Fated To Love

Fated To Love Episode 12 – 13

πŸ’“πŸ’“πŸ’“πŸ’“FATED TO LOVEπŸ’“πŸ’“πŸ’“πŸ’“


πŸ’žEPISODE 12πŸ’ž

πŸŒ€ Jade’s POV πŸŒ€

I walked out of the office and met Addisson on my way to the class

“How could you Jade, how could you frame Ethan, I promise you am gonna get back at you for this” she said

“I don’t have your time Addisson” I said and walked past her

I walked into the class in anger

“Finn!!!” I yelled as I walked up to him

He stood up immediately and started moving backwards

“Why did you frame Ethan?” I asked still raising my voice as I continued walking up to him

“I….I don’t know what you are talking about Jade” he stuttered and kept walking backward till his back was now against the wall

“Why did you frame Ethan?” I asked again but this time more slowly and I was standing right in front of him now

“I swear Jade, I didn’t frame him, I just lost my money and I reported to Mrs Logan that’s all” he said as his voice quavered

“Finn” I called calmly and he nodded “Is there any student more powerful than me in this school?” I asked and he shook his head

“Then tell me, why the hell did you frame Ethan or you’ll get the f-ck out of this school” I yelled

“C… Cole” he stuttered

“Cole?, Cole asked you to frame Ethan?” I asked and he nodded

That f-cking son of a bitch, how could he do such a thing to Ethan

I walked to his class in anger

“Cole!!” I yelled immediately I entered the class and everyone turned to look at me but Cole wasn’t there. Instead Emma and Daisy came up to me

“What’s up Jade” Emma said

“Why are you suddenly yelling Cole’s name?” Daisy asked

“Where the f-ck is Cole?” I asked

“He went to the gym” Daisy said

“What happened, what did he do?” Emma asked

“He framed Ethan Emma and now Ethan has been suspended for something he knew nothing off”

“Oh that, we thought you were gonna be happy on hearing it, why are you so worked up now” Daisy said and I was taken aback

“You…you guys knew about this?” I asked

“Of course, though Cole brought the idea but we helped him out, we called Ethan out while Cole and one other boy, what’s his name again?” Emma asked

“Finn” Daisy said

“Yeah, Finn, they put the money on Ethan’s bag discreetly” Emma said

“We wanted to get back at Ethan for you Jade” Daisy said

“For me?!!” I yelled “You were doing it for me and you never thought of asking for my opinion first?”

“We wanted it to be a surprise” Emma said and Daisy nodded

“Well, I am surprised, I can’t believe you guys really did this, how could you?”

“Jade..” Emma called softly

“Don’t, don’t call my name!” I yelled “And stay the f-ck away from me, I never want anything to do with you guys again” I said and walked out of the class

So my friends were behind this, how could they do this without telling me first

I went to the gym and found Cole there along with some other guys

“Cole!!” I called as I walked in,side the gym and he walked up to me

“Hey Jade, seems like you’ve seen my surprise, how was it?, Thanks to your darling boyfriend, there’s no Ethan to get on your nerves anymore” he said with a smile but I looked at him with disgust

“How could you Cole, how dare you frame Ethan without asking for my opinion first”

“Why should i, I was sure you’ll like it” he said

“Well I don’t, and guess what Cole, am breaking up with you, we are done” I said and I walked out of the gym

I went back to the principal office and I opened the door without knocking again

“Mom, sorry Ma’am, I found the culprits, Ethan was framed by Cole, and Finn, Emma and Daisy helped him. Cole was the mastermind” I said as I stood in front of Mom

“Well Jade, I can’t just take your word for it” Mom said

“Okay, what if I bring them all here and they admit it” I said

“That still won’t solve it Jade, the main problem is Ethan never defended himself, he just kept silent as if he did it”

“But you know Ethan, he hΓ¦rdly speaks, he’s just too timid but trust me Mom, he didn’t do it” I said calmly

“Well, the teachers don’t think so and till he really comes and defend himself, there’s nothing I can do”

“But how could the teachers think so, everyone knows how silent Ethan is, he won the NMC for you guys so how could you just suspend him?” I asked

“It’s because he won the NMC that he hasn’t been expelled Jade” Mom replied

“Fine” I sighed “I’ll bring Ethan to defend himself”

“That’s not all Jade, he defends himself then you’ll bring your friends to testify” Mom said

“Not a big deal” I said and walked out of the office

I went to the classroom and met only a few students in the class, seems like they already went for lunch

I saw James sitting alone and I walked up to him

“Do you know Ethan’s house?” I asked and he nodded

“Take me there”

