On My Master's Bed

On my master’s bed episode 55 – 56



Nicklaus’s Addiction 🔥

Chapter 55.

Written by: Racheal Dennis


Anastasia’s pov 👠

The next day…

Today’s a hectic day for everyone in Statham enterprise, every worker is in a hurry as Klaus’ new project is coming up.

It’s been from one meeting to the other, there haven’t been any rest for either Klaus or his workers.

We’re in the conference room right now, I don’t even know what they’re discussing about.. I can only jot down the few words I understand.

My eyes roam around briefly, they land on Claudia who’s smirking at me… she knows I’m totally lost in what they are discussing.

But she seems like she’s very much aware of what’s going on.. to prove my thoughts right, she lift her notepad and showed me a page.

Man… I’m a disgrace, i know I only had a quick glance but I can tell her notes are well detailed.

I shrink in my seat and clung my notepad to my chest, I’ll just advice Klaus to use hers.

My phone vibrates in my pocket, since I put it on silence because of the meeting.

I reach for it and check the caller, it’s doctor Hemsworth… I excused myself and rush out.

“Hello, good morning, doctor!” I greet into the phone when I’m in a quiet corner.

“Good morning, Miss Lopez…” He trails off.

I paused as I heard a nurse reporting a case to him, soon, she’s done and I heard her footsteps fading away.

“Doctor, is there something wrong with my brother?” I asked.

I don’t know why I always assume something is wrong with Denzel, everytime doctor Hemsworth calls me.

“No, no, I.. I just wanted to see you for some personal reasons!”

Personal reasons.. could it be because of his beef with Rhoda?

“Can I treat you to lunch today?” He asked.

I glance at my wrist watch, it’s almost lunch. I sighed, Klaus normally make me have lunch with him.. what excuse can I give him now.

“Please, I won’t take too much of your time.. it’ll just be 20minutes!”

“Ok, send me the address!”

“Thank you, Miss Lopez!” He said and hangs up.

Miss Lopez! I hate it when people calls me so formally.. it makes me feel old, like aunt Bell.

I turn to go back to the meeting, but my phone starts ringing again… this time it’s an unknown number.

“Hello?” I received it.

“Anna!” A familiar female voice called.

I frown as I try to recollect the voice, then it click, it’s Rhoda.. I sighed mentally.. hope she doesn’t wanna see me because of his issue with doctor Hemsworth too.

“Mum wants us to have that dinner today…”

Dinner! I facepalm myself, I completely forgot about it…so many things have happened these past few days and I forgot to tell Klaus about the dinner.

“… I guess you’ve successfully convinced Nicklaus to come!”

I chuckle nervously and nod, then I realized she can’t see me.

“Yes, yes. We’ll be there for dinner!”

“Ok, thank you, Anna.. I’ll inform mum now!”

“Yeah do that” I said.

She hangs up and I lean on a nearby wall, sighing tiredly…now I’m left with this stubborn fella, how am I gonna convince him to attend the dinner?

Maybe I should try the honey trap… By sed-cing him to agree?

Hmm… I’ll just try my best! I shove my phone in my pocket and head in.


The meeting is already done when I walked into the conference room, the workers are already packing up their stuffs.

Claudia is standing next to Klaus, she seems to be explaining some things to him.. because Klaus looked so focused.

“…. investors are deliberating about your decision on making this product our main….”

I wasn’t paying attention to where I step my foot, my shoe got tangled in a cable.. making me land on my butts.

Few heads turns towards me and I whisper sorry, thankfully not much people are in here…my eyes catch Claudia smirking.

“Anastasia, are you ok?” Klaus asked squatting next to me.

First, my face goes red in embarrassment, but then I remembered Claudia is watching us… I throw my arms around his neck and shake my head.

“I think I just sprained my ankle and I can’t walk!”

“Which ankle it is?” He asked.

I point randomly at any leg, since I’m in a staring contest with Claudia.

