Emotional Tingle

Emotional tingle episode 42 – finale

(The Mind Reader)
Final Episode (Episode 42)
Written by Author Nath
No single vegetation sprouted at DeMar. Every nook and cranny had been developed but Nelson’s house seemed abandoned because only the compound could one see grasses. Some part of the walls looked dusty but the Windows could still reflect images. As a matter of fact, the front window glasses reflected an ash colour Lexus, driving into the compound until it pulled over just before the front door. Raina stepped down from the driver’s seat. She had grown taller, more beautiful and matured mentally and otherwise. She closed the door of the car and adjusted her feminine ash colour suit. On her eyes were medicated eyeglasses while her ears hung bold circular earrings that found refuge under her long hair. On her feet were ash cover shoes too.

She stood at a spot, surveying the environment and remembering some things like the day her parents caught Crucifix: ..”So you’re the thief… He’s not a thief, Dad… Oh, he’s your stalker.. No, he’s just a friend… A friend that visits you through the window…?”

Remembering that, Raina smiled and heard her mother coming out from the other side of the car. Quickly, she hurried to the door of the house and began to open it. She studied law and had finally won the government in court over her father’s properties which had been released for them. Therefore, they were more than happy to return to their old house.

Stepping into the house, more memories flashed into Raina’s head especially when she saw the staircase, remembering how she ran up and down on it during her teengehood. Another memory popped out from there: “..I love him! I love him! I really love him. It’s so painful he must marry Margret because of lovcilia. I love him so much, mum…”

“Raina!” the mother who looked older interrupted her from behind. The lady turned. “We have a lot of cleaning to do.” the mother added.

“I know, mum.” she looked around to see the chairs and tables dusty. Spiders had designed the house with cobwebs. Raina walked upstairs, opened her room to have numerous memories from it. She sat down on the bed and glanced at her wardrobe which she stood up and opened. She saw Crucifix’ drawing; the image of the red gown. Staring at it, she smiled. Suddenly, her cell phone rang, she picked it.

“Hi, babe.” she said on the phone and continued, “Yes, we’ve arrived. The house is very nasty. I think we gonna hire people to clean it up.”

“I want us to see.” A female voice requested from the phone.

“Margret, I hope all is well?” Raina began to walk out of the room. “Alright, will be on my way now.” she hung up the call as she hurried down the staircase. “Mum, hire some children to clean up the house! I want to see Margret!” Her voice faded from outside. All of a sudden, the car engine ignited.

After a long drive, she pulled over on the road to see Margret coming out from a building. She wore an elastic tight gown with heel shoes. She had also grown taller and added more beauty. It could be seen on her light complexion. Unlike Raina, she had no glasses on her face. She just rounded up on becoming a medical doctor.

Nevertheless, she entered into the front seat of the Lexus and slid her hair backward while Raina stared at her to read her mood.

“Babe, you don’t look okay. Why did you want to see me?” she asked.

“Tommy has proposed.” she raised her left fingers for Raina to see the ring.

“Wow! It’s a good thing, isn’t it?” Raina question tagged.

Margret said nothing.

Raina exhaled. “You need to visit Crucifix. You have to tell him. You owe him that.” she said.

“I owe him nothing!” Margret retorted. “I still can’t believe why my late father insisted that he comes out before his will is read.”

“Are you that dumb to know that Crucifix is in jail because of your father and you?”

Margret glared. “Please, take that ‘you’ part out of it, Raina! I never told Crucifix to make me fall in love with him, I never told him to give me gifts and I never told him to kill Lucy for whatever reason he has refused to tell me. So leave me out of it!”

“You still love him, don’t you?”

Stunned, Margret totally face her. “Are you kidding me? Did you actually see a ring in my finger?” she raised her fingers up for her to see it clearly. She straightened on her seat then said in conclusion, “Please, take me home. Didn’t come with a car.”

Raina exhaled. As she put the key in the ignition, she glanced at Margret who didn’t care. Slowly, the car set to motion. So sad that Crucifix time of death drew closer as a result of his teenage decision which till now, he had no regrets.
Obiageri had kicked the bucket. The mud house in Achara was occupied by old Geb whose body had depreciated drastically. He could not walk upright again but support his posture with an older walking stick. Inside the mud house was a local bed where the man laid face-up like one who was about to die. He wore a singlet and tied a blue wrapper, staring at the ceiling. Suddenly, he heard a car engine from outside, the sound of a close door of the car followed and finally the door of the house. He looked up to see Raina on jumpsuit. He smiled.

She returned the smile too. “Hi, papa.” she sat down on a stool and placed her purse on her thighs.

Geb sat up joyfully. “If you look the right way, you can see that the whole world is a garden of flower. It gives me joy to see you all growing like beautiful flowers.”