“Why” he asked

“I’ll explain on our way so take me there right now” I said raising my voice and he quickly stood up and took his backpack

We went through the hallway and walked up to the gate

“Where are you going Miss Jade?” The gate man asked

“Just opened the gate”

“Am not allowed to open the gate till school close so I can’t miss Jade” he said

“You will open the gate unless you want to loose your f-cking job!!” I yelled and he quickly opened the gate

We went out of the school and stopped a cab, James told the driver the address, we entered the cab and the driver drove off

I told James about everything that happened and he agreed to help me convince Ethan

“I knew Ethan was innocent, we’ll definitely bring him to the school to defend himself” he said and I nodded

“But why are you suddenly doing this?” He asked “why are you helping Ethan, this is unlike you”

“Am just trying to make up for hurting him yesterday” I said and he nodded

The driver pulled up in front of a small house and we got down, I paid him and he drove off

“This is his house?” I asked and James nodded

πŸŒ€ Ethan’s POV πŸŒ€

I sat on the chair with my physics textbook, if am going to be suspended till God knows when, I might as well utilise the time to read my books

When I came back home, Dad and Josh wasn’t in and Sophie has already went to school. How am I going to tell them that I got suspended when they come back

But the good thing is I get to escape that hell of a school for sometime

I heard a knock on the door and I stood up to open it, I wonder who it is, probably Josh

I opened the door and it’s James and Jade

“What…what are you guys doing here?” I asked surprised

“We came to check on you obviously” James said

“You are supposed to be in school now” I said raising my brow

“And so are you Ethan, can we come in?” Jade asked and I nodded though am surprised, why is she here

They came in and James sat down while Jade remained standing

“Get dressed Ethan, we are going back to school, you have to go tell them that you didn’t steal anything” Jade said

“You believe that I didn’t commit the theft?” I asked surprised

“Of course, am sure you didn’t do, and I found out that you were framed by my friends and I…. I…” She said but ended up stuttering

“What?” I asked

“I… I am sorry” she said and I chuckled, is that what she was finding hΓ¦rd to say, but then again, she’s Jade Prescott afterall

“Wow” James said “did you just say sorry Jade? And you said it willingly?”

“Don’t mess with me James or you’ll regret it” Jade said in a stern voice and James immediately kept quiet

“Can we go now?” She asked and I shook my head

“What!, You don’t want to go?” She asked

“Yes” I said

“But why… Why don’t you want to go?” She asked and I just kept quiet

“Again Ethan, you are quiet, what’s so hΓ¦rd in speaking up for yourself, if only you had spoken up and defended yourself, you won’t be suspended this easily but you kept quiet, what the hell is hΓ¦rd about speaking Ethan, What!” She said raising her voice

“You want me to speak up?” I asked


“Why should I?!! Your friends might have framed me but that doesn’t make you any different from them, you are all the same. From the moment I stepped into that school you and your friends have made my life a nightmare, now you want me to go back?, No I won’t, I’ll even be happy if am expelled” I said raising my voice too

“You can’t blame me, you are my seatmate and I hate having a seatmate” she said

“Oh so it’s my fault that am your seatmate, in case you don’t know, if I had a choice I’d have never ever sat down with you”

“Well, that’s in the past” she said with shrug

“In the past?” I scoffed “Well if you hate me so much why are you trying to bring me back to the school, aren’t you supposed to be happy that I might be expelled?” I asked

“Am…am just trying to make up for what I did yesterday Ethan, am just trying to make it up to you” she said

“Well you can forget it, you don’t need to make it up to me”

“No I can’t forget it, if you get expelled, am gonna continue feeling guilty and I won’t be able to live with the guilt so until you agree to come back to the school am not leaving here” she said sitting down

“Seriously, you won’t leave till I agree to go with you to the school?” I asked

“Yes” she replied

“Fine, suit yourself, you might as well stay here forever” I said started walking to my room

“Wait for me man” James who has been quiet all this while said and followed me to my room

Immediately we walked in, James closed the door and broke into laughter

“What’s funny?” I asked

“Sorry bro, am just amazed at how you spoke up to Jade” he said and I scoffed

I sat down on the bed and he sat down too

“Aren’t you going home?” I asked

“What, of course not, am going to stay here man, everything is gonna unfold right in front of me” he said

“What if Jade’s stays here all night?” I asked

“Then I’ll sleep over too, am definitely not going to missing this hilarious drama for anything in the world man” he said with a smile