“Does it hurt?” He asked as he rubs my right ankle softly.

“Yeah, I don’t think I can walk” I whine in a cute voice.

He nods and carry me in his arms, he turns to Claudia.

“Get ready for the next meeting, we must get this contract from G. L groups!”

“Yes, Mr Statham!”

Klaus walks out while I make funny faces at Claudia, I love the expression on her face right now.. it’s giving me inner peace!


CEO’s office…

“You should be careful and watch where you step you feet next time!”

Klaus scolds me as he applies some ointment to my fake injury..he blows it gently.

“How many meetings are left for you to attend today?” I asked.

“Hmm… three, I guess!”

I sighed and lean back on his chair…I’m his personal assistant and I don’t even know what his schedule is for today.

“Klaus, this job ain’t for me”

“Why do you say that?” He asked.

“I don’t know a thing about your job…I don’t understand anything they were saying in all the meetings I attended today!”

He dropped my leg and goes back to the inner room to return the first aid kit..

He comes back and leans on the table, taking my hands in his.

“I was just looking like a fool.. no, I was making a fool out of myself!”

“You’re worrying yourself for no reason, of course, I know you don’t understand anything here…”

I frown, if he knows that already, why did he employ me then?

“… I just wanted you to stay with me every minute, to keep me company here and honestly…”

He cups my face in his hands and leans closer, he places his l-ips on mine and give me a brief, passionate k-ss.

“… you’ve been doing quite a good job, you’ve been keeping me real busy in this office lately!”

I giggle at his statement, butterflies starts dancing in my stomach as I read into his words.

“So… I’m getting paid for having s£x with you? Doesn’t that make me a sl*t?”

He stares in my eyes with a frown and flicks my forehead, I wince quietly.

“You’re my fiancee, stop comparing yourself with those sl*ts… you don’t fit with ’em!”


“Don’t trouble yourself about not knowing anything about my business… I don’t expect you to know, your presence here is sufficient for me!” He said.

“So… I’m getting paid for staying by your side?”

“No! I’m not paying you…. ”

My eyes grow wide at his comment and I snatch my hands from him.. a frown appear on my face.

“You’re not gonna pay me?! Then why won’t you let me work?!”

He reach out and pinch my cheeks softly.

“You’re so dumb sometimes, let me finish my words!” He said. “I can’t afford to pay you, your account is loaded”

I frown.

“I remembered I handed you a card two days ago!”

My mind flashes back to that day at the restaurant, where he gave me a card with $700,000,000!

“You mean that money is really, really, truly mine?!”


“You won’t care how I use the money?”

He shakes his head.

“No! It’s your money, if it’s not enough…you can spend mine too!”

“Awwwn! You’re so sweet!”

Now it’s my turn to cup his face in my hands, I crash my l-ips on his and k-ssed him deeply.

“Thank you!” I said.

“Why did you break it off?” He asked with a frown.

“Break what off?”

“The k-ss! I haven’t had enough!” He winces, pouting slightly.

I k-ssed his pout and pull away when he wanted to deepen it, then Rhoda’s words strikes me.

“Right, Klaus, Rhoda called me and told me about…”

“Having dinner with mum?” He cuts me off.

I nod, I remembered his mom already invited him personally when I first met her.. the day she came with evil Claudia!

“I’m not going, I told her before that I’m not coming!” He said firmly.

“Klaus, it’s just dinner…”

“I said no!”

I frown as I see his body shaking, like he’s angry? Scared? I don’t know, but it seems like he doesn’t wanna go because of something.

“I’m not going back there, not until I find who’s behind everything that happened to my family!”

I’m right! I take his hands in mine and rub it gently.

“Klaus, if you don’t go back, you won’t ever find out what happened… ”

The look in his eyes is telling me that he’s feeling guilty, as if everything happened because of him.

“…who knows some clues might be laying there, and you’re here searching for them… ”

I smooth the frown lines on his forehead, I leans forward and k-sses it.

