A Little Touch Of Roses

A Little Touch Of Roses episode 23

โฃ๏ธ Love before reading โฃ๏ธ

๐ŸŒน๐ŸŒน๐ŸŒน A Little Touch Of Roses ๐ŸŒน๐ŸŒน๐ŸŒน

๐Ÿฅ€๐Ÿฅ€๐Ÿฅ€ Kemmy B. Gabriel ๐Ÿฅ€๐Ÿฅ€๐Ÿฅ€

๐Ÿ™„ Do me a favor and don’t copy my work, except you are paying me to do it. ๐Ÿ™„

๐ŸŒน Chapter Twenty-three: confession and revelation ๐ŸŒน

Zedekiah’s standpoint

How more confuse can one get? How more shattered can one be? How long can one fight with their mind, spirit, heart and body? Who would win? They say mind over matter is a way to overcome a lot of things, but can it win when it’s divided into two? Can it win when they are at war? My subconscious agreed with my heart, body and spirit, but my logical mind refused to accept it. It was four against one, the obvious winner was there.

I wanted to let her go, I so badly wanted. But she wasn’t making it easy for me, not at all. I ran away from the party halfway through it. At first, I just watched from a distant, watched how easy she played with Dean, Jake, and his remaining friends. How she danced with Darra and Odin, how they touched her and she didn’t mind. Although their girlfriends mind and ended up pulling them apart, the minutes they spent together was enough to rip me apart with jealousy. She even sat on Cedric’s laps at one period as they talked for real!

I couldn’t handle the jealousy, the pain at the fact that she would never be like that with me, she would never be happy with me. The depression came back too hรฆrd, so I left my own pool house for them. Yes, I said my own. I own the place and it was just for throwing pool parties or relaxing with the guys.

When I came back, I did the only thing that could take my mind off her, I worked. Ended up writing a heartbreaking song, but I still worked. And just when I was building my mental wall again to convince myself that it was best to let her go, she came down to me when no one else did. Rosita literally dragged me to my room, locked me in,side and took the keys. Though I got out early with the spare, I went to sleep with a smile because I knew she cared. Once again, my wall had fallen.

I was faced with the sad reality that no matter how hรฆrd I try to build it up, the moment I see her, it would fall. The only way was not to see her, but again, I would die if I don’t see her. True fact, I almost lost my mind when I couldn’t see her because I didn’t go to school. And before I knew it, I was making a foolish decision and sleeping with someone other than her. Not that she would ever let me have her. Everything was easier when I was blinded by hate. Everything was so much easier!

Another problem! I couldn’t stop seeing her b-obs in my head! It made me sleep soundly, but since it was morning, it was starting to torture me. I touched it once, so I knew how it felt to a limit. I could stay in bed with her for the rest of my life if she let me touch her… Wait, what the hell!

Zedekiah! I said no thinking! Don’t think about her and you will not remember her!

But isn’t you trying not to think about her so you won’t remember her part of remembering since you keep reminding yourself to forget someone imprinted at the very core of your mind?

I started laughing like a mad man. I picked up the knife on the kitchen island and looked at my chest, holding the knife to it. “Hey, you, better behave yourself, really. You see this knife? If you misbehave, I will stab you. Don’t try me, don’t you dare continue to encourage the rest of you, discourage them by coming over to my side. If you keep proving stubborn, I will kill you before you even think about killing me.”

I raised my head to see Sakura at the refrigerator, frozen with the door open as she stared at me with amusement, the cup halfway frozen to her l-ips.

Oh dear.

I grinned toothily. She made a face, a “what a weirdo” face before quietly shutting the refrigerator door and scurrying out as if I would infect her with my madness. I rolled my eyes and went back to threatening my heart. I was still making the threat when the object of my threat swayed her amazing hยกps into the kitchen.

