The Hammingtons

The hammingtons 2 episode 24 – 25

๐Ÿ‚The Hammingtons 2 ๐Ÿ‚
A Cursed Family
๐ŸƒChapter 24๐Ÿƒ

Eva’s POV
Eric and I sat in the living room waiting for Dianna to come down from her room

“This is wrong, I should stop her from leaving” Eric said as he made to climb up the stairs but I held him back

“I think you should respect Dianna’s decision Eric, perhaps, I think she made a good decision” I said

“Taking that little baby and being on the run from Ivan is her making a good decision?” Eric asked

“Don’t get me wrong Eric but if she goes out of Arcane City, Ivan won’t know where she is will he? He won’t even know that Dianna left along with Bella and we can keep that illusion up giving Dianna time to get as far away from this place as she can and Ivan will never be able to find her, she’ll be free of Ivan and also of the demons in this City” I said and Eric sighed

“I guess you are right” he said

Dianna walked down the stairs with her baby and a small luggage

“I’ll be taking one of the cars” Dianna said and I nodded

“Is it okay to go alone? You sure you don’t want me to come with you? You’ll need me Dianna” Eric said

“Come on Eric, you know very well I am capable of taking care of myself and Bella, and you, you should stay here and be happy, I lost Owen, Gia lost Micheal, Ivan lost Sophie, at least one Hammington sibling should have a happy ending with the one they love, you have Eva by your side now and I am not about to snatch that from you” Dianna said

“Here” I said as I handed Dianna a book and a pen

“What is this? You want me to do some reading while I’m on the run?” Dianna asked and I scoffed

“As if you’ll really do that if I asked, the book is filled with blank pages same as this one” I said as I held up the other pair of the book
“We call it a journey book, long ago before the invention of phones, witches used it to communicate with people at home when they are on a journey, you just need to write a message on that book and it will appear on this pair with us and we’ll be able to reply you too so do make sure to write us message” I said and Dianna smiled

“Of course” she said

“Let me hold Bella for a minute” Eric said and Dianna handed Bella to him

“Oh baby girl, uncle will miss you a lot, but I promise this isn’t the last time you’ll be seeing me, we’ll definitely meet again Bellatrix Hammington” Eric said and he placed kiss on Bella’s forehead and she giggled

“I think she’s saying, until we meet again uncle” Dianna said and we laughed

Eric handed the baby back to Dianna and she was ready to go

“Be careful sister, the demons are usually out and about at night” Eric said

“Of course, don’t worry, we’ll be fine” Dianna said

“And as much as you are going to take care of Bella, take care of yourself too” Eric said and Dianna nodded

“You take care of Eva too, you are lucky to have her by your side” Dianna said and Eric smiled

We accompanied Dianna to the car and packed her luggage into the car boot
She placed Bella safely on the backseat and she sat on the driver’s seat

“Good bye Eva Jones, thank you for everything you’ve done for me” she said and I beamed a smile at her

“Do make sure you write to us” I said and she nodded

“Untill we meet again brother” she said to Eric

“Until we meet again” Eric said and she drove off…

Layla’s POV
I stood in the living room with a plate of food deliberating on which room to go to as they’ve all locked themselves up in their room for hours

Gia is angry about the fact that I’m always doubting her so she won’t even talk to me even if I go to her room, and you can’t blame me can you? I don’t trust people whom I can’t read their mind

Ivan is obviously worked up after the strict yelling sessions he gave to Ethan, he must be missing Sophie now so he’ll want to be alone, going close to him now that he’s unstable is very unsafe for me, perhaps, he’s a thousand year old adult, he can take care of himself

“Gia is out, Ivan is out, I guess Ethan is the easiest one here” I said as I walked towards his room with the plate of food

I made to knock on his door but I realized it was opened so I walked in

“Eth….” I stopped when I noticed he was faced down on the bed whimpering

“Are you crying?” I asked and he immediately sprang up and cleaned his face

“What….what are you doing here?” he asked

“I figured you haven’t eaten since yesterday so I brought you food” I said as I placed the food in front of him

“Leave me alone Layla, I want to be alone” he said

“Sure, I’ll leave you be but make sure to eat okay?” I said as I turned to leave but I stopped

“And don’t blame Ivan too much for yelling at you, he just really cares about you and doesn’t want you to get hurt, I hope you understand that” I said

“I just wanted to avenge my sister’s death Layla, she was unjustly taken away from me and I was left alone, and now I’m stuck with a power that is threatening to kill me if I’m not careful, a power I did not ask for, why do I have to be a victim of this injustice?!” Ethan sobbed and I went sit by his side and pulled him into an embrace