“… let’s go together, I’ll go with you and I promise you’ll be fine!”

He doesn’t say anything.

“Your mom just misses you, she just wanna see you… please go for my sake, please!”

He inhaled deeply, he runs his fingers through his hair before nodding slowly.

“Fine! But you must stay by my side at all time!”

I smiled and nod quickly.


He rests my head on his chest and k-sses the middle of my head.. I wrap my arms around him and sighed.

I didn’t know I’d convince him so easily, I thought he’d throw some tantrums.

Suddenly, my phone starts blaring… I reach for it and realized it’s the alarm I set earlier.

“It’s lunch time!” I said as I turn off the alarm.

“Do you have to set alarm for lunch too?” He asked, laughing lightly.

“Yeah, are we having lunch together or… ” I trail off, waiting for him to complete my sentence.

Actually, I’m praying he’d say, he have lunch meeting with a client.

“I have lunch meeting with a client from G.L groups!”

I smiled, exactly what I want.. the sound of heels clicking the floor catches our attention.

We turned around and see it’s Claudia, she’s clinging onto a folder.

“Mr Statham, it’s time for the meeting!”

She passes me a glare, I scoffed mentally… I wonder what she’s gloating about, I have what she’s dying to get.

Klaus turns to me and k-ssed my l-ips briefly.

“I’ll order some lunch for you”

“No, don’t bother.. I’ll just get it myself!” I said.

He stares at me a few minutes before he got up, he k-sses my cheek and head out.

Claudia glares at me again, fl¡ps her hair.. but unfortunately, it got into her eyes.. I couldn’t hold myself, I burst into laughter.

“Don’t get so full of yourself, you don’t know what awaits you!” She said.

“Don’t worry about whatever awaits me, God will help me overcome them… first worry about your eyes!” I point at her eyes.

She glares at me, scoffs and storms off angrily.. she wanted to get on my nerves but I ended up getting on her nerves instead.

I slump back on Klaus’ big chair, I close my eyes and inhale deeply… I can get a nice sleep here.

Just when I was dozing off, my phone beeps…I check and see a message from doctor Hemsworth…then I remembered my lunch with doctor Hemsworth.

I quickly open the message and see an address, I sprint up and rushed out.

“Miss Lopez, are you going somewhere?” Graham asked me immediately I stepped out of the building.

“Yeah, I’m having lunch with a friend!” I replied.

“Am I taking you? Or you’re going in a cab?”

“You’re taking me!”


“Hey! Anastasia!”

Doctor Hemsworth waves me over, he’s sitting by the window… I take long strides towards him.

“Doctor!” I said and sit on a chair opposite him.

“You can call me Raymond when we’re alone” he corrects me with a smile.

I nod, a waiter approaches us.

“Welcome, sir, ma’am… what would you like to have?” He asked.

He hands us a menu, but I put it aside since I already have something in mind.

“I’ll have hamburger and soda, please!” I said.

“Same!” Doctor Hemsworth told him.

He nods and left. I turn to doctor Hemsworth and smile.

“I hope I didn’t disturb your plans this afternoon?”

“No, no, this is actually my lunchtime too”

He nods, the waiter comes back with our orders and placed them in front of us.

“Thank you!” We both told him.

“Please, enjoy!” He said and left.

I grab my hamburger and take a bite, I close my eyes as I chew.

“Hmm.. this is yummy!” I said.

I heard doctor Hemsworth laugh at me, I open my eyes and see him taking a bite too.

“So… I wanted to ask you of a little favor, I know you and Mr Statham are seeing each other…”

I nod.

“.. so, you might be close to Rhoda?”

“Yeah, we’ve spoke a few times!”

He nods, he drinks some of his soda.

“Honestly, things that happened between us years ago aren’t clear to me.. I don’t really know what happened…but one thing I’m very much aware of is, I didn’t cheat on Rhoda… I didn’t betray her!”

