The Pains Of A Lonely Mother

The pains of a lonely mother episode 10 – 12

©️ Fardaykhemy Raheem.

Prince Adeyinka left while ibiwunmi is so scared now. She managed to maintain a straight face. Her mother noticed her uneasiness. She decided to talk to her.

“What is wrong Ibiwunmi? You look so worked up. I Hope you are not pregnant because I can’t stand it if you disgrace I and your dad”.

“Pregnant! Mum I am not and I can’t believe that you have such thing in your mind. You nurture me so well mum and I can’t disappoint you and my dad.

“You better don’t, because I will disown you”.

“You don’t need to panick mum” she replied and lie back on the mat.

“Let me check the herb that I am cooking for you. It Should be well cooked now so that you will drink it on time”. She said standing up. She adjusted her wrapper and went outside.

After few minutes. The palace priest is around. She look so calm.

Ibiwunmi trembled where she is on sighting the priest. She pretended to be sleeping.

“Our mother! Thanks for taking care of the future Queen. How is she doing now?” The woman asked Ibiwunmi mum.

“She is fairing a little but the weakness is still there”. She replied.

“Alright! I just want to examine her body before going back to the palace. She is asleep now”.

” Ohh!! Can’t you examine her that way ?”

“We can’t our mother until she wake up”.

“Can I wake her up ?”

“No ma! I will gladly come back” she said and left.

Ibiwunmi sighed of relief and waited for some minutes before opening her eyes.

She opened her eyes after few minutes and met the house empty. Her mother has left for her friend place leaving her behind thinking that she is asleep.

She managed to stand up and sneak to Jacob house. She met him outside his house deep in thought. She tapped him twice. He look behind him and is surprised at the person in his presence. He quickly hugged her.

“I have missed you darling! How did you manage to get out?” He asked while she close his mouth .

“Let’s go in,side, no one must see me here with you” she said while they went in.

He closed the door behind while she sit on his bed.

“Jacob! There is a big problem oooo”

“What problem is that?” He asked moving to her side.

“I am ill these days and my instinct keep telling me that it is pregnant”

“If you are pregnant, there is nothing wrong with it. I will take you home to my parents.They won’t have any choice than to accept you and the baby” he simply reply

“I am not planning to get pregnant now. See, the prince has sent a priest to examine me and if they discovered that I am pregnant, it will be a big disappointment to my parents and everyone”.

“Hnn!!! This is complicated. You know what, you can’t be sure that you are pregnant yet. Let the priest examine you. Put your mind at rest”. Don’t conclude yet” he said with and assured look.

“Are you sure?” She asked

“I am sure that you are not pregnant” he said

“Okay! I will believe I am not” she replied.

“Let me keep going now because I sneak out of the house. I need to get back before my mother is back from her friend place”.

“I will miss you again. Ibiwunmi! I don’t know the reason why our love story is like this. I really want you..

“My love! The Same thing apply to me too. But let us carry this cross first. We will get back to us” she said while she stand up.

Jacob draw closer to her and k-ssed her forehead while she left immediately.

Trickle of tears strolled down his face. He don’t want to lose her to anyone.
Ibiwunmi get back home to meet her mum in the front of her house. She slowly walk to her.

“Where are you coming from?” She asked her without looking up.


“Can’t you answer me! She shouted at her.

“From the prince place” she lied.

“Why did you derive pleasure in lieing?” She asked looking up.

“The prince just left this place few minutes away….. to check on your health but couldn’t see you. Now, for the last time. WHERE ARE YOU COMING FROM?

“From….ja..Jacob place ma” she responded while her mum eyes w¡den in shock.

“Jacob Again! Are you m.a.d? Hope there is nothing wrong with you and that Jacob? Like I always tell you, you this child. If you get pregnant. I will dis own you. I don’t even trust you again. I will personally call the priest now to confirm whatever thought that is in my mind”.

“Mum! Please don’t call the priest. Trust me mum! I am okay! I won’t fall sick again!

“I don’t trust you again. You that I left the house few minutes away and you left the house immediately. I am calling on the priest now, if you like run to that Jacob side again” she said and left the house in anger.

“But why am I scared? I am not pregnant joorh. Let her call the priest and let them confirm the nature of my sickness” she said to herself and went to lie back on the mat in,side.

Her mum arrived with the priest. She went in and examine her body including her palm. She chanted few words and her countenance change….

Ibiwunmi mum move closer to her

“What happened?”

She glanced at the wall in the house and stare Into Ibiwunmi eyes…..

The pains of a lonely mother 11&12
©️ Fardaykhemy Raheem

The priest stare into Ibiwunmi eyes and sigh

“Talk to me, how is it?” Her mum impatiently ask the priest.

