
Whisper episode 6

Written by Kemmy B. Gabriel
πŸ–€ Chapter Six πŸ–€
The next day, we prepared to go to the museum, we changed our hair back to normal but wore hoodies over ripped jeans and Nike sneakers, the only difference in our dressing were the colours. While I wore pink hoody, white jeans and sneakers with pink stripe. Sage wore black through and through, Emy went with green hoody and sneakers and peach jeans. Oh yeah, and the fact that Judith wore a golden yellow shirt dress with white hood and pink buttons. The dressed hugged her body so tight and brought out her curves. Judith was enjoying the moment while it last. She topped it up with sneaker boots and pink jewelled bangles.
She was enjoying it too much, even wore shades and carried her signature fan. In case you didn’t know, I bought two cars, but we never use them. For the occasion, we picked the twilight fog Mercedes Benz, Sage said the model was chic, she chose it. Sage was the one driving while I spoke to the director of one of the label’s we were signed into, the one who wanted the video.
“No Mr. Constantine, we haven’t assured them that we would use the museum, we are only checking it out.”
“Better not make any promises, Kim already found the perfect highschool for the video. With a little makeover, the school will be perfect.”
“Wouldn’t it be better if you don’t spend too much money on redecoration? What if the museum is perfect? I can take photos and send them to you, what do you think?”
“We have to wΒ‘den our options, be open to more ideas. This town haven’t received any celebrity outside it name, it would be a win for us if we are the first to come here… Not that I’m already saying we should, I’m just saying if the museum is perfect.” I tapped my nose and waited for him to agree, he always agrees.
“Hmm, the first thing is getting to me, is the town beautiful enough for a photoshoot? If the museum isn’t good enough, we could make arrangement for a photoshoot or something, what do you think?”
“You always have the greatest idea sir, that’s why you’re the boss.” I praised. He laughed, his snorting laugh.
“Silver-tongued missy,” he said within his laugh. “I hear ya, just get back to me before sunset, okay?”
“Alright, bye.” I hung up and pocketed my phone, that was when I realised Judith and Emy were at It again.
“Emerald, green, beryl, what’s the goddamn difference!” Judith shouted.
“Ahem,” Emy coughed, “beryl is a dull blueish green…”
“Don’t answer that! I don’t care to know!”
“But you asked,”
“Will you cut it out,” Judith snapped, “I don’t even know how we entered this conversation, please, leave me alone.”
“Okay,” Emy turned to me.
“Don’t even think about it,” I warned, shifting closer to the door. Emy pouted and opened her mouth to speak, but the ringing of her phone cut her off.
“Phew,” Judith and I signed with relief. She picked up the phone and answered it.
“Hello, Cheryl speaking… Wait, I didn’t give anyone my number, who are you?” Her face dropped to a frown. “How did you get my number?… Urgh! Sorry, I didn’t order for bad luck with misfortune to go, don’t call me ag… Hey! Take that back you… You are as handsome as a toad…”
Judith looked at me with a laughing smile, Emy was so going to like this guy. Judith was sitting at the front seat, I was sitting behind Sage as Emy sat behind Judith.
“You guys still haven’t told me how you knew how to stop that pain, did Victoria tell you?”
“Yes, she did. Victoria came to me and said she was going to bestow something on you that would kill you if I don’t help reduce it. She then told me to light white candles in a circle, dress you completely in white and w-t you with purified water.” Sage explained.
“But first, Tori clasped her hands against mine in my dream and dipped our hands into a large bowl of ice. She then told me to lay my hands on your forehead before Sage gets the ritual ready and when she is doing it.” Emy whispered, her hand over her phone to block the person from hearing.
“And I was given some weird incarnation, she blew her breath into my mouth and I just said it when Sage was wetting you.” Judith explained with a shrug.
“Don’t ever call me again!” She hung up and huffed. “You still haven’t told us what you saw in your dream, what did Victoria do?” Emy asked curiously, ignoring the fact that she was just yelling at someone. I shut my eyes to remember my dream, the memory of it was hazy. Something she said reverberated in my head instead.
“I cannot stop what is to come but I can help you all find what you need faster. In every riddle location, look for the glint that will show you what exactly you are looking for.”
I opened my eyes and shook my head sadly, “nothing, I can’t remember a thing.”
“Not even any clue she gave you?” Sage asked hopefully.
“Well, she said she has placed a glint in every location to help us know what we are looking for.”
“That’s something,” they said simultaneously. We finally arrived at the museum, a man was standing outside with a lady waiting for us obviously. The woman wore a straight black dress with stilettos and had her hair up in french twist. The man just wore a business suit.