This guy is unbelievable
I just hope Jade leaves soon


πŸ’“πŸ’“πŸ’“πŸ’“FATED TO LOVEπŸ’“ πŸ’“πŸ’“πŸ’“


πŸ’žEPISODE 13πŸ’ž

πŸŒ€ Jade’s POV πŸŒ€

I guess Ethan thinks am joking but am really not leaving here till he agrees to come to the school with me. I know he has passed through a lot and my friends did wrong but I already apologized and that’s a big thing cause I hΓ¦rdly apologise

But what if he doesn’t change his stand and still insist on not going to school again, will you really continue to stay here; a voice said in my head but I shook it off
Am definitely going to convince him to come back to school, even if it means spending the night here

But what about your mom; the voice in my head said again
Well, Mom will be fine, she probably won’t notice am not home since she’s giving me the silent treatment now

The door to the house suddenly opened and a girl came in

“Who are you?” She asked looking at me suspiciously “How did you get in?”

“Am Ethan’s classmate” I answered

“Where is Ethan?” She asked

“Ethan is….” I was cut short as Ethan suddenly came out of his room along with James

“Sophie” he called and the girl ran to hug him, wow, seems like they are really close

πŸŒ€ Ethan’s POV πŸŒ€

“Why are you home early today Ethan” Sophie asked and I didn’t know what to say, I should probably tell her that I was suspended and will probably be expelled soon

“Sophie I was…”

“We have group assignment, Ethan, James and I are in the same group and we decided to come over to Ethan’s house for the assignment” Jade said cutting me off

“Really?” Sophie asked turning to me

“Yes Sophie, that’s why we are here” James answered before I could say anything

“So this lady is your friend too?” Sophie and I scoffed, it is impossible for Jade to be my friend

“Yes she’s a very good friend of ours” James said before I could reply Sophie again

Why won’t this guys let me speak

“Really!!” Sophie exclaimed “you are really making friends now Ethan, Hi am Sophie, Ethan’s sister” she said bringing her hand forward for a handshake

“Am Jade, Jade Prescott” Jade said and shook Sophie’s hand

“Prescott?!, Like the heir to the Prescott’s Enterprises?” She asked

“Yeah” Jade answered

“Wow, Ethan you are friends with the heir to the Prescott’s Enterprises!” Sophie squealed
“Can I be your friend too, I really want to be your friend”

“Of course” Jade replied

“Yes!!” Sophie exclaimed bumping a fist in the air “Can we take some pictures?, I really wanna show my classmates that am friends with Jade Prescott” she said and Jade nodded

“Great, Ethan could you please lend me your phone” she asked

“Why should I?” I asked, am definitely not going to give them my phone to take pictures, this is absurd

“Because I don’t have a phone, so can I have it now?” She asked bringing out her hand for the phone

“No, am definitely not giving you my phone to take any stupid pictures Sophie” I said but James quickly took the phone from my pocket

“Here Sophie” he said giving the phone to Sophie “Don’t mind Ethan, he’s been kinda sick since morning and he was diagnosed with grumpy syndrome” he said and Jade and Sophie burst into laughter

Are these people seriously
laughing at me right now

Jade and Sophie began to take pictures and I stood transfixed

“Aren’t they cute” James said

“Cute?!, I feel like am gonna puke if I continue watching these” I said and walked to my room and James followed me

“What was all that for James?” I asked as I sat on the bed

“What did I do” James asked

“Why were you supporting Jade out there, we don’t have any class assignment, am not friends with Jade, why did you give my phone to Sophie and what the hell is grumpy syndrome?” I asked

“Oh grumpy syndrome?, It’s a disease and trust me you really have it” he said as he laughed at his own joke

“James!, Am serious, you said we are friends, aren’t you supposed to be by my side, why are you supporting Jade?” I asked

“What kind of friend will I be if I allow you to make this stupid decision and get expelled from school, I can’t let that happen man, so this time around, am on Jade’s side, and I gotta admit, being on Jade’s side is fun and you know how much I love having fun” he said

“So you are going to keep supporting Jade?” I asked

“Yeah, and I’ll continue doing things that irritate you till you agree to come back to school”

“Just get out of my room James you are not needed” I said

“Ohh did you just say thank you?, Well you are welcome Ethan” he said and I scoffed, what a friend

πŸŒ€ Jade’s POV πŸŒ€

I took lots of pictures with Sophie and we did a lot of crazy styles

“I think it’s ok now Sophie, we’ve already taken lots of pictures” I said

“Just one more please” she said making a cute face and I couldn’t refuse her

“Okay, just one” I agreed and we took one more picture

Sophie sat down beside me and we began to look through the pictures

“They are beautiful” Sophie squealed

“Yup, really beautiful” I agreed

“How did you become friends with Ethan?” Sophie asked

“Well…I …., We became friends the first day he came to school cause he was my seatmate” I said