“I am sorry to tell you this mummy Ibiwunmi, your child is with a child”

“With a child, as how? I don’t understand”…

“She is pregnant” she said while her mum jumped at her and pulled her cloth.

“Is it true Ibiwunmi! Talk to me! Let me know” the woman shouted at her while tears spilled down her face.

“I don’t know mum! I don’t knowwwwww”.

Mama Ibiwunmi furiously punched her back while she fell down. The priest rushed to her and hold her back.

“It’s okay mama Ibiwunmi!

”i am hum_iliat_ed, what will I tell the king. Ah! This child has k!ll me ” she lamented seriously while the priest keep consoling her.

“Take it easy mama Ibiwunmi!

“What will I tell the prince?” She asked facing her.

“Don’t worry, I won’t tell anyone about it but let d king know before they hear about it” the priest adviced and left.

Ibiwunmi is shaking at the same time and keep crying, she didn’t want any thing of such to happen now. She is disg_raced.

Her mum started ins-ulting her amidst tears, she couldn’t help it than to keep crying. It took them some minutes before her mum angrily left the house.

She stand on her feet bl!nded with her tears and run back to Jacob house. She banged the door twice while he opened up.

“It has happened oooo”

“What happen?”.

“I am pregnant” she cried out while Jacob hugged her.

“It’s okay my darling! You don’t have to worry yourself,I am capable”. He said while she pushed him away.

“I just dis_graced my mother, I don’t want the pregnancy issue to come up now, Ahh my life!

“Ibiwunmi, I know how painful this is to you but please don’t hurt yourself” he consoled and Patt her back.

“What will happen now?” She asked

“I am going back to Lagos to inform my parents as early as possible”.

“Please make it fast before anyone get wind of it”.

“I am leaving tomorrow morning Ibiwunmi, please be strong” he pleaded while she nod her head.

She is afraid of going back to her house now. She hurridly left for house and met the house empty. Her mum is not back yet and it is getting late. She feel so weak from within and went to l!e back on the mat in,side.

Ibiwunmi mum went to her friend house and explained everything to her amidst tears.

“Eh! Eh!! Those kids will not k!ll us. How did you want to do it? What will you tell his father?” She asked while mama Ibiwunmi keep throwing her hands up in the air.

“I don’t know o! I don’t know, that girl has finished me”.

“Just be calmed with her. You don’t have a choice than to call off the wedding or else big cala-.mi-.ties will befell this village”.

“I will dis-own that girl in this life, she can’t live with me. Her father must hear this”. She said while the woman console her.

She went back home.

Ibiwunmi is still sleeping on the mat. Her mum got angry seeing her on the mat. She rushed outside to gt a bucket of water and poured it on her. She shivered and open her eyes.

“Which sleep are you sleeping by this time of the day. Get up!!! She shouted at her while she shivered.

“Starting from now on, there is no more sleep for you because there is no sleep for the w!cked. I don’t care if you are sick or not, I will wait for your dad arrival and I am sure that you are not staying in this house with that b-.a-.s.tard in your womb! She fired while ibiwunmi started crying.

She was ordered to do the house chores and cook for the family while her mum keep on thinking about the next step.

She managed to do her chores and vomitted three times before the completion of the chores.

Evening came and her dad is around.
Her mum narrated the incident to him.

The man flared up and in_.sul-.ted her

“You just ruined our chances of getting rich” he fired while ibiwunmi cried out.

“Mama Ibiwunmi! This child has d!sgrace us. She can’t marry the prince again. We have to call off the wedding” he said facing mama Ibiwunmi and face Ibiwunmi back.

“Who is the father of the b._a-.s.t.-ard in your womb?” He asked with a terr!ble look while she sluttered.

“Ja…ja….Jacob sir! She confessed. This angered her mum and rushed to slap her.

“That Jacob again! After warning him to stay far from you. You are truly a b-ad child”. She shouted at her while she cried more.

“We are going to his place tomorrow, he should come and take care of the responsibilities in his front” his dad said.

The rest of d evening is the saddest day for the family. They keep thinking about what tomorrow will hold.
Earlier the next day
Jacob travelled back to Lagos to inform his parents about Ibiwunmi pregnancy.

Ibiwunmi parents went to his house and met it locked. Out of fury, they started ins*ulting Ibiwunmi thinking that Jacob has run away.

“You see your life! His dad said after getting back home.
“The man that impregnated you has run off, you just decided to d!sgrace me. what should we do now?” He asked no one in particular.

“Good morning here o” someone said knocking at the door outside

“Who is it?” Her mum asked

“It’s me Adeyinka the prince”

On d mention of Adeyinka, her mum heart thumped loudly.

“I am coming your highness, come in” she said while Adeyinka excitely came in with his buba flowing around him.

