Hot Deal Full Of Secrets

Hot Deal Full Of Secrets Episode 8 – 10


Chapter 8

By : Kebby NG

Shocked at seeing Brad again made me stand still like a statue.

It’s been a year, a year since he left me for his rich boss’ daughter.

Why is he even here? And what is he expecting from coming back into my life, I thought as I kept on staring at him.

“My love “he said and before I could stop him, he k-ssed me.

I tried to pull away from him but his hold on me is too strong.

He let go of me and took both my hands in his.

“Have missed you, you don’t know how much have missed you”he said and feeling so angry with the darn way he kssed me, I pushed him away

“Get out of here before I do something bad to you”I said

“You can’t still be mad at me, I only left you to make money for us” he said

“And did you make that money ?”I asked

“Yes, I did, I got a lot of money” he said

“Really? Then it’s best that you spend it on someone else, cause I don’t think I want you or your darn money “I said

“Please Emily, you have been the only girl have ever loved”he said and I got so angry that I slapped his face

“Get out of here before I do something worse to you “I yelled at him and headed back in but he wasn’t about to let things go.

He came in after me and held me tight in his arms.

“Let me go!”I yelled at him

“No, I love you and I won’t let you go, have realised my mistake Emily and I want you back ” he insisted

Just then a memory came to haunt me, I saw myself, a teenage me yelling for help while a guy who was wearing a mask tore at my clothes and he…….. he……….I couldn’t get to see what he did because the door barged open and Cade walked in.

“What the he.ll is going on?”he asked looking so angry

Cade’s angry face was the last thing I saw before fainting.



I woke up to find myself in an unknown room, what happened and why am I here ?

I sat up only to see Cade by the window looking at me.

“What happen and where am I “I asked him but he didn’t answer and he kept on staring at me with an angry look

“Who is Brad Clifford?”he asked and suddenly everything that happened came back to me

“Brad?”I said softly

“Yes Brad! The man I saw had you in his arms “He yelled at me

“It’s not what you think, I can explain”I said

“You better!” He replied as he sat on the only sofa in the room.

“Brad is my ex, he left me for a wealthy lady a year ago, I haven’t seen or heard from him until today “I said

“I got a different version from him” he said

“And that is?”

“The both of you never broke up and that you had given him your consent to get married to some else and that in a year he will come back to you ” he said

“What! That’s a lie”I denied immediately

“Am not sure about that, is he the reason why you were hesitant ?”he asked

“He is not the reason why! Ever since I found out that Brad was having an affair with his boss daughter I left him, I hate cheaters and liars”I said

“Really? Are you sure”

“If you don’t believe me then get the hell out of here, I don’t want to have a deal with a man who mistrust me”I said

“That will be impossible my love?” He said softly

“What do you mean by that?”I asked

“You have agreed to pretend to be my wife and I will see that you own up to it”he said and went to open the door.

A man with a briefcase walked in giving me a wide smile

“Who is he?”I asked

“He is my lawyer, Mr James meet Emily”he said introducing us

“Why is your lawyer here?”I asked interrupting him

“He brought our contract”

“What contract?”

“A contract that bonds you and I together”he said

“Bonds us ? I thought you said it’s all going to be fake?” I asked

“And it will, believe me when I say that I also don’t want to be tied down by a woman”

“Then what’s this contract all about?”I asked seething with anger

“Its a contract that will legalise that deal we made, a contract that will have a consequence if any one of us breaks it”He said and I stared at him in horror

“What will this consequence be?”I asked

“For the benefit of you two, Mr Cade has decided to pull up a contract and this is what the contract says” the lawyer began

“Party B which is you Miss Emily must never break her word, she must do as party A which Mr Cade says “.

“Party b must never resist any of party A advances, she must play her part dutifully and under no circ-mstance must she question party A for what he does outside of their deal”

“That’s absurd?”I yelled at him

“Let him finish” he silenced me

“Party B must never be seen with other man apart from Part A, If any of this fails to be done by Party B, Party A will take all get back his money and if party B can’t repay him back, she will be sent to jail ” the lawyer finished staring at Cade to give the final verdict

“Now is time for you to sign”Cade said

“I won’t be signing, That is not a contract, it’s a blackmail”I said

“Call it whatever you want but all I need from you is to sign it”He said bringing the paper to me

“I won’t!”

