Unfulfilled Promise 2

Unfulfiled promise 2 episode 15 – 16

Unfulfilled Promises

season 2


Aunt Vien forgot her antagonism when she heard that Oleng had put to bed safely and called Oleng’s mother-in-law They both sang praises to God over the phone She called Zinny and Marvy who was abroad with her husband to tell them of the good news On impulse she called her sister’s number but it was unavailable She was disappointed She felt the baby would have brought the much needed reconciliation She however pushed her disappointment aside and called her children to inform them of the wonderful news.

She went to see Oleng and the baby when she was moved to the maternity ward She also commented on the beauty of the baby She told her she had called everyone and after she had rested, she would switch on her phone so she could receive congratulatory calls.

“Did you call Dave?” Oleng quietly asked her. Her aunt looked up from where she was looking at the sleeping baby. “No. Do you want me to call him?”

“Yes please.”

Her aunt left the cot and picked up her phone to call him She put it on speaker when he answered. “Hello, Dave. It’s Aunt Vien.”

“Yes, what do you want?” he coldly asked

“Oleng put to bed this morning, a beautiful baby girl Do you want talk to her?”

“What for? You called me to mock me, right? To jeer at me because I cannot father a child?” he bitterly questioned her.

“No. She was…“ She was talking to herself because Dave had hung up after asking those questions.

Oleng had heard everything since her aunt had placed the phone on speaker. She could only shrug.

Oleng took her beautiful baby home the following day The nurses were sorry to see the baby leave because they enjoyed going to look at her and hold her,They concluded within themselves that Oleng’s husband must be drop dead gorgeous also since she was very beautiful to produce such a beautiful baby Aunt Vien even told them that the baby’s dad was of mixed birth even though she had never seen Eric.

Oleng could not help loving her daughter so much She felt bad that she had nearly lost such a precious child If she were to choose between her daughter and Dave, she would certainly choose her daughter Her decision was not based on the fact that Eric was the father of the child but because she felt so much love for the baby More than what she felt for Dave

“I’m going to call her Erica, Aunt Vien After her father and late brother.’ she declared one morning while she was br-ast feeding the baby Aunt Vien only smiled.

And so on the eighth day, the baby was christened Erica Kapuna Conrad.

Oleng didn’t want to deny her child her father’s name She smiled sadly that day when she recalled Dave used to call her Erica in the past

She had tried calling him but he always rejected her calls She resigned herself to fate but when the baby was four months old and Eric hadn’t contacted her, against aunt Vien’s wishes, she sent Dave a message that she wanted to see him to discuss things.He agreed for her to come but on the condition that she would come without Eric’s baby She hadn’t bothered replying the message because there was no way she was going to leave her baby behind.



“Yes, hold on. I’m coming.” Oleng called as she put her five months old baby to bed at the sound of a knock on the door

She opened the door and took in a sharp breath Standing before her looking debonair on a polo shirt and black trousers was her past Eric had no right to look so tall and handsome His smile drew her heart strings She however coordinated herself and was about shutting the door when he brought out his foot to stop her from doing that That ignited her anger.

“What do you want?”

“At least hear me outNListen to what I have to say. You know we have scores to settle.” he pleaded.

“We don’t.” she countered.

“Tell me really Oleng, aren’t you a tad curious at the inconsistency of statements we made about our past?” he drawled softly.

“No, because I know you’re lying.”

“Have I ever lied to you?”

“Countless times.” she replied with indifference.

He was silent at that. “I’ve never lied to you I came here to find out what happened I know we can never get back together again, you being married and all but I still want to know what went wrong.” he quietly told her.

“What for? The past is the past.”

“Remember we’re shaped somehow by our past I want to find out so I can have peace of mind because you accused me of something I know absolutely nothing about and I want you to stop hating me for nothing.” he firmly stated but she just stared at him.

“I even brought proof of my innocence.” he informed her, showing her his phone and the laptop bag he held in his hands but she just stared at him with her hands folded across her chest.

“Please.” he finally said.

She shrugged and allowed him in saying, “Make it snappy.”

She didn’t want to admit to herself that she was pissed because she had given up hope of ever seeing him again

“What a cozy apartment you have here.” he observed as he brought his gorgeous six foot three frame into the small living room.

“Thanks.” was all she said.

He turned to look at her then “What are you doing here? I was surprised when Zinny told me you were here.”

She looked at him with disdain. “Please don’t pretend she didn’t tell you all the gory details.”

