A Lie In The Church

A lie in the church 2 episode 23 – finale

🌹A lie in
church 2⛪️

( 💝Love and lie 😔)

BY XONA_2018

_Full book INFO_

🙏 Read till the end 🙏

💘 chapter 23💘

Final. 💍

“You don’t talk about your Dad, why?”

“He is dead, he died a week after my sister was born.”

“Oh, sorry about that. Was he sick?”

“Yeah, diabetes.”

There was a brief silence between us before he spoke again.

“I have a question.”

“Ok, I’m listening.”
I said looking at him.

“Why didn’t you take a pregnancy test to prove to everyone I was lying? You had your chance.”

I laughed humorlessly at first before I replied.

“I wanted to, I badly wanted everyone to believe me but knowing my parents won’t take me back after knowing the truth, I decided I wanted to know your reason for doing all that and proving my innocence wasn’t really necessary because my parents didn’t only throw me out for your lies but also for what I did behind their back, I was a wayward.”

“No, you were cool,” he said smiling at me.

“I’m so sorry Cassie, I really wish we met in a different way.”

“Me too.”

“Tell me about your childhood.”
I said holding his arm.

“My pleasure.”
He smiled and stroked my hair.

We decided to have my bridal shower in the house, Adrian and Darren took Tristan out and I left the kids with my parents so they could spend some time with them.

It was a crazy party, Vina had stupid ideas and crazy games but I had so much fun with the girls. We shared stories about our high school crushes and checked them on Instagram and Facebook to see what their lives were like now.

We all laughed at Ciara’s crush who went from cool and hot to potbelly and mustache.

Nora was also invited to the party, she was twenty and I wanted her to have a little experience.

“No alcohol for you, you’re drinking grape juice with me.”
I told her when I found her in the kitchen filling her wine glass.

“I’m twenty.”
She said giving me an incredulous look.

“I know but you’ve not reached the legal age for drinking.”

“It’s not my first time.”
She said and turned to walk away but Vina stopped her and collected the drink.

“You heard her.”
She said and took a sip from the drink she just collected.

“Can you two quit being my mom?”
She mumbled and walked away.

“I will keep an eye on her.”
Vina said and walked away before I could bring up any conversation on Adrian.

The wedding day and Tristan’s birthday were drawing closer. The preparations were more stressful than I thought, there was so much to do.

I only enjoyed the cake and wine tasting. My worse was the dance practice, I s×¢k at it and I was sure Tristan had swollen toes by the time we were done due to the number of times I stepped on his feet.

I gave Vina an idea of how I wanted my wedding dress and she drew it. The designer was still working on the dress and also offered Vina a job but she turned it down.

The night before the wedding, Tristan was forced to stay at Adrian’s place. Vina took my phone away from me, it was her idea of keeping the bride away from the groom till our wedding day.

I woke up at 11:55 and kept Tristan up on the phone till 12 am so I could wish him a happy birthday.

My hairstylist and designer arrived early to get me ready. As usual, I picked Vina to do my makeup.

The kids played around in the room as I sat in front of the dresser getting my hair done.

The stylists finished and left the room. I spoke to Vina about how nervous I was for the wedding as she made me up.

She left with the twins when she was done, giving me some time alone.

It didn’t take long before my mom walked in. She looked lovely in her maroon gown and neat ponytail.

“Hi, mom.”
I smiled at her.

“You look beautiful.”

“I am still in my robes but thanks.”
I tried to joke.

She took the seat next to me, there was a weird look on her face.

“Are you sure you wanna do this?”

“Mom, I’m an hour away from getting married and this is what you came to talk to me about?”
I stared at her in disbelief.

“He has hurt you, Cassandra, he will do it again.”

“I know he did awful things to me in the past and it took me years to get over it. You’re not better than him, mom.”

“I know, I’m just worried.”

“For God’s sake, it’s my wedding day. You walked in here and that was all you could say?”
She looked away.

“I love him, mom, he is the father of my kids. No relationsh¡p is perfect and we are going to make this work, if you’re having a hærd time with the wedding, stay home. No one is forcing you to attend the wedding. Please don’t ruin this day for me because of your stupid reputation.”
I said and turned away from her.

“I’m so sorry, I just can’t picture you with him after everything he did to you.”

“There is something call forgiveness Mother, you should try it. I forgave you, you should do the same.”