“Then you leave me with no choice, James stop the financial help we are giving to Emily mom and throw Emily father in jail, His daughter owes me a large sum of money and right now she is Ill and she won’t be able to take the blame herself” he said having a smirk on his face

“What are still waiting for James, go and do what I asked you “he yelled at James and James began to walk off.

Feeling totally defeated , I yelled at James to stop

“You win Mr Callaghan,I will sign the papers” I said and immediately it was brought to me and I signed it .

“Now all we have to do is to go to my island and start with this charade,”he said, giving me a smile.

I gave him an angry glare in return and I knew that my life will never be the same once this charade begins.

Chapter 9


“Legalise those doc-ments,I want to have it with me,so that I can remind Emily here that she is now in this with me.” He said to his lawyer.

“Yes sir, I will do it right away, I wish you a quick recovery.” he said and left the room.

I was quiet for a while and it was because I had a lot on my mind.

What will happen during the deal and after it, I thought

“Stop thinking about that Brad, it’s for your own good.” he said

“Have told you, I dont have any thing going with Brad”I yelled at him

“And as have said, I don’t believe you, Brad played an important role in your life and I will hate it if he shows up claiming that you are his when have made you mine”

“First of all Mr Callaghan, am not yours, neither do I belong to brad and you stated quite clearly in the contract that you can do what you want and I don’t have to meddle, so I can also do what I want without you meddling”I said

“That part only goes to me and not to you Emily, you see I can’t trust you with other guys and so am taking a precaution”

“While I stayed locked up and stay away from other men , you have the fun of your life with all those blondes and brunette you take around right?” I asked and he laughed

“Are you jealous?”

“Is that all you have to say”I asked totally pissed

“Don’t worry, As long as you are my pretend bride, I won’t bring you any embarrassment by showing off my mistress to your face”He said

“So you will be having them in a secret place, you are saying you won’t show them to my face but you are going to keep on having fun with them?”I asked

“Why do you question me a lot Emily?”He asked

“That’s because you are not to be trusted, I don’t trust you Mr Callaghan and I don’t think I ever will”I said

“Am glad to know that because I also don’t trust you, all you need to do is to pretend to be my bride, that’s your job so focus on that alone”He said and I would have given him a reply if my dad hadnt shown up

“I heard what happened, are you okay?”my dad asked as he gave me a hug

“Am fine dad, how is mom?”I asked

“She is getting well as it is, what’s going on and why is this man here again?”He asked Starring at Cade

“Due to what happened yesterday I couldn’t tell you the real reason why am here”He said staring at me

“Mr Callaghan” I called softly wanting him to stop talking but he gave me a smile and continued

“You see sir, your daughter and I love each other and so we got married “He said and I stared at him in shock


“Am Emily husband now and soon we will be going to my island to introduce her to my family, I hope you will give us your blessing”He said

“This is all a surprise to me”He said as he sat on one of the chair

“We are sorry if we rushed things and didn’t tell you about it “He said

“Is all this true?” my dad asked starring at me now

I stared at Cade and he gave me a look which I knew that he wanted me to keep up with the lie.

“Yes dad, Am married to him”I said as I gave him a sweet look

“I still can’t believe this”My father said

Cade walked towards me and sat on the bed beside me hugging me

“You have to believe it, I love your daughter and she loves me too and as have said the only thing we need from you is your blessing and also my parents blessing”he said and did some thing that surprised me, he kssed my forehead .

“But why all this secrecy.” he asked

“That’s because we were carried off by our impulse, we just saw a church and did the necessary thing,isnt that right love?”He asked and when I didn’t answer, he put pressure on my arm and I stared at him .

“Yes dad,we just got carried away and married one another, just give us your blessing, in a few days time, we will be leaving for Cade island so I can meet his parents”I said putting my head on his shoulder

“Fine! There is nothing I can do, after all you are married to him and you love him, so I give you my blessings” he said

“Thank you dad”I said feeling so bad for lying to him but I know that some day they will understand why I did it

“Mr Cade, I hope you take good care of my daughter, she is a gem that I treasure so much so please don’t do any thing to hurt her ” he said and I felt touched by his words.

He really wants the best for me, I thought as I gave him a false smile.

“Don’t worry sir, Emily is more precious to me than my own life,I will take care of her “He said and for a while I thought he was sincere with his words but then I derided myself of that notion and focused on what’s going on.