I stopped eating and studies him, his eyes held honesty.. he doesn’t seem to be lying.

“I know I’m not supposed to drag you into this, but I think you’re the only one who can talk to Rhoda… All I need is a chance to explain to her, I just wanna tell her what I remember.. I swear, I really do love her!”

I listened silently.

“Though we both work in the same hospital, but she’s been avoiding me… I’ve tried every means to see her.. I don’t know what to do! Can you help me talk to her?”

I sighed deeply.

“I don’t know if I should get involved in this, this is between you and her, I’m just…. ”

“Please, Anna, please help me!”

I feel like he’s saying the truth but Rhoda seems like a stubborn lady, she’s just the female version of Klaus.

“Anna please help me”

“I’m not gonna promise anything, but I’ll try to talk to her”.

He smiles shortly.

“Thank you, thank you very much!”

I nod, I just made a promise that I don’t even know how to fulfill it.. my stomach growls quietly and I take a large bite of my hamburger.

Statham’s Villa….

My eyes grow wide as Graham drives into the premises, this Villa look familiar.. so familiar.

or am I having nightmares again?! Isn’t this the Villa I always see in my nightmares?!

“Nicklaus, are you sure your mom lives here?” I asked in a shaky voice.

He lifts his head with a frown, he look around and nod.

“Yeah.. why?”

“You know it’s been long since you visit her.. are you sure she haven’t moved?”

“No, this is our Villa!”


Their Villa?! Why am I always seeing it in my dream?! Is it connected to my past?! Are my nightmares coming to reality?!

I panic!

“Are you ok, Anastasia?” Klaus asked.

He keeps his phone in his pocket and turns to me, he takes my hand and rubs them.

“Your hands are cold.. are you ok?”

I shake my head.

“This Villa.. this Villa… ”

The car jerks and stopped, soon Graham comes to our side and opens the door.

Klaus steps out and helped me out too, I look around as my body shake more… why am I shaking?

“Anastasia, are you ok?” Klaus asked.

But I didn’t reply him cause I wasn’t looking at him, my eyes are on the door… the door I couldn’t open in my nightmares.

“We can go back if you want!” He said.

I ignore him and walked closer to the door, I reach for the handle.. but I couldn’t hold onto it.. my hand is shaking.

What if I can’t open it too?! What’s stopping me from opening it?!

“Anastasia, what’s going on?”

Suddenly, my hand grab the handle and pushed the door open.. I stepped in.

I look around as I find everything familiar.. then my eyes lands on the chandelier light hanging up in the living room.

A blurry scene flashes through my mind and my hands flies to support my head… a beeping sound deaf me as I couldn’t hear anything.

I feel an unbearable pain in my head, I gasp for air and fall on my knees… it’s as if I’m feeling this pain in,side my head.

The picture of a little boy laying on the ground and a man hanging from the chandelier…with that little girl watching them appears in my mind.

I couldn’t bear the pain and before I knew it… I blackout!

Chapter 56.

Written by: Racheal Dennis


Authoress’ pov 👠

“This way, Mr Statham!”

A waitress ushers Nicklaus to a table, a man in suit and nose mask is already seated… a lady of Claudia’s age sits next to him.

“Hello, Mr Ghost!” Nicklaus greets the man.

The man (Mr Ghost) lifts his head and sees Nicklaus, he smiles and shake hands with him.

“Welcome, Mr Statham, I’m Mr Ghost, CEO of G.L groups… please have a seat!” Mr Ghost said and gestures to a chair.

Nicklaus sits down, Claudia sits next to him.. but a few meters away.

Mr Ghost locked gaze with Claudia and frowns deeply, he studies her before turning to Nicklaus.

“This should be your girlfriend or fiancee I presume?”

Nicklaus takes a glances at Claudia, she’s smiling sweetly.. Nicklaus turns to Mr Ghost.