Rosita’s eyes were baggy and slightly red, but she still looked breathtaking even in exhaustion. She wore Odin’s shirt, one that stopped almost to her mid thighs. Jealousy, I was feeling it again. Rosita paused from her stretching yawn when she saw me. I remembered then that I still had a knife to my chest.

“I don’t even wanna know,” she said dismissively and continued her swaying.

Oh wow, is this ass?

She went to the cabinets and stood on the tip of her toes, making the shirt pull up more. Not only was she one of the descendant of the full-br-asted goddess, she was also from the lineage of The Booty King.

This, is why I shouldn’t let her go. If I left her, all these would be for no one else.

Wait, no one else… That’s it! That’s absof-ckinglutely it!

I don’t know why I didn’t think about it sooner, maybe because I was drowned in the thought of her never wanting me. I forgot that Rosita was given a condition, to be with me or no one else. Even at thirty, she was only to get an heir and never a boyfriend except if me. I had the advantages. If she doesn’t fall for me, I still get her anyways.

Rosita is mine either way!

Isaac’s standpoint

Sakura walked back into my room, a creeped out expression on her face. At first, I thought she would freak out when she woke up in my arms, in my bed, but she didn’t. She only greeted me and left. She was acting too calm, too nice. It was scaring the shit out of me.

“Can I ask you a question?” She asked as she shut the door quietly.


“Does Zedekiah have any psychiatric condition or psychiatrical record?” I gave her a confuse look, “I just saw him pointing a knife at himself and threatening to stab his heart. Should I be worried for our safety?”

I chuckled. It wasn’t a first. Zed did that a lot. “No, we are all safe,” she still looked creeped out as she joined me in the bed. “Are you okay?”

“Just creeped out,”

“Are you sure?” She raised her brow at me, “you usually hate me but you have been acting different around me lately,”

“So I should hate you then…”

“No! That’s not what I’m saying…”

“Then what are you saying then?” She interjected with a hiss, “Isaac, I’ve been trying to understand why you left me, especially after I realised that you didn’t lie to me when you said you loved me. Did you lie? Am I reading it wrong? Tell me the truth, Isaac, did you ever love me at all?”

“You know I did,” I murmured sadly and sighed.

“Do I? Because the last time I checked, you dumped me,” she gritted her teeth with the anger I was well too use to, “this is the only chance I’m giving you, Isaac, tell me why you left me.”

It wasn’t my fault, it wasn’t my fault I left her. Any guy in my shoes would have done it. The only mistake I made was not seeing through her lies, not paying attention to the signs on the wall. I’d been so afraid because I believed I would never get a chance to redeem myself, but Sakura was sitting in front of me, ready to forgive me if I give her a good reason to.

And I would.

“Remember that time I called you? The reason why you actually got punished?” I swallowed the nervous lump in my throat as she nodded. “I never told you the real reason why I was crying. That day, I was crying because I was broken, I didn’t know what to do, didn’t want to let you go but I had to. My mother had been trying to get me to date her best friend’s daughter, to strengthen their bond, but I had repeatedly told her that I was in love with and dating someone else. She stopped disturbing me for a month, and I thought she gave up, but I was wrong,”

“I got a call that my mother collapsed, she was rushed to the hospital. According to the doctors, she had an untreatable brain tumor,” tears ran down my cheeks as I remembered that day. I ran out of a concert to meet her. I felt like my world was crashing because the most important woman in my life was in a hospital. I couldn’t think, I couldn’t see anything else that the path leading to the hospital. Then the doctors broke the sad heartbreaking news.

Nothing made sense to me. I cried and wanted to take her place, wished so badly to take her place so she wouldn’t have to face death. I loved her, I believed her. My mother was the one person I loved the most. It was like being told you are going to die because that is practically how it was to me. I wanted to do anything, anything at all that would save her or at least make her last days worth it. So when she wished that I date her friend’s daughter, when she told me to break the heart of the second person I value, I agreed.