“Have your seat your highness! What should I offer you?” Mama Ibiwunmi asked him while ibiwunmi and her dad keep looking downward.

“Don’t worry ma! I am okay! I just come to see my wife to be, I want to have an audience with her”

“Alright! No problem” she said while they both left the two people alone.

“Ibiwunmi! How far nah? Face me” he requested while she sobbed quietly.

“What happened? Why are you crying?”

“I just want to be alone please, can you come back some other time” she pleaded while he left promising to be back.
Jacob got to his parents house and informed his parents about Ibiwunmi pregnancy

“You finally got that lady pregnant right! If you think we are going to accept her because of the pregnancy then you are lieing because I warned you before you di-sobeyed me” her mum fired while he frowned his face.

“What should now happen to Ibiwunmi pregnancy?” He calmly asked

“She should abort it and for your information, you are no longer going back to that village because you are getting married to my friend daughter in a week” she said while Jacob laughed out wide.

“Mum, you can be funny sometimes. I shouldn’t what! You are joking! I am leaving this house for good and won’t come back until you learn to accept Ibiwunmi and her baby” he shouted while his dad interrupted.

“What has come over you Jacob? You wanted to leave an educated lady for a village lady, you dares not. The only grace I can give to that village lady is that whenever she gave birth to the child. She should bring it for us for nurturing and the mother Should disappear into thin air”.

“Dad, you too….

“Yes my son, we want the child and u are getting married to Folake. I am making sure that you are not leaving this house until the wedding. I have hired some bouncers to keep you in the house” he said while he furiously stomped his foot on the floor.

He left for his room.
After two days, Ibiwunmi parents informed the king about Ibiwunmi negligence. The king flared up, they are all disa-ppointed at Ibiwunmi behavior.

Her pregnancy news spread like wildfire. The wedding was call off and people started gossiping about her. Her friends keep on mo-cking her anytime they see her. She stopped coming outside and everyone avoided her like a pl-ague.

Her parents hærdly goes outside because people always make references about their daughter.

Ibiwunmi always visit Jacob house at night away from people eyes. She will always peep at the door and met it locked always.

No phone to call her love

There is no how to get in touch with him

She is getting fed up already

Does it mean that….

That Jacob has be-tr-ayed her. He won’t come back for her.

She always cry her heart out reminding herself of the s.-t.u-.p.i.d decision she made months back.

She should have know

She should have marry the prince like that at least she will develop the feelings for him back later.

Days turned into weeks, months and Jacob is not back. Ibiwunmi is getting weary for waiting for too long. Her pregnancy is four months now….

Her mother started insûlti-ng her, reminding her of bringing the father of the unborn child. She will sometimes beat and slapped her out of anger of what has happened in the past.

Ibiwunmi started doubting if her parents were really her parents. She dont have a friend of her own now. Her only parents that supposed to take care of her keep on beating and insûlting her.

Yemisi later got married to the prince. It is the saddest day for Ibiwunmi parents. They keep on abusing their daughter, reminding her of how she disap-pointed them.

This get Ibiwunmi weary from everything
“Maybe I should k!ll myself” she said one day after entering the house…..
Jacob was forcefully married to Folake, he never stopped thinking about her love. He refused to touch his wife after getting married to her. He will shout and pushed her away anytime she want to sed-ce her husband in the house.

Folake can’t take it anymore

She decided to report him to his parents.

Jacob parents didn’t take things easy with him, they threatened to disown him if he didn’t touch his wife.

His siblings are tired of how the family is going, they talked to their parents to let him bring Ibiwunmi home.

“You are a f._o.-o.l for saying that statement” Jacob mum shouted at Ronke.

“He can’t bring in any village lady”

“Mum! You were once a village lady whyare you decl-ining someone from your source, my brother is not happy please let him do his wishes” Ronke pleaded while the woman slapped her.

“Not in my life! She responded.

Ronke begin to wonder about human life, her mum was once a village lady while did she detest someone from her source. It saddens her heart.

She talked to her brother to accept his fate and sleep with Folake but Jacob won’t have it. He is getting leaner from constant thinking. The bouncers his father hired always monitor his movement In his own personal house that his father bought for him after he got married to Folake.

He Decided to sneak outside with enough cash and run to the village. He has arranged everything and drugged the bouncers at night. They all slept off while he sneakily opened the gate and jumped into the car outside the gate with few clothes and enough cash that will last him for a lifetime. He drove off to the village.

Ibiwunmi on the other side is tired of living due to constant ins-ult and mo-cking from every angle. She decided to pass the road early in the morning to the main road in d village. She sneaked outside and started running. She was about to cross to the other side of the road when a car from nowhere halted in her front

she fainted from the shock.


I hope you are all enjoying the story? If you do keep on engaging on each episode.

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