“Are we actually beautiful, papa? Nobody is making us beautiful.”

“A flower cannot blossom without sunshine, and a man cannot live without love. The very best relationship has a gardener and a flower. The gardener nurtures and the flower blooms.”

Raina chuckled attractively.

“Margret visited me not long ago. She’s like a fresh honey direct from the nest of bees.”

“She’s actually why I came.” Raina cleared her throat. “She will be getting married soon with a man called Tommy.”

Hearing that, Geb bent his head silently. Raina could feel his pains from the sudden quietness that creeped in. Sooner did she also hear his exhaling tone before the old man raised his head up saying, “I need to see my grandson before we both join our ancestors.”

“All this years, I’ve been working on something to get Crucifix out. It has not really been fruitful, but I hope it will soon.”

Geb didn’t say anything. As he struggled to stand, Raina rushed up to help him. Old age had really caught up with the old man.
Crucifix laid face-up and shirtless in his cell, staring at the slab. He had become huge and muscler. He was on low cut but with bushy beards. One could see well positioned six packs along with broad shoulder. As he meditated silently, he heard a warden’s voice saying, “Crucifix, you have visitors.”

The man stood up and grabbed a singlet. His arm muscles contracted when he was putting on the white fabric. He began to walk out, guarded by the warden. For all his life he had suffered and was about to die, suffering. Walking into the visiting room, his eyes caught with Raina’s who sat beside his grandfather. Silently, Crucifix sat down before them and placed his two hands on the table. His voice, deeper than usual, he said, “Papa, I hope all is well?”

Geb exhaled. “All may not be well but, sometimes, things that seem so uncanny are what shield and protect us from the worst situations in life.”

Crucifix glanced at Raina as Geb continued, “You are now a full grown man, Crucifix. The heart of man is very much like the sea; it has its storms, it has its tides, and in its depths, it has its pearls too. I admire the valuable decision you made nine years ago which consequences you accepted. That’s the quality of a man. The value of a man should be seen in what he gives and not in what he is able to receive. A man may conquer a million men in battle but one who conquers himself is, indeed, the greatest of conquerors. You’ve conquered, my son. There is nothing noble in being superior to your fellow man; true nobility is being superior to your former self. You’ve made things right, and I’m proud of you.”

“I don’t seem to grab why you’re speaking in codes.” Crucifix leaned back on his seat.”

“Margret is getting married.” Raina broke the shell. That brought some kind of silence that seemed to emerge with the presence of the dead. Crucifix remained speechless, staring at his grandfather.

“Don’t you have something to say, son?” Geb asked.

“I don’t have anything to say, pa.” he replied.

Another silence creeped in which generated emotional atmosphere. Geb became heartbroken. He quietly stood up, holding Rraina’s shoulder. He began to walk away in the silence. Meanwhile, Crucifix hadn’t made an attempt to stand up from his seat. He had not recovered from the shock of the news. Just as he hallucinated, he heard his grandfather’s voice saying, “Crucifix, I’m very proud of you.”

The young man stood up from his seat to walk back to his cell, but saw Raina hurrying to hug him. The young lady patted his back and whispered, “I’ll get you out.”

“No need for that, Raina.” Crucifix finally walked out of the visiting room.
In a warehouse, on a round table at an ungodly hour when the city had become calmed, Raina sat beside Jerry who was in suit. Suzanna could be seen seated beside Raina too in a way the young lady was in between them. Other young female and male gangsters could be seen too. Raina spoke up like a boss she was. She was not only audible but also authoritative.

“I called we all here to announce my resignation as the connect for moving weight from this part of the region. Reminder: reward for snitching on any of us is death.”

“Who’s our new connect?” a male asked.

“Jerry tried by giving us a location to cook our products but Suzanna has been with us through sunshine and rain. Report to both of them. They’ll know how to take care of things.” Raina replied and stood up. “Ladies and gentle men, I have to take my leave.” she catwalked out.
Crucifix stepped out to the visiting ward to see Margret seated at a round table. He stopped at the gate reluctantly, gazing at her. He wore the orange jumpsuit with a white canvase on his feet. He swallowed hard and turned, but Margret’s voice stopped him.

“Crucifix, don’t you want to see me?” she asked. She wore a jean trouser and a handless yellow top which had her breast surface sparkling attractively.

Notwithstanding, Crucifix wanted to ignore her but he just couldn’t deny the voice of the only girl he had known all his life. Also, he couldn’t deny himself from the unconditional love he had for the lady. So he turned and walked to the table. Gradually, he sat down as both stared at each other.

“I thought you said I’m not gonna set my eyes on you again.” Crucifix said.

“Well, I’m here. You’ve grown so big and..” She paused, accessing his muscular body.

“You too. You’re looking prettier than when I first saw you at Mary’s Restaurant.” Crucifix chipped in.