“That’s life for you my boy, sometimes it gives us more than we ever bargained for and we have no choice but to figure out a way to deal with it” I said

“I do not want this kind of life, I want my sister back, I want Sophie back” Ethan cried and I patted his back

“Everything will be alright Ethan, I know you must miss your sister a lot but at least your sister left Ivan for you, Ivan cares about you Ethan, and he misses Sophie as much as you do, I know you must blame him for not being there for you the first six months after Sophie’s death and you had go through the hardship of mourning and learning your new powers alone but you shouldn’t blame him that much Ethan, Ivan was broken with your sister’s death, he was literally going crazy and all he could think of was your sister, I was with him throughout that six months and Ivan wasn’t living at all, he was just there, existing, like a living corpse, I guess in this case we could say you are stronger than Ivan because you handled Sophie’s death more maturely than he did, nevertheless, you shouldn’t keep all your emotions locked up inside you Ethan, it is not a crime to cry when you are sad” I said and Ethan cried harder

“It’s going to be alright boy, it’s going to be alright” I said to Ethan

We stayed like that, hugging, for some moments and then I slowly let him go

“Feeling better now?” I asked and he nodded

“Good, you should have your food now” I said as I moved his food closer to him

“Ivan have not eaten too has he?” Ethan asked

“Yeah, he’s as stubborn as you are” I said and Ethan stood up

“I’ll go eat with him” he said and I nodded

“Suit yourself, I hope you succeed” I said and Ethan carried the plate of food and went off to Ivan’s room

Ivan’s POV
I heard a knock on my door and I saw Ethan peep in

“May I?” he asked and I nodded

“Sure, come in” I said and he walked in with a plate of food

“Can I eat with you?” he asked and I looked at him surprised

“You want to eat with me?” I asked in confirmation and he nodded

“Well….sure, of course” I said and he sat on the bed with me

“Here” he gave me a spoon and I collected and we began to eat together

“I’m sorry for being so stubborn and making you worry” Ethan apologized

“Just be careful Ethan, the last thing I want is anything to happen you, you should let Layla finish up the immortal killing spell” I said and he nodded

“But at least let me guide her through it, I’ve read the spell and I know each step to take during the process, I promise I won’t use my powers, I’ll just talk her through it, we’ll be able to finish the spell faster that way” Ethan said and I nodded

“Fine” I said and he smiled
We ate on and it was probably the best meal I’ve had in a while, I didn’t have an appetite before but eating with Ethan made me remember the times I used to eat with Sophie at the bar, at that moment, it felt like I was eating with Sophie again…..

Read – Sold to Lucifer episode 2 โ€“ 3

๐Ÿ‚The Hammingtons 2 ๐Ÿ‚
A Cursed Family
๐ŸƒChapter 25๐Ÿƒ

Ivan’s POV
It was morning and I woke up to see Ethan asleep by my side
We had both fell asleep after eating together last night
I smiled as I stared at him
He’s such a strong boy, the least thing I can do for him is to make sure he grows up well

Ethan suddenly opened his eyes and I quickly took mine away

“Are you awake already?” Ethan asked as he sat up and I nodded

“How are you feeling?” I asked

“This the best I’ve felt in six months” Ethan said and I smiled

We both walked to the living room and met Layla on the floor working on the immortal killing spell

“Did you not sleep last night?” I asked and she shook her head

“I stayed up studying the immortal killing spell, I think with a little direction from Ethan, I should be able to conjure up a weapon strong enough to kill an immortal before today’s end” Layla said and Ethan smiled

“That’s great Layla!” Ethan exclaimed as he quickly went to sit with her


“Don’t worry Ivan, I already promised I won’t be using my powers, I’ll just sit here and guide Layla along the way so she’ll be faster” Ethan said and I nodded

They began to walk on the spell and I went to Gia’s room

“Still sleeping?” I asked as I knocked on her door

“I’m quite awake brother” she said as she opened the door

“Can I?” I asked and she made way for me walk in

“Is something wrong?” she asked as I walked in

“Does something need to be wrong before I check on you?” I asked

“No, that’s not what I meant” Gia said

“Last night, I ate with Ethan” I said

“That’s surprising, since Sophie’s death, Ethan never eats with anyone” Gia said

“Yeah, he seemed to be a bit emotional last night, he has always tried to be strong but it was pretty obvious just how much he misses his sister last night and it made me realize how selfish I am, Dianna killed the only woman I ever loved, this fight is between me and her yet I dragged you into this fight, I asked you to take care of Ethan while I went away to tend to my own wounds without give you a chance, I practically separated you from Dianna and Eric without giving you a choice to choose your own side, I just assumed that you’ll always be by my side, helping and supporting me” I said

