.

“we are witnesses and we don’t need evidence cause we’re gonna testify against you ” I snapped and he laughed.

“your words against mine, how interesting ” he said and chuckled.

“let’s go ” Manuel said and we all walked away.

We entered the court room and waited for the case to commence.

A minute later, the judge walked in and we all stood up to respect her.

She sat down and we did.

The case commenced and I couldn’t stop smiling.

That monster thinks we don’t have any evidence, how funny.

It went on until we were all called to the box one by one and we all testified against him.

With all that, he still held that evil grin on his face.

Finally, our lawyer presented the video and that alone wiped the grin off his face.

With the video and our testimonies, he was sentenced to life imprisonment.

Yippee! We all jumped up and cheered.

Finally! This monster is out of our lives, we are free.

I hugged Manuel and he spun me around.

I smiled and Brett and Kyle at once.

If Kyle didn’t help me that night, I don’t know what would have become of me.

I’m grateful.

The police came and esc-rted the monster out.

We were still in the court room when we heard gunshots .

What the hell is happening?

~ Amber ~

I alighted from the cab I hailed earlier.

I paid and walked into the house.

The monsters house, where he held my mom hostage.

The body guards opened the door for me and I walked in.

I went upstairs to the room my mom was being held and walked in.

She was sitting on the floor with her knees folded up.

Her head was on her knees as she sobbed.

“mom ” I called lowly, my voice barely above a whisper.

She raised her head up to look at me.

“Amber ” she cried and I ran to hug her.

“mom it’s okay, everything will be fine, I trust Kyle, he’s gonna help us ” I told her as she cried in my arms.

“look, I brought food for you, it’s your favorite ” I told her and she smoked amidst tears.

As I brought the food out, I sighed the window open and a thought immediately ran through my mind.

I immediately got up and went to the window.

“We could escape from here ” I told mom.

“how” she said as she got up.

She walked to Mr and glanced outside through the window.

“I mean, we are upstairs so how do we get down ” she asked.

I paced back and forth as I thought of how to escape.

~ Kyle ~

We all rushed out to see what was happening and one of the cops who were esc-rting dad out was on the floor, gasping for hair.

He was shot.

Another bullet came from nowhere and hit the other cop and that ran out.

I wanted to follow him but Brett and Carly pulled me back.

“we don’t know where the gunshots are coming from and you might be targeted ” Brett said.

A car pulled up and dad immediately got in.

The car drove off in speed and I cussed.

Gosh! He escaped again!

That monster!

Soon, other cops arrived and they all boarded their car then drove off in the same direction as dad.

“let’s follow them ” I said.

“it’s too risky ” Carly said.

“yes Carly, everything is risky, you just have to fight ” Kyle said.

“I’m coming with you ” Manuel and Brett said at once and I nodded.

“Carly board the bus home or hail a cab” Brett told her.

Brett turned to her and k-ssed her passionately before boarding the car.

Manuel hugged her and k-ssed her forehead before boarding the car.

I smiled at her and started the engine then drove off.

Amber’s life is in danger and so is her mom and us all.

~ Amber ~

I finally got an idea and I smiled.

I took off the curtains and tied them together.

Mom watched as I tied it together and formed a rope.

There was a table beside the bed so I tried raising it up but hell, it was heavy as f-ck.

I smiled and tied the rope that I made out of the curtains to the table.

I threw the curtain rope our through the window and told mom to climb out.

She slowly climbed down and I followed.

We got to the ground and hugged each other.

Now how do we leave this compound?

We were at the backyard cause the window was at the backyard of the house.

Mom and I tiptoed towards the front yard and stopped at a corner then peeped.

The guards were alert so there’s no way in hell we can escape.

The gate opened itself and a car drove him with full speed making mom and I move backward.

One of the guards opened the car door and Mr Wilson alighted.

The guards knew something was off and so were we.

He went in and all the guards followed.

