Tempting The Devil

Tempting the devil episode 26 – 28

( Bounded With You )

By, Cisca. H.

Chapter 26:

When the door finally opened after a hell of two minutes, they entered the room.

Natalie gasped in amazement as she sighted the treasures stored in there.

” Wow, this is so beautiful.” Immediately he looked at her, and she realized what she had just said.

” So what now?” She asked him.

” That’s the treasure. ” He pointed to a glass box with a black box contained in it.

What’s in there? She thought to herself.

He took out his phone from his pocket, dialing in a number. ” Where are you?” He asked the receiver.

” I’m on my way.” Said the voice.

” Hurry up, we’ve got no time to waste. I’m at the second floor, meet me there.”

” Yes, boss.”

Not less than three minutes, the door opened, Tony walked in. Natalie was surprised to see him as well as Tony with a bag in his hand.

They never expected to meet each other… tonight. ” What are you doing here?” He asked in a whisper.

” It’s complicated and… it’s a long story. ” Tony gave her a questioning look, ” Not really complicated tho. ”

Draco was done packing the diamonds into the bag pack, replacing it with the fake ones which weren’t attractive like the original ones.

” Take it to the warehouse, I’ll meet you there any moment.” He said to Tony who took the bag from him.

He offered Natalie a glance with a soft smirk, before leaving. Natalie blushed that she didn’t notice Draco stare at her.

” Let’s get out of here.” He said to her, bringing her back to reality.

He pressed the numbers, causing the door to open, the made their way to the elevator.

” Now that you have the diamonds, what now?” She asked.

” We have to get the phone back to its owner. And you’re gonna do that. ”

Natalie scoffed. ” No way am I doing that again. ”

” Of course, you have to. You don’t expect me to do that myself, do you? It’s only gonna create suspicion and you know what that means.

Whatever game you played to get the phone, you’ll have to do the same to return it back. ”

She gave him a ‘ are you serious’ look. ” Whatever. ”

There was an uncomfortable silence between them… Silent Mood Activated.

The elevator stopped for a while, ” What just happened?” She asked.

” k-ss me.” He said, looking at Natalie who scoffed.

” You say what? ” She snapped.

” Just do it.”

” No way. You don’t expect I…” He paused her with a k-ss.

At first, Natalie’s eyes w¡dened in shock, her heart beating faster and faster as his white face came up to her own.

So she waited, listening for a moment longer to the tuning fork that had been struck upon a star. Then she k-ssed him.

His l-ips were soft, almost silken, and pillowy against hers. She could feel the soft tickle of his breath beneath her nose, fingers carding through her hair as they breathed each other in.

The elevator door opened, then a cough was heard. ” Uhm… Sorry. I’ll just wait.” Then the door closed back.

He broke the k-ss, slowly pulling his face off hers. Their eyes fixed to each other, and for a while Natalie thought she was dreaming.

” Sorry, that was the only way to get him distracted.”

” How did you know some one was coming? ” She asked in a low voice.

” I have a detector with me.”

The rest of their stay in the elevator became quiet that Natalie was praying they could just get to the ground floor already.

Finally the elevator door open and she didn’t hesitate, she walked ahead of him. ” I think I should have the phone now.”

He took it out from his side pocket, handing it to her. ” I’ll be waiting at the car.” He told her.

She left to the club arena, sitting on the same chair she had sat earlier with Gennaro.

This time she pretended like she was real busy with her phone, but was actually waiting for him to notice her.

” Finally, we meet again.” He said, k-ssing her cheek. ” I want you to meet my friends. Come on. ”

She knew this will end up happening. Guess it’ll be a lot difficult to have the phone put in it’s rightful place.

She wanted to say no but… ended up saying a ” yes” to him.

He held her hand as he took her to the section his friends sat. ” Guys, I wanna introduce to you all my lady for tonight.”

Natalie’s eyes w¡dened but she quickly replace it with a fake grin. ” Hi.” She said, frustrated.

” Come, join us.”

” Thank you.”

” You’ve gotten yourself a beautiful package, Gennaro. Where did you get her from?” Asked one of his friends.

” A gift from tonight. Guess I just got my first luck.” Turns to her. ” You take alcohol?” He ask her.

She shook, ” No, I don’t. ”

” You scared you might get drunk?”

She chuckled. “Nah, I’m allergic to the smell. ” She picked her phone from her purse, going through the phone settings.

She clicked on the ringtone, she made sure it was loud enough for him to hear. ” Excuse me, I gotta answer this.”