“You assumed right Ivan, you didn’t separate me from Dianna and Eric, I decided to stand against them and stay by your side, Eric and I, we never really mended our relationship completely since Micheal’s death, I hated him and I still do hate him and I do want him dead” Gia said

“And Dianna?” I asked

“She’s self-centered and controlling, she has always been that way and I hate her for taking Sophie away from you, I know the pain of losing the one you love and you do not deserve to go through that pain, I stayed by Ethan side for months watching him struggle with powers he knew nothing of, I saw the poor boy suffer and struggle to survive after her sister’s death, I hate Dianna for bringing so much suffering to our lives, she deserves to die” Gia said

“What about Dianna’s baby? Does she deserve to die?” I asked

“It was in a bid to keep her safe that Dianna decided to sacrifice Sophie, we were all happy before her arrival and I’m sure we will be once she’s gone” Gia said and I nodded

“Are you having second thoughts Ivan? Can you not kill Dianna when the time comes?” Gia asked

“I am not having second thoughts Gia, I will kill Dianna without hesitating when the time comes and I believe that time is coming sooner than we expect, Layla and Ethan are working on the spell, they should be done by today’s end” I said and Gia smiled

I wasn’t lying when I told Gia I wasn’t having seconds thought about killing Dianna, rather I was having second thoughts about killing her baby
Each time I think of killing her baby, my mind goes back to the moment we broke into Eva’s Mansion and I held Dianna’s baby, I was there to hurt them yet she stared at me with such an enchanting innocent eyes and she beamed the brightest smile at me
Will I ever be able to kill such an innocent baby whom I fought so hard for to arrive to this world safely?

“You seem lost, what are you thinking about?” Gia asked and I shook my head


There was a sudden explosive sound and Gia and I rushed out

“What was that sound?” Gia asked

“Are you two okay?” I asked

“We finished it” Layla smiled as she held up a golden dagger

“The only weapon that can kill an immortal” Ethan said

“Is that really it? Can that really kill an immortal?” Gia asked as she moved forward to collect the dagger from Layla but Layla stopped her

“This is not for you to hold” Layla said and she handed me the dagger

“Use that with care Ivan, do not do something that you’ll regret later on with it” she said

“Where is the map that shows Dianna’s location? We need to know where she is before going to attack her” Gia said

“You plan on going after her now?!” Layla asked

“There’s no need to delay when we now have a weapon that can kill her, we’ve wasted enough time already, right Ivan?” Gia asked looking at me

“I promised to make her suffer before killing her and I plan keeping that promise, Eric and Eva are the first on my list, I need to make her experience the pain of losing someone she cares about” I said

“You forgot to add her baby, killing Dianna’s baby will break her, just like you wanted” Gia said and I nodded

“Right, I’ll get the map that shows her location” I said and I walked off to my room

I kept Dianna’s and Gia’s tracking map at the same place
I got both of them and placed Gia’s map in my pocket and I went out with Dianna’s

“There’s something wrong with the map” I said as I noticed that the black dot on the map representing Dianna was going out of the paper

“What’s wrong with the map?” Layla asked and I handed the map to her

“Oh no” she said on seeing the map

“Is it what I’m thinking?” Ethan asked and Layla nodded

“What is wrong with the map?” Gia asked

“Nothing is wrong with it, just that Dianna is running away” Ethan said

“What do you mean by that?” I asked

“You see when I created this tracking map, I didn’t think Dianna will go to far away from Arcane County so I used a map of Arcane County and the neighboring city but it seems Dianna is out of Arcane County and almost out of the neighboring city, the moment she steps of the neighboring city, her location will no longer be showing on this map and we will not know where she is” Layla explained

“I’m going to find her and bring her, she can’t run away when I’ve not even begin to make her suffer” I said

“But she’ll probably be long gone before you get to the neighboring city” Ethan said

“Go after her Ivan, I’ll make sure she’s stays right where she is till you get to her” Gia said

“And how do you plan on doing that?” Layla asked

“Doesn’t matter, just go Ivan, go before she completely disappears from the map” Gia said I nodded

I took the car key and I ran out with the golden dagger……

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