We used that opportunity and ran out with full speed side the gate was till open.

As we as got outside, we increased our speed but mom was getting tired cause she’s kinda fat.

She tripped and fell.

“common mom, this might be our only chance to escape ” I told her as I pulled her up.

“my ankle hurts ” she complained.

I put her hand around my neck and I helped her walk.

Gosh! I hope we don’t get caught cause mom’s limping now.

Where’s my phone? Gosh! I left it at home.

Soon, we saw cops driving past us.

We waved and one of the car stopped.

They helped us into the car and showed them Mr Wilson’s house.

From the car, I sighted Kyle’s car from side mirror and I looked back.

A smile unknowingly displayed on my l-ips.

The car mom and I was in, parked outside Mr Wilson’s compound.

I ram out of the car to Kyle’s car and he stopped.

He alighted and immediately ran to me.

I flung my arms around his neck and hugged him tight.

“oh! ” he breathed out and held me tight as well.

“I’m so happy you’re alright ” he said and I nodded.

“me too ” I said.

“where’s he ” Brett asked and we disengaged from the hug.

“Surrender yourself Mr Wilson Beverly ” we heard the cop day from the house.

He’s prolly with that speaker that looks like a microphone.

“Amber stay with your mom ” Kyle shad and I nodded.

They went in and my mom and I waited in the car.

~ Kyle ~

“not yet, we still have someone with us and if you don’t let me go, she’ll be dead ” dad said and I scoffed.

He prolly thinks Amber’s mom is still there.

One of his thug came to him and whispered something to him.

His expression changed and I knew right away that he was informed that Amber’s mom is no more there.

Within the blink of an eye, he brought out his gun and shot at the cops.

Brett, Manuel and I ran to a coverage as they did gunshots competition.

The cops versus dad and his thugs.

I sighted a cop, crawling to us and I wondered why.

he crawled past us and set his gun.

From the angle he was, he could shoot dad at the side.

He targeted well then shut at dad and the bullet met him at his abdomen.

The cop didn’t waste any time in shooting dad over and over again.

Dad’s gun fell down and slowly, he dropped to the ground.

Some of his thugs were already down while the other surrendered.

We all heaved a sigh of relief and got out from our hide.

“at long last ” Manuel breathed out and we smiled.

Our smiles turned into chuckling AMD before we knew it, we found ourselves laughing like crazy.

“we are free ” I scre-med and we laughed.

Those thugs will face the law.

We headed out with a broad smile on our faces.

Weeks later……..

~ Carly ~

I looked at myself in my my mirror as I dressed up.

I really don’t know why Brett asked me to come to the Cosmos Garden.

If he wanted to take me out, he should have taken me along but no, he didn’t.

Oh yeah, we are dating now.

After everything, Manuel got himself a job and he owns his own apartment now.

Kyle and Amber? Jeez! I don’t even know what to call them.

They’re in love with each other but they are not ready to work things out.

I think Kyle is the one deceiving himself.

After dressing up, I went downstairs and no one was even home.

I took one of the cars cause Brett sags I own them too.

I arrived at the garden and it was empty. What the hell is this?

He asked me to come here but he isn’t even here yet.

“looking for me ” I heard behind me and flinched.

I turned to see Brett, looking so good in all his glory.

I was so lost in him that I forgot why I was here.

He snapped his fingers at me and I can’t back to reality.

“why did you call me here ” I asked and he smiled.

He s-cked in a breath and let it out.

He slowly went down on his knees and my eyes slightly wΒ‘dened.

He brought out a box and opened it to reveal a diamond ring.

“ever since the day I saw you, I knew in,side of me that you’re the mission part of my life. Though I didn’t wanna admit it, but I have loved u from the very beginning and you complete me. I don’t want to ever loose you and that’s why am gonna make u mine. Will you marry me? ” he asked and my heart pounded fast in my chest.

What more am I waiting for?

We’ll soon graduate in a week now and the next thing is work then marriage.

