The Bad Boy Has A Daughter

The Bad Boy Has A Daughter episode 34 – 35

The Bad Boy Has A Daughter

By Chimdi Jane Samuel

Chapter Thirty-Four.

*Noah’s point of view*

My lungs were closing up. The smoke was becoming too much for my respiratory system to handle and I coughed loudly, trying to open my eyes too look at Anna but she was took unconscious, and the smoke she was inhaling wasn’t helping issues.

“I’m sorry Noah. But I had to do this” Theo said, taking a step backwards before looking at the fire that was surrounding us. The fire had almost covered the wh0le room, only in a few more minutes, it would get to the tanker I was handcuffed to and everywhere was going to explode. Anna was still hanging off the chains from the roof. The fire burning just beneath her.

I wanted to cry, I badly wanted to cry. Anna was going to die because of me. Because of me!

“Theo please in God’s name I beg you. Leave me here all you want. But please let Anna go. Please” I pleaded watching the flames go higher and higher.

I struggled my hand out of the handcuffs, but it wouldn’t bulge, I tried h-rder, scre-ming curses at Theo but he stood there, watching the flames, I could see the pain in his eyes. But the hatred was still visible.

I couldn’t look, I hit the handcuffs, gro-ning loudly in pain. But it didn’t even crack. With frustration I scre-med loudly, leaving the tears to run down my face.

I was defeated, there was no use fighting anymore, this was the end of the road for me. I never got to do anything in my life, I dedicated the last three years of my life racing to pay my father’s debt, and the little sunlight and sourse of happiness that I had found was about to be taken away from me.

I just met Anna a week ago, bad Casey too. I don’t even had the chance to bond with Casey, and the last thing I had told Anna was that I hated her. I regretted my actions that day. If only I hadn’t been so angry with her then Theo wouldn’t have gotten her.

“I’m sorry Noah, but I had to do this” Theo said, before walking away leaving us in the midst of the fire, I glanced up to see Anna was waking up.

My heart perked up, and she coughes, looking around, fear closed those hazel eyes and she struggled, looking at the fire beneath her.

“Hey!” I chocked out, Anna eyes found mine and I saw the relief in them for a moment before the fear took over.

“Noah! What’s going on? It’s Theo, he was the one!”

“I know” I said, bowing my head in shame, before staring back at her.

“I’m scared Noah, I don’t want to die” She cried, struggling out of the chains, but it felt as if the fire knew and rose higher causing Anna to scre-m at the heat.

“Anna! Look at me! Look over here, don’t look at the fire, just look at me. There’s something I want to tell you. And I need your eyes on me, me only”

Anna stopped struggling, and locked her eyes with mine, I could see the tears glittering in her eyes.

“The first day I met you, that day in the alley. I had seen you before you walked up to me. I was bleeding because of an accident during the race, stupid Ryder. I couldn’t take my eyes off you. You looked so angry talking to someone on the phone, and beneath all that anger the beauty there was shocking. And I thought that was it but when you walked up to me, those eyes, sparkling hazel eyes, rendered me motionless as I got lost in them. You looked so concerned, you didn’t even care if I was a serial killer, no, you took me in and treated me. And then that k-ss we shared that day. My heart stopped beating for that moment”

I saw a tear fall from Anna’s face and into the fire that she had forgotten was there, she stared at me and I felt the love radiating from her.

“And when I was transferred to your school. I couldn’t help but Wonder if I’d see you again. But luck was on my side and when I saw you my heart leapt with joy. Then Casey came..”

My heart ached. “You treated her as if she were yours, you didn’t detest her, most girls don’t want that kind of responsibility, but you didn’t care. You got us things, you sacrificed yourself to save her. I couldn’t be more grateful. Thanks to Ryder for injuring me that day if not I’d never have met someone as wonderful as you. Without you I feel lost, like a sail in the middle of the ocean with no direction. You complete me Anna, you make me wh0le, you make me want to give up on all these and be with you. I love you Anna, I love you with all my heart and all my soul”

“Oh Noah” Anna cried, “I love you too, I always have and I always will. Even in death Noah, my heart belongs to you” She said.