” Okay, I’ll be waiting.”

” Just a second. ” That was how she got herself freed from the bondage of Gennaro Lutor.

She left the building to where they packed cars. She searched around for his car, not having each other’s number would only makes things difficult.

Car light flashes on her, she covered her eyes from the rays, while it came forward to her direction.

She hopped in, ” what took you so long?” He asked, zooming out of the complex.

” It’s a long story.” He spared her a glance. ” And complicated. ”




Natalie stepped out of the car, making her way into the building. She can’t believe she helped a gangster lord… City of London’s most wanted for crying out loud!

And worst still, she helped him steal back what belongs to him. That wasn’t actually theft, or was it?

Guess she’s gonna write about herself too.

” Thank you.” She made her way to her room but stopped at his voice. If anyone would ever tell her that Drug Lords do show gratitude’s, she wouldn’t believe it.

” It’s nothing.” She forced herself to smile. ” Good night.” She left to her room.


She walked to the mirror, staring at herself. Her fingers grazed her l-ips, and it felt as if he was k-ssing her.

Is this all a dream? Or was it her thinking he actually did k-ssed her??

Like, it all happened in a second and then… Boom, there comes a k-ss.

She licked her l-ips, smiling like a psycho patient who just escaped the psychiatric hospital after a long attempts which went in vain.

He just k-ssed her?

And even if she never had a secret, this has turned out to be one.

( Bounded With You )

By, Cisca. H.

( A Short Chapter )

Chapter 27&28: THE DEAL.

Natalie ✓


I felt different since today and I haven’t been this scared of anything or anyone.

It was so strong, surpressed me that I couldn’t do any thing, not even to type down my article into the computer.

I spent half of my working time sleeping and the remaining few doing what again?… I don’t know.

Ruthie tapped my by my back, and I jerked up forcefully like I had a weird nightmare.

” Geez, come on, it’s me, Ruthie. You look…” She paused, studying her face. ” Have you been awake through out the night? ” She asked.

I managed to nod my head. ” Trying to work on the article. Now, I’m feeling so lazy to type it. ” I said dully.

” You look stressed out, and it’s all over your face. You really need to get some rest. ”

” I know, but I don’t think I can. ”

” Why not? ” She questioned.

” I’ve got to submit this before the day ends, and I haven’t even made the title yet. ”

” Okay, don’t worry about typing it, I’ll help you. ”

” Ruthie no I… ”

” I’m not complaining. I’ll just take it to my desk while you continue with your… sleep. ”

As soon as she left, immediately I dropped my head back on my desk, dozing off in a count of three.


The next minute it was already getting dark. Ruthie came to wake me up, and I packed my stuffs to get going.

” Wh..” I yawned tiredly. ” How about my article?” I asked as trailed to the elevator.

” I’m done typing and it’s with Mr Thompson. ”

Natalie rose her dull eyebrow up, ” how long? ”

” Hours?” She pressed the last button which led to the ground floor.

” Hours? Why didn’t anyone wake me up? Damn, Mr Thompson is gonna question me tomorrow. ” She grunted.

” Hey, ” she touched her hand. ” every thing is alright and no one is gonna question you tomorrow. I told him what he needed to know. ”

” What did you tell him? ”

” The truth. ” The elevator stopped with a beeping sound. It opened and they made their way out of the elevator out of the building.

She grunted again. ” Tell me you didn’t tell him I’ve been sleeping all day ”

” Of course not, why would I say such to him? Well, I told him you were having a little fever and you’re currently on drugs now. So I had to type it all myself. ”

” You’re a pretty good liar, and you know that. ”

” Everyone says that. ”

Natalie and Ruthie went to one of the restaurant to eat some thing for dinner.

Natalie had to use that means to get her shattered strength together. With the energy drink she took, she was hoping for a good effect.

” Look, Nat, you need to get a cold shower and a good night sleep. Honestly, I don’t like the way you’ve been dull and quiet lately. I understand, that’s why I need you to get some rest.”

” I’ll try my best. ”

” Mm-mmm. Don’t try your best, just do it. Besides, your so-called cousin won’t query you for sleeping early, or will he? ”

” My cousin might sound and look bad but, he isn’t so stupid to the point of depriving me from my sleep. ”

” Better. ” Her phone rang and she picked it. ” Hey, aunty. ” After a short while, she said ” Okay, give me a minute. Yeah, bye. ”

She dropped it in her bag. ” Is there a problem? ” I asked, noticing how she rushed on her remaining meal.

