Witches Lust season 4

Witches lust season 4 episode 79


Author :- Sadiq Infinity (Capri Leo)

Chapter 79 :- Going Home.



Here inside the big dark pit created by the dark serpent, Christen lies flat on her back feeling hurt all over and despite not getting crushed to death, she couldn’t dodge the devastating hit she got from the dark serpent.
Despite feeling pain all over her body, Christen picks herself up and stretches her limbs before casting a healing spell on herself. Now cured from her physical pain, Christen looks around and then realizes that Riley is not with her. Fearing for his safety, Christen teleports out of the pit and reappears to the surface only to see her beloved husband desperately fighting for his dear life against a horde of gigantic serpents. Without hesitation, Christen intervenes by casting a powerful spell to prevent her husband from being eaten.

Meanwhile here on his part, Riley holds his own against the serpents despite the odds. After getting close to being eaten alive in mid air, Riley manages to get out of harms way just in the nick of time using his teleportation abilities. Buying himself some little time, Riley uses his teleportation abilities and Sango’s lightening machete to fight the giant serpents. His plan worked at first and many of the giant serpents fell before him as they crumbled to dust but the more they fell, the more they appeared. Despite wielding a powerful weapon, Riley couldn’t stand against the full might and numbers of the giant serpents as they cornered him from all sides trapping him in the middle. One of the giant serpents eager to crush Riley to death charged in ferociously, others too followed in suite except for the dark serpent.
Despite dodging the serpents charging towards him, Riley couldn’t do that for long thanks to one of the serpents who managed go get to him but before the deadly blow could be struck, Riley uses the machete to block the attack and the collision of the serpent’s attack against the lightening fused steel gave out an explosive impact knocking down everyone including Riley himself.
Dazed and stunned by the explosive impact, Riley fights off the dizziness trying to get back on his feet which he does momentarily before falling on his knees. As Riley was trying to recuperate, he hears a loud hiss behind him and as he turns, he sees the dark serpent crawling towards him. In that moment, Riley touches the ground to grab his machete only to realize it was far behind the dark serpent . Seeing that Riley was now armless and defenseless, the dark serpent rejoices stating out his cruel intentions.

Dark Serpent âž¡ I must say that you are remarkable for a lesser being such as yourself. You’ve managed to survive up to this moment but your luck has run out.

Riley âž¡ Haven’t you heard of the word, it’s not over, until it’s really over.

Read – Dream chapter 16 – 17

Dark Serpent âž¡ (Hisses) It’s OVER FOR YOU!

Riley âž¡ No, it’s not. Your biggest mistake was underestimating me and I’m going to cut off your head.

Dark Serpent âž¡ WE SHALL SEE. DIIIEEEE!!!

Hissing loud with rage, the dark serpent launches itself at Riley baring out its poisonous fangs and slithering tongue with the sole intention of ending the latter once and for all. Despite seeing the raging serpent heading towards him with full speed, Riley stands his ground waiting for the right moment to strike. Just as the dark serpent was about to get close to him, Riley picks up a small stone and throws it at the direction of the machete and as soon as the stone had gotten closer to the machete, Riley uses master teleportation and switches places with the stone in the blink of an eye.
Shocked and surprised by Riley’s cunning move, the serpent hisses out furiously and instantly turns around with full speed heading towards Riley but it was already too late.
With the machete in his grasp, Riley charges towards the serpent swinging his weapon and after he had taken a good aim, he throws the machete at the serpent. Seeing the machete being thrown at it’s face, the serpent dodges and just when it thought it had achieved victory, another upsetting and unexpected outcome occured. Seeing that the serpent had foolishly taken the bait, Riley teleports one more time to where the machete was, right after the serpent had dodged it and soon as he had gotten to where the machete was, Riley grabs and swings it hard slashing the serpent’s head with all his might.
With one powerful slash, the serpent’s head fell right off it’s body. Despite being decapitated, the serpent’s body shook tremendously for a while before it stopped moving. After the serpent had died, Riley held his machete tight and moved closer to the serpent’s head staring at it for some time before turning it into dust with lightening strikes.
Although victory was achieved, the battle wasn’t over for Riley cause shortly after he had smoked the serpent’s head with lightening, more gigantic serpents popped out of the ground trying to kill him but before that could happen, something strange occurs. Shocked by the sudden serpent’s calmness, Riley begins to wonder what had happened but he soon got his answers after seeing his wife Christen amidst the serpents.
Filled with overwhelming joy that his wife was alive, Riley rushes towards Christen’s place to express his joy. After swiping her off her feet, Riley kisses Christen lustfully like it was his last. The couple kissed each other like crazed lovers and the sounds of the smooching filled the atmosphere. After kissing for what seemed like an eternity, both Riley and Christen finally separated from each other’s mouths fondling and holding each other like they wouldn’t let go.