And for a moment it felt as if everything had stopped and the fire was no more seen, I couldn’t feel the heat penetrating its way through my flesh as I got lost in Anna’s eyes.

It was over.

“So there was a family reunion and no one cared to invite me” A voice called out, breaking me and Anna’s moment.

I turned to it’s direction, seeing a figure step into the warehouse, he looked the same, black hair with white streaks, green eyes, tall frame.

“Dad?” I asked softly. Not believing who I was seeing.

“Hello son” He said, coming to my side, he glanced at the handcuffs and took out a screw driver from his pockets.

“No! Get Anna first” I turned to Anna and she looked surprised as well.

My dad went to the lever and twisted it to the right so the chains moved towards his direction, before slowly dropping to the floor in front of him.

“What are you doing here? How did you know?” I breathed a sigh of relief as I saw my dad pick a chainsaw from the floor before turning to Anna.

“Stay still” he commanded then started it. Anna shook a little, closing her eyes in fear.

The chainsaw broke the padlock, causing the chains to fall off. Anna ran to me almost immediately, my dad following behind her.

“I came to give Theo the last money, and see you. But Ryder said you were here, so I decided to see you first. I’m sorry son”

“You left me, you didn’t turn back. Why?”

My handcuffs came off next and I picked Anna hugging her, feeling her close to me, before picking my l-ips with hers.

It felt like my heart had started working again, and it’s best increased, sparkles flew and even in the midst of the fire I felt cold ice run down my spine.

“I love you, Noah”

“I do too” I breathed out.

“Uhm, guys as much as I love you guys k-ssing and stuff, we have to get out of here” My dad said, taking my arm, I held unto Anna, I wasn’t going to loose her again.

“Be careful, don’t step there” he announced, taking us through the heat, as we walked through the parts that weren’t totally consumed by fire.

Anna coughed, squeezing my hand, I looked at her and her hazel eyes were blood shut.

“Hold on, it’s just for a little longer” I encouraged, stuffing back the cough rising in my throat, my eyes were watery and I could hærdly breathe.

“What happened?” My dad asked, pushing away a burning wood with his feet.

“It was Theo, he never really forgave you for running away with the cars. He was going to kill us to get back at you for Mira’s death”

“Why did you leave us dad, I race everyday to pay for your crimes, Anna was in this message because of you!”

“What?” My dad turned to me obviously confused. “I send about a thousand dollars to Theo every month to give you so you could give Drew. But I guess he never told you that. I came here to pay the last thousand dollars, and take you away from here”

After a few minutes, we came outside and Anna rushed to the side coughing seriously, i wanted to walk up to her but my dad Drew me back.

“I swear Noah. I gave Theo the money to give you. I would never leave you with the burden of paying Drew back. I would never do that to you”

I couldn’t speak. I was too shocked. My dad had been giving Theo the money to give me, and Theo never mentioned anything about it. He still allowed me to race and risk my life. He wanted to kill me, Anna and even Casey. Even after taking Everything.

But I didn’t have the time to reply because I saw the car first, the black car I had seen earlier, running towards Anna with a high speed. But she was too busy coughing and trying to regain her breathing to notice it.

“Nooo!!” I scre-med, running towards her and pushing her out of the way, but I wasn’t so lucky as the car hit me sending me over it.

My bones broke and my body felt light as it flew over the car before landing on the floor with a thud.

I couldn’t hear, I was still seeing the flames eating up the warehouse and the black car had stopped, I could see Anna running towards me.

I could feel the heat of the flames here, and the pains that travelled through every inch of my body causing me to remain motionless on the ground.

Then my eyes couldn’t take it anymore, it shut itself even when I tried, but my body was too tired, to tired from all these.

The last thing I felt was Anna’s tears on my face before I gave in finally to the darkness.

Hey guys, I’m literally wiping off the tears off my face right now.