“No! She’s just my assistant, my fiancee couldn’t come!”

“Oh!” He nods. “Do you live together with your fiancee?”

“Yes, I do!”

“Is your fiancee pregnant?”

Nicklaus narrowed his eyes, he doesn’t like where this is headed… this is what he hates most in business.

“Mr Ghost, we’re here to talk about business, not talk about my personal life…”

He notice the nose mask Mr Ghost is wearing, he inhaled deeply.

“… If you don’t mind taking off your nose mask, I should know who I’m doing business with!”

Mr Ghost looked towards Claudia and shakes his head in disapproval.

“I always discuss business with my nose mask on, if you wanna know me…”

He trails off and reach for his phone, he types a few things in and hands it to Nicklaus.

Nicklaus stares at it with his mouth hanging open, shock and surprised written on his face.. he wanted to ask questions but Mr Ghost hushed him.

“…. If you don’t mind asking your assistant to step out and wait a few minutes!”

Nicklaus turns to Claudia, she’s busy setting up her writing materials and laptop on the table.

“Claudia, wait outside for me, I’ll call for you when I need you!”

“Yes, Mr Statham!” Claudia replied.

She drops her notepad and pen on the table and got up, she also dropped her phone and head towards the door.

Nicklaus quickly noticed the phone and called her back.

“Yes, Mr Statham?”

“You forgot to take your phone!”

“Oops!” She exclaims and picks it up.

Then she heads out, Mr Ghost also asked his assistant out.. he made sure both assistants are no longer in sight before he turns to Nicklaus.

“Mr Lopez! You’re alive?!” Nicklaus asked.

Mr Ghost nods, he takes off his nose mask for a few minutes before wearing it back.

“Wasn’t that girl Benjamin’s daughter?” Mr Ghost asked referring to Claudia.


“Be wary of her, her father must have something to do with what happened that year…”

“You think it’s a conspiracy too?” Nicklaus cuts him off.

Mr Ghost chuckles.

“I don’t think, I know it’s a conspiracy! Back then, after Statham enterprise was established.. a lot of people were against your father being the chairman… Benjamin was their ringleader…”

While Mr Ghost is explaining, Nicklaus is wondering within him if this man isn’t a scam… What if this is not really Mr Lopez?!

What if it’s not really his fiancee’s father?! Is that why he was asking so many questions about my fiancee?!

“… this is not what we came here to discuss today, we are here for business, If you wanna know more… ”

He reach for his pocket and brings out a card, he drops it on the table and pushes it towards Nicklaus.

“… come to this address and I’ll tell you more!”

Nicklaus picks it up and stares at it, he nods slowly.

“Ok, let’s talk about business, my assistant can come in now.. right?” Nicklaus asked.

Mr Ghost nods. Nicklaus reach for his phone and dialed Claudia’s number… she picks up on the first ring.

“Come in let’s start!” He hangs up before she could reply.

Nicklaus stares at Mr Ghost, Mr Ghost smiles at him in return.

“Mr Ghost, let’s introduce our new project to you… Claudia, get ready”

Mr Ghost shakes his head.

“There’ll be no need for that, I have already made up my mind to invest in it!” He said.

“You don’t wanna know a little about the project?”

“No! You should know why I’m doing this.. for her!” He whispers the last part so only he and Nicklaus could hear.

Nicklaus nods.

“Let’s sign the necessary doc-ments!” Mr Ghost said.

“That will have to wait until next tomorrow… I’ll have to think about accepting your proposal” Nicklaus said.

Mr Ghost nods in understanding, he got up and reaches his hand out, waiting for Nicklaus to shake him.

“It’s nice doing business with you, Mr Statham!”

“The pleasure is ours, Mr Ghost!”

Mr Ghost and his assistant walks out the door, Nicklaus studies him as he went.

“That man is weird!” Claudia said.

“Aren’t you weird too?” Nicklaus asked her.