“She made a wish, that I…I…I…should leave you and be with her friend’s daughter, her last wish. I was going to do it, even if you were the second most valuable person to me. I cried, I did plead that she made another request, that if she does die, I needed you to survive it. But she refused and blankly told me she would never forgive me even in death if she doesn’t see us together. That day, I was crying because I came to break up with you but couldn’t. I didn’t want to let you go, I didn’t want to hurt you. I decided to just ignore you until you get the message, but when the opportunity to break up with you without saying the words directly came, I foolishly took it.”

I cleaned the tears from my cheeks as I laughed painfully. “I did what she asked, I dated her. I spent a wh0le year in pain, k-ssing and sleeping with someone I felt nothing for. When I saw her getting better like I was told, I thought my agreeing was making her fight h-rder. The doctors told me everyday that my fighting with her caused her to think a lot, therefore the brain tumor. I wasn’t a doctor, so I didn’t know what they said was bullshit. All I wanted to do was obey her more so she would get better. I became a slave to please her and her friend. The girl I was dating was even controlling me by threatening to report me to my mother anytime I didn’t do what she wanted. I thought that would stress mom so I obeyed. One year, Sakura, one year of hell!”

Sakura suddenly and surprisingly pulled my head down to her chest as she sobbed. She knew how much I loved my mother, what I would do for her and knew where the story was heading. “It hurt, Sakura, it really hurt to live like that. My own mother didn’t see my pain, didn’t care about what I was going through, how I cried myself to sleep. I was alone, miserable and thought about taking my life but did not because I feared it would kill her. All to find out later that she was never sick, she never had a tumor, she lied to me,” I cried bitterly.

“The woman I loved most toyed with my feelings because she knew she could. For a wh0le year, Sakura, She tortured me with no care. As long as she was happy, nothing else mattered. And my father knew but went along with the plan. I lost you because of them, I lost everything that made me, me because of her. I hate her! I hate her existence and…” I choked on my tears as the woman I left cradled me in her arms.

That day, I was going to check on my mother, to see if she was okay. She wasn’t in her room, but her drugs were scattered on the bed. She never let me touch them for some reason, but I never questioned her. Something pushed me to check and I did. The different containers were filled with pills alright, coloured pills that just didn’t look right. I don’t know what pushed me to, but I tasted three and they were candies.

At first, I was confuse, so I went looking for her. She was in her gazebo, on the phone with her friend with back turned to me so she didn’t see me coming. I stood there paralysed by shock and betrayal as the woman I cared for the most ripped my heart apart with her cheerful laugh and conversation of how I would never find out and how she would ask me to propose to the daughter in public so I wouldn’t be able to call it off. Did she care about my age? What I really wanted to do with my life or who I truly wanted? No, she didn’t, not until she turned around and saw me there.

“I couldn’t approach you again, I was too afraid to. You hated me so much, so I thought staying away was better. Sakura, I’m sorry I hurt you, I’m sorry I broke my promises…”

“I forgive you, I forgive you, Bunny, and I am never letting you go or feel such pain again. Just this time, try not to let me go either.”

Never, I would rather die.

๐ŸŒน Rosita’s standpoint ๐ŸŒน

I arranged my hair as I walked into the living room, temporarily froze at Sakura and Isaac making out on the couch, before shaking it off and looking to the other side to see Odin and Meena. Yet again at another corner, Yuki and Darra. I blinked weirdly. It was like the time I walked in on Alvin and Cedric. And just like the other time, Zed came to my rescue.

He pulled me and dragged me along, leading me out of the house as he chuckled. I was slightly dazed from the Sakura part. That was fast and unexpected.

“You really need to stop walking in on people like that,”

“They were in the living room, unavoidable,” I defended sharply, which only made him chuckle more. “Where are we going?” I asked when he beeped his car open.

“I’m dropping you home, or do you have a ride?”

“Of course I do. Sakura drove me here with her bike, and I can easily send for my car. Plus, I can’t leave without Sakura, Mom would snap my neck,”

“Just get in,” he said as he pushed me into the passenger seat. I scoffed and folded my arms.