Just when help had arrived being Noah’s dad, and rescued then from the fire, of course Theo wouldn’t just leave like that and wanted to run over Anna, but Noah saw it pushed her  away leaving to the pain that was to come.

Would he survive?

Chapter Thirty-Five.
*Anna’s point of view*
“NOAH!!!!!” I scre-med, running towards him, my heart had increased it’s beating by a million miles per second.
Crashing into the ground, I saw that Noah’s couldn’t move and he coughed out blood. His body was twisted in a weird position, his next slightly turned in a bad angle.
“Noah! Stay with me please!” I scre-med, placing my hand on his chest.
But Noah couldn’t breathe and he gasped for breath, coughing out blood. His eyes closing little by little.
Oh God! “Noah!” He didn’t reply and his eyes closed shut.
“Noo!” I cried, shaking him slightly but he didn’t buldge.
Behind me, Theo had come out of the car and was currently fighting with Noah’s dad.
“Noah! Wake up please!” I cried h-rder, not being able to fight back tears.

After everything we’ve been through, he can’t die!
No! Not after everything. No f-cking way.
“Stop crying Anna, this was part of your test. What do you do when someone has been hit by a car?” I wiped my tears, asking myself and trying to remember what my aunt has taught me.
“Firstly observe the person” Noah’s body, neck especially was aligned in a bad position. That means he had a spinak injury.
He wasn’t breathing, and blood was blocking his airways.
I knelt down, wiped my tears amd avoided moving Noah.
“First I need to deal with the breathing. I can’t move his head or body so as not to cause serious complications.” I placed my palm on Noah’s jaw and tilted it upwards, and hit his chest very hærd.
He didn’t stir, I hit it again. No response.
“Come on Noah, breathe!” I slammed my fist to his chest for the third time.
No response.
“Noah! Breathe! Breathe! You f-cking idiot!”
Still no response. The tears came back and I swallowed it in. Hitting his chest h-rder.
He coughed, blood sprout out if his mouth, and his eyes opened.

I didn’t stop the wave of teras that ran out of my eyes as I sighed in relief, k-ssing Noah on the l-ips.
“I’ve been waiting for that” Noah smiled softly before wincing in pain.
Ok, first stage over. “Don’t move Noah, stay with me, keep your eyes on me. I’m going to get you to the hospital”
“It hurts, my wh0le body hurts” He said, gro-ning in pain and discomfort. “Don’t call the ambulance please. They are going to call the police and arrest me. Please”
“I’ll call my the hospital. Don’t move let me get my phone from Theo.” I said getting up, but Noah grasped my hand.
“Don’t go anywhere near him.” He said, pleading with his eyes.
“I have to. I can’t let you die. Of you remain like this for another second, you’ll die. And i can’t loose you”
Noah tried to move but I stopped him. “Stay still, I’ll be right back”
I stood up, walking towards Theo and Noah’s dad who were in a serious fight that included fist and small knives. From the look of things Noah’s dad was winning.
“Stop this Theo, what has taken over you?” Noah’s dad was asking as he threw the older man to the ground.
“Mira’s death, you assh-le. It’s all your fault” Theo retaliated by hitting Noah’s dad to the face and he stumbled backwards.
They continued fighting and Drew closer to the burning warehouse. If they weren’t careful, they could both end up in the fire.
Theo landed another solid punch to Noah’s dad face and he fell to the ground, clenching his jaw in pain.
“You know, you’ve always been a coward. Why didn’t you come here yourself to give Drew the money huh? You gave me? After everything, you thought I’ll just happily give it to Drew so Noah would go Scot free. You’re pathetic” Theo said, pushing Noah’s dad closer to the fire.
“I tried making up for my mistakes, I felt sorry for what I did. I wanted to make things right” He kicked Noah’s dad, before stomping on his leg and I heard a crack.
Noah’s dad scre-med loudly, drawing his leg back, but he couldn’t move, and just behind him the fire was already eating at his clothes.