She shuts up and starts packing up, when she’s done, she turns to Klaus.

“Mr Statham, it’s almost dinner time, should we head back to the office… Or straight to your home?”

Nicklaus pulls out his gloves from his pocket and wears them, he snatches his briefcase from her and heads towards the door.

“You’re done for today, take a cab home!” Nicklaus said.

Graham rushed to Nicklaus when he saw him coming out, he takes his briefcase before going to open the car’s back seat door.

Nicklaus slides in and Graham shuts the door, then he got into the driver’s seat and drives off.

“Sir, how was the meeting? Did it go well?”. Graham asked.

“Shut up and drive!”

“Yes, sir!”

Nicklaus dials Marcus’s number and waits for him to pick up, luckily, he picked sooner.

“Hello, my darling, Nicky!” Marcus said in a very sweet voice.

Nicklaus shudders at his tone and shakes his head.

“Stop it, it sounds so gross!”

He heard Marcus scoffed loudly.

“I’ll send you some information, look into it and give me a satisfactory results… Dig very deep and let me know what you find.. latest tomorrow morning!”

“Yes, sir!” Marcus said, mimicking Nicklaus’s workers.

Nicklaus rolled his eyes then hang up.


Anastasia’s pov 👠

I feel someone car-ssing my hair, I opened my eyes and saw Klaus squatting next to me… He smiled at me and I smiled back.

My eyes moved to the wall clock in his office, it’s 4:43pm… Luckily, I had come back from my lunch with doctor Hemsworth earlier.

“How was your lunch meeting?” I asked.

“It went well” he replied and I nod.

“So… are we heading over to your mom’s or we’re going home?” I asked again.

I know he’s already promised to go with me, but I still wanna confirm with him again… Klaus can change his mind any time!

“We’re going over to mom’s, but I’m not gonna stay long… We’ll leave after thirty minutes!” He said firmly.

I nod quickly, he opens his arms and I jump in, then he head towards the door.


Statham’s Villa….

My eyes grow wide as Graham drives into the premises, this Villa look familiar.. so familiar.

or am I having nightmares again?! Isn’t this the Villa I always see in my nightmares?!

“Nicklaus, are you sure your mom lives here?” I asked in a shaky voice.

He lifts his head with a frown, he look around and nod.

“Yeah.. why?”

“You know it’s been long since you visit her.. are you sure she haven’t moved?”

“No, this is our Villa!”


Their Villa?! Why am I always seeing it in my dream?! Is it connected to my past?! Are my nightmares coming to reality?!

I panic!

“Are you ok, Anastasia?” Klaus asked.

He keeps his phone in his pocket and turns to me, he takes my hand and rubs them.

“Your hands are cold.. are you ok?”

I shake my head.

“This Villa.. this Villa… ”

The car jerks and stopped, soon Graham comes to our side and opens the door.

Klaus steps out and helped me out too, I look around as my body shake more… why am I shaking?

“Anastasia, are you ok?” Klaus asked.

But I didn’t reply him cause I wasn’t looking at him, my eyes are on the door… the door I couldn’t open in my nightmares.

“We can go back if you want!” He said.

I ignore him and walked closer to the door, I reach for the handle.. but I couldn’t hold onto it.. my hand is shaking.

What if I can’t open it too?! What’s stopping me from opening it?!

“Anastasia, what’s going on?”

Suddenly, my hand grab the handle and pushed the door open.. I stepped in.

I look around as I find everything familiar.. then my eyes lands on the chandelier light hanging up in the living room.

A blurry scene flashes through my mind and my hands flies to support my head… a beeping sound deaf me as I couldn’t hear anything.

I feel an unbearable pain in my head, I gasp for air and fall on my knees… it’s as if I’m feeling this pain in,side my head.

The picture of a little boy laying on the ground and a man hanging from the chandelier…with that little girl watching them appears in my mind.

I couldn’t bear the pain and before I knew it… I blackout!