“I hope so, Let me go and check on your mom, I will be back soon”He said and left the room.

As soon as he was gone,Cade stood up and took his position by the window

“You didn’t have to tell him now, you know we can wait”I said

“We can’t wait, time is not on our side” he said softly

“What do you mean by that?”I asked

“I just got a call that things on the island is getting worse, The company there is not functioning welll and my mom has started this rumour about me marrying Isabel, the earlier we get there to stop every thing, the better”He said

“So when are we leaving?”I asked

“Next week”he said

“What? But that’s too soon”he said

“That’s the time we have left here, so wrap up all you can and get ready before a week time”He said as he began to walk to the door.

Suddenly he stopped and looked at me “And there is some thing else too” he said


“You must never fall in love with me, I hate women, who are clingy, jealous and most of all I hate those who fall in love with me, keep that in mind Emily”He said and then left the room.



I sat in the plane beside Cade heading for his island.

Its been a long full week and though have tried to find ways to get out of these. Mess, it just isn’t working

Every step I took Cade was always ahead of me and that made me realise that there was nothing I could do to change or stop this from happening.

As soon as mom got a bit better we broke the news to her,though she was surprised too,she took it well as gave us her blessing.

Cade got all the fake doc-ment for our fake marriage ready and I was surprised when he bought us a wedding ring

“You didn’t have to buy us a ring”I said

“And let them notice that we are not truly married, just put it on, it’s not like am asking you to be my wife for real” he said as he put the ring on the table and then he left me standing there.

Looking at the ring now made me remember it.

He sat beside me immense in his work, he didn’t even spare me a glance and I didn’t want to speak to him either but I hate being quiet this way, I had to know some thing about the island

“You know you haven’t really told me about the island?”I asked

“Am busy now maybe later”He said still working on his laptop.

This same attitude, he has been giving me this attitude ever since he found Brad at our house.

I don’t know why but his indifference frustrates me, each time I try to get to know him, he shut me off completely.

Well not this time, I won’t let him keep up with this darn behaviour

“Look if we are to do this, we have to do it properly, you got me into this and so you must take charge of every thing, your indifference towards me is only ruining the wh0le thing, I don’t know any thing about you and I don’t even know the name of the island you are taking me to, tell me if this won’t cause suspicion from your parents”I yelled at him and he stopped what he was doing to look at me

“What do you want to know” he asked

“Am not interested in knowing again, once they ask me some thing, I hope I don’t ruin it by giving them a wrong response and if that happens, it will be all your fault” i told him and then stood up to leave but I stopped when I felt him hold onto me

“Sit down, let me tell you more about myself and my island”he said.


I sat in the plane staying quiet, I didn’t know where to start in explaining to her about the place I grew up in, somewhere that has brought me pain and sadness.

I hærdly go back to the island mainly because of my mom who keeps on pushing me to marry Isabel and also because of the things I did and had to go through on that island.

Things that I know that if let out , it will Ruin me for good .


But I have no option now, I have to go back to get the company on its feet again and also to make it clear to my mom that I am not getting married to Isabel.

“I’m waiting “Emily said, jolting me back to reality.

I wish she wasn’t that interested in knowing where she is being taking to but with the little have learnt from watching her, you can tell that she wouldn’t give up until she knows where she is being taking to

“The name of my island is Cain” I said softly

“Cain! Why is an island named Cain?”She asked wistfully

“I don’t know, it had been called that way for generations and when my step father took over, he wasn’t allowed to change the name” I said softly

“Is it really beautiful” she asked and for the first time I saw her smile, her first real smile, still soaking in her beauty I found myself answering

“Yes, it’s very beautiful”I replied

“I look forward to seeing this beautiful island of yours” she said

“What about seeing my parents, remember that you are………”

“Going there to convince them about our marriage and also for them to believe that you married me because you are in love with me , I know you don’t have to tell me ” she finished for me

“Am glad you know, my step father is an easy going man and my mom is the one I will say Is a bit hærd to please, you will have to do your best in showing her that you are madly in love with me”I said

“And why should it be only me doing the work, why can’t you also do your best in showing her that you are madly In love with me” she asked

“Girls are the one who shows those type of emotions and so it’s only right that you show my parents and Isabel how much you love me ”

“You know one thing have learnt about you is that you always get to have the last word”She said

“Am glad you are learning things about me ” I replied and she gave me an angry glare

” Do you still want to know more about me?”I asked

“I don’t, you can keep it all to yourself”she said getting up

“Where are you going?” I asked

“To the room,this ride will be a wh0le lot better if I don’t get to see or talk to you”She said and went into the bedroom.