Riley âž¡ Christen.

Christen âž¡ Riley honey. I was so worried about you.

Riley âž¡ Me too. I thought I lost you.

Christen âž¡ No you didn’t. Don’t you remember our marriage vows? Together forever until the very end.

Riley âž¡ I know. I know. So I take it you’re behind this serpent’s calmness?

Christen âž¡ Yes, I’m controlling them. They’re all under my control, they won’t do a thing unless I order them to. Seems like your training paid off, I’m impressed you handled all of this without my help.

Riley âž¡ Yeah. It wasn’t easy but I handled it.

Christen âž¡ What kept you going?

Riley âž¡ You, our kids, friends and family. I’ll be damned if I was going to let these serpents kill me.

Christen âž¡ I’m glad you’re alive. I would lose my mind if you had died here.

Riley âž¡ It’s okay now Christen. Let’s just get home.

Christen âž¡ Yes, let’s go.



To be honest, I’m not one of those people that love to carry themselves around like they’re on top of the world but after my previous victories, I couldn’t help but feel the same. These victories has surely boosted my male ego but nothing made me whole again than Christen’s presence. At first, I was devastated that she was dead but seeing her alive truly made me feel good.
Shortly after Christen had shown up, she and I continued our journey to find the mysterious pond. The rest of the journey wasn’t easy but Christen and I managed to get through all the obstacles thanks to her serpent minions which she has under her control. After passing through many passages in the canyon, Christen and I found ourselves right in the middle of the canyon and we couldn’t believe our eyes when we saw what was in front of us. Here before our very eyes is a wide hole which was 5 to 6 feet deep and inside this hole is a shimmering water that shone brightly like a star. As Christen and I took a closer look, we saw hundreds if not thousands of sparkly diamonds beneath the water. For a moment, Christen and I stared at each other with confusion wondering if this was the pond or not but then something strange occured that cleared the confusions out of our minds.

Suddenly as Christen and I were caught up in our confusion, a mysterious feminine being emerged out of the bright water startling the both of us. This mysterious being had no physical form, her body was completely made of light and as she appeared out of the bright water, she rose up and stared at Christen and I.

Christen âž¡ I don’t like this.

Riley âž¡ Relax hon. Let’s not be rash. Who are you?

Riis âž¡ I go by many names but you can call me Riis, I’m the gateway to all the realms.

Christen âž¡ Gateway???

Riley âž¡ Realms?

Riis âž¡ Yes, Earth and the Witches realm aren’t the only realms in this universe.

Riley âž¡ You’re saying that there are other realms?

Riis âž¡ Of course. You see, this universe is a big place filled with mysteries and phenomenons that defies comprehension.

Riley âž¡ Look, it’s not that I don’t believe you but what you’re saying is just too

Riis âž¡ Incredible to believe? I know but try to understand that there are things in this world that can never be discovered or seen by man. Beings like humans believe that life centers around them but they have no idea how wrong they are . You of all people should know what I’m talking about, you’ve seen your share of the impossible. Just because something seems unreal or ridiculous doesn’t mean it’s not possible or real. You’re a man of faith aren’t you? Just by seeing what others will never see in their lifetime proves that the Almighty creator’s infinite power and his greatness.

Riley âž¡ Wait, you worship God as well? Are you a christian?

Riis âž¡ Of course not and besides what makes you think that only humans worship the supreme being? You humans have complicated yourself and your beliefs by creating religious factions thinking one is better than the other yet you all fail to realize the goal you all share in common.

Read – Fancy Ballerina episode 27

Christen âž¡ Excuse me Riis, my husband and I would really appreciate it if you can help us get home. Besides if you’re truly what you say you are, it would be nice for you to show us some concrete proof.

Riis âž¡ Very well, lay your eyes upon this water and observe.

In that moment, Riis waved her bright hand upon the water which then began to show us images of random places and not just any place but dimensions and realms. I was speechless as I fixed my eyes watching wonders, who could have ever thought that there were other worlds and realms besides of the one I knew of, what surprised me even more what that there was thousands of these unknown worlds. For a long time, everyone believed that earth is the most habitable world to live in but from what I was seeing now, there were realms that was even much better than earth in terms of everything.

Christen âž¡ This is incredible. I never knew there was so many realms like these.

Riley âž¡ Me too. So tell me Riis, are there humans in other realms?