The little girl run as fast as her legs could carry her, finally she made it to that Villa.. she stopped to catch her breath.

Her eyes moved to the door, it’s just a few steps away from her.. she rushed towards it, she grabbed the handle and pushed the door open.

This time I rushed in with her before the door would close back.

“Uncle! Uncle! Come help my mama and papa!” She started calling from the door.

My eyes move around, I see a man hanging from a chandelier, a rope around his neck and blood dripping off him… so much blood, the man is already dead.

A teenage boy is laying unconsciously on the floor, the man’s blood is dripping on him… A man is standing in front of them, he’s holding a blade in his hand.. a very sharp blade, I can’t see the man’s face because his back is facing me.

The little girl is still by the door, she haven’t seem them yet.

“Come with me, let’s leave! There’s a bad man here!” I warned her but she doesn’t seem to hear me.

I tried to grab her hand but my hand caught empty air instead…her face is still not clear.

“Uncle, come save my mama and papa, there are bad men in our house!”

She cries as she runs towards the living room.. where the horrifying scene is waiting for her.

“Uncle, uncle…..”

She swallows her words as she sees the man she was depending on, hanging from the ceiling… Her eyes travels down and she saw the boy laying down, she rushed to him.


Klaus?! My Klaus?!

“Klaus wake up! A bad man is in your house!”

What is she doing?! Why didn’t she run out after seeing this?!

“Klaus! Klaus wake up a very bad man is here!” She shakes the boy but he wouldn’t wake up.

The man turned around and I saw his face…I think he’s a hired killer!

“Who are you?! What are you doing here?!” He growled at the girl.

She ignored him and continue trying to wake Klaus up.

“Klaus wake up!”

“I said who are you?!!”

She got up and put her hands on her tiny wa-ist.

“I’m Nina Lopez!”

Nina?! Isn’t that me?! Is this my memory?! This must be my memory!

The man turned away from little me and used his blade to cut off Klaus’ father’s right arm.

“Stop it, bad man!” Little me scre-med and jumped on his back.

With my tiny hands, I start hitting his chest as hærd as I could.

“Get off me!”

Just then another man walked in, little me turn, she seem to recognize the man.. she breaks into a smile.

“Uncle, come quick, help us.. this bad man killed Klaus’ papa!”

The man laughs loudly.

“Boss, what should I do with her?” The bad man asked.

Boss…so, this is the man behind everything?!

“Kill her!” He replied.

“Uncle, he…..”

She didn’t complete her statement before the bad man flings her off his back.. he throws her across the living room.

He watches as she lands on the hærd floor, her head hits the skirting and a very sharp scre-m left her mouth… then she went unconscious!

My eyes snaps open at once.

“Anastasia! Are you ok?!” I heard Klaus asked beside me.

He’s holding my hands in his, he looked so worried…I look around and realized I’m still in the living room but I’m laying on a sofa bed.

Aunt, Rhoda and Bill are all standing next to us with worried expressions.. though Rhoda wasn’t so worried.

I guess she knows I’m fine.

“Are you ok? Should we go home?” Klaus asked again.

“I’m fine, I.. I just remembered something!” I replied.

“You remembered something?” Aunt asked.

I nod.

“Something that happened in the past?”

I nod again.

“What did you remember?” Klaus asked this time.

I stayed silent for a brief moment, before speaking.

“I know who killed uncle, I saw his face”

“Do you know his name?”

I shake my head.

“No, but he seems to be someone I know before.. I guess you all know him too”

“But will you know him if you see him again?” He asked.


He nods and pulled me closer to his chest, he k-ssed my forehead.

“That’s good, we might see him at the gala… or other place!” He said.

I nod.

“Also, you will be attending all my meetings with me, both very important ones.. until we catch him!”

I nod, my stomach sees it as a perfect time to growl… Aunt and Rhoda chuckles lightly.

“Let’s have dinner first!” Aunt said.

To be continued.

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