I stared at his beautiful eyes as many thoughts ran through my mind.

“will you marry me” he asked again and I breathed out.

“yes ” I said with a smile, tears finding it’s way outta my eyes.

I heard claps and cheers and I looked around to see my brother, Kyle, Amber, Amber’s mom, Manuel’s gf and some of our classmates.

He slid the ring into my finger, k-ssed my hand and stood up.

I smiled and hugged him.

He spun me around in circle as they cheered.

He dropped me then planted a k-ss on my l-ips.

~ Kyle ~

I’m so happy for Brett and Carly.

It would be so goof if it was Amber and I.

I didn’t wanna admit it but I’ve fallen in love with her and to make her all mine, I have to marry her.

I smiled as the thought of engaging her played in my head.

I glanced at her and our eyes met but I quickly looked away.

That was so awkward.

~ Carly ~

Manuel hugged me and so did Caroline.

She waved her fingers at me and I arched an eyebrow.

I noticed a sparkling ring in her finger and I gasped.

“Manuel proposed to you ” I exclaimed and everyone’s gaze drifted to me.

“yes ” she nodded repeatedly and I hugged her.

“I’m so happy for you ” I told her.

“we’ll soon get married ” she said dreamily and I chuckled.

Minutes later, everyone left, including Manuel, his fiancee, Amber and her mom.Brett and I boarded our car and drove off cause Kyle had his own car.

Days went by fast and each and every passing day, our love grew stronger.

We are gonna graduate on Saturday and today is Thursday.

Kyle and Amber haven’t worked things out but I hope for the best for them.

It was morning so I got outta bed to do my morning routine.

~ Amber ~

I and just finished tidying up when a message came in.

It was from Kyle, he wants me to come to the park.

I dressed up and after informing mom, I went out.

I arrived at the park and met Kyle.

His back was facing me so I walked up to him.

I touched his shoulder and he turned to me with a smile.

“why did you…. ” I was saying but trailed off when he went down on one knee.

MY heart started beating as I thought of whwere he’s heading to.

“Right here was where I proposed to one of my love to be my gf, when I left her, I thought I’d never found love, thought I’d live my no I feel as a loner but u prove me wrong. You made me feel, you made me love and you made my heart beat again. I didn’t understand my feelings for you cause I thought I still loved her but I was wrong, you’ve occupied my heart and I want to make you mine forever. With you is happiness and joy and I want to forever be happy with you by my side so will you Amber Toris, marry me ” HR asked and I finally let the tears pour freely.

I thought I’d never have him.

I nodded with a smile and he smiled.

“yes ” I said lowly.

“yes I’ll marry you! ” I yelled and cheers filled everywhere.

I looked around to see we were now crowded by the people in the park.

I guess he didn’t inform his brother cause they aren’t here.

What matters is I have him now.

He slid the ring into my finger and stood up.

I flung my arms around him and hugged him tight.

I pulled away and k-ssed him as everyone clapped.

He drove me home first cause I insisted I wanted to tell mom first.

Mom was so happy for me.

After that, he took me to their house and I immediately ran to Carly’s room.

“you won’t believe it ” I scre-med and hugged Carly.

I waved My fingers in front of her and smiled.

“Kyle proposed to me ” I announced and she gasped.

We held our hands and started jumping like 5 years old kids as we scre-med.

She called Manuel and Caro for dinner and o got ready to announce the good mews.

We spent our day tougher and it was finally time for dinner which Carly and I prepared.

We all sat round the table, smiling broadly as the guys look at us.

” we are getting ” Carly said and passed.

“Married! ” The three of us scre-med and they guys laughed.

The end.

By Jennifer Owens.


Miss J.



Thank y’all for reading this awesome story.

You never stopped though it was delayed as hell and I love y’all for that 😍.

So guys tell me, How was the story πŸ‘‡

Stuck Between The Beverly Brothers?

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