Riis âž¡ No. Earth is the only place that has humans, all of these realms have their own species.

Riley âž¡ Well, I would like to explore these dimensions if it’s possible but right now, my wife and I would like to go home.

Riis âž¡ I admire your desire to explore but let me warn you human. There are some places that you can never come back from. Once you’re gone, you’re gone.

Riley âž¡ Thanks for the warning. So now, how can we get home?

Christen âž¡ This place must the where pond is right?

Riis âž¡ Of course. You’re in the right place and you want to return home to earth.

Riley âž¡ Exactly. How do we get home?

Riis âž¡ Like I said, I’m the gateway to all realms including yours. Make sure you heed to my warning human cause you will not see me when you get stuck in a different dimension.

Riley âž¡ Okay.

Riis âž¡ Good, hold each others hands and look at me.

Without any delays, Christen and I did as Riis instructed us to and as we stared at her, the light around her exploded instantly swallowing both us and before Christen and I could figure out what had happened, everything went dark.



For a moment, I thought that Riis had tricked and then killed Riley and I cause after her light exploded on us, we both got unconscious. To be honest, I had no idea how long I was knocked out but eventually, I was awoken by heavy drops of rainfall. After I regained consciousness, I stood up and realized that not only was I alive but I was also back in Ibadan. My current location which was Idere hills was heavy with rain and immense cold but nothing bothered me more than the whereabouts of my husband whom I haven’t seen. As I began to roam the hills under the heavy downpour, I spotted Riley beneath the hill waking up from his slumber as well. In that moment, I teleported to his place to see if he was okay and thankfully he was.

Christen âž¡ Riley.

Riley âž¡ Christen, where are we?

Christen âž¡ Home. We’re back in Ibadan.

Riley âž¡ Oh thank God. I was beginning to think that Riis had tricked us.

Christen âž¡ Me too. So what now?

Riley âž¡ Let’s get out of the rain and teleport home.

Christen âž¡ Not so fast love. Let’s change into some nice clothes and then trek home.

Riley âž¡ Under this heavy rain?

Christen âž¡ Why not? It’s been long since we saw a sky like this. I can’t believe we spent decades in that dimension even though we were gone for weeks in this realm. Oya, let’s go.

Riley âž¡ People might think we’re nuts.

Christen âž¡ I don’t care and so should you. This is our life and we’re going to live it the way we want to. Let’s go.

Riley âž¡ Okay, let’s get going.

One of the biggest mistakes people make in this life is letting people’s perception about them get into their heads. Nobody is perfect in this life and the only way to live better and happy is to ignore what people think about them.
Walking in the rain is no crime and it’s certainly not a bad thing, if anything else rainfall is a sign of joy and goodwill cause its one of things that gives life and washes away the dirt and evil in this world. Just as Riley predicted, people glared and whispered behind out backs as we walked hand in hand under the heavy rain. Despite being embarrassed, Riley stood by my side and held my hand tighter as we walked home. Feeling the rain water on my body made me feel like a child again, the feeling was so pleasant and exciting that I wished I could under it forever.
Minutes later, Riley and I arrived home drenched from head to toe, even the new clothes we stole from a boutique was totally soaked that it stuck onto our bodies showing off some of our body parts. Just as Riley was about to enter the house, I grabbed him and kissed him lovingly for a while. I couldn’t resist doing that knowing that we were back home safe and sound.

Riley âž¡ Wow, that was unexpected but I enjoyed it. Why if I may ask?

Christen âž¡ The kiss was for us coming back to our matrimonial home. I can’t wait to get inside and see the look on our kid’s faces.

Riley âž¡ Me too. I hope they haven’t gotten into any trouble. Are you ready?

Christen âž¡ Sure.

After taking a deep breath and exhaling satisfactorily, Riley and I went into the house and just as we were hoping to surprise everyone, we ended up getting surprised. As soon as Riley and I entered our house, we saw most of our family members gathered in the living room and everyone of them was looking gloomy. I didn’t need anyone to tell me that something was wrong, so I went ahead and asked.

Riley âž¡ Everyone…

Christen âž¡ What is going on here?

Rose âž¡ Christen, Riley, you’re both back?

Christen âž¡ Yes now tell us what is going on here? Why is everyone looking so gloomy? Did something happen?

Everyone kept quiet and their silence riled me up to the extend that I had to scream at them. Riley tried to calm me down but it only made matters worse.


Riley âž¡ Honey, Relax.


Riley Jr âž¡ Mommy,… It’s Ebinoluwa.. She’s..



Next episode âž¡ Battle of Supremacy :- Ebinoluwa vs Evlyn.

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