“If he makes you happy then I’m fine with it, you’re right, there’s no perfect relationsh¡p.”
She moved closer and placed a k×ss on my head.

“I love you, I will respect your decision from now on.”
She said and left the room.

I held my tears back, Vina would kill me for ruining her hærd work.
I smiled at myself in the mirror after wearing my wedding dress. Kayla was going to be our flower girl and Kayden was going to present the rings.

I almost cried when they brought them to me, they looked so beautiful. Kayla wore a white ballgown with a crown made with colourful flowers and Kayden wore a tiny dark tux.

We left the house twenty minutes before the wedding. I chose the same Church where it all began because it would always bring bad and good memories.

I met my dad outside the church, he gave me a big smile and a hug.

“You look so beautiful.”
He told me.

“Thanks, dad.”

“Are you ready? It’s almost time.”

I took his arm as the violinist started playing.

I smiled at Kayla as she held the little basket.

We began the procession, I offered everyone a smile as they looked back at me.
Tristan smiled at me as we got closer. He waved at Kayla and smiled at my dad.

He took my hand immediately I joined him at the altar. The priest took a glance at our intertwined hands like it wasn’t time for that.

“You look hot.”
Tristan whispered.

“And s×xy.”
He added.

“And breathtakingly beautiful.”
He added, was there even such word?

The priest cleared his throat and I tried to stop myself from laughing.

Vina was my maid of honour and Adrian was Tristan’s best man.

The ceremony began, Tristan drew circles with his thumb at the back of my palm, it was a good distraction for my racing heart.

Kayden refused to leave the altar after he brought the ring. The priest allowed him to stand next to us.
We did the ring exchange and said our vows.

“I, Tristan Sanchester, take you, Cassie, to be…

“Full name please.”
The priest interrupted making the congregation laugh. I laughed at Tristan.

“I, Tristan Nolan Sanchester, take you, Chloe Cassandra Simpson, to be my lawfully wedded wife, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish till death do us part.”
He said not taking his eyes off me, he gave me a soft smile.

“I, Chloe Cassandra Simpson, take you, Tristan Nolan Sanchester, to be my lawfully wedded and lovely husband, to love and to cherish, for better or worse, for richer or poorer, in sickness and in health till death do us part.”
I said smiling at him but what he did next surprised me, he started crying.

The whole church went quiet and I felt their worried and curious eyes on us.

“Tristan? What’s wrong?”
I stepped closer.

My family and the Sanchesters stood up from their seats.

“I can’t believe this is really happening. It all seems like a dream, you here, our families, our kids…I’m just so grateful and I feel damn lucky.”
He paused and took a deep breath.

“I never thought I will see you again, I could only think of how much you hated me. Is this real?”
He asked the congregation.

I saw tears in a few peoples’ eyes from where I stood. I had tears in my eyes too.

“Are you real?”
He asked me, taking my hand.

“It’s all real. We are really getting married,” I told him brushing his tears away.

“I could punch you in the face to convince you.”
Vina whispered from behind me.

“I love you so much, Cassie.”

“I love you too.”

“And now, I present to everyone who came to witness this beautiful union, Mr. and Mrs. Sanchester.”
The priest announced.

“You may now k×ss the bride.”

We shared a soft k×ss and everyone clapped and cheered us.

Kayden tugged at my wedding dress, I looked down at him and he stared at me like I could read minds. He began to whimper and tugged at my dress.

I squatted and smiled at him. He moved closer and k×ssed me on the nose.

“Awww,” the congregation chorused and Kayden giggled.

“Careful little man,” Tristan said and k×ssed my cheeks making him giggle h-rder. Everyone laughed at the scene.

We signed our marriage certificate and faced the whole church, they smiled at us.
I s₱0tted Morris and his family, I smiled at him. I really missed him.

“Happy Birthday, baby.”
I said to him with a big smile.

“Hmm, did my wife just give me a new pet name?”
He whispered taking my hand and k×ssing the ring he gave me.

“Not really, I’m still going with Mr. Sanchester.”

“Mrs. Chloe Cassandra Sanchester, I have been dying to call you that. Just know this has been the best day of my life and a birthday I will never forget.”
Tristan whispered softly and pulled me closer, we shared another k×ss.

“Thank you,” he whispered against my l-ips.