“I’m only sitting because you begged me to,” he bent down, hummed me a reply as he lifted my legs into the car before he stood up and slam the door shut. I don’t know where the excitement was coming from, but I felt like jumping out of the seat with joy.

Admit it, girl, you like him.

I do not.

Mm hm.

I scoffed, just as he shut the door from his own side. I turned to get my seatbelt, but he told me he wanted to do it for me and then did. I noticed how he lingered close to my l-ips before pulling away, creeping the hell out of me.

Okay, odd.

He started the car and drove off, occasionally glancing at me and making me uncomfortable. Maybe he finally decided to kidnap me and cut open my body to sell my org-ns…

Rosita, you are Altansarnai, stop being weird!

“Okay,” I said under my breath, shifting slightly on the chair. I crossed my leg and faced the window, spying at him from the corner of my eyes.

“I told your mother that you arrived in Japan two days ago…” That made my head snap to him, “and we are meeting her this evening,” he added coolly. I didn’t fail to notice how his eyes glanced at my legs, and how he ran his tongue over his l-ips… Or maybe I’m just seeing things.

“Okay?” I asked in confusion, turning back to the window.

“So I’m dropping you at my own house so you can change?”

“No, I have a penthouse, though not here in Shinjuku, but in Shibuya,”

“Hmm, it will take a while to get there,”

“Not long if we take my car,” I didn’t know why, but I winked at him. He saw it and chuckled.

“My car is better,”

I gasped, “excuse me?! Does your car have three different kind of nitros? Three different kind of gas? Built in weapons, hover system, submarine functions and the ability to turn into a rocket? Tell me, Zedekiah, does your own baby have automatic guns and bombs?” I boasted.

“Sometimes, I think you are some kind of assassin,” my heart skipped a beat. I snorted as a cover up and waved him off. “Fine, we’ll take yours, but mine is still better.”

I turned and smirked at him. “I think it’s high time I introduce you to my best friend, Romi,”


Hours later and I was driving back to the meeting sโ‚ฑ0t with Zedekiah still begging me to give him my car. Remember I said he loves cars. Since he rode in it, he hadn’t stopped begging me to exchange cars. I wasn’t going to give him after deleting some dangerous function, but first, I gloat.

He parked the car in the quiet park we were meeting at. I wore a jersey white dress with a mess layer, tied a denim jacket around my wa-ist and completed the look with chinoiserie printed pointed peep boots that stopped right below my calves. I let my rosegold hair descend down in it luscious wavy glory, though in a chic ponytail updo. I let the hair frame my face and partially cover one side of my face, so it would be more difficult for mother to recognise me. Then I wore shade just to be extra sure. I had tassel earrings dangling down my ears and gold hinged and cross over bracelets on my left wrist and a wristwatch on my right.

“Not fidgeting,” Zed whispered. He was staying back at the car to pretend like he forgot something so I would have some time alone with her.

He really loves my mother.


“I know, thank you,” after breathing down a little, I followed his direction to where I would find her. Mom was pacing under a banana tree when I sโ‚ฑ0tted her. I put on my best smile, cleared my throat and called out to her with a very light American accent.

“Hey! Okaasan!” I shouted, waving at her. She turned her head to me, in a way I feared her neck would snap. Mom gasped and raced over to me. “Kon ban wa, Okaasan,” I greeted with a polite bow. (Good evening, mother,)

“R…R…” She sniffed as tears glimmered in her eyes. She wiped them off and hugged me tight, a hug that almost knocked me off my feet. I laughed nervously but hugged her back. She pulled away with a wide smile. “Genki desu ka?” (How are you?)

“Genki desu?” I asked as if I wasn’t sure of what I was saying. (I’m fine, thanks)

“Anatano namae wa nandesuka?” (What’s your name?)

“Watashi wa nihongo ga hanasemasen,” I laughed, “just learning. Do you speak English?”

