The Star 2

The star 2 episode 10 & 11

Written By:Abike
Episode 10 and 11
Gold broke the k-ss immediately, She stood up from the bed, while Dyal stood up too
Gold:This is not right, not right please, I can’t do this
Dyal:Gold listen to me first
Gold:I don’t want to listen cause I don’t love you (Dyal was paused for some seconds)
Dyal:You don’t?
Gold:Yes i don’t, I don’t love you besides you have someone you are dating and not just an ordinary lady, she is someone that everyone knows about, Everyone knows about you and her and you can’t compare me to her am just an ordinary lady and lastly I don’t want to be a second choice please, so am sorry, I don’t love you, am here to work and not to fall in love, besides I don’t want to disappoint your Mom
Dyal:Forget about Emily, forget about my mum, forget about the fact that you came here to work, Do you love me or not?Just answer please
Gold:Am sorry I don’t(Dyal stared at her for awhile before he walked out of the room, while Gold stood where she was trying to understand the wh0le thing that just happened)
Evelyn was in her room, she sat alone on her bed, she keeps on thinking, Suddenly a message came in to her phone…
Message:When it is 8pm on dot, come out of your house, someone will be there waiting for you , He will give you something, and what you are going to use it for will be explain to you tomorrow, If you love your life keep quiet and play this game with me… (Evely threw the phone away with fear, she was shaking so badly, she stood up from her bed to the bathroom to wash her face, tears streamed down on her face….)
Evelyn sat with Gold in her room, both ladies sat staring at each other, Gold doesn’t know how to explain to Evelyn about her and Dyal and Evelyn was scared to discuss her issue with her, suddenly Gold said..
Gold: Evelyn is something wrong with you?
Evelyn:Huh? Me? Nothing was just errrr…. Was just thinking
Gold: Thinking about what, did something happen between you and Jasper?
Evelyn:Of course No, we are good, nothing is wrong don’t worry about me(Smile)Hope no problem?
Gold:Am good, I w… (Someone knocked on the door, it was Jasper, he came in and said)
Jasper:Gold are you done with Evelyn?
Gold:Oh sure yeah, was just about to come and prepare the lunch also.. (They all went out of the room)
Evelyn stood with Gold watching her how she cook the food
Evelyn:So tomorrow is Dyal’s birthday
Gold:Yeah, a lot of gifts from fans since last week, Are you not going to give him your gift?
Evelyn:Sure I will give him tomorrow, and what about you?
Gold:I don’t know what to give him, His Girlfriend sent him a golden wristwatch
Evelyn:A golden wristwatch, am sure that will be very cost,the money to also send it with plane will be very cost, well they are rich, it’s meaningless to them(Suddenly Dyal came to the kitchen receiving a call, He brought out a wine from the fridge and got himself a glass cup, he took a glance at Gold and said hi to Evelyn then he went out to receive his call, Suddenly something came to Evelyn’s mind, she said)
Evelyn:My phone! (Scared)
Gold:You have lost it?
Evelyn:No it’s in Jasper’s room
Gold:So why are you scar…
Evelyn:You can’t understand
Gold: Understand what?! (Evelyn ignored her and ran out of the kitchen, she rushed in to Jasper’s room but found him sleeping, she went to her bag and realize that her phone was still there, she was relieved….)
Dyal’s birthday was over, Evelyn sat outside alone doing nothing, Jasper has being ignoring her and she wonder why,so she came out to sat alone,Dyal came out, He moved closer to her and sat with her..
Dyal: What are you doing outside alone?
Evelyn:Uhm… Nothing just Uhmm…. Staring at the Star
Dyal:You mean I?(joking with her)
Evelyn:You are so funny
Dyal:Why are you hiding it?
Evelyn:H…. Hide what?
Dyal: Evelyn we already know(She was shocked) Yeah, Don’t you realize that your boyfriend is ignoring you, He is mad at you cause you didn’t tell him, I know that R6 want to use you to get me, believe me Jasper saw Everything on your phone when you forgot your bag in his room, you thought he was sleeping, but he was not, he was only pretending
Evelyn:(Shedding tears)Am sorry, i was scared, and am….. Am guilty, I…. I don’t know how to say it out, I was just scared,I was really scared
Dyal:They gave you something to put in everyone’s food to sleep,you have done that and you are waiting for us to sleep then you will call them to come and kidnap me right?