Kayden tugged at my dress again, we both leaned down and k×ssed him on both cheeks. Nora brought Kayla and we did the same thing to her.

Massive likes comment and shares to unlock the epilogue tonight…

🌹A lie in
church 2⛪️

( 💝Love and lie 😔)

BY XONA_2018

_Full book INFO_

🙏 Read till the end 🙏



Beads of sweat rolled down my forehead as the pain consumed every part of my body. I gripped the sides of the bed tightly and tried to even my breathing.

“You’re doing great, it’ll soon be over.”
Tristan whispered from beside me brushing the w-t hair that glued to my forehead.

“You’re the strongest person I know, you can do it.”
He held my hand and gave it a light squeeze.

“Nice job, give me another push.”
The Doctor standing between my legs said.

I bit on my lower lip as I gave another push.

“One more time, I can see his cute head.”
The Doctor said with a smile.

Tristan smiled at me and brushed my hair back. I gr0×ned in pain as I pushed with all the energy I could summon.

“Keep going, you’re doing good.”
I was starting to get mad at the Doctor.

It wasn’t my first labour, I could feel the pain in my bones and I was trying not to pass out.

“Labour looks good on you.”
Tristan whispered, I shot him a glare and he smiled.

“Guess what? When all this is over, I will prepare your favourite food and give you a massage every night.”

He was a good distraction but he was starting to piss me off since the distraction wasn’t taking the pain away.

“I wish I could take your place or take the pain away. It’s almost over.”
He placed a k×ss on my head.

“I need you to give the last push as much strength as you can, okay?”
I nodded.

I took a glance at Tristan, he gave me a warm smile.

“I love you.”
He said softly.

I swallowed the dryness in my throat and pushed h-rder than ever. I saw the small bloody form in the Doctor’s hands as my body relaxed from exhaustion.

“You did it.”
Tristan said to me with a proud smile. I nodded and took a glance at the new Sanchester.

His sweet cry filled my ears before I blacked out.

The voices around me woke me up. I blinked at the white Ceiling before looking around me.

“She’s awake!”
Vina exclaimed.

My mom called sounding relieved.
They walked to the bed asking about my health.

Vina left the room and returned with the twins, her daughter, Nana, my dad and Tristan’s mom. I smiled at them as they walked to the bed.

Kayla and Kayden s¢ræmed running to the bed.

“Careful, she’s not so strong.”
Tristan’s mom told them.

I smiled at Vina’s daughter, Jenna. She took Vina’s face but Adrian’s eyes. Adrian was on a business trip so, he couldn’t join the party.

“Hey, Jenna.”
I whispered, she just turned four and I missed the party cause I was stuck in the hospital.

The door opened and Tristan walked in with Baby, Jaxon. That was the name the twins picked.

I smiled at him as I took him in my arms.

I whispered and placed a k×ss on his head.

My parents left with Nana and Tristan’s mom. Vina stayed back with Jenna and the twins. Tristan didn’t leave my side, we both stared at Kayden and Jenna as they chased each other around the room giggling.

“Don’t they look cute together? I smell love in the air.”
Vina said with a goofy grin. She’s been sh¡pping them since day one, she took pictures of every moment they spent together.

“They are just friends,” We both said in unison.

“Don’t underestimate my psychic abilities.”

Tristan and I laughed while she frowned.

“Oh my God, he is holding her hand.”
Vina whispered with her jaw slightly down. She reached for her phone quietly and took a picture.

She smiled at the picture and put her phone back in her cute handbag.
Shared on whatsapp by Martino.
“Oh God,” Tristan and I mumbled while she smiled more.

A year later

It was the last day of school for the twins, so they were dismissed early. I was twenty minutes from picking them because Jax spilled his milk on his booster and the backseat. I didn’t even know how he opened the bottle.

The school was still full of kids and the school buses were already cueing up to pick those who used the bus, everyone looked so excited. I smiled at the twins as I pulled into the driveway.

I was on my leave from the hospital and made it my duty to drop and pick the twins from school.

Kayden waved at his friends one last time while Kayla skipped to the car.

“Hi, mommy.”
She gave me a k×ss on the cheek, Kayden did the same thing when he entered the car.

“Hey, pumpkins,” I smiled at them.