“Very clear,” she smiled, her fading Australia accent slipping into her voice. “How have you been? Zed have told me a lot about you. He calls you a witch?”

“Don’t mind him,” I said, “he’s a d*ckhead. He however always mentions you. Are you married?”


“Oh, children?”

“Five,” I was surprise she counted the white haired me as one. “Do you have a mother? Zed never mentions her,”

Stylish, smart mom, smart.

“Oh,” I tilt my head with a wide smile, showing her my teeth, “I do. I have a mother, though I don’t know where she is. Dad said they had a fight so she left…”

“Did he tell you she abandoned you?” She asked with fear.

“No,” I lied, “he told me she tried to take me but he stopped her. I’m not allowed to meet my mother, but I promised I would find her after my twenty first birthday which is in a couple of weeks. My investigation says she might be here in Japan or China, not sure. That’s why I’m here, to leave a report with who would find her for me while I go back home so dad won’t suspect. When I find her, I’ll make up for old times.”

I pretended like I didn’t see her wipe her tears of joy. “So,” she said with a croak voice, “you don’t hate her?”

“Nope, not anymore. I used to hate her, but not until I found out she didn’t abandon me. I will find her, and when I do, I’m going to make her live like a queen… Okay, enough of me, now tell me about that amazing dumpling soup Zed said you make?”

“Oh yes! I brought a wh0le basket of different food to feed you! Come,” she took my hand and pulled me to the banana tree. She laid the mat while she talked about her children, including white haired me. I took off my shade and sat down, just as Zed returned.

I’d seen mom happy, but I had never seen her this happy. She talked and talked as she fed both of us, smacking our heads anytime we started to argue, but it was fun. And when I was going to leave, she hugged me tight and refused to let go for a wh0le ten minutes. When she finally let go after crying, I k-ssed her cheek and collected her phone number to call her when I get back to “America”, so she could speak to me directly. And before I rolled the window of his car up, I said to her:

“I had a great time, Okaasan, thank you. You might not be my mother, but if I can’t find her, would you mind becoming her?” That made her cry before he drove away. Once the car was out of sight, I burst into tears, not caring if my enemy was watching me.

Zed didn’t bother me, didn’t try to annoy me, instead, he held my hand to comfort me. By the time we got back to my penthouse where he was to drop me, it was already late.

“Thank you for today, Zed, you are not as much of a d*ck as I thought you were,”

He threw his head back and laughed but said nothing. His parents practically lived in the same city so I knew he would get home safely. I felt at peace, I felt different and light-headed. A new feeling was bubbling in my stomach and blossoming in my heart. And I owed it all to my new frenemy.

I took a shower, changed back to white haired, sent mom a text that I was at work and then sent her a separate message so she would think her biological daughter sent her a message. Happiness would kill her overnight. I was about to send Zed a message to make sure he had gotten home, when a message popped into my phone. I tapped on it, a video. I played the video and I really wished I didn’t.

In the video was no other than the guy I was appreciating, the guy I thought… With Sora! I knew she sent it to spite me, sent it to make me feel like shit. And she succeeded. I wiped the tears out of my eyes, but they kept falling for reasons I didn’t know. I was embittered by it, and almost gave in to the urge to upload it, but Romi kept talking and calming me down.

I kept playing the video over and over again, even if it hurt, I watched. And as I came to terms with it, my mind started working again. The video was mute. So, I stood up, went to my tech room and checked if the video was edited. The video was muted. I unmute the voice and watched it allover again. Then I knew why she muted it.

Zedekiah was mo-ning my name!

The discovery stunned me, shocked the life out of me. That explained why he was acting weird around me, why he was suddenly being nice. Zedekiah had finally accepted that he had feelings for me, and was acting towards it.

I have to protect him.

“Romi, edit the video, make sure it’s untraceable and unreversible. Delete Zed out of the video, replace him, and make sure his voice is changed. I’m going to show that bitch what it means to deal with me.”





To be continued.

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