Evelyn:Dyal am sorry
Dyal:Well we monitored both you and Gold in the kitchen through the camera,i told her yesterday to make the same food she will make today yesterday,she cooked the food yesterday, while I asked her to put it in my room,she doesn’t even know the reason why,after you both cooked finish,You later came back to add that stuff,which we saw you in the camera, so after you left,we changed the food,the one you added something to is in,side my room,Why Evelyn? Evelyn:They threaten me,they told me they will kill me,I was just scared, Dyal am sorry(Dyal make a call on his phone)
Dyal:Guys where are you, Yeah we will start now, make sure you follow them, yeah! Just hang around, when they arrive you will see them, Ok no problem (He hanged up)You even stole my card for them so that they will enter, Jasper saw the card in your bag, you stole his card for them, You know what, you will play the game with us, Gold won’t know anything, the last drink she drank was already drugged, definitely she will sleep till we come back, I will act like I slept off outside here, we already told the guys to also pretend that they are sleeping, So the agents and policemen are outside, they will just trail them to where they are taking me, and they will get them,but still you should have tell us this at first
Evelyn:Am sorry(Jasper came out and walked up to them)
Jasper:Did she make the call yet?
Dyal:Not yet she will call them now to come and take me
Jasper:What about the guys?
Dyal:I already called them already, they are almost here, call the securities at the gates, tell them to allow anyone coming here, no matter what Escuzes they will give, they should allow them in
Jasper:Ok Boss
Evelyn:Ja…. (Jasper walked away, Evelyn shed tears)
Dyal:Don’t worry I will still talk to him later, he is still angry for now….
R6 were able to get in with the card Evelyn gave to them, Everyone pretend to be sleeping, except for Gold who was really sleeping in her room, Evelyn came out to them, Just like Dyal said, they met him sleeping outside on the chair, They carried him and put him in the car, while they zoomed off, leaving Evelyn alone outside,But they were unaware that they were being trailed and besides there was a tracking device on Dyal’s body, After ten minutes that R6 left Jasper and his boys woke up to follow them as a back up…
Crystal woke up at middle of the night, she had a bad dream, while she knelt down to pray silently….
R6 brought Dyal to thier house, they made him sat on a chair without tieing him, they all sat down waiting for him to wake up, which it was unknown to them that he wasn’t sleeping..
Richie: Come to think of it, this dude is cute
Roy:You mean our money is cute
Richie:Forget about that bro, this guy is cute, I just realized that now
Raphel: Should we wait till he wakes up or we should do that now
Roland:Sure let’s wake him up, there is no time to waste(they brought a cup of water and splashed it on Dyal’s face, he opened his eyes)
Ray:Don’t be surprise like how did you get here, no one is going to save you here
Dyal:What the f-ck are you doing and who the hell are you?
Richærd:We are R6
Dyal: So what?
Roy:This guy got some nerves
Raphel: Honestly and I can just slap hi… (Wanted to hit him)
Richærd: Raphel No, you don’t need that, this is our money, we have to treat him right
Dyal:Your money? What money?
Roland: Let me explain this shit to you right now young Star, we have kidnapped you and you can only get out of here on one condition
Dyal: What the f-ck is that?
Raphel:Dammit! This guy is using F word, let me hit him
Richærd:No no no, don’t worry about that, leave him alone,just let him be Raphael
Dyal:Do you guys know the consequence of what you are doing right now?
Richie:Of course we know, we know that we kidnapped a wh0le Star, and we know that the world will support our life imprisonment, because you are Everyone’s favorite
Dyal:What do you want from me?
Roy:Half of your Networth
Dyal:What?! You are crazy, Thirty million dollars?
Ray:Oh, you can also see that you have a lot of money, you are even scared at the mention of it, don’t you see that you are stingy to have such a money
Dyal: Shut the crap cause I work my ass to get there, that’s my sweat and I give it out to those that are less privileged, not to people like you, so just forget it, ain’t gonna give you any shit here
Raphel: Shut the f-ck! (Threw Dyal a phone)call your PA or anyone of your mangers now, Tell them you will transfer an account to them now, and we will tell you the amount we want,don’t worry we won’t ask for a lot of money
Dyal: You guys are talking like you own my account, this is my account!!!