More like you guys became enemies the first day he came to school cause he was your seatmate; a voice said in my head and I shove it aside

“Ethan is your seatmate!!” She wowed “but am still surprised, Ethan never talks to anyone unless totally necessary, that’s why in Brattford High he was nicknamed silent nerd” she said and I laughed
The name kinda suits him

“Ethan hated the name but never once complained he always kept quiet, except at home that he talks normally”

“Yeah, he is really silent at school, he is just too silent” I said

The door suddenly opened and a guy came in, he looked a lot like Ethan

“Welcome Josh” Sophie said
I guess he’s their brother

“Hey, Sophie, who’s this?” He asked looking at me

“Am..” but I couldn’t complete the introduction as Sophie interrupted me

“She’s Jade Prescott, Ethan’s friend” she said

“Jade Prescott?, Like the Prescott’s Enterprises?” Josh asked wide-eyed and I nodded

“Little brother!!!” He suddenly yelled and Ethan and James came out of a room

“Little brother, is Jade Prescott here really your friend?” He asked

“Yeah she’s our friend, we really close, like one big family” James said and I chuckled, one big family my foot

πŸŒ€ Ethan’s POV πŸŒ€

“Wow” Josh said “it’s really nice to meet you Jade”

“Same here” Jade said as they shook hands

Josh walked up to me and hugged me

“Congrats little brother, you just hit the jackpot, am so proud of you, you definitely have to date her” he said aloud

“You do realize you just said that aloud right?” I said

“Did i, my bad” he said as he disengaged from the hug

I looked at Jade and she was smiling, oh God what kind of embarrassment is this

The door opened and dad came in and we all greeted him

“And who’s this lady?” Dad asked since he’s already familiar with James

“Ethan’s friend” James answered

“Yeah and she’s Jade Prescott” Josh said

“Like the heir to the Prescott’s Enterprises” Sophie

Oh God, what kind of siblings do I have ☹️

“Oh my, you are welcome Miss Jade” Dad said

“Thank you sir” Jade said bowing a little

“Have you eaten?” Dad asked and Jade shook his head
“What!!, Why didn’t you cook for her Ethan, this isn’t how you treat visitors”

“Sorry Dad” I managed to say

“Go and make something for her now” Dad said and I started walking towards the kitchen

“Cook big Ethan, cause am eating too” James said and I shot him a stare before finally going to the kitchen

Why is everyone behaving like Jade’s some kind of celebrity, these guys are just embarrassing me

Luckily we still had chicken, so I decided to make rice with chicken

Minutes later, I was done and I set everything down in our small dining table

I walked to sitting room and I met everyone there, except Dad
They were all looking at something

Jade laughed and said “he really looks funny here”

“That was when I was teaching him how to ride a bike and he fell” Josh said with a smile

Wait, is that… That’s my photo album, I wish the ground will just swallow me up right now, this is such an embarrassment

“Who brought this here?” I yelled as I closed the album

“Don’t be such a kill joy Ethan, let’s see the pictures” James said

“Yeah and perhaps you look cute” Jade said with a smirk and I was surprised, what is going on in this girl’s mind

I walked up to Jade, grabbed her hands and dragged her to the kitchen

“What are you doing Ethan?” She asked as we reached the kitchen

“I should be asking you that Jade, what the hell are you doing?”

“Am just having fun with your family, is that bad?” She asked

“They are my family Jade and I don’t want you having fun with them, we aren’t friends so what gives you the right to do all this, just go back home Jade” I said

“I already told you Ethan, until you agree to come to the school with me, I ain’t going nowhere” she said with her arms folded over her chest

“So you are gonna sleep over here” I asked


“Well suit yourself, am sure Dad won’t even let you sleep over”

“We’ll see about that” she said and walked out of the kitchen

We sat on the dinning along with Dad and started eating

“Wow, you are a great cook Ethan, I should probably employ you as my personal cook” James said and I rolled my eyes

“Dad” Jade called and I was taken aback
What did she just call my dad?