“Mom,” Kayden gr0×ned looking annoyed. I winked at him through the mirror. For some reason, he hated the name when I say it in front of Jenna. He was eight, there was really nothing to be embarrassed about, pumpkins are cute.

“Sorry, your brother spilled his milk on the backseat.”
I apologized when I saw the look on their faces.

“Jax,” Kayla frowned at him but he only giggled in return. She smiled and tickled him, he wriggled in his booster giggling more.

“Is Jenna still in school?”

“No, her Driver already came to pick her.”
Kayden replied. I gave him a smug look through the mirror.

“Mom, stop.”
He gr0×ned.

I chuckled and pulled out of the driveway.

“So, how was school?”

Kayla stopped tickling Jax and started talking about everything that happened.

Kayla took Jax from his booster when we got to the house.

“Hi, Morris,” They greeted as they entered the house.

“Freshen up and come down and get some snacks to eat!”
I s¢ræmed after them as they ran to the stairs.

“Hey, Morris.”

“Welcome, Mrs. Sanchester.”
I smiled at him, he would be retiring next year. It took a lot of convincing to get him to make up his mind about retiring.

I walked to the kitchen and thought of what to make for dinner. I was a good cook now, all credit goes to Tristan.
I packed their favourite cookies and grape juice. It took an hour before Kayla came to carry it.

I called Vina and spent half an hour with her on the phone.

“Say hi to my son-in-law.”
She said before hanging up.

It was almost seven in the evening when I finished making Dinner. Morris helped me set everything on the dining table.

I was making Jax food when someone poked me from behind. I almost s¢ræmed as I felt my heart jump to my mouth.

“Don’t sneak up on me like that, Tristan.”
I said with a scowl.

He chuckled and stepped closer. He put one arm around my w–st and gave me a warm smile.

I couldn’t help but smile back. He was still in his tailored suit, his hair laid a bit messy on his head.

“I didn’t hear you come in,” I said loosening his dark tie.

“That was the whole point of sneaking up on you, Cassie.”
He said like I was too stupid to understand.
“I will get back at you for that,” I told running my hand down his hærd chest.

“I will be waiting then,” he said huskily and leaned down to k×ss me.

Kayla s¢ræmed running into the kitchen.

“Hey, Princess.”
He gave me a quick on the l-ips and faced her.

She jumped on him and he carried her and left the kitchen.

“Dinner time!”
I announced to the twins who were glued to the screen in front of them.

Tristan came down from the stairs with Jax on his neck who kept giggling as Tristan moved his tiny hands like he was teaching him how to dance.

Everyone took a seat at the Dining, Morris dished out food for the kids while I set Jax in his own seat.

“Thank you, Morris.”
They each said to him.

“Let’s share the grace.”
We held one another’s hands and bowed our heads to say the grace.

“So, where will you guys like to spend your vacation?”
Tristan asked the kids when we started eating.

Kayla exclaimed.

Kayden said.

“Hmmm, how about Paris? I already got the tickets.”

“Yes, Paris is cool.”
Kayla said chirpily.

“So is Mars,” Kayden said with a frown.

Tristan turned to look at me, I tried to hide my excitement. I have always wanted to visit Paris, we’ve been busy with work and the kids to travel. He knew how much I wanted to see Paris.

Kayla called making him look away from me.

“Yes, Princess.”

“Why are you staring at mom like that?”
She asked.

“Like you wanna eat her.”
Kayden added.

“Like you wanna eat her.”
Kayden added.

“Maybe I do, she looks ravishing.”

“Tristan,” I glared at him for saying that in front of the kids.

“What does that mean?”
Kayla asked with curious eyes.

Kayden guessed.

Tristan smirked and looked at me.

“Okay, enough talking. Eat up.”
I said trying not to laugh at the confused look on the twins’ faces.

I turned to Jax and was happy to see him scooping his pudding. He was still learning how to hold the spoon properly.

“Nice, you’re doing good sweety.”
I encouraged him but he threw the pudding at my face and giggled.

Everyone laughed while I sat still, I didn’t see that coming. I shook my head and joined in the laughter.

I couldn’t wait for that vacation!

Hope you enjoyed this story
Tnkss for following up
Love you so much 💯💯

1)who was your favorite character.

2)your favorite part of the book.

3) the scene that made you emotional.

4)your worse character.

5)A short review of the book.

The end.

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