Roland:Cut the crap and tell your boys to transfer 8 billion naira into the account that we are going to send to them now
Dyal:What?! Eight what(He made a smirk, Unknown to R6 that The agents and policemen already sneaked in, strict warning has been given to them that they must protect Dyal, Some surrounded the house while some sneaked in the house, counting one to five, Six policemen with the two agents sneaked in the living room where they are, They don’t bother to close the door thinking it’s just only them which the policemen were able to get in easily…
Samson: Everybody hands up, if you try any shit, I have the right to blow your heads off, Your hands up(Jasper and his boys arrived, Jasper who was full of anger bandage his right hand already,the more he walked in, the more he tightened his fist, getting in the living room, the first person he hit was Raphel, Then Richie, Roland and Roy, before he could touch Ray and Richærd the policemen Hold him)
Jasper:I won’t spare you guys, for threatening my girl and for bringing my boss here, I promise you two (pointing at Ray and Richærd)You will still get yours, I promise you, and I will make sure you don’t go to Jail, you gonna rot in hell, in your next life, you won’t try this shit again
Simeon:That’s ok Dude! Guys take them outside (R6 was handcuffed as they were led out, Jasper moved closer to Dyal who sat down, he has no expression on his face)
Jasper:Boss are you ok?
Dyal:Am fine
The next morning
Newscaster:Good afternoon to everyone that is watching me, Finally the police were able to get the R6 yesterday night,it was said that they kidnapped our favorite Star yesterday which was Dyal, but it was Unknown to R6 guys that Dyal and his boys also set a trap for them,it was said that they requested a sum of 8 billion naira from Dyal, This time around, they didn’t kidnap just an ordinary person but a wh0le Dyal, It was concluded that they will all face the judgement, Dyal was able to be rescued and nothing happen to him, Dyal is save and he is presently resting in his house, Max records also said that all fans should be at rest that Dyal is safe and nothing happen to him,R6 will surely face the judgment,we all hope for the best
Comments are like”I can’t believe it, how can these R6 have the gut to kidnap our baby, Oh my God someone should tell me that this is not true, they kidnapped who? They should please send them not to jail but to hang them till death and they should not forget to hang thier spirits, I support that too, if we should count the lives of people R6 has killed all because they don’t pay them, it is up to kill them and even more than that, We thank God that our Star is safe, glory be to God, please we want to see Dyal on the TV or better still he should go on live so that we can be sure that he is perfectly ok…..
Jubril was with Khalid and Majid, they just watched the news…
Majid:So R6 was after him before? That nice
Khalid:Even if they are to go to life imprisonment am hundred percent sure that two people will make sure they hang them and that is Mr Max and Mr Charlie
Jubril:They don’t joke with him
Majid:Well I don’t care, Call Poison to keep on trailing them, I swear on my dead father that Dyal will leave this world, till my last breath, I promise to be the one to kill him, the fact that we are both walking on the same land kills me, the fact that he is still breathing hurts me, Just watch out for mine Dyal,You think you are smart,Of course you are not,you need to learn from me….
Dyal was in his room, he was on video call with his mum…
Dyal:Mum am ok, Just don’t worry, you can see am good
Crystal:I know but still I want you to come and see me, I need to see my son, or should I come over
Dyal:No mum don’t bother to come, don’t worry I will sort things out first before I see you, just please put your mind at rest please,am fine Ok?
Crystal:Ok dear, I love you so much
Dyal:I love you too Mum, I really do… (Both staring at each other on the camera, after awhile they hanged up while Dyal called Emily on video call, she looked so worried, while Dyal smile and said..
Dyal:You look so ugly with your hair
Emily:Are you ok(Worried)
Dyal:Am fine, am good, don’t worry babe, after all this is me, am good and am save
Emily:Dyal am worried, i need to come to your country please, at least to spend a month with you, Dyal please
Dyal:Not now babe, don’t worry very soon ok
Emily:But I want to see you
Dyal: I know, I also want to do the same, but try to understand me please love
Emily:It’s ok then, No problem dear, anything for you, I love you
Dyal:You know I always love you too
Dyal and Mr Max together with his boys sat in the living room
Mr Max: Tomorrow is the final judgement in court for those guys(Dyal was just lost)Dyal? Dyal!