” Yeah, my aunt got a call from her office. She said she will be leaving in the next five minutes and she needs someone to check after her son. ”

” Oh, okay then. Let’s get going. ” I left my remaining meal while Ruthie made sure she ate at least more than some thing from it.

Honestly, I wasn’t hungry. I it wanted a chilled drink to get my lost strength back. I’m still wondering how to cope with driving both Ruthie and myself home.

Finally, we got to her aunt’s place. She had to repeat the same sermon again. ” Take a nap and don’t forget to take a cold shower before that. ”

” I will. ”

” I’ve got eyes on you, so I’m gonna caught you when you don’t do any of these.

” I’ve heard you.” She shut the door after me, waving continuously.

” Don’t forget!” She yelled as I started the car.

” I won’t.” Zooming off.

I was driving slower than normal because when I say I ain’t getting myself now, I’m damn serious.

I was about to make a turn to the last street which led to the Luciano’s mansion, a car barged at my front.

I matched the brake forcefully, causing the car to half with a great force that my head hit the edge of the steering wheel.

I rose my head up, the spinning sound alarming from the wound on my forehead made me feel dizzy and pain the more.

They all hopped out of the black car, coming to my direction. One of them opened the door, pulling me out.

I wish I could see them clearly but I couldn’t, every where was dark to even see my feet.

Only the dim reflection of the street light and the car head light which made it possible for me to see their figure.

” W… who are you?” I asked faintly.

” Take her to the car.”

” No… No. No!” I struggled with the little strength I had. When I saw I wouldn’t make it free from their grip, I bit one of them by the wrist.

” F*ck!” He yelled angrily, back slapping me and his hand hit my nose so hærd.

” Arrhhh!!” I scre-med in pains, touching my nose to feel something cold and liquid rolling out of it.

The other guy opened the door while he dragged me by my hair, tossing me to the back seat. ” Get us out of here.”

I didn’t stop struggling despite how much they have hurt me, but it all settled down when they had a handkerchief placed on my nose.

I dozed off.


I woke up to the stingy pains on my forehead, gro-ning painfully as I try touching it but was stopped by the chain tied around my both wrists.

” F*ck!” I realized I was tied against a chair, I wouldn’t dare make it out even if I have to struggle a million times.

I sighed in frustration. ” F*cking hell.” I cursed.

For the second time I was ambushed for no reason at all. Won’t be surprise if it has to do with another gangster leader.

Speaking of a gangster leader, here comes the devil from the complex hall. Gennaro Lutor.

“Hello, beautiful. It’s been a long time.” He stressed the words. ” You do remember me, don’t you? ”

I was wondering why the bad guys who is after Draco always have me first, then their victim sits his ass at home not really concerned.

” If course you do remember me at the club two nights ago. I never thought you were so smart to t-rn on your ringtone.

I know what you did, that’s why I brought you hear. You might be smart, but not so smart enough. So, I’m gonna ask you, where is my diamonds? ”

I didn’t say a word to him, only sparing him more than enough glances.

” I ask again, where did you take my diamonds to? I know you stole it,” when he saw I wasn’t making any reaction, he smirked.

” Or else you aren’t the one who stole it, you were actually helping some one to take it instead. So tell me, who is this person you could risk your life for to steal my phone? ”

Even if he was gonna ask for the tenth time, I will still not give him a damn answer.

” Talk to me! Do you know how much that cost? It’s worth a million to have you sold a thousand times!! ” He stormed, rubbing his hair to the back.

” I won’t ask you again, and if you don’t give me an answer, I won’t hesitate to strangle your throat in halves. Who the heck were you helping and where the heck did you take my treasures to? ”

” Death?” Scoffs, chuckling. ” You think that word scares me? You don’t know how long I’ve wanted to die,and strangling me will be the most generous offer you’d ever give to me.

And do you know what I just realized, if you kill me, the truth will die with me. And there’ll be no one to help you get it back.”

” What are you trying to say?”

” If you want to have the diamonds back, then you need my help.”

” Why will I trust you?”

” Because he’s the son to my father’s best friend and I know a lot about him more than anyone.”

After a thoughtful while, he said. ” Fine, I accept your help. I give you forty eight hours to bring me the diamonds. If I don’t see it until then, both you and the one you helped will suffer for this.” He threatened.

” Why don’t we make it a deal then?” She suggested.

” Deal.”


Hold on… Wats Natalie up to🤔

To Be Continued…

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