I sighed as I went back to doing my work, I hope that I don’t get to regret any of this and that I get to finish all my business there before Emily finds out things that are not supposed to be out.


Hand In hand we walked out of the island port.

Am still reeling from the shock of knowing that the little island Cafe had referred to this place as its own airport.

This is the first time I will be seeing an island that is well equipped and modernised

“Do you like it”Cade asked as we got into the limo that was waiting for us

“I must admit, it surpassed my imagination and it’s beautiful as you have said”I replied staring at the streets and buildings

“It almost looks like a little city,most Island doesn’t look like this”I said

“When my step father took over, he didn’t want the island to just be an island, he had a lot of hope for it, to make it known for it it’s name and greatness and he did achieve that”he said smiling wistfully

“And so now you are In charge of all this?”She asked

“Yes, I am in charge of everything, what! Now that you are seeing my city are you suddenly going to change your attitude towards me?” He asked

“And when you say changing my attitude ,do you mean that I will start to S-ck up to you because I know you are very rich?”I asked and he smiled

“Now let’s get one thing straight Brian, I agreed to do this for my parents and also to repay you back for the darn money I owe you, so be rest assured, I won’t be greedy for your money, even when am In pain, I won’t accept your money, you sc-m!”I said angrily

“A first from a lady !”He said softly

“With you it’s always first Emily, you are the first lady who is rejecting my money?”

“And you are the first guy who has made me think that all the guys consider the girls to be the same, well you better stop that, with this darn attitude I doubt if you will get a girl who will love you for who you are!” I said

Luckily we were in a limo and due to the partition, the driver will never get to hear our conversation.

“And are you sure that you won’t be that girl?”He asked so sudden and i stared at him

“What rubbish are you saying ” I asked

“Am glad that you gave me that response”he said

“You really are so full of yourself, well Mr Callaghan you can be rest assured that I will never fall for you”I said and continued to look at the scenery.



The car stopped and I knew that we had finally gotten to our destination.

He didn’t leave the car instead he sat still staring at me

“What’s wrong?”I asked

“Before we leave this car, I want to be sure that you are going to do this right?”He asked

“Have told you, I will do It, all you have to do is to lead and I will follow”I said

“That’s good, now let’s start our first charade, ” he said and before I knew what he had in mind, he k-ssed me .

I tried to push him away but he pulled me to him kssing me more intimately.

And then he let go of me and I pushed him away

“What is your problem?why do you kss me every chance you get”I said as I rubbed at my l-ips

“It’s for my family to see, if you go into that house looking like that they will think am too cold towards you and everyone knows that am a red blooded male and so my darling at every chance you get you will always be kssed by me and you will endure it even though you hate it” he said as he got out of his car

I took a deep breath and put a smile on my face and then I got out of the limo too.

The first thing I saw was how big the house was, big and lovely too, I thought as I kept on staring at it.

Just then Cade arm arms around me brought me back to reality.

I saw some people waiting by the door for us , some were the maids, you can tell by the uniform on them and then two women dressed in designer labels stood looking at us too.

One was old and the other was a pretty young blonde who kept on ogling Cade as ascend the stairs.

No one had to tell me that the old lady is Cade’s mother while the young girl is Isabel, the one Cade is to marry.

I couldn’t help but admire the girl’s beauty. Cade is a fool to reject her, I thought to myself.

“Cade darling”Isabel said as she ran towards us and before we knew it she jumped on him hugging him tight.

“Have missed you so much”she said and without warning she gave Cade a k-ss and I started the wh0le scene in surprise

Is she trying to show me that Cade is hers, if only she knew that I was least bothered by it.

Cade gently pulled her away and then he came to me and held my hand in his.

“Hello Mom, Isabel,I want you both to meet………..”

“She is of no importance, I bet she is a mistress who followed you here, don’t worry son, as soon as you are done with her, you can get married to Isa here ” his Mom said without a smile on her face.

It’s like she was dictating to one of her employees,I thought as I stared at her unsmiling face.


“That won’t be a possible mother because the girl you just said that is of no importance is my wife” Cade said and I saw the two ladies’ mouths drop open in shock.

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