Dyal:Sir! Sorry I waaaa…..
Mr Max:Dyal What’s wrong, is anything going on please kindly talk to me, share it with us here, what happened to you, explain to me py
Dyal: Nothing much, was just thinking like I still have a bigger obstacles in future and that’s Khalid and Majid, was just thinking like assuming am in thier captivity like that of R6, Those two would have waste me, just thinking like what have I done to deserve this, Am just 25 years old, why am I facing these kind of obstacles, Just why? Why? Does my Dad also witness this, did he experienced this kind of stuffs,why is a Star’s life so difficult this way, happy outside but pains in,side, I…. I don’t know if am making sense but these is all what am thinking ever since I left R6 House, I also don’t know why this is bothering me
Mr Max:It’s ok don’t worry, Those two guys will also fall in our trap one day, just keep on playing the game with them, very soon Everything will be sort out,very soon ok?
Dyal:Ok sir….
As it was said R6 was sentenced to be hang till death, Fans are happy about the judgment so also the families of those R6 has killed are in support of the judgment, many people believe that if R6 are alive they will still come after Dyal and not to kidnap him but to kill him, so a lot was in support of the judgment and R6 blamed thierselves right in that court for choosing the wrong part in thier lives and they wish to have a better life in thier next life….
Jasper was in his room, he was arranging his clothes back to the wardrobe, Evelyn came in, standing behind the door
Jasper:Why are you standing there and staring at me like some witch (Evelyn stood there without moving while Jasper made a smirk,he closed the wardrobe and moved closer to her and k-ssed her, Evelyn respond to the k-ss like she has being waiting for it, while they both pushed each other and fell on the bed, k-ssing each other passionately)
Dyal was live, while thousands of fans were glad to see him, a lot of fans keeps on dropping comments while he replied some, Dyal who was still on live decided to go to the kitchen to get a cup of wine, getting to the kitchen, he saw Gold in a Jean trouser, black smart top and a black puffy slippers, her natural hair was all brushed down, Gold turned slowly to face Dyal who was lost and forgot that he was on live, Dyal stared at her while she also do the same, Dyal was forced to move closer to Gold and k-ssed her, after few seconds of deep k-ssing, Dyal broke the k-ss and asked Gold that…
Dyal:Is that a yes(Gold was staring at his blue eyes so closely, while Dyal keeps on k-ssing her and said) Gold answer me, please answer me, is that a yes, I don’t know how to explain it to you, I also don’t get myself, I know you do the same, I know you feel the same way, just tell me Yes
Gold:B…. But what about Emily?
Dyal:I don’t know, I just don’t get myself, I want you so badly and I still love Emily, I don’t know if am trying to be greedy here,I also want someone to explain this shit called love to me, is it possible for me to fell in love with two ladies,I don’t know, believe me I don’t know whats wrong with me,right now what matters to me is your answer,Tell me you love me too
Gold:To be candid Dyal,s….s… since that night, I….I realized that I love you also, I reall…. (Dyal k-ssed her immediately)
Dyal’s love proposal to Gold went viral,He blamed himself for not ending the live Before he entered the kitchen, some fans want Gold for Dyal, while some fans called Gold a golddigger, some wants Emily for Dyal, while some don’t want Emily because they believed that Dyal was deeply in love with Gold with the way he proposed his love to her, while some advised him to marry both ladies,Some fans who were able to get Gold’s picture keeps on comparing Gold’s picture with Emily’s picture,they all agreed and said that Gold is more beautiful than Emily,While Emily’s supporters said that Gold is not a match for Emily when it comes to money….
Dyal has being ignoring all calls, comments and messages and he was also scared to pick Emily’s call suddenly He saw her message…
Emily’s message:You ain’t gonna stop me this time around, I am coming to Nigeria,and that’s final, I need to claim what’s mine and that’s you Dyal…..
Are you Emily supporters or you are Gold’s supporters? Comments Please

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