The look of shock on his face certainly couldn’t be pretense. “Gory details? She didn’t tell me anything She only said you came here to relax because you’re on leave or so.”

“Really?” she asked in disbelief.

“Really.” he responded.

“Take a seat.” she requested because she knew he wouldn’t until she told him He was still every inch a gentleman.

“I’ll go straight to the point because I suspect your patience with me is very thin though I wonder why.” he said as he sat down.

“A very good idea.” she coldly informed him as she sat down facing him.

“I have a question to ask.” He studied her expectantly but when she just glared at him without saying anything, he continued, “What happened to my baby?”

She was silent for so long he thought she wouldn’t answer. “The baby. The baby died.” she finally said.

Oleng couldn’t believe the look of pain that crossed his handsome face She noticed he gripped the arms of the chair strongly She feared he would break them. She understood his pain because she knew he didn’t have kids

“What happened?” he inquired in almost a whisper.

She couldn’t help feeling sorry for him. “After birth complications. He died a few hours after I gave birth to him.”

“He? A son. It was a boy Darn!” he said with so much anguish she had to look away

When he composed himself, he started his story.“Oleng, I didn’t send you that message to abort the baby I didn’t even know you were pregnant until Eddy made the slip let me start from the beginning…

(Things are about to be unveiled.. But readers don’t you think it is rather too late already ?)

Unfulfilled Promises
Season 2
Episode 16

We were communicating very well then
but all of a sudden, I noticed you started
picking quarrels with me You weren’t
replying my messages promptly anymore
and were sorta cold and distant to me It
made me so moody Damian invited me to go camping with his neighbours and
friends I sent you a message to inform
you I’d be going camping with Damian for
two weeks but I didn’t know you didn’t
get the message. The network reception
at the mountains was quite poor that was
why I was unable to communicate with
you I was worried about you, so the
camping wasn’t much fun for me because
I knew we’d promised each other to
communicate always I tried to get
through to our other friends but it wasn’t
possible. A week into the camping, I
caught a stomach bug and the flu We
had to cut the camping short I was
seriously ill for about two weeks so I
couldn’t communicate with you
When I got better and was able to sit up, I
put on my laptop, discovered you hadn’t
gotten my message about the camping,
and then saw yours I cried like a baby
that day You said you knew I would meet
someone else there, you had heard a lot
of stories where Nigerian guys would
come back with their foreign wives and
kids You said you knew Yolanda,
Damian’s neighbour was fond of me You
couldn’t bear such and you also couldn’t
handle a long distance relationsh¡p. You
also told me to forget about you because
you were already in love with someone in
your class. I couldn’t believe my eyes.

been gone in less than six months. I
believed it was the reason why you
refused to reply my messages. I felt like a
fool but I loved you so much I called you
over and over again but your line was
always unavailable. I sent messages
begging you to reconsider but they
always returned back to me undelivered.

I wanted to come back to Nigeria then but Damian refused because of my school. I nearly failed my first exams there because of you. Immediately it was possible, I came back to Nigeria to look for you and try to change your mind but you were nowhere to be found I couldn’t even see Zinny and Marvy Eddy didn’t know your
whereabouts Dave didn’t either but he
came along with me to your house. We…”
“Wait a minute.” She cut in. “Dave went
with you? It can’t be. He didn’t tell me

He shrugged nonchalantly. “I don’t know
why he didn’t tell youAll I know is he
went with me to your house but the place
was under lock and key We went there
twice but always met it like that I
couldn’t even get to Zinny and Marvy,
they were never at home and their
numbers were forever unreachable When
I couldn’t find you, I had to leave I went
back to the States dejected Over the
years, I found it hærd to date because I felt I had lost the most precious thing God had given me I was so plagued by your disappearance, I took my parents’
anniversary as an excuse to come and
look for you again. I told Zinny everything
and she was sorry at the antagonism she
had felt for me for years but she still
wouldn’t tell me anything. She said I had
to hear the true story from you I
approached Dave about my interest in
looking for you and making up with you
but he told me not to bother because you
were in a serious relationsh¡p, you had
hinted to him that the guy would soon pop the big question and you would agree to marry him. I was devastated but I took it in my stride. I…”
“Why are you so bent on destroying
Dave’s name before me? Dave told me
you didn’t ask of me I was even the one
who asked him if you had.”

“Well, isn’t it obvious why he lied? He
wanted you for himself.” he sadly said
Oleng found it hærd to swallow that Dave
had been deceiving her all these years A
year ago, she wouldn’t have believed but
now she knew what he was capable of l
No wonder Zinny had told her he had
many secrets.

