Witches Lust season 4

Witches lust 4 episode 125

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Author :- Sadiq Infinity (Capri Leo)

Chapter 125 :- Defeat.

As Riley faces off with his resurrected nemesis Lucas, feelings of rage and hatred quickly builds up inside of him. In that moment, he remembers the painful experiences he went through because of the undead wizard and now that he’s standing in front of him, all Riley wants to do is massacre and obliterate him. Unaware that Riley was no longer the feeble human he once faced, Lucas quickly blasts him with a huge burst of flame. Believing that he had killed Riley with his flames, Lucas laughs mischievously expressing his joy.

Lucas âž¡ Oloshí! Odé!! you honestly thought you have a chance against me?!? I’m stronger than I was before. It’s a shame you had to die so soon but it doesn’t matter, I will soon taste your daughter’s fruits. (Laughs)

Suddenly as Lucas was busy laughing mischievously, a powerful burst of lightning emerges from the cinders of his flame striking him hard on the chest. The impact of the lightening was so powerful that undead wizard was catapulted into a nearby enchantment shop. Stunned by the unexpected attack, Lucas quickly gets back on his feet and makes his way out of the shop to see what hit him and as soon as he gets out into the open, he sees something unbelievable.
Here inside the scorching flame of Lucas, Riley emerges looking pissed and angry. Although some parts of his clothes had burnt off, Riley’s body was fine. There was no burns or bruises of any kind, his body was completely okay. After stepping out of the flame, Riley stares at his arms and smiles as he sees that the gloves had created the kind of weapon he had conjured in his mind. Strapped around Riley’s arms was a black metal gauntlet which had the ability to harness and unleash lightening. Lucas who couldn’t believe what he saw unleashed another burst of flame only this time around, Riley didn’t allow him to do as he pleased.
Charging up his gauntlets with lightning, Riley teleports in front of Lucas and smashes his face with a devastating punch. The latter who was also resilient engulfed his fists with flames and began to fight back. In that moment as Riley and Lucas were exchanging fists, the vicinity around them flashed and sparked with lightning and fire. Despite using his most powerful flame spells on his human opponent, Lucas was shocked to see that Riley was still unhurt and in one piece. After changing blows for some minutes, Riley overpowers Lucas knocking him down with a powerful flash of lightning from his gauntlets.

Lucas âž¡ This can not be. Why are my spells not working on you?

Riley âž¡ You’ve been dead a long time Lucas and a lot has changed whilst you were gone. I’m no longer the same human you fought 40yrs ago. I’ve transcended into something else.

Lucas âž¡ Impossible! You should have been old or dead but here you are still looking young. Whatever it is that you are, I will end you.

Riley âž¡ No, you won’t. It’s over.

Lucas âž¡ Don’t underestimate me, swine!!!

Suddenly in that moment, Lucas instantly teleports in front of Riley, tackles him to the ground and then shoves his thumbs into his eyeballs. Despite having his eyeballs crushed into his brains, Riley immediately retaliated by grabbing hold of Lucas’s head unleashing a powerful bolt of lightning into his cerebral core.
As flashes of lightning sparked tremendously, Lucas’s scream echoed the atmosphere as he struggled and trembled with pain. Not only was his brains getting fried but his whole body was under fire. Before long, the undead wizard lost his grip on Riley as he was forced to retreat. The latter who’s eyes had regenerated, quickly sprang up back to his feet to finish what he started but then something unexpected occurred.
Realizing that his chances against Riley was very slim, Lucas decided to use his ultimate spell against him. In that moment as he was about to be annihilated, the villainous wizard rips out his heart, whispers some strange spell and within a blink of an eye, his whole body bursts into a giant mass of flame. In that moment, the surrounding became intensely hot as Lucas’s flame began to expand, his flame was so hot that some of the things around him were incinerated. Riley who witnessed this unexpected transformation hesitated to see what the vile wizard was up to.

Lucas âž¡ It’s over for you, Riley.

Riley âž¡ What kind of mumu are you? Magic doesn’t work on me. Your flames are useless against me.