I had to do something. Or else Noah’s dad was going to die.
Glancing around, I found a large stick. I picked it up and slowly made my way to the two arguing men.
Noah’s dad saw me and decided to keep the conversation going. To give me time to hit Theo.
“I didn’t mean for Mira to die”
“Of course, you only cares about your f-cking self, you pathetic piece of shit. And now you’re going to die, just like your son over there” As Theo turned, I slammed the stick to his face and he staggered, closing his eyes before I kicked him into the fire.
“Noooooooo!!” He scre-med.
“Nobody messes with my boyfriend and goes free” I said, watching him engulf in flames and his scre-ms ended.
I breathed loudly, trying to find the strength to look away. But I couldn’t, until Theo’s body fell to the ground and wasn’t seen again.
“Remind me never to piss you off” Noah’s dad said, trying to get on his feet but failing miserably.
“I forgot to take my phone” I realised, the reason I had come in the first place.

“How’s Noah?”
“He’s fine, for now. I think he broke his neck or spine. He needs medical attention immediately.
I couldn’t call an ambulance because they could arrest Noah and we needed to get out of here before the fire fighters arrive.
“Wait, I could call my aunt, give me your phone” I ran to Noah’s dad, and he fished out his phone.
“Is she a nurse?”
“She has a small clinic, she has nothing to do with the authorities because her clinic is small. It isn’t even a hospital. But she can help”
I dialed her number, she picked immediately.
“Hello?” Came her soft voice.
“Aunt, it’s Anna, are you still at the clinic?”
“Where the hell have you been? I’ve been calling you since forever and you’re not home. If you don’t gi–”
“I’m on my way, my boyfriend was involved in an accident and I need your help”

“Wait? You have a boyfriend. Anna waht happened to telling me things, you bet–”
I hung up immediately, rushing to Noah. Who was breathing very slowly, but his eyes were opened, in obvious pain.
“Hey, I’m taking you to my aunt’s clinic. Me and your dad are going to move you gently okay?”
“What of Theo?” Noah asked, searching my face for any sort of injury.
“He’s dead. Hey Noah’s dad, I need your help. Think you can walk with one foot”
Noah’s dad gro-ned, before trying to stand again, he steadied himself on one foot before hopping over to us.
Noah locked eyes with his dad. And even if he didn’t say it, I saw the appreciation in his eyes.
“What do you want me to do?”
“I need you to hold his legs in a firm position, I’ll hold his neck then we’ll raise him up together, at the same time. Then take him to the car, and lay him to his side.”
Noah’s father nodded before picking Noah’s leg, he gro-ned again, shutting his eyes.
“It’s ok Noah, it’s just going to hurt a little” I said softly, putting the phone in my pocket and holding his head. “Ok, at the count of three, we’ll raise him up. At the exact same time”
Noah’s dad nodded, then peered a glance at his son. He didn’t say anything and I saw the pain, despair and regret in his eyes.

“One. Two. Three” We picked Noah up and I almost stumbled at his weight. But after all what we’ve been through I had become stronger.
Noah’s dad bit his l-ips drawing blood because of his injured leg. But he didn’t complain. And in a few seconds, we had Noah at the back of his vehicle. A red car o didn’t even know he owned.
I looked at Noah and saw him closing his eyes. I checked his pulse and saw he was still breathing, but slowly.
I had to get to the clinic fast.
“Can you drive?” I asked Noah’s dad, who was getting into the driver’s seat.
He laughed, and I went in, shutting the door.
“Where do you think Noah learnt how to drive?” He asked, smirking before starting the engine.
I turned to Noah, and he was already unconscious again.
Hang in there, Noah. You’re gonna be ok.
Hey guys. Theo is dead! Who is happy now?

Also Noah is still really injured and being taken to the clinic. Thank God for Anna, she’s one brave, brilliant and strong character.

Let’s just hope Noah doesn’t have any complications at the clinic, also Casey still hasn’t showed up. We don’t know what’s going over there with her and Drew.

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