“Continue.” she urged after digesting that
“Well, I went back to the California
disappointed but came back again a year
after that still hoping but all my hopes
were crushed when I heard you were
married Zinny and Eddy said you had
married some guy like that I went back to
try to forget about you with the decision
to marry someone one else but it didn’t
work out.” he smiled ruefully as he said
that. “I tried dating but they all ended
disastrously I was so depressed I nearly
became an alcoholic Damian had to
invite my mum over who talked some
sense into me I became sober and
straightened my life out I came back to
Nigeria again for Marvy’s wedding and
got the shock of my life that day in your
house I felt betrayed by both of you I
was mad I wanted to hurt both of you but
Eddy calmed me down I figured you
probably loved him since you married him
but it galled me that Dave had probably
painted me black before you just to get
you I shrugged it off painfully but you
came to my house and we…”

“That’s alright I know what happened
from there.” she quickly ins**ted; feeling
embarrassed as she recalled how she had wantonly fell into bed with him.
There was a great silence before Eric
quietly asked, “Why didn’t you tell me
about the baby? Why didn’t you trust me
enough to tell me about him?”
His tone was so accusing that Oleng
flared up.
“How dare you? How dare you accuse me
of what you know nothing about? I went
through hell because of that baby Do you
know how scared I was when I found out I was pregnant I was just fifteen years old
for crying out loud I trusted you I trusted
you enough at first not to tell you because I knew you would come back and would insist on staying with me I didn’t want to
ruin your future I wanted the best for

Pain gathered in her eyes as she
remembered. “Zinny and Marvy advised
me to tell you So I sent you a message to
inform you I wanted to go to your mother
but I wanted you to tell me if it would be
okay to do that but you never replied My
mum found out and she made life
miserable for me.She wanted me to go
for an abortion but I refused because I
was scared I didn’t want to die and I had
always been an advocate of keeping the
baby in the past.My mum got so angry
she took away my phone and laptop after
you had sent me that message telling me
to abort the baby, forget about you
because you had a future and didn’t want
to be saddled with a baby at so young an

I cried myself to sleep most nights.Then
my mum sh¡pped me here, to my aunt’s
because she couldn’t stand the sight of
me. I lost contact with everyone Do you
know how scared I was? I thought I was
going to die during labor. Do you know
the excruciating pains I felt during labor? I.was just sixteen carrying such burdens.

Then I finally gave birth to a very
handsome boy.” she smiled through her
tears in reminiscence. “He was so
beautiful He looked exactly like you so I
named him after you. But he died My
world crumbled when he died but my
cousins and my aunt helped me to get my
life back.
Now you come here accusing me and
telling me so much lies when you were
actually the one who destroyed our
relationsh¡p. Please tell that to the birds!”
she yelled forgetting her sleeping child.

When she looked at him, she was filled
with awe to see tears in his eyes.He
quickly closed them when he saw her
looking at him.
He stood up and went on a bended knee
before her. “I’m…I’m sorry you went
through all that because of me…I’m sorry
for the pains you went through…I’m also
sorry for making you cry now but Oleng I
swear…I swear with everything I hold
dear…I would have sworn with God if He
weren’t so sacred but I swear on my
grandmother’s grave, I didn’t send you
that message I didn’t tell you to abort the
baby I didn’t even know about then and I
swear I didn’t ask you to forget about me
How could I have done that when you are
my life?” he passionately declared and
she noticed with both trepidation and joy
that he had said, ‘you are my life’ and not
‘you were my life’ After dwelling on it, she
discovered it annoyed her. Where had he
been since?

“Fine, I’ve heard you.You didn’t send the
message but you didn’t have to rope my
husband in with your lies about him.” she
fumed “I didn’t lie about Dave I spoke the truth about him I never knew he was a devious
and conniving person. I don’t stand to
gain anything by lying You and I can
never be together You’re married. Why
don’t you approach him on the issue and
see his reaction.”
“I’ll do just that In the meantime why
don’t you leave me alone? Leave us
alone.” she almost yelled but Eric wasn’t
fazed by it.

He leaned close to her They were so
close they were inhaling each other’s
carbon dioxide They looked into each
other’s eyes Eric gently placed his l-ips on
hers.He k-ssed her slowly and
passionately while she clung to him She
broke the k-ss and they stared at each
other lustfully.


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