Margret swallowed hard, trying not to remember the past. “I came to tell you that I’m getting married. I felt, may be letting you know is the right thing.”

Silence returned between both of them. Margret picked her bag, stood up to walk out, but Crucifix’ hand on hers held her back. She turned instantly to see him staring at her. The stare reminded her the same stare at the backyard of Mary’s Restaurant when she first met him. The scenario alone rendered her speechless and increased her heartbeat as both exchanged the gaze. Slowly, without uttering a word, Crucifix freed her to go. He stood up and began to walk back to his cell, sniffing in tears which he couldn’t control. He finally entered into his cell and bursted out in a thunderous cry, facing the wall. Oh, poor man who had known nothing but pain all his life and was about to die painfully too. Oh, poor man who love had dug a grave for him to fall in painfully. Oh, poor man who had nobody to come for his rescue from the pit of death. Oh! Just oh!

On the other hand, Margret began to leave the prison yard in tears too.
A few days later, Margret stood at the alter on her wedding gown with Tommy in suit. Raina and Geb were present even if they weren’t really happy but they just couldn’t do anything about it.

“Margret Adenike, do you take Tommy Ferdinand to be your lovely weded husband, in rich and in poor, in sickness and in health” the priest asked.

Margret went dumb. As she stared at Tommy, she could see Crucifix imaginarily. She could remember the lovely times they spent together especially the day they sang and danced on the road. She could remember the stare both at Mary’s Restaurant and at the prison. Her silence arose tension in the church. Suddenly, she began to shed tears. “I’m sorry, Tommy.” she dropped the wedding ring and started running out of the church on her gown.

“Heeeyy!” Audience shouted. Wedding scared.
The other hand, Crucifix sat down with Emmanuel in the visiting ward. Emmanuel looked fresh and handsome, wearing a black suit. As he gazed at his friend, he put his hand inside the pocket of the suit. To Crucifix’ greatest surprise, he brought out the ribbon of his ancestors; a stick tied with an animal skin. He widened his eyes. “Emmanuel!” he called.

“Cynthia gave it to me at the airport the night she left the city.” Emmanuel began to remember. “She specifically told me to hand it over to you when I notice things going out of hand for you with Margret. She made it clear because she believed that if Margret wants to be with you, it must be from her heart…”

Noice from a passage interrupted him. Both directed their eyes there to see Margret on a wedding gown running and shouting Crucifix’ name.

“Margret!!” Crucifix was moved to run to her but the presence of Wardens didn’t allow him. So he waited untill she ran inside the ward and both hugged each other tightly.

“I couldn’t do it, Crucifix, I couldn’t do it. I still love you, I still love you.” she cried on his shoulder.

“Oh, my baby girl, oh, my baby girl” he cried too.

Seeing that, Emmanuel returned the ribbon inside his pocket. Wardens came and separated both of them even though they couldn’t let go of each other. Forcefully, they were separated. Outside the prison yard, Margret met Raina whom she said to in tears, “I want you to get Crucifix out of there now, please!!” she cried.

Raina embraced her. “I’m on it, Margret. I’m so proud of you.” she said.

A few months later, Crucifix came out from jail with Raina’s help. The will of late Adams who dies in autocrash was read and Crucifix was given fifty percent of his wealth and properties. On the same hand, after the wedding between the two lovers, Raina took Crucifix and Margret to a site where she built a mansion in Crucifix’ name using drug money. All were present even Geb when she said, “I spent nine years building this wedding gift and I’m happy to hand the key over to Crucifix the only friend I trust.” she handed the key to him.

“Oh, my God!!” Crucifix exclaimed, wearing a suit and looking classic too. He hugged Raina.

“So you do not trust me, right?” Margret chuckled walking to hug her too.

“Of course I trust you, my quarrel mate.” Raina replied as both chuckled and hugged happily.

“When am I coming to your wedding with Emmanuel?” Margret whispered into her ear.

“Soon. We’re planning it. He needs to travel to China and come back first. You know how business is.” She replied silently too.

“Now I can die peacefully.” Geb’s voice attracted everybody. “Now, I have also been convinced and slowly coming to understand with all my heart as well as my head that love is not just a feeling. It is a person too.” he concluded, looking at Margret and Crucifix who held each other romantically..
Inside the bedroom where Margret and Crucifix cuddled romantically, the man of the house said, “I’m so sorry, Margret.”

“For what?” She began to feel his beards in her palms.

“For torturing you emotionally. The only secret I was holding back from you was lovcilia…” he explained everything to his wife who was also sorry for her actions. They kissed happily then Margret jumped on him.

“I’m the only food you gonna eat throughout today.” she hilariously said. Crucifix laughed. He just began to live the life of peace of mind he had been craving for for years.
THE VOICE is the next story…watch out!!!

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