They hurried to the car with big smiles, it would sadden them if we don’t use the museum. Judith got out first, acting like the glorified princess she is. Emy and I stepped out too, I was observing the place for paparazzi but the compound was swept free of all souls.
“You don’t need to worry miss, I made sure we are the only ones here,” the lady said as she noticed my rigid surreptitious observation.
“Thank you, we better go in,side and get this over with, I’m Candy by the way…”
“I know, and you are Honey…”
“Judith,” Judith corrected, “please call me Judith.”
“I’m Mr. Gareth Honeycutt, and this is my assistant Bonnie Williams, I’m very happy that you considered our museum worthy enough for a video…”
“You do realise that we are not promising you anything, right?” Leave it to Judith to be cruelly honest.
“Judith, don’t be rude,” Sage scolded.
“It’s okay, we know your terms and conditions and we agree to it, we only hope that we can meet up to your expectations.” Mr. Honeycutt replied politely, a warm smile on his face.
“This way ladies,” Bonnie smiled. We followed them to the door and entered into the museum. I expected less, but immediately I walked in, I was struck by the lightning of admiration and stupefaction. The museum was uniquely large with treasures I couldn’t believe exist.
We all walked apart, our mouth open as we gaped at all the statues and potteries and sculptures and everything! The artifacts were extremely old and seemed to be of Willow Spring origins while some looked foreign.
“Everything in this museum is rightfully owned by Willow Spring, my ancestors to be precise. Each of them were explorers, travelled far and wide to bring both valuable and powerful objects. When they weren’t finding them out, they were collecting statues, potteries, sculptures, paintings, most from the townfolk themselves and the rest from outside. Each holds a story and a history, some are even believed to be magical like that one,” he pointed to an eagle with blue and grey wings, “it is said to protect wherever it dwells and I believe it because I have seen the bird’s eyes moved. I know it sounds crazy…”
“I believe you, magic is real,” Emy smiled, her voice echoing in the big hall.
“My family were just collectors until my father got the idea to turn out treasures to something worth it, a museum. Not many have seen the magnificent things here, but they are all valuable. Come, the art gallery is this way.”
He showed us around, we were too busy admiring the place to remember why we were there. I videoed the wh0le thing while Judith and Emy took pictures. The place was perfect.
“Hey Candy,” Emy laughed, I turned the camera to her. She was standing in front of the statue of a prince. She fell into the arms of the prince and sighed dreamily. “Oh my love, what light beyond our cold world shines bright? Where is the paradise we seek? Where can we stay and find peace, to dwell in love forever… Oh my darling!”
We laughed at her dramatic display. “This should be enough,” I said with a wide smile, “I’ll forward the video over to Mr. Constantine.”
“We totally forgot about the other reason,” Judith said sheepishly, “come on Sage, let’s look around more for anything related.”
“Wait,” I said hurriedly, I sent the video to him and pocketed my phone. “Mr. Honeycutt, we were hoping to take a picture with the Sea Fins, dancers of Poseidon.”
“That is one of our less valuable things, why do you want to see it?” He asked in confusion.
“Because we like it,” Emy shrugged her shoulders simply.
“Alright, Bonnie show them, I need to call a business associate, I’ll be back.”
“Thank you Mr. Honeycutt,” I said with a polite bow. He laughed and waved us bye before leaving. Bonnie led us to the elevator, she clicked on the last button, the very last floor. It seemed like an underground floor.
“This room is not allowed to be known by others, I hope you understand.”
“Yes ma’am,” Emy and I said. A keypad popped up in the wall, she typed in something very fast, too fast for me to see. The lights in the elevator turned green and then moved. Sage and Judith muttered a “cool”.
Finally at the bottom, the elevator doors dinged open, the lights in the floor automatically turned on to reveal a lot of creepy and beautiful things. We walked out of the elevator looking at each of them. “be careful not to touch anything, these items were kept here for a reason, most of them are dangerous if activated.”
“Oh, yes Miss Bonnie,” we chorused. She then led us to what we were looking for. It was a fountain with the exact form of Poseidon standing in it middle. Seven women stood at the edge of the fountain, each in their own frozen dance positions, their veil spread around them. They each had some kind of fin hat and belt on their wa-ists. It was hΓ¦rd to explain but I knew it was fins.
“Glint,” I muttered, I looked at Emy, She nodded understandingly. Emy started coughing, holding her chest as if in serious pain. “Emy! Her illness is acting up again, where is her drugs?!”
“Crap! Bonnie, do you think you can whΒ‘p up honey tea for her? Please?” Judith asked with tears in her eyes.
“Yes, we have it, I’ll get it fast…” Bonnie left her words hanging as she ran towards the elevator.
“Just hang in there Emy, cover her nose,” Sage instructed. I placed my baby pink handkerchief on her nose, we remained like that until we heard the elevator move.
“Oh we are good,” Judith said playfully. We laughed, it was a thing we did whenever we didn’t want to work. I stood up from where I knelt beside Emy, removed my phone from my pocket and tapped the screen on. I turned on my flashlight and flashed it around the statue.
“There!” Judith cried, “I just saw a glint right in Poseidon’s left eye!”
“I’ll get it!” Sage shouted.
“Wait!” Emy and I shouted, “don’t you think it’s too simple? It surely can’t be that easy.”
“Hmm, now you guys say it, I guess so,” Sage said stroking her chin. Judith took off one of her ring and threw it pass two of the dancing gypsies. We scre-med when the ring disintegrated into ash.
“Wow,” Sage said with wide eyes.
“Now how do we get it?” I mused.
“Twist and turn like the great Sea fins
Can you turn and dance like this
One, two, three, four, five
Step here, step there and dive
Spin, spin like the sea twister
Dance, dance like the seven fins.” Emy sang as she clapped, it was one of the ridiculous rhymes Tori used to sing.
“All our time with her had something, we have to follow the dance of the fins, the position.”
“Not we Sage, just Emy,”
“Me? Why me?” She asked shockingly.
“He who remembers it, does it,” Judith said humourously. Emy exhaled and nodded.
Emy danced around the statue, imitating the positions of the seven women and repeating it over and over again. The statues started cracking, the ladies were moving. They slowly started dancing with Emy, she was lost in the music in her head as they danced. The eye glinted again before something flew out, throwing itself to me. I caught the thing, immediately my hands touched it, the thing glowed bright blue. We gro-ned in pain, the light was as bright as the one at the oak tree.
The light died down, I mo-ned and rubbed my eyes with the back of my palm. “One more bright light, and I’m going to be taking over from blind Bartimaeus.” Judith gro-ned.
“What is it?” Sage asked curiously. I opened my palms, the water sea in the form of necklace. I raised it up so everyone could see.
“Wow, that settles…” The elevator landed. Emy gasped and quickly went back to position. I shoved the seal into my pocket along with my phone and joined them. Bonnie ran towards us, carrying a small cup with her other hand pressing the lid down.
“Here, I added more honey,” Sage took it and passed it over to Judith. My phone rang that moment, I brought it out and answered the call.
“Candy! The museum is perfect! Where is the owner? I wish to speak to him immediately!” Mr. Constantine shouted excitedly.
“I’ll forward his number over to you, hold on,” I hung up and grinned at Bonnie. “Guess we are using the museum.”
She gasped and then shriek with joy. One down, three to go.
Judith and Emy laid on my bed as they decided on which pictures to upload, they didn’t want the one that would make it easy to recognise the museum, they were also going to add the past pictures we took. According to Judith, it was keeping our fans updated. Sage was in her room beating up her punching bag.
I was busy reading an ebook to get more ideas, I already spent the last three hour watching two rom-nce movies to get something. At least I had something in mind, just needed more ideas to put it down in writing and get my song done. I was tired, my body was tired.
“Candy Crush,” I dropped my phone immediately I heard that, “come…come…” I stood up and trailed the voice. I followed the voice to the library, the huge library that took us two days to clean. “Candy, turn left.”
“Left,” I turned left and kept walking, going deep into the aisle.
“Right,” I turned right and walked until I reached a dead end. The wall was painted, the painting of a cove, a beautiful mermaid cove. “Where is my tail?
Where are my wings?
Where are my scales?
Where is my life?
Do not hide from me what you have
Do not forget the key
Remember the shell scaled tail
Remember the me you have.”
“Victoria, what does that mean?”
“Remember Idalia, remember…”
“Idalia!!!” I flinched up, jerking up from the chair I was sitting on. “Geez! Didn’t you get any sleep last night!” Judith shouted angrily, “I’ve been calling you for over six minutes now!”
“I’m…I…I thought I stood up and went…went… Oh,” It was a trance. “Tori led me somewhere, the library…”
“No way, better forget that one first,” Judith snapped. “Please, we need to finish the remaining three.”
“I agree with Judith,” Emy agreed.
“What is for you is for you, not all that you see must reach the three. Trust them, love them, but hide them from things that would destroy them. Many for them to see, many for them to assist, but few you must conceal, for the walls have ears.” Victoria’s voice echoed in my head. She was warning me not to always tell them everything, to keep things to myself.
“Alright, after then.”
Then again, why is Victoria always talking to me? Why not them?
To be continued.
πŸ€” Really, why is it only her? Why not the others?
Remember to like and share guys, you guys aren’t sharing o.
See you in the next chapter.
πŸ΅οΈπŸƒ Authoress Kemmy B. Gabriel πŸƒπŸ΅

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