“Yes dear” Dad answered

What’s going on now

“My Dad travelled and my Mom is very busy at the office today, she just called me that she won’t be back until tomorrow but I really don’t want to sleep alone in a huge house, so can I sleep here please?” She asked batting her lashes in a cute way

What is this girl doing

“Of course dear, you can sleep over” Dad said and I was surprised

Did he just agreed for Jade to sleep over

“But Dad, there’s no empty room, where will she sleep?” I asked

“She can sleep over in my room” Sophie said

“Okay, what about changing of clothes, she’s still in her uniform and she needs to change clothes, am sure your clothes won’t fit her Sophie so what would she wear, she should probably just go home” I said

“That’s not a problem, she can wear your cloth” James said

“Okay…. Wait, what!” I didn’t really hear what James said at first

“Yeah Ethan, you should give Jade a cloth to wear” Josh said

“Why on earth would I give her my cloth, that’s impossible” I said

“You’ll give your cloth Ethan” Dad said “Jade, you can go with Ethan to his room and get a cloth from him” Dad said

Okay, why on Earth is everyone against me today

“Ethan!” Dad called

“Let’s go Jade” I said as I stood up

πŸŒ€ Jade’s POV πŸŒ€

We went into Ethan’s room and he found a blue top and baggie Jean and gave it to me

“Thanks” I said

“What’s wrong with you Jade?” He asked

“Why, nothing’s wrong with me” I replied

“Then why are you suddenly so nice Jade, today you told me two things that are hΓ¦rdest for you to say, sorry and thanks” he said and I kept quiet, I just said thanks to him without even realising, what the hell is wrong with me

“I don’t know what’s going on in your mind Jade, I don’t know what you are planning this time but can you just leave me alone and get out of my life” he said

“I just want to bring you back to school” I said

“Don’t you know why I don’t want to go back, you are the reason Jade, from the moment I started that school my life has been a nightmare cause of you and now I have a chance to escape that nightmare but you telling me to come back?, No thanks, I think I prefer being expelled and going back to my former school” he said and walked out of the room

Why is he making me feel so bad, what’s going on with me?, Why do I feel guilty for everything I’ve done to him

I walked out of the room with the cloth he gave me and Sophie came up to me

“You can change in my room” she said and took me to her room

I changed into the clothes and it really fits me, though the top is kinda big

I sat down on the bed with Sophie

“It’s the room okay for you?” Sophie asked

“Of course Sophie, thanks” I replied

“Then what’s wrong, you look sad” she said

“Nothing Sophie, am just sleepy” I said

There was a knock on the door and I heard Ethan and James voice

“Come in” Sophie said and they came in
Ethan was holding a book, looks like kids rhyme book

“Please Sophie just tell James that this book is not for me and let him get off my neck” Ethan said

“Come on, it was in your room and there’s nothing bad in owning a nursery rhyme book though you are too old for it Ethan” James said

“No James, the book is for me, Ethan sings it for…” Sophie couldn’t complete her words as Ethan quickly covered her mouth and James and I bursted into laughter

“So you know how to sing, you should for us Ethan” James said still laughing

“Just shut up James” Ethan said and walked out of the room

“Excuse me” I said as I walked out of the room too

“Ethan!” I called

“What” he said as he turned back

“I know that I’ve not actually been good to you and I can’t make any promises about the future but please Ethan, you can’t leave school because of me, you can’t continue to keep silent just to avoid more bullying in the future. This is your life Ethan, when you are sad you should cry, when you are happy you should shout in joy, when you are angry you should yell and voice out and when you are wronged you should speak up and defend yourself Ethan cause this is your life and people will treat the way you present yourself. If you are the type that keeps silent always you’ll always be oppressed but if you are the type that voice out you’ll be respected. Do not ruin your chance of graduating from the best high school in the country because of your timidness and fear of being bullied, don’t ruin your bright future Ethan” I said and walked back to Sophie’s room, I hope he changes his mind

James was still with Sophie when I entered

“Goodnight Sophie, you’ll definitely tell me more about Ethan’s singing tomorrow” he said as he stood up “Good night Jade”

“Good night” I said and he walked out of the room

I laid on the bed and Sophie laid beside me and soon, I dozed off


“Jade!” Someone called and I slowly opened my eyes, it was Sophie

“You should get up, it’s already late” she said

I slowly stood up from the bed and stretched my arms

“Thanks Sophie” I said

“There’s a towel in my wardrobe, you can bath when you want but am going to school now, am already late” she said

“Okay thanks, have a great day at school” I said and she walked out of the room

I walked out of the room and bumped into Ethan

“Good morning” I greeted but he didn’t reply, he just handed me a new toothbrush

“Be fast and get ready, let’s go to school, we are already late” he said

“I already told you am not going…ohh wait, did you just say we should go to school?” I asked and he nodded

“Yay!!!” I exclaimed as I hugged him “thank you so much”

………..to be continued…………


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