Lucas âž¡ (laughs) My magic may not work against you but I can’t say the same for those you love.

Riley âž¡ What are you talking about?

Lucas âž¡ I’m going burn this city to the ground along with everyone in it. (laughs) I can’t wait to see the look on your face when your precious family is reduced to ash.

Riley âž¡ You homicidal maniac!!! What about the other witches and wizards here?

Lucas âž¡ I don’t care about them. They all deserve to die for letting you live all this time. Behold and witness as everything turns to ash.

Riley âž¡ NOO!

In that moment, Lucas yells triumphantly and begins to shoot out giant balls of flame all over the place. Riley tries to stop him but it was already too late, the vicinity was engulfed with flames and within a blink of an eye, the flames expanded into a wildfire and it began to spread very quickly. Realizing the imminent danger of the situation, Riley braces himself and charges towards Lucas but as soon as he got close, the latter bashed a burning branch on the side of his face. Stunned and injured by the unexpected attack, Riley suddenly pulls back to avoid any unexpected surprises.

Lucas âž¡ (laughs) How does it feel? Magic may not hurt you but You’re not invulnerable.

Riley âž¡ (groans painfully) Still it’s not enough to kill me. I’m going to bury you again Lucas and this time you’ll be dead for good.

Enraged by the hostile words, Lucas tosses the burning at Riley and then charges towards him. Realizing what the vile wizard was about to do, the vengeful yoruba man unleashes a powerful bolt of lightning from his gauntlets decimating both the projectile and the wizard at the same time. After being struck by lightening, Lucas quickly gets on his feet to retaliate but just as he was about to make his move, Riley suddenly appears in front of him and punches the wizard’s heart with his lightening infused gauntlet which came out through his back. Lucas who was now hanging on to his human nemesis gasped with shock unable to believe his defeat.

Lucas âž¡ (coughs) No.. I can’t..it can’t be..

Riley âž¡ It’s over.

Lucas âž¡ (laughs)

Riley âž¡ What’s funny?

Lucas âž¡ It’s not over until I say it’s over.

Suddenly in that moment, Lucas tightens his grip on Riley whilst staring at him viciously. He then proceeds to increase the flame around his body making more bigger and powerful than ever. Riley who was yet to understand what was going on, tried to pull out his arm from Lucas’s chest but the wizard wouldn’t let him go.

Riley âž¡ What’s the meaning of this?

Lucas âž¡ I may have lost to you but how this ends is up to me. Behold as my burning fury wipes out everything around you.

Riley âž¡ What are you planning to do?

Refusing to answer Riley’s question, Lucas’s laughs viciously for some seconds before the his body began to crack steadily unleashing my hotter flames that ones he had previously releasing. Riley who had now realized what the vile wizard was about to, struggled to break free but then he stopped after an idea popped into his head. Seeing that Evlyn’s winged monsters were still increasing, Riley suddenly teleports Lucas into the sky midst the monsters and as soon as the wizard’s body had finished cracking, a powerful nuclear-like explosion erupts tearing the sky inside out. The rest of Evlyn’s winged monsters that weren’t destroyed by the Supreme witch’s light spell were instantly wiped out.
Every witch and wizard in the realm felt the tremor of the explosion and they couldn’t help but wonder who was behind us a powerful spell. Evlyn who had just witnessed the massacre of her minions went ballistic with rage. She wasn’t expecting this setback and this huge loss only made her more determined to finish what she came here to do. Meanwhile, seeing that the rest of Evlyn’s winged monsters were destroyed, Orisaye now turned her attention towards the ancient witch.

Orisaye âž¡ Evlyn, stop this madness now.

Evlyn âž¡ Or what little girl? You think you can stop me?

Orisaye âž¡ I’ll try. This mission of yours won’t end well. You’re shattering the order and balance of the world and all because of what?

Evlyn âž¡ This world is contaminated by the humans. It needs to be purged and the only way to do that is to wipe them all out. Well, most of them.

Orisaye âž¡ I won’t let you.

Evlyn âž¡ Why are you protecting those miserable beings. They don’t deserve to live.

Orisaye âž¡ I don’t like the humans either but they’re also part of the natural balance.

Evlyn âž¡ Not anymore, it’s time for them to put them out of the equation.

Orisaye âž¡ You will not succeed.

Evlyn âž¡ I already have.

Suddenly in that moment, Evlyn casts a spell releasing thousands of blacks spore particles from her mouth. The black particles went straight at the Orisaye like bullets disintegrating anything they touched and the more they destroyed, the more their numbers increased. After witnessing what the black particles were capable of doing, the Supreme witch quickly create a vortex of light which sucks in all the black particles in an instant and as soon as that happens, she fires the vortex infected particle back to Evlyn who easily absorbs the spell.

Read When fate strikes episode 59 – end

However in that same moment after absorbing Orisaye’s spell, Evlyn instantly unleashes 2 spells and this time the spells came in the form of blue flames and wind. After mixing the spells together, the ancient witch blasts it at the Supreme witch. The combination of wind and fire spells came at Orisaye like a tornado but in a horizontal position hitting her like a train. Despite protecting her spell with a defensive spell, Orisaye was pushed back. It wasn’t a matter of magical energy but a physical one against nature’s element and the Supreme witch lacked a lot in that aspect. Seeing that her defense won’t hold out for long, Orisaye flies herself out of harm’s way but then she was soon intercepted by dozens of magical portals which shot huge fire balls at her.
Meanwhile as Evlyn was busy keeping the Supreme witch on her toes, she senses a ridiculously powerful presence heading towards her in great speed and before she could realize who it was, it was already too late. Rotimi who had been sidelined and weakened thanks to Orisaye’s powerful magic had now gained his strength back. Using the distraction of Evlyn’s battle with the Supreme witch, Rotimi instantly sneaks up from behind and takes her out with a devastating punch that the ancient witch flying.
Pissed and outraged by the sneak attack from Rotimi, Evlyn immediately uses her new satanic powers to summon hell hounds. Unlike the hell hounds that most witches/wizards summons, these particular ones were much more bigger and horrifying. After summon her monsters from hell, Evlyn instantly unleashes them on Rotimi who also charged in to finish her. Meanwhile, Ebinouluwa who had been rendered powerless thanks to the chains around her watched with horror as her boyfriend battled the hell hounds who overpowered him. They weren’t just only powerful but they were also ferocious and tough as well. Feeling frustrated by the fact that she couldn’t do anything to help, Ebinouluwa struggles to break herself free but as she was doing that, Azrel approaches her and grabs her by the throat choking and ordering her to remain still.

Azrel âž¡ Alright little bitch! Enough of this nonsense. Just stay quiet and enjoy the show. After all, you have the best sit in the house.

Ebinouluwa âž¡ Let…(coughs)….go…of..me.. Coward!!

Azrel âž¡ Mind your words little girl. You may be Evlyn’s pet but I won’t hesitate to destroy you. I haven’t forgotten what you did to my girlfriend and I.

Ebinouluwa âž¡ (spits at Azrel)

Azrel âž¡ (smirks viciously) I’ll tolerate your disrespect for now but later.. When this is all over, you’re mine. (leaves)

Seeing that Rotimi was occupied, Evlyn now focuses her attention on Orisaye who had evaded her fire spell and began to launch her own counter attack. Realizing that her power was no match for Evlyn, the Supreme witch decides to finish the fight quickly by using the Crimson light.
Launching herself into the sky, Orisaye begins to cast the spell putting all her magical energy into ball of light making it so big that it was almost of half the size of a moon. Evlyn who was yet to make a move was pissed as she saw the spell, there was no way she could ever forget the spell that was responsible for her downfall and it was the reason why she was sealed off in the first place. Seeing that spell didn’t just remind her of her downfall but it also uprooted a painful memory of despair, an experience that was forever scarred in her mind and it was that same experience that transformed her into what she is today and she wasn’t going to let herself feel that horrible experience again.
In that moment after recalling her painful past, Evlyn screams angrily unleashing all her magic energy. The energy was so intense that the sky was suddenly covered by dark clouds and the ground rumbled with so much ferocity as if it was going crack. Despite hovering at the sky, Orisaye felt the intensity of Evlyn’s magical energy and it scared her. In that moment as she was about to unleash the Crimson light on the ancient dark witch, Orisaye gasped as she saw something unexpected and unbelievable. Here before her very eyes was Evlyn casting a spell similar to the Crimson light but the only difference this one was green in color. After casting her own dark version of the Crimson light, Evlyn soon points the green ball of light at the Supreme witch whose face was filled with disbelief.

Orisaye âž¡ How is this possible!? It can’t be.

Evlyn âž¡ With magic, nothing is impossible. One of the many qualities of magic is that it’s flexible. It’s a recipe with so many ingredients. The Crimson light was my weakness but not anymore, I’ve created my own version.

Orisaye âž¡ It doesn’t matter. This spell is powerful against all magic. It has never failed before and it will not fail now.

Evlyn âž¡ There’s a first time for everything.

Orisaye âž¡ We shall see. It’s time to end this.

Feeling confident and assured about the Crimson light she had casted, Orisaye blasts it at Evlyn who also reciprocates in kind. As the two powerful magical energies clash, a powerful explosion went off and a bright light soon began to emit. Using both their magical powers to push the magical energies, Evlyn and Orisaye were soon engaged in a display of strength which was nothing short of spectacular.
Ebinouluwa who was stuck on the side lines with Azrel watched with astonishment as the two powerful witches battled it out. All she could do was pray hoping that the Supreme witch would pull some miracle over their nemesis and as the battle progressed, it’s outcome was soon decided. Suddenly as the 2 balls of light were being overwhelmed by magic from both opposing parties, the magical energies soon explode giving out a nuclear-like impact reducing the remains of council hall and everything around it within a 2 mile radius. The explosion went on for a couple of seconds until everywhere was dead silent but the silence didn’t last long.
Here in the middle of ruins of the Council hall, Orisaye lies flat on her back aching with pain and bleeding all over. Not only was her spell overpowered but the sparks of explosion of the magical energies struck and injured her in all over vital spots and to make things worse, all her magic was exhausted which made it impossible for her to heal. As Orisaye lay helplessly trying to ease the pain of her injuries, Evlyn instantly appears and stands over her staring down at her with a vicious look in her eyes. In that moment, the ancient witch uses magic to levitate the helpless Orisaye had no fight in her.

Evlyn âž¡ All of this would have been avoided if you hadn’t stood in my way but now look at you.

Orisaye âž¡ (coughs blood) I have no regrets because I know it’s not over.

Evlyn âž¡ Not over? Look around you, all is lost. There’s no one here to stand against me. Your resistance is dead.

Orisaye âž¡ For now but you will fall eventually. Your plan will never work.

Evlyn âž¡ Even at death’s door, you’re still defiant. It doesn’t matter now because your end is inevitable. You should consider yourself lucky because you will not live to endure the pain and suffering that I will bring upon this world.

Orisaye âž¡ (coughs blood) Just get on with it already.

Evlyn âž¡ As you wish.

In that moment as Orisaye was still hovering in mid-air, Evlyn viciously steals her all magic and drains her life force at the same time. Within a matter of seconds, the terrible ordeal was over and the Supreme witch’s lifeless corpse dropped on the ground like a dried twig.
After finishing off what she thought to be her final obstacle, Evlyn shouts with joy as she absorbs the magic of her fallen foe. She even went ahead to display her new stolen magic by blasting a powerful beam of light into the sky to assert her dominance but not everyone felt the same way as she did. Suddenly as the ancient witch was celebrating her triumph, an injured and exhausted Rotimi sneaks up behind her trying to hit her. Unfortunately for the half demon, Evlyn who was now stronger than ever swiftly and quickly countered his attack by casting a binding spell on with her new magic.
Meanwhile, Ebinouluwa who had helplessly watched the tragic end of the Supreme witch feared for Rotimi’s life and tried to teleport to his side but thanks to the effect of both Evlyn and Orisaye’s Crimson light, her body was so weak that she could hardly move a muscle. Realizing that Ebinouluwa was awake and watching everything that was going on, Evlyn begins to torture Rotimi with her stolen light magic which was all his weakness.

Evlyn âž¡ This is payback for the setback you cause me boy!!

Rotimi âž¡ (screams painfully)


Evlyn âž¡ Oh, I won’t kill him, I’m just making him suffer.

Ebinouluwa âž¡ LET HIM GO! You have me. Just let him go.

Evlyn âž¡ (laughs viciously) Let him go!? Your demon lover here has potential. He’s going to make a very useful tool.

Rotimi âž¡ I will never make a pact with you. You will never use me as your tool. I’d rather die first.

Evlyn âž¡ Tell me boy, what’s your stake in this fight? You’re fighting for those who made your life miserable.

Rotimi âž¡ NO!

Evlyn âž¡ No? Then you’re fighting for your girlfriend then? She’s half human. What have humans ever done for you? They hated you for no reason and look at where that has gotten you. Humans will never like us, they hate us and they will always resent us.
I’ve seen your memories and I’ve seen what you’ve gone through. You have no obligation fighting for them and you will gain nothing in fighting for them.

Ebinouluwa âž¡ Don’t listen to her Rotimi, she’s trying to poison your mind.

Evlyn âž¡ Poison his mind? You’re a manipulative little bitch! I know that you’ve seen his memories and what he has gone through. He went through hell and yet you somehow manipulated him to protect those that never accepted him. Tell me, didn’t those same humans kill your grandmother? Are you really going to tell me that’s fine?

Ebinouluwa âž¡ Not every human is like that.

Evlyn âž¡ You no nothing. Your years on this earth is a spec compared to mine. I’ve seen what these humans are and they’re all the same. Humans and supernatural beings will never coexist. It can never happen. Just because your father married your mother doesn’t mean it will work for others. Your father just got lucky. As for you boy, don’t waste your strength fighting for the humans. You should be wrecking havoc upon them for what they did to you.

Rotimi âž¡ Shut up!

Evlyn âž¡ I know you went through alot but there’s no rule that says you should forgive them. Make them suffer as well.

Rotimi âž¡ SHUT UP!!

Evlyn âž¡ Remember all those pains and suffering you went through! Why bring yourself to fight for them? They’re not worth it.

Rotimi âž¡ I know what you’re trying to do and it won’t work.

Evlyn âž¡ It doesn’t matter. If you’re not going to make a move on them, I’ll just have to force you to. Say goodbye to your lover, Ebinouluwa. This will be the last time you’ll ever see him.

Ebinouluwa âž¡ NO.. PLEASE.. ROTIMI.. NOOO!!!

Suddenly in that moment, Evlyn grabs hold of Rotimi’s face and begins to corrupt his mind and emotions with rage, sadness and pain. Despite his struggles, Rotimi couldn’t stop what he was going through and as soon as Evlyn was done with him, he was reborn into something far worst.
Within a blink of an eye, Rotimi breaks free of Evlyn’s binding spell and yells angrily with rage shooting fire from his mouth. After that intimidating display, Rotimi’s body begins to release dark energy which soon clouded him making to bigger and bigger. As the half demon grew larger in size, his features too began to change into something far more horrifying.
Evlyn who was watching this immensely dark transformation laughed with excitement and as for Ebinouluwa, she shedded tears as she watched her boyfriend transforming into the monster he never wanted to become.


Ebinouluwa âž¡ YOU! what did you do it him?

Evlyn âž¡ I freed him from your grasp. He’s mine now even if I can’t control him, he’ll definitely bring destruction.

Ebinouluwa âž¡ It’s not too late.

Evlyn âž¡ Oh, it is. You can’t stop him now not unless you’re going to kill him. The humanity in your boyfriend is gone, he’s now the demon he’s supposed to be. So what’s it going to be Ebinouluwa?


Next episode